Chapter 41~Do What You Gotta Do !

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After a couple of hours, me and the other's went back to the Isle. We parked our bikes.

"Hey I'm me again." Mal said out of joy before touching her hands and hair.

Celia added "Duh. Evil magic doesn't work here. Kind of the point." before she walked off as I said to her arms crossed mocking "Duh Mal." before she gave me a look.

"Welcome Back." Evie said as me and her walked on the sides of Mal. Celia then lead us all to a door which had words on it such as "PA DERANJE." before she knocked to a certain beat.

I found it catchy. Someone on the other side knocked the same beat before Celia did another beat before smiling at us as the door opened. Mal and me smiled before we all went inside.

"Hey !" Dr Facilier called seeing Celia as Celia smiled saying "Daddy !" before rushing over to him.

"Here she is." Dr Facilier said as he picked her up before setting her down. "Come on And...and." as they danced which caused Mal to smile at the two. Dr Facilier tapped her cheek before Celia picked up his hat trying to run with it.

"Hey yeah. Come here little rascal." he said pulling her into a hug. Celia and Dr Facilier walked away as the other VK's looked around at the large arcade.

Carlos noticed a TV before dropping a coin into the top of the hat causing it play. "Alerts of the sleeping spell keep coming in as it spreads throughout Auradon." the reporter on the TV says.

"Uh guys. Come look at this." Carlos said to the others as he sat down.

"There are rumors of Sleeping Beauty's daughter, Audrey is behind the spell. We're trying to discover who is responsible for these vicious lies, and which villain has perpetrated this evil. We have a update. It's what. It's moving this way ? It's moving this way." the reporter says as they watch the TV in shock. Mal nodded her head which told the others they where ready to leave.

"Wow Rookie mistake ?" Carlos says as they walked outside to see Harry, Gil and three more pirates on their bikes.

"Long time nae see !" Harry said as the other three pirates took off.

"Get off my bike, Hook." Jay ordered as him and Carlos rushed to get to their bikes.

"Catch me if you can, Jay !" Harry called out before sending a tiny wink to me and Mal before he drove off.

"Over the roofs ! Cut ' em off, " Jay told Carlos as they took off in different directions.

"Hey, hey, hey, not you. They got this." Evie said gently grabbing Celia who was trying to follow Jay and Carlos.

"They got this, Evie you coming ?" I asked her putting a piece of my hair out of my face.

"No, I'm going to go after Jay and Carlos." as I nodded before Mal stopped me in my tracks.

"Hey, what gives ?" I asked her as Mal said "I'm going with Celia after Hades, to get the ember. You can go with the other's to go catch Harry and the other pirates."

"Mal we both know this is dangerous."

Mal added "That's why I'm just going, I promise I'll be fine." she told me gently holding my hand before I brushed her hand away adding, "Are you sure it's because it's dangerous or because your hiding something from me."

"Mads, we have no time for arguing." as my eyes sparked green before fading, "Whatever." before I went with Evie after the rest of the pirate's calling out to Carlos.

"You and me gotta go find the ember." as Celia said "Good timing. It's about his nap time." as Celia lead the way as Jay was close to catching Harry before he turned a corner and laughed in his victory as Jay glared at his fading figure.


"Hey. How big is that dog ?" Mal asked Celia as she noticed the big "Beware the dog !" sign.

"You'll see." Celia told her unlocking the gate. "Okay, stay quiet, it echos like crazy in here." as Mal shared a concern look before going after the daughter of Dr. Facilier.

They walked inside hearing loud barking and growling coming out of nowhere before Mal took in a deep breathe. "Come on, Come on." Celia handed Mal a helmet before turning the light on her own.

Mal turned her light on before going on their bike going down the rail with Celia. Mal looked to see a glowing blue light hearing loud barking again.

The barking was only louder when they reached where Hades was sleeping in his chair.

Mal followed Celia down the stairs where Hades was. Barking could be heard again causing Mal to look around before Celia pointed to a record player with a smile.

Mal started walking to the ember before Celia stopped her telling her to walk in different directions before Mal stopped and walked in different directions of Hades.

Celia grew tried of the record player and moves the player causing it scratch.

"What are you doing here ?" Hades asked as Mal freezed in her steps. "I noticed you where low on canned corn." Celia said before tossing Hades a can of corn.

Mal grabbed the ember but her hand was quickly grabbed by Hades which caused her to gasp. Hades took the ember as he turned to face Mal.

"Hi Dad." Mal said as Celia looked at her shocked before Hades took off his sunglasses and waved at Mal.

"Quite the show you and your little sister put on the other day." Hades told her as Mal said "Right back at you."

"I was just coming back to see you and Madison." Hades as Mal asked "Really wonder why ? Is it because I'm becoming queen."

"Now, don't be bitter Mal." Hades told her with a chuckle as Mal said "You abandoned me when I was a month old and Madison was just born, not even old enough to see the world for herself."

"No, No I left your mother. She's not the easiest person to get along with." he corrected her

"You think ?" Mal asked with a slit eye roll which is when Hades as Hades said "Oh. See ? We have something in common we both hate your mother." as he put a scarf on.

"No ! I don't hate my mother. She may be a evil lunatic, but at least she stuck around for me and Mads." Mal argued to Hades.

"Aww. Boo-hoo. Wake up and smell the stink. You think you've had it rough ? I use to be a god !  I had a entire world which bore my name and now I have nothing, you have no idea what that feels like."

"Really ?! Because for 16 years me and Madison didn't have anything besides our friends and each other."

Hades asked voice risen "And and how does Madison feel knowing her sister is keeping the secret of her own father ?"

Mal's eyes slightly drop before she added arms folded "I'm not going to you let disappointed her, I'm not going to see her heart broken again. Asking me when daddy coming back, and me having to tell her I don't know. She has something now a whole world, But unless I get that ember, it's game over." as she walked over to Hades holding her hand out wanting to get the ember.

"She asked about me ?" he asked Mal before Mal said "Everyday." before he said "Hold please." pushing Mal's hand away causing Mal to look at him shock.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]


🎵Listen, little girl You're talking to a God And I don't wanna hear the drama Kindness ain't my brand🎵


🎵Oh, I guess that's why you ran🎵


🎵Try being married to your mama!🎵


🎵You stink at being a dad🎵


🎵Poor Mali, are you sad?🎵


🎵Not as sad as you without your powers I didn't come to fight For once, do something right🎵


🎵I steal souls, were you expecting flowers?🎵


🎵I only need you 'cause I came here for something🎵


🎵I've given you and Madison everything, by giving you both nothing, I did what I had to do (ooh-ooh-ooh)"🎵


🎵No, you only did what's best for you🎵


🎵Well, you could learn a thing or two (ooh-ooh-ooh) When push comes to shove You do what you gotta do, yeah🎵


🎵You were never there Guess you don't have a phone You never called to say, "I miss you"🎵


🎵Ha ha ha, are you kidding? Is this a joke? You need to let it go You and your sister are stronger with those daddy issues🎵


🎵Oh ! Thank you !🎵


🎵Show me some respect It ain't easy to neglect My attention would've made you softer🎵


🎵Ooh-hoo! Should I be proud? Don't turn this thing around🎵


🎵I guess you are your father's daughter, ha, ha, ha🎵


🎵Don't think I need you, I just came here for something🎵


🎵I'm given you everything🎵

{Mal and Hades}

🎵By giving you (me) nothing🎵


🎵I did what I had to do (ooh-ooh-ooh) I made it on my own, no thanks to you🎵


🎵Well, you could learn a thing or two (ooh-ooh-ooh) When push comes to shove You do what you gotta do🎵


🎵How 'bout I go with you and we'll spend some time?🎵


🎵How 'bout you stay here 'cause you're out of your mind!🎵


🎵Let's make new memories, you and Madison can show me the town🎵


🎵No, you can keep your memories now🎵


🎵Get over it 🎵


🎵I am over it !🎵

{Mal and Hades}

🎵I'm over you being over it!🎵


🎵Let's dance🎵

{Mal and Hades}

🎵I did what I had to do (ooh-ooh-ooh) No, you only did what's best for you🎵

🎵Well, you could learn a thing or two (ooh-ooh-ooh) When push comes to shove, you do When push comes to shove, you do When push comes to shoveYou do what you gotta do, yeah Ha, please🎵

They finished and looked at one another as Mal panted before saying "Do you wanna make up for being a lousy dad" as she turned to face him before adding "Give me the ember." as she held her hand out once more.

Hades "The ember only works for me." as Mal argued back "No, it'll work for me. We're blood."

Hades said "You're only half Hades. Mad's on the other hand-"as Mal said "Nothing, happening she is not getting put in danger."

He sighed adding "The ember won't do everything for you that it does for me."

"I'll take my chances." Mal said to him with a smirk as he held it up as Hades gave Mal the ember before she went upstairs as Hades adding "If it get's wet, it's game over." Hades called out to Mal.

As Mal only waved in her response as Hades said "That's my girl." with a smile once Mal was long gone as he turned to the photo of Madison and Mal on his desk as he gave a soft smile.


"I guess that's the reason why he's always asking about you and Madison." Celia said leading the way out which caused Mal to stop.

"Evie is the only one who knows he's me and Mads's dad." Mal told Celia as Celia nodded in understanding.

Mal said with a smirk "And so far as I'm concerned, he doesn't even exist." Mal said with a hard look before heading back to the other's...

Sorry for the very long hiatus, but I promise updates will be coming more for this book, Madison is back ! 💜🐉

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