Chapter 40~ Bippity Boppity Oh No It's Audrey

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Early that afternoon Mal headed over to Evie's castle which was called "Evie's 5 Hearts."


"Who else knows about the crown and the scepter?" Evie asked Mal.

Mal sighed and said "No one. I mean... Think about it. It was scared enough as it is. We have to employ these entirely new security measures.

"Will this delay our bringing over more VKs?" I asked Mal putting my hair in a elegant bun.

"We're talking about "closing the barrier" for good." Mal answered Evie and me.

I chuckled and asked "But you said no? I mean the four of us are living the dream here, and we finally get to share that. I mean, what could be more important than that?"

"Yeah. I know. - I mean, maybe security or maybe peace of mind for everyone in Auradon." Mal explained to me and Evie.

"Is that what they're thinking? M, were they seriously thinking that no one will ever go in and out of the Isle ever again? What, we never get to go back and see our parents? And what about these kids? We promised them that they could go back and visit whenever they wanted" Evie told her.

"Yeah. I know." Mal said.

I jumped down from the table and said "Mal, I'm so glad that you are going to be queen. You will be a part of these conversations, you will stand up for the VKs. Thank you for telling me us. And you'll be a great queen." as Mal cringed on the inside.

"And heck maybe you'll get your sister more strawberries." as Mal and Evie laughed as I snorted to myself a bit before hugging them.


"Ok, ok Carlos clam down I'm sure will find a way to fix Jane's cake I swear ok, I'll see you in a bit me and Mal are almost there, bye ok love you." I told Carlos.

I held my gift in my hand before Mal asked "Ready ?" as I nodded to her which is when Aubrey appeared in a cloud of pink smoke.

Me and Mal turned to her. What the- What happened to Audrey and why does she look like a villain, I questioned to myself.

"I was hoping you two where home." she said to me and Mal once she knew we say her new "look." (Really it was a off-brand of our mother and I wasn't impressed)

I said "Is this a joke ? What are you doing with the crown and scepter ?"

"Well I wanted them so I took them. And you, of all people should understand that Mal" she said simply to me and Mal as I gave her a look as she as she breathe in all the power of the scepter.

"Wait ! Audrey, stop ! Don't use that," Mal begged to Audrey as she set her gift down, I calmly set mine down to.

"I thought you and your sister liked spells." Audrey said to Mal and me as we looked at her shocked.

"Okay Audrey, hey ! Prissy ! you're better.." I was about to say.

She cut Mal off and yelled "Quiet !"

"It's not a toy. It's dangerous." I tried to say talking to her.

"I WANT TO BE DANGEROUS !" Audrey says angrily as she turn back to me and Mal.

"My life was perfect until you stole it. And then Auradon turned it's back on me. Well it's time for a little payback." as she walked away from us before I said "Audrey wait !"

She turned back to me and Mal before zapping Mal with the scepter.

I rubbed my eyes before looking to see she had turned her into a old hag.

"You think Ben will love you now, you old hag !" Audrey asked seeing a old Mal. "You'll pay the price of what you did and so will all of Auradon."

Jay, Carlos, Evie, and Celia ran outside as Audrey said "So long, suckers !" as she disappeared in a cloud of pink smoke.

Jay reached over to help Mal. "Whoa ! Mal you might wanna think of a spell for that." Jay said seeing Mal had been changed.

"There's no spell that can reverse the curse of the scepter," Mal said sadly as me and Carlos said at the same time"Well that's a shame."

"Forget about me. Audrey's out for revenge. And all of Auradon is in danger." Mal explained, knowing the fate of Auradon if we didn't stop Audrey.

"What should we do ?" I asked my sister. "The only thing more powerful than the scepter is Hades's ember." Mal answered as I rolled my eyes.

"Oh ! Like he's just gonna hand it over, if we went back to the Isle," Jay said in a sarcastic tone.

"And no one knows where his lair," I add not liking this plan.

"I do. I'm his errand rat. I've got the key at my dad's." Celia told all of us.

"You are coming." I told her.

"But I just got here," Celia complained to us.

"Mal ?" Dizzy asked as her and the twins walked out. Dizzy let out a scream when she saw Mal grabbing the boys.

"Dizzy, stay here and take care of the twins. We'll be right back and everything will be just fine. Go inside," Evie and Mal explained to the twins as they went inside.

"Guys, go get your stuff."

"How bad is it ?" Mal asked me and Evie.

"You age beautifully" I said to her as me, Mal and Evie shared a look

"Now let's get you into something fabulous." Evie said with a smile.

"Okay." Mal said with a smile as me and Evie walked off as we stopped looking back at Mal who walked slowly.

Me and Evie went back to go help Mal. "Okay. Oh, yeah, there we go. Okay. Almost there." as Mal pat both me and Evie.


The VK's took their bikes stopping by the water, I changed into a brand new Isle wear.

Celia was riding with me. "Noble steed, proud and fair you shall take us anywhere." Me and Mal said my eyes green and Mal's purple.

The bikes started as we started to drive across the water back to the Isle....


Meanwhile at Jane's party, Audrey showed up and then put everyone to sleep besides Chad who wanted to join her. Jane was the only one to escape to The Enchanted Lake.

"Hey Jane. I'm on my way to the party. My meeting ran long." Ben said to Jane on the phone on his way to the party.

"No, no stay where you are, Ben. Audrey's got the scepter and everyone's asleep. I'm gonna call Mom and tell her to get the wand," Jane said quickly before hanging up.

"Is Mal With ? Jane ? Jane ?" Ben tries to say to his friend before realizing she had hanged up and she left him with no answered and alot of worry of Mal....

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