Chapter 9: Opening up, Sneaking and Sluts. ✔

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"Hello?" Mary said grabbing Veronica's attention in the blue and gold room. 

 "This story is bigger than we thought." Betty stated. "I started asking around, to see if what happened to you happened to anyone else, and if anyone would go on record."

"I sure as hell will." Mary stated proudly, attracting smiles from the other girls. 

 "I will."  A River Vixen said. 

"100%." Another River Vixen stated. 

 "Okay. It's five guys on the football team. Chuck and his posse. Ethel was about to tell us." Betty replied, ushering Ethel to speak. 

"One day last year, Chuck and I talked in the library for 10 minutes.I helped him with a Pre-Cal problem, and nothing happened. But the next day, he started telling people that I let him do stuff to me. Like, sex stuff. And then he or one of his goons, wrote, "Sloppy seconds" on my locker." Ethel said defending herself, that was until Cheryl came in. The girls were all looking at her sympathetically. 

"Yes, yes, we've all heard your tragic origin story." Cheryl said, earning a glare from Mary. She was not happy with Cheryl and her rudeness. 

"I'm so, so sorry, Ethel. That's horrible." Betty replied nice and sweet. 

"Not as horrible as being a suspect in your own brother's torture-murder case, but we all have our crosses." Cheryl snapped back walking into the room. "In the meantime, River Vixen practice starts in five minutes, sluts, so..."

"They're ruining our lives, and to them it's just a game.- They keep score and" Ethel interrupted before being interrupted herself by Mary. Ethel was crying. 

"Wait, what do you mean, keep score?" Mary wondered as she had been in relations with both Reggie and Chuck, she was just praying that Reggie wouldn't be apart of the book, he wouldn't be right? 

"Each conquest earns them points.They keep track in some secret playbook." Ethel replied to Mary. All the girls began to look scared, they were all in the playbook.

"I am not allowing this, do you think Archie would know anything about it?" Mary asked, "I could call him?" Mary offered. Betty just shook her head as she held onto her notebook. 

"No, we have to talk to Weatherbee." Betty stated, taking charge, taking charge like a real Cooper. Mary realised that she was dependent on Archie and she did not like it. 

"I already tried. Weatherbee said that he didn't find anything." Ethel said. Mary knew that wasn't good enough. 

"Okay, we need undeniable proof." Mary stated, taking control being independent. 

"Proof of what, Nancy Drew? That boys will be boys? And that playbook reeks of suburban legend." Cheryl stated as Mary rolled her eyes at her snarky comment. 

"How would you know, Cheryl?" Veronica asked turning around to face Cheryl. 

 "Because, Frida Shallow," Veronica just rolled her eyes at the analysis, "before he died, my brother was co-captain of the football team with Chuck, and Jason never mentioned it, and he never would've allowed it." Veronica turned around and laughed as Cheryl stood their defending her brother and the football team with her arms crossed. 

"Okay, well, I never met your brother, but I'm not lying about what happened to me. And Ethel's not lying. And proof or no proof, book or no book, I am going scorched earth on these privileged, despicable miscreants. You wanna get caught in that backdraft, Cheryl? Call me, or any of these beautiful, young, strong, intelligent women "slut" one more time." Veronica said standing up for all these beautiful and incredible women that stood before her. Cheryl smirked and walked away. Mary stood on a chair and shouted.

"O, Captain. My Captain." While laughing of course, as well as the rest of the girls. 


"Color me impressed." Cheryl stated as Veronica, Kevin, Ethel, Betty and Mary all walked down the empty school corriders at the dead of night. Looking for the playbook. They all exclaimed as they saw Cheryl in her knee high boots. "A B and E with B and V. Oh yeah you too Mary. What would your holy roller mother say about this, Betty and Mary?" Cheryl asked rhetorically. Mary just rolled her eyes and tugged on the sleeves of Archie's jumper, which he left in her locker. The famous maroon coloured jumper, matched the ripped black jeans that she wearing with black platform, retro, trainers. 

"What are you doing here, Cheryl?" Mary snapped at Cheryl. 

" And where did you get those thigh-high boots? They're amazing." Kevin said while gushing over Cheryl's boots. They were amazing, even Mary couldn't stop envying her. "Trev told Valerie, who told Josie, who told Ginger, who told Tina, who told me." Cheryl said walking up towards them as Mary and Ethel walked up to Chuck's locker. "And I thought I would help out."

"Help? Or derail our investigation?" Betty questioned. Cheryl pointed the flashlight in Betty's face.

"Get over yourself, Betty." Cheryl snapped back.

"Hey guys, get in here." Ethel said holding the book, the group followed Cheryl over to where Mary and Ethel were standing. Mary looking down at the book. 

"Trev was right.They didn't even bother to hide it." Mary stated. "I am known as TBFS." Mary said upset. "The big football slut, I got a lucky 8 points by Chuck." Mary snapped sarcastically. 

"New girl? Is that what I'm reduced to? Nine points?" Veronica stated upset looking at the playbook.

"Better than "Big girl." Seven point five." Ethel stated.

"Polly's in this book Next to Jason's name." Betty said quiet and mousy. Mary snatched the book over to her side and read Polly's name and gasped in shock. 

"I"m so sorry, Betty, Mary". 

"This isn't Jason would never." Cheryl defended her brother while be startled. 

"It's right there, Cheryl! God.Your brother hurt my sister." Mary shouted frustrated. "This is what guys like Jason and Chuck think about women.We're objects for them to abuse.And when they're done with us, they shame us into silence." Mary shouted again in Cheryl's face defending all the women.

"They have zero remorse for the lives they destroy." Betty stated angrily. 

"Maybe I don't know Jason." Mary said upset.

"I'll take a picture. We'll show it to Weatherbee. It'll be the perfect cover for your expose, Betty." Veronica said taking a photo of the playbook.

"Yeah, but No. These girls deserve justice, don't you think, Cheryl? You want vengeance? You wanna go full dark, no stars, Veronica? I'm with you. And I have a plan." Betty stated smirking. 


"Betty, Honey we are leaving." Alice Cooper shouted, as Alice, Mary and her Dad left to go the Mayor's party. Mary was totally informed about the plan that was going to go down. But Mary did not want to be apart of it.

They finally got the 'Mayor's Shindig' and Mary walked away from her parents and to Jughead. Her white jumpsuit was clinging onto her, accenting all of her curves and her black heels just completed the  "Juggy, is Archie here yet?" Mary asked smiling at Jughead. Jughead shook his head.

"Nope, but he is meeting us up here." Jughead said pointing up to the balcony. Mary just nodded and grabbed hold of Jughead's hand so she wouldn't fall down as she walked up the stairs. She flicked her poker straight hair, with pink striped in it, behind her shoulder. They saw Archie run up the stairs. He just gawked at her beauty.

"Mary, you look amazing." Archie said crawling over to Mary and smiling. Mary leaned up and kissed her passionately. Jughead just coughed and smiled awkwardly. Mary laughed and pushed Archie off of her who pouted at her. Mary shook her head.

"Hey, Riverdale. We are Josie and the Pussycats." Josie shouted into the microphone. As everyone cheered. "Are you ready to rock?" Josie shouted. All the pussycats began to hum.

"Paintings on her skin, colors in her hair Come around the corner, make you stop and stare But she don't pay no mind, 'cause she don't really care What you think about her, think about her Moving through the streets, she travels on her own 'cause she don't need. " The Pussycats sang. Mary began to smile at Archie.

"Are you sure it was worth sneaking out for some locally-sourced Munster?" Jughead said smiling over at Archie.

"I helped write that song, man." Archie stated smiling proudly.

"And Baby, it is amazing!" Mary said kissing his cheek. "You deserve a well done gift." Mary whispered into his ear. Archie shifted his position and turned a bright red. Mary looked down and saw Reggie looking up. Her phone buzzed.

Reggie Mantle: You look beautiful, you should be up there singing. x

Mary just looked down at him and shook her head.

Mary: You have to stop messaging me. We both ruined it. It is not going to happen.

"Not bad. I'd love to stay, but I got to shake down an evil Adventure Scout." Jughead said as he ran off, Mary just waved smiling. Archie kissed Mary on the cheek then went back to smiling at the audience.

"You need to write a song for me. I would love that!" Mary squealed at Archie, as the song finished.

"That would be amazing." Archie replied kissing Mary on the lips as they fell on the floor. Mary just squealed. 

'Archie." Mary squealed giggling. She pushed Archie off. "Later." She whispered. Archie stood up and Mary pouted. "You leaving?" She questioned and Archie nodded.

"I am grounded remember?" Archie laughed and Mary stood up pouting.

"Go before I miss you." Mary said pushing Archie away while biting her lower lip.

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