Unsettling Finds

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Konan POV:

After I had explained the need for a meeting with the Akatsuki, we created a hologram discussion since most of us were in completely different areas of the country. "This better be good. I just found out one of the kids I'm working with has my Kekkei Genkai." "It must be if Konan deemed it necessary Deidara." Itachi explains this with everyone looking at me. "As you all know, I have Bakugou and Uraraka with me as the students I am training." "Get to the point." I glare at Hidan before I start again. "This had all began on the first official day of the work study."

Flash back to a few days ago

I had decided to take the internship in an area near a dense forest that I enjoyed training inside. This area was large enough to train in, but still close enough to a major city that we would not have to travel a distance to. Once we were in the city, we had gone to the hotel I had requested. "Were here." Since I was dealing with two children of opposite gender, Ochako had stayed in a room with myself. "Tomorrow we will start our training. In the meantime, we will walk through the city to familiarize our surroundings." "Yes mam." "Whatever." Once they changed, we had gone into the city to start looking around. "Help! Someone stop them!" A group of villains had tried to steal from a supermarket by stealing the actual register.

"Finally, some action!" Bakugou tried to charge in before I stopped him. "You can't barge in like this!" I jump into action to stop the culprits from running. "Bakugou, Uravity, make sure the sale clerks are ok!" Ochako runs in with Bakugou only scowling at me. I wrap the villains in paper before calling the authorities. Once they come, they give the money back and take the villains away. "Why didn't you let me go after the fucking crooks?" "You do not have authorization to use your quirk in public. You are here to learn from hands on experience in a safer fashion. Very few times will this change." I begin to walk over to the people in the store to make sure none of them were injured. "I don't need to be babysat. I need to get stronger and show that I'm the best." "You may see it like that, but I will be working as your teacher and guardian on this trip. I expect you to be on your best behavior since it affects not only myself, but UA as well."

Few hours later

Once we return to the hotel with something warm to eat, Bakugou heads into his room still angry about today. "Is he always this hotheaded with adults?" "Only when they show him up." I take a deep exhale before opening our room. While eating, I begin to make some small talk with Ochako. "How are things going with you and Izuku?" "Good. It's just, I miss him." She holds her head down a bit. "It hasn't even been a full day and your worried about missing Izuku? My how love runs very deep with you." "It's not just because I love him that I miss him! It's, well...we've never been so far apart before for long periods of time since we've met. We've at least seen each other for more than a few hours a day and always talked with each other. To be doing it now is just...odd."

I began to smile at her. "You both are adorable together. I wonder what your children will be like?" She immediately goes red for it to make myself chuckle a bit. "Please don't say stuff like th-*ring* KYAAA!" Ochako jumps at the sound of her phone ringing. "It's Izu!" She immediately beams with happiness at the thought of talking to him. "I'll head to bed first. Don't stay up too late." "I won't. Hello?" She walks out the door to not bother me while I shut off the light on my side before resting in the bed. 'She's a nice girl. I approve of her Izuku. I approve very much.'

The next morning

After we get up and prepared to head to the forest, we had made our way to the area I regularly train in. "Today we will be doing training here. I have already prepared a training regiment for you both to follow." I turn to Ochako first. "Uraraka, you are aware of our training with walking on trees and water, correct?" "Yeah. The purpose of those is controlling your chakra to not damage the tree and climb it at the same time and to walk on water without falling in." "That is correct, but did you know you could also walk on hot coals and even fire with this?" "I can?" "Yes. That will be what we will work on today. With a tree, you learn quickly where your losing balance and can adjust. With water, you learn to fight falling in by producing sable footing with chakra. While fire, you learn how to control the amount of heat you feel while also holding stable footing."

I walk over to a bed of coals before lighting a match to set them ablaze. "This will be dangerous and can hurt you very badly. Be warned that this takes absolute concentration to avoid problems." "Yes mam." She walks over to the coals as I show her how it is done. "The trick is learning how much chakra is needed to keep your balance and not feel a thing. One false miscalculation, and you can burn yourself very badly." I start to walk on the coals with feeling nothing. "By the end of the trip, we will have you be able to do this and acquire a level 2 sharingan." "Yes mam!" She immediately starts trying it with her taking the extra precautions needed before taking a step onto the coals.

"So what the fuck am I supposed to do?" "We will train with combating someone with chakra." "BULLSHIT! TEACH ME TO DO WHAT ROUND FACE AND DEKU CAN DO!" I look at him calmly while saying my next part. "That is impossible." "What?" "You cannot use chakra. Your test I had you do came back saying it would not be possible." "I DON'T CARE WHAT A TEST SAID! I'M LEARNING THIS SHIT RIGHT NOW!" '*sigh* It seems he doesn't understand.' "Chakra isn't something that you can just 'learn' as you put it. Not everyone is able to. Some can, and some cannot. You are the later, so teaching you would be pointless on both our ends." He begins to argue with me at this point. "Your just doing this so I can stay weaker than the losers! Teach me those fucking cheats paper bitch!" 'Paper bitch? Out of everything you can come up with, paper bitch is what you choose?'

I lose my patience with him. "You know what, I'm not going to get anywhere with you." I take a piece of paper to draw a hand sign and instructions on it. "Here. If you can make a clone of yourself, then I will teach you chakra control. Follow the instructions, and you should be able to make a clone. If you cannot by tomorrow, you give up on learning it and learn what I tell you to." He takes the paper from me and begins trying to make a clone with nothing happening. This goes on for the entire day as I teach Ochako more about what were training with and helping her grow her skill over the sharingan. By the end of the day, Bakugou had made zero progress with Ochako catching onto the hot coals faster than I had expected to begin walking on them today. "Lets head home. It's getting late." "Yes mam." "DAMMIT! MAKE A FUCKING COPY!" "I had told you Bakugou, it is impossible." We walk back with the children bathing after today's training and head to sleep.

The next day

"Bakugou, it's time for training." I begin to knock on Bakugou's door for it to open. He looks at me with sickly eyes and the biggest smirk ever. "I did it. I made a clone." He uses the hands sign to show a perfect clone. "Now you keep your promise paper bitch and train me." 'How did he do this? Something's wrong.' "Very well. I am a woman of my words, so I shall keep my promise." We head out with Bakugou prepared for today's training. After a few tweaks, we begin it with him balancing chakra. Once a few hours of it passes, we begin the combat training. This round, I had Ochako spar with Bakugou to see him sloppy at best compared to his normal. It was as if he was fighting the urge to drop.

"Your mine fucking round face!" He goes for Ochako with her flipping him and sending him into a tree. "Bakugou, you ok?" He starts to get up to show some of his shirts back half being torn. When it did, I noticed a strange mark on his neck.

'Where did he get that?' I take my mind off this before returning to what they were doing. Though I payedit no mind at the moment, I was not dropping it. 'I need to discuss this with him later.'

End of the day

"Nicely done to you both. Make sure to go into town and get something to eat before heading back for rest. We will be taking a late patrol tonight, so plan accordingly for that." As they were leaving I grabbed Bakugou's arm. "I have a few questions for you before you leave." He glared at me in anger before Ochako left and I began. "How could you use chakra? Up until this morning you had absolutely no chance of using it. But this morning you could, what did you do?" "What difference does it fucking make, I can use it and now I can be better than the nerd and bitch." He pulls his arm away before I grabbed the collar of his shirt. "WHAT THE FUCK!?" "This marking on your neck, where did you get it?" "It's a tattoo I got a little while ago! What difference does it make!?" I stare at him in anger. "I know your lying. If it was the truth, I would've seen it by now or the skin would be red from soreness. Whatever it is, you got it recently and it is not normal."

"Get off me!" He pulls away and starts walking away. "Whatever that thing on your neck did, it's defying the natural laws of the world. There has to be some form of consequence that you will face. If you obtained this power from unnatural causes, please take caution on the price it gives you." He walks away flipping his middle finger at me. "Don't tell me what to do paper bitch." I was infuriated with him, but I felt worried he was doing something dangerous. 'Whatever that is, it's not normal. Perhaps someone in the Akatsuki knows what it is.'

Back to present

"I had began to watch over him for a few more days to see if his physical condition had gotten better. However, it seems to be in a very weakened state as if he is on the verge of collapsing most of the time. I did not know what to make of it, so I had contacted Pain for that and another reason." They all began to go into deep thought before Orochimaru was the first to speak. "What did the mark look like? Can you give me some information about it?" "Three pinwheels that were black in color. Was not that large, but had an ominous feel to it." "Interesting." He began to gather his thoughts before continuing.

"What the boy has is a Curse Mark." "Wait, what kind of Curse Mark?" Kisame asked unaware what it is. "To put it simply, I had been looking into different methods before the Akatsuki about how to enhance the body. Along the way, I had met a boy known as Jugo. He had an innate ability to absorb natural energy and alter his body. However, the boy had risked his mental state dissipating every time he would use it and had a violent temper that he could hardly control. To put his power simply, he destroyed an entire village with his anger along with all the inhabitants. So he locked himself away to keep both his mind and temper out of reach until I had found him."

We listened and realized where this was going rather quickly. "The curse marks are a byproduct of when I had infused his bloods enzymes that had a natural ability to absorb nature chakra and a trick known as senjutsu that I learned looking into his clan." "...Is it dangerous?" He looks at me with a bit of a chuckle. "Define dangerous." "Should I be concerned for his well being?" "...The compatibility of the Curse Mark is a 10% chance. Those that are not compatible die from their body rejecting it. The fact he is functioning proves he survived the odds." "So he is safe." Orochimaru shakes his head. "Compatible or not, the Curse Mark is a very unstable thing to have. If he keeps it and regularly uses it, he risks his mind being warped from the amount of power it gives."

I began to feel uneasy with this answer. "How do we remove it?" "You cannot. It is a curse seal that will remain on the body. If untouched by the user, it can become dormant. I do not see that as the case since he is using the power to enhance his ability to use chakra though." 'Perfect, just what I need to deal with.' "Is it an issue that we must take immediate action against?" Orocumiaru turns to Pain before answering. "Unless he loses control, it is not an issue. I do recommend we take extra caution watching him however. The amount of damage a single Curse Mark can do is tenfold what one can do on a normal basis. Since it has never happened in this time, I cannot guarantee what the effects it will have on quirks will be." "Very well, thank you for the information on this."

We finish our meeting with my body regaining it's senses where I was to see Ochako and Bakugou training. 'I don't know where you got this from Bakugou, but you are heading down a very dangerous path as you are now. Do not succumb to that power.'

Flashback to the second night, Bakugou POV:

"Dammit! It's always the fucking losers that are special!" I began to go into a fit of rage over what had happened with silently shouting to myself. "The main reason she doesn't want me to learn is because she knows I'll be better than her fucking brat!" After about an hour of this, I decide to go to sleep in my angered state. Before I could however, I felt someone in the room. "Hello Bakugou." I lifted my head up to look around. "Who's there?" "Unimportant right now." I focus my attention on a shape of a body in the shadows. "What do you want?" "I would like to help you with your ability to use chakra." "Thanks pal, but I don't just take weird ass help from fucking strangers. Don't forget to shut the door on your way out."

I began to turn my head away and lay back down before he catches my attention. "So you are accepting the fact Izuku Midoriya and Ochako Uraraka are going to be better than you to a point of not giving you their full power?" He peaks my interest with this. "What do you know?" "I know of a way to make you better than them. Power to beat them, beat the Akatsuki, and surpass All Might before anyone else could get the chance." "....And what do you get in return?" "I would just like information on the Tailed Beasts. How many were summoned back?"

I started to question this, but felt a grin plaster on my face when the thought of being better than Deku and his bitch came into my mind. "Four. One's a fox, ones a raccoon, ones an octopus, and ones a gorilla." "Thank you. Now as promised, hers is the power." I felt as if something was piercing my neck before it burned like fucking hell. "You will pass out soon from the pain, but will be reborn when the power is inside you. Goodnight Bakugou, may our paths cross again." He leaves with my conscious self fading in and out. "I'll...be better.....than....De...ku..."

And that finishes this chapter. Reminder to you all that Curse Marks are a very dangerous method Orochimaru found in the past thanks to Jugo. Their abilities vary, but the weakest increases the power of the user 10 times what it can do. The one Bakugou has is on the higher end, so he will get a major power boost along with the ability to use chakra now. Hope you all enjoyed and thanks for reading.

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