Chapter 8: PiggyBack rides, Sticky Maples and Boys Bathroom ✔

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"Whyyyyyyy." Mary moaned as she sat on her bed speaking on the phone to Archie, before school. "You are leaving me to go to the stupid thing by myself." Mary groaned again, she could hear Archie laugh on the phone. "Archibald, you are not being a good boyfriend!" Mary shouted at Archie through the phone.

"It's my fault I am grounded!" Archie said back on the phone. Mary rolled her eyes.

"It is, you should not of lied to your dad!" Mary shouted as she grabbed her bag and walked down the stairs. "Meet me outside in one. Thank you!" Mary shouted as she switched off her phone. "Bye family members, I am leaving." Mary shouted as she slipped on her black knee-high boots which matched her black skirt with yellow lightening bolts on it and a black beatles top with her famous yellow leather jacket.

Archie was waiting at the bottoms of her steps and rolled her eyes. She pointed at him.

"You!" Mary shouted as she jumped on to Archie's back. "I am disappointed in you, you know that." Mary whispered into his ear as they walked to school together.

"I am so sorry, I got myself grounded." Archie moaned in defeat. Mary jumped off his back and smiled and kissed him on the cheek.

"I forgive you." Mary whispered into his ear. She leaned away and held onto his hand as they walked hand in hand.

"How long are you groaned for?" Mary asked as she looked up at Archie smiling. Archie looked at her sad, Mary did a pouty face.

"Two weeks." Archie stated, Mary rolled her eyes and changed the subject completely.

"Did you see what the asshole Chuck did? I can not believe I dated that guy in the summer!" Mary shouted into the street, little children walked past with there mom but when Mary shouted that, the mom grabbed her children and ran. Archie burst out laughing.

"Mary, you shouted that in front of the kids." Archie shouted looking down at her. Mary shrugged, kissed Archie on the lips and walked away. Mary had no filter.  Once she got into school, Reggie marched up to her. 

"I love being pathetic, you know that?" Reggie said rhetorically, "Oh come on! Eating off someones face isn't pathetic at all!" Reggie shouted as he marched right past her. Mary rolled her eyes and spun round. Mary marched straight up to Reggie, grabbed his collar and kissed him passionately. Reggie started to get into it and kissed her back. Mary pulled away aggressively.

"Look who is even more pathetic!" Mary spat at him and walked away. Reggie looked sad and walked away angrily. Mary could not feel bad for him, or could she?

She walked up to Veronica, Betty and Kevin. She waved from a distance and everyone waved back.

"Boys suck!" She shouted as she walked up to them, Kevin mockingly gasped, very dramatically. "Not you, obviously!" Mary continued, laughing at Kevin's sarcasm. Betty raised an eyebrow telling to her continue. "Reggie said I was pathetic so I kissed him angrily and told him he was more pathetic." Mary said like it was nothing. Veronica looked over at her, confused.

"YOU ARE DATING ARCHIE!" Veronica shouted in anger. Mary just nodded. "So I think that means, you can not go kissing someone else." Veronica stated. Mary rolled her eyes as Kevin and Betty crossed them over.

"V! I was just telling him, that he will never get me. Psychological torture call it." Mary said as they got to Veronica's locker. The other three just rolled their eyes and Mary huffed. "I have to go that stupid thing tonight with Mom and Dad." Mary groaned and the other three just nodded. Mary huffed and just slouched against the locker- why were they pissed, I didn't do anything wrong. She thought to herself but just shrugged it off. Two sluts walked past and spoke to Veronica.

"Hey, Veronica. How was the Sticky Maple you had last night?" One of the girls said, Mary looked at Veronica sympathetically- she was a victim of the 'book'. Mary was a victim of the book but she never told anyone. Hence the 'slut-shaming' from before. 

"The what now?" Veronica said confused, she did not know she was being slut-shamed.

"The Sticky Maple Chuck gave you? How was it?" The other girl as they walked past them, laughing. Mary just shook her head as she looked down at the ground. Veronica had just committed social suicide but Mary was going to help her get through this. 

"We had a brownie sundae, if that's what you hyenas mean." Veronica stated completely confused as to what was going on. All their phones buzzed- they got the sticky maple message.

"I am going to kill him." Mary shouted. Veronica looked confused and worried.

"Oh, my God." "What? What the hell is a Sticky Maple?"  Veronica asked, she was getting more pissed off by the minute.

"It's kind of what it sounds like." Betty said sympathetically as Veronica snatched the phone off of Betty and looked at the photo. She looked angry.

"It's a Riverdale thing." Kevin stated, which got Veronica more annoyed. 

"No, Kevin, it's a slut-shaming thing." Veronica said as she held the phone up to Kevin. "And I'm neither a slut, nor am I going to be shamed by someone named, excuse me, Chuck Clayton.Does he really think he can get away with this? Does he not know who I am? I will cut the brakes on his souped-up phallic symbol."

"Or we can go to Principal Weatherbee." Betty reasoned, which was not going to get her anywhere.

"About the coach's son? Who is captain of the football team, and Riverdale High's resident golden boy?" Veronica spat back.

"We could get revenge." Mary offered standing up straight. Betty gave her a death glare.

"Or I can expose him in the pages of the Blue and Gold.Yeah, I can do that!" Betty said trying to convince Veronica.

"No." Veronica stated. "Spoken like a true good girl who always follows the rules. Well, I don't follow rules, I make them, and when necessary, I break them." Veronica said sternly as she threw Kevin up against the lockers and walked away with Mary right beside her. "You wanna help me get revenge on Chuck, Betty, awesome.But you better be willing to go full dark, no stars.What do you say, in or out? Veronica asked Betty as she stood still and Betty didn't say anything, she just followed them into the boys bathroom.

"Move." Mary said as she pushed past sweaty boys to find chuck.

"Excuse me." Veronica said as she accidentally pushed Mary into a sweaty Archie, who's towel had fallen down and he quickly picked it up and readjusted it before he hugged onto Mary. She couldn't help but look down and admire his six pack. He smiled at Mary and looked behind her to see Veronica and Betty. 

"Veronica? Betty, what are you guys doing here?" He asked looking at them both concerned as he held onto Mary. Mary was not sure if Archie knew about the kiss between her and Reggie. She saw Reggie in the corner of her eye, smiling at her devilishly. Mary began to worry and she held onto Archie tighter.

"Don't worry about it. I mean it," Archie looked even more concerned. "Andrews. Hit the showers and stay out of my way." Veronica said as she moved past Mary and Archie, while Betty covered her eyes.

"I better go help them." Mary whispered in his ear as all the boys wolf whistled. Mary waved her middle finger in the air and walked up to Chuck and sadly... Reggie.

"Huh, B and V. Menage a right on. Ladies." Chuck said smiling them Mary came up behind them. "Well well well, little Mary. You came to flirt with anymore of the football team. Oh wait no you are taken. But you still go around kissing boys. You are lucky I kiss and tell." Chuck finished smirking at Mary. Reggie looked really uncomfortable and Archie came closer to them. Mary was feeling really light-headed and she could feel a panic attack coming on. But she tried to calm herself down. "How was Reggie, this morning. In the hallway?" Chuck said slowly an loud so everyone could hear. He stepped closer to Mary who's hands we shaking. Betty saw her hand and gasped. She held onto the hand tightly- no one knew about the attacks except Betty, they happened after Polly left.

"I don't know- it was quite pathetic." Mary spat in anger. "I was proving a damn point, I am taken I am dating Archie and if any of you two have screwed it up I will feed your balls to a croc." Mary shouted in their faces as she ran out, she couldn't look at Archie who had followed her out too. "Archie the kiss meant nothing to me, you better know that. I did it to prove a point." Mary said crying as Archie walked up to her. He cupped her cheeks and kissed her.

"I know." He said as they passionately kissed again. Mary just pulled away and smiled with relief. She had to make it up to Archie one way or another. 

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