Chapter Eight: Cilan's Downfall

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Something had not been right for months. Iris had been bothered by the fact that she wasn't pregnant. Cilan tried to assure her, saying that one day she would be pregnant and have the baby girl she always wanted. But three months after saying that, Cilan and Iris found themselves into heated arguments. The rows broke Cilan's heart, the more the marriage fell apart, the more that Iris sought comfort in Kamon. Cilan prayed that he would have been gone by now, but Iris had appointed Kamon as her trusted adviser.

Iris also used Lady Larxene against him too. Iris accused Cilan of sleeping with Larxene and getting her pregnant. Cilan threw himself on his knees and convinced Iris that it was all false. But even when Iris and Cilan had the most intense arguments, they always made it up to each other in the end with passionate nights and days out with the family.

It was a well known fact that Cilan hated Kamon. It was obvious to everybody in court with the exception of Ash. If there was ever a problem, Iris was running to Kamon because she considered him his best friend at court. Iris thought that if Kamon had stayed longer, that Cilan would start to respect him. Everyday Cilan's hatred for Kamon rose.

Doctor Mario had arrived in Cilan's room at sunrise and now the sun was beginning to set. He estimated that Doctor Mario must have spent at least seven hours in the room. He was humiliated, but he did as he was told. He didn't feel like a king, but instead felt like a rat in an experimental cage. He had to follow Doctor Mario's orders, otherwise he would have not have been able to get a proper diagnosis.

He was forced to to be naked in front of the man. Even though Doctor Mario was the only person with him in the room, he felt as if he was on a scaffold and naked to a crowd. He gulped when he was told he had to ejaculate in a mug for Doctor Mario. He was even more ashamed when Doctor Mario touched him in discreet areas where only Iris would allowed to enter. Cilan bit his lip the entire time and hoped that it soon be over.

It shouldn't have taken this long for Cilan to be checked out. He felt he was being abused, but he didn't want to say anything in case he was making a mistake. If Cilan dismissed Doctor Mario before he got a diagnosis, then Iris would have been furious. Doctor Mario came to check up on Iris and her sons and he said that they were all fine and healthy. He even prescribed Pagan a razor because of his issue with unwanted hairs. Salem was told to eat more garlic to avoid the common cold. But Doctor Mario did all three of them within an hour. Doctor Mario explained that the reason he was taking such a long time was because fertility tests were very long winded, so he wanted to get it all over and done with.

Cilan closed his eyes and felt his legs shake from standing around and doing nothing. He looked out of the window and saw the sun sinking into the sea. In his head, Cilan was ranting and raving about his time being wasted. He could have done something a lot more useful or outgoing. Pansage was going to be lost with nothing to do.

"I have the results," Doctor Mario announced. "Would you like to sit down on the bed?"

"At last," Cilan sighed. He slipped on some brown leather pants and a white furry robe that went up to his waist. As he sat on the bed, he tried to smile but he could see in Doctor Mario's face that it wasn't good news. "You don't seem happy, what is it?"

"Your Majesty, after today's tests I have finally reached a conclusion to your poor health." Cilan always considered himself to be healthy, but he listened to what Doctor Mario had to say. "You seem to be very stressed and you're quite hormonal for your age. Your seamen is also abnormal. I therefore diagnose you with azoospermia."

"What is azoospermia?" Cilan asked. He drew himself back.

"It is the absence of sperm," Doctor Mario replied. "And without sperm, you cannot have a baby. It is regret that I have to tell you that you cannot have children."

"NO!" Cilan roared. He turned his back to ceiling and slammed his head against the mattress. "I promised her a daughter."

"Don't don't yourself up about it," Doctor Mario said with a smile on his face. "There are lots of alternatives I can offer." Doctor Mario's advise was muted by Cilan's screaming. "Now please calm yourself, you are not making yourself any better."

"Don't you understand?" Cilan sobbed. "I've failed."

"It looks like my work is done," Doctor Mario announced. "I bid you a good night and suggest you have plenty of rest."

Cilan felt as if Unova had crumbled on top of him. He could not give Iris the daughter she wanted. He had promised her, in front of a crowd of noble men and women that they would have children of their own. He had broken a promise that he thought he could keep.

Just as Doctor Mario left the room, Lady Larxene tiptoed into the room. Larxene was heavily pregnant and placed her hands below her baby bump. She grinned as she sat next to Cilan.

"Your Majesty," Larxene whispered. Her true grin melted into a fake face of concern. She tapped onto Cilan's shoulder and rubbed his back until he stopped crying.

"Larxene... I am such a failure!"

"No you're not!" Larxene roared. "You are kind and gracious king."

"I can't have children."

Larxene gasped. "What do you mean?"

"I am infertile," Cilan confessed as he continued to sob.

Larxene gasped again and rubbed her stomach. "Infertile? But that is impossible?"

"I only wish it was true."

Larxene screamed. She panted and pushed herself on the bed. Cilan turned around and saw Larxene's scarlet and yellow dress drenched. Cilan pulled Larxene on the bed as she opened her legs.

"What's happening to me?" Larxene asked.

"The baby is coming!" Cilan roared. "Now keep breathing, I will go and get somebody who can help!" Just as Cilan took on step out of his room, Lord Gropius haulted him. Cilan threw his knees to the floor and cried in joy. "Lord Gropius, I need your help! Larxene is in labour and I need to find someone who can attend to her."

"I can arrange that," Lord Gropius announced. He lowered his head and looked down on Cilan. "That is not why I am here though."

"I'm sorry?"

"Cilan, King of Unova, it is with regret that I have to arrest you for adultery with Xion, Lady Larxene, and your brothers. Both ladies have confessed to being in bed with you and we have numerous witnesses who can confirm the accusations. It is my duty to escort you to the dungeon."

Cilan felt as if he was spitting his heart out. Cilan turned to Larxene and wailed harder. "Why Larxene?" Cilan asked with red eyes. "I gave you nothing but kindness."

Cilan was dragged away by Lord Gropius who needed an aundino to assist him being carried away from court. Cilan crumbled to the floor again and Lord Gropius struggled to get him into the dungeon. To say that it was the worst day of Cilan's life was an understatement.

In Opelucid Cathedral, Axel and Roxas were on either side of the bed in the bedroom behind the altar. It had become a place for Xion to hide on secret in her final stages of pregnancy and only Axel, Roxas and Father Rowan knew about the bedroom. Axel's Pokemon, a houndoom nicknamed Lea cleared up the mess where Xion's waters broke.

A vanilluxe nicknamed Sea Salt flew around in the room to make sure that Xion didn't become overheated. Roxas' audino who he called Odette was the midwife who kept a close look at Xion to see the process of the birth. Xion's litwick, Kairi gave the room a burst of light to keep the room light.

While Roxas and Axel held held onto Xion's hands, she screamed and threw her head on the pillows as her legs were spread apart.

"What time is it?" Xion asked.

"Nine o'clock," Axel replied.

"It was about midday when my waters broke," Xion panted. "How much longer it going to be?"

"Keep going Xion!" Roxas cheered. "You're really brave for doing this."

"I don't think I have the strength for this," Xion cried.

"You can't give up now," Roxas demanded. "You've come this far."

"Help me up," Xion whimpered.

"You hold that end and I'll hold this end," Axel told Roxas. As the two men brought Xion in a sitting position, she grunted.

Olette smiled at Xion as she gave her a message.

"The baby is nearly out," Kairi translated. "Just one more push and you'll be ready."

"Can't believe it," Xion whimpered. "Just one more push..."

"Hold onto our hands for this one," Roxas said. "Squeeze them if you have to."

"I'm not ready," Xion mumbled.

"Here have some water!" Axel held a glass of water over to Xion's mouth and she gulped all of it in one go.

After the gulp, she panted and twisted her face to Axel and Roxas. She panted, "I'm ready."

Iris couldn't bring herself to sign the warrant for Cilan's arrest, so Lady Caitlyn signed it on her behalf and also signed the warrant for the arrest of Chili and Cress. The meeting with the royal council had been a disturbing session. In one night, Iris felt that her perfect world had been disturbed and her dreams in tatters.

Xemnas's chamber now belonged to Xigbar. It was now a bright office with white lighting to highlight the white marble walls. Now that Xigbar was the new commander of Her Majesty's army, the room was more adapted to his tastes. Iris was sitting on Xemnas' so-called throne whilst the rest of them sat around the round table.

Saïx, Xigbar, Hilda, Bianca, Cheren, Caitlyn, Shauntal, Marshall, Grimsely, Alder, Benga, Drayden and Kamon were sitting on the table whilst the senior dukes stood around them.

Iris' face ached as her lips trembled. She wanted to scream, but she didn't want to cry in front of everybody. Iris held onto her axew as Haxorus comforted Iris.

"I'LL KIll HIM!" Drayden bellowed. "I'll teach that boy to keep it in his pants."

"Why did no one tell me this before?" Iris sobbed.

"I thought it was another of Xemnas' malicious lies," Cheren replied. "I didn't think it was true until Larxene's belly continued to grow. I should have told you earlier."

A delibird ran into the office and passed Xigbar a peace of paper. The delibird bowed then shot off.

"What does the note say?" Iris asked. She slammed her head on the table.

"It is a note from Axel," said Xigbar. "Xion has given birth to a little girl. Larxene is still in labour. No doubt Larxene will pay the price for what she has done."

"What will happen to the children and their mothers?" Hilda asked.

"We will ask Queen Cynthia if she would like to adopt Xion's daughter. I will take Larxene's child under my wing. When Larxene has recovered, she will be tried for treason. As for Xion, no charges will be made against her as long as she follows my orders."

"Larxene will be safe," Saïx declared. "Xion is very cooperative."

Lord Gropius walked into the office with frozen lips and a lowered head. His green hair was all muffled and tangled. He sighed and fell into Hilda's arms.

"What's the matter?" Hilda asked.

"Cilan was very distressed. He was talking about how much of a failure he was because he was infertile."

"He gave his fertility away to that slut!" Iris yelled. Everyone knew she was referring to Larxene. "That's why I haven't got a daughter yet."

"I don't think that's how the body works," Bianca whispered to Hilda.

Nobody expected Riku to enter the room. Unlike the rest of them, Riku appeared to be cool, calm and void of tension and guilt. "Is the queen here?" Riku asked.

"Yes," Iris responded. She stood up and faced Riku.

"Your Majesty for you bigamy, your marriages have been declared null and void."

Null and void was enough for Iris to collapse on the table. Her fists gave a huge bang that shook the people sitting down. Bianca bounced and hugged her from behind.

"Bigamy?" Cheren asked.

"I'm not the one whose cheated!" Iris snapped.

"You were still married to Lance when you married Cilan," said Riku.

"But she divorced Lance," Xigbar said. "Everybody knows about the divorce."

"His Holiness states that the divorce was never finalized nor approved by His Holiness, so it is unlawful in the eyes of Arceus. As His Holiness has declared both marriages invalid, your sons are to be declared as bastards until you marry. His Holiness has also requested that as soon as you are engaged, you come straight to The Vatican."

Iris huffed and slammed her head against the table. A stinging sensation rustled in her head like it was being stretched apart. She slapped her face with her palm. She muttered to Riku, "Get out!"

Riku bowed. "I apologise for any inconvenience caused." He left the room and was assumed he made his way back to The Vatican.

Then an even unexpected guest entered the room: Giovanni Ketchum who bowed.

"Forgive me for the interference, but can I borrow my son?" Giovanni requested.

"Don't make it long," Iris replied. "I will need him. He is a great friend to me."

"I assure you that it will only for a brief moment."

Kamon marches out of the room and walked past his father, who followed him out of the room and into a discreet room.

Giovanni told his son, "You understand that because Ash is the eldest, that I need to have him as my priority."

"I understand."

"But now that Ash has settled down in Hoenn, I can concentrate on you. So my son, how are things."

"Not well," Kamon replied.

"Why is that?"

"Cilan has been arrested for adultery and incest. On top of that Pope Mickey has declared both marriages invalid and that her sons are bastards."

"I would say that is excellent news," Giovanni admitted. He patted Kamon on the back and grinned. "This is a great opportunity for you."

"I know it is," Kamon replied. "But watching Iris get so upset... I find it really frustrating. I could have punched Riku."

"Well it looks like you're doing well," Giovanni said. "You should write to your mother more often. She prays for you and brother everyday. So tell me, have you bought the ring?"

Kamon nodded. Out of his pocket, took out a red box with golden ribbons. Kamon untied the ribbon and revealed the ring to his father. Kamon saw his eyes widened at the silver ring and the glistening sapphire shaped as a love heart. Kamon and his father smiled at each other.

Kamon closed the box and fastened up the ribbon as Giovanni spoke. "It looks beautiful. Where did you get it from?"

"Custom made by Steven Stone."

"He makes wonderful jewellery."

"I should go," said Kamon. "Her Majesty needs me."

"Very well and congratulations, you have succeeded in earning my blessing."

It was a quiet evening in Petalburg Castle. Giovanni was late. He told Ash he would have been there at seven. The clock struck ten when The Queen rested against Ash's shoulder.

"I wonder what happened to him?" asked Ash. "He said he would be here by now. I hope he's okay."

"I'm sure he's fine," May said, "As long as Gary hasn't arrested him for treason"

"I think he's wise enough to stay far away from Kanto."

"Sir," one of the servants came in and bowed. "Your father is here. He wishes to apologize for his lateness."

"Apology accepted," Ash responded with a smile.

"Send him in," May requested.

"I bring you the most exsqusite news from Unova," Giovanni called out to his eldest son, Ash as he sat quietly on the throne with his wife.

"Really?" Ash asked. "So Iris is pregnant?"

"No," Giovanni replied. "Even better, Cilan has been arrested for adultery and Iris' marriages have been declared by His Holiness: invalid."

Ash gasped and jumped out of his seat. He stomped over to his father and roared, "HOW IS THAT GOOD NEWS?"

May raised her eyebrow at Giovanni. "You do know that Ash is a great friend to Iris and Cilan?"

"My son has many friends," Giovanni announced.

"He's innocent," said Ash.

"But there is lots of evidence against him," Giovanni explained. "He committed adultery with his enemy's maids, got them pregnant, and took part in incest."

"That's all lies," Ash cried out with his hand pointing at his father. "Cilan would never do that to Iris, nor would she have the guts to send him in that dungeon."

"If you don't believe me then and come and see for yourself."

"You should leave," May told Giovanni. "We will discuss this in the morning."

Giovanni nodded at The Queen, then turned to face his son. "Would I lie to you?" he asked before he left the room none the wiser.

"Larxene gave birth to a boy," Roxas told Xion who carried their little daughter, Pearl in her arms. Axel was walking around in the room, but had a big grin on his face. "She hasn't giving him a name yet, but she looks devastated."

"Maybe you should go and see her?" Xion suggested. "He is your son after all. You might not ever see him again."

Roxas sighed. "We can't just keep calling him He." He raised his head to Xion and nodded. "You're right, I have to see my son."

"I'm coming with you," Axel announced. "I really want to give her a piece of my mind."

"Is it really true that Pearl could be Queen Cynthia's heir?"

"Her Majesty said it is yet to be finalized, but yeah, Queen Cynthia wants to adopt Pearl."

"I'll be alright on my own," Xion said.

"We believe you," Axel said. "But the pokemon are going to keep an eye on you just in case."

"So how do you feel Roxas?" Axel asked Roxas as they walked through the corridors of the cathedral.

"I feel somewhat happy," Roxas admitted. "I don't want to be too over the moon, I don't think this is all going to last very long."

Axel and Roxas barged their way into Larxene's room. The sunlight glared through the windows as Larxene had her back facing the ceiling. Her young boy lay crying in his cot. Larxene rolled over glared at the two men

"What are you doing here?" Larxene growled. Her nails dug deep into her bed as she panted. Her black eyes showed a sign of restlessness and she looked like a different woman. If Larxene was looking for affection, then Roxas and Axel where the wrong people to turn to.

"I've come to see my son," Roxas snapped. He stood up straight and marched next to the cot. It was his right to see his son, even if it was only for a brief moment.

"And I've come to give you a piece of my mind," Axel responded. His proud stance showed no shame towards his hatred for Larxene.

"Lady Larxene," Lady Bianca said she marched into the door. Axel took a quick glance at Bianca's orange dress scattered in blue beads. Roxas stayed focused on the nameless son. "Her Majesty wishes to take your child under her wing."

"Fine," Larxene roared. Her tempter churned Roxas' stomach. "Take this beast away from me."

"Don't you want to have one last cuddle?" Bianca asked. She held her hand to her heart and stared at the bleeding bitch. "Her Majesty states that you are not allowed to contact your child again."

"I hold no interest in it," Larxene admitted. "The Queen can do what she pleases with him."

Axel smirked at Bianca's face. Her eyes were so intense it looked as if she wanted to punch Larxene. Her tone was more sharp and aggressive compared to her normal days in court. "Then it is my duty to confiscate the child from you."

Roxas lifted the child from the cot, but he couldn't bring himself to give the child to Bianca. He felt terrible that it could be the last time he could see his son, and he didn't even know his name. He couldn't even think of a name to give him, but since he was only the child's father by blood, it would be up to the Queen to decide his name. He gave his son one first and last kiss on the cheek and then passed the child over to Lady Bianca who left in a hurry.

"This is a disaster," Larxene sobbed.

"What do you mean by that?" Roxas asked.

Larxene threw her fists on the blood-stained quilt. "None of this would have happened if I had a daughter."

Roxas intervened, but his short moments with his son had filled him up with emotion that Xemnas would have considered inappropriate. "Cilan's going on trial and The Queen thinks they're Cilan's kids."

"So your fucked up plan worked perfectly," Axel said. His arms were folded and his back was against the wall. He was waiting for Larxene's death.

"I told you the gender of the child wouldn't make a difference," Roxas said.

"No!" Larxene screamed. Her body began to weaken at a faster pace as collapsed and struggled to move. "You don't understand."

"I knew you would be a bad mother," Axel muttered. "Larxene... you don't look very well at all do you? Well it serves you right!"

Larxene grunted at Roxas. "This is all your fault."

"Why are you blaming Roxas?" Axel barked. "This was all your idea. Weather you like it or not, you will pay the price for what you have done. One way or another..."

"Cilan is infertile," Larxene muttered. "They'll know it's not Cilan's child. But he's going down anyway. All three of you are going to die for your part in the plan."

Axel spluttered laughter and gave Larxene a sarcastic round of applause. "That's karma for you."


"You're getting what you deserve," Axel laughed.

"No!" "I will not die. I...will...not..."

Larxene's face became paler as both men noticed her face had a blue tint around her body. There was no warmth left in her body. Larxene looked as if she was silently sleeping in a bed of blood. She was no longer in pain, but Larxene would have died regretting the circumstances of her son's birth. Roxas believed that Larxene must have felt some compassion towards the boy, who was yet to be named.

Deep in his heart, Ash felt that he had to do something to get Cilan's name cleared. Giovanni explained to Ash why Cilan's death would benefit their family. The King of Hoenn was having none of it. He thought that Pope Mickey's decision to annul Iris' marriages was hasty and unwise. If he was in Pagan's position, he would have been distraught that all his training to become king would have all been for nothing. He would have felt as if his destiny had been snatched off him.

Like his father and his brother, Ash believed in his heart that it was his destiny to become king. But Ash was different to the other Ketchums, and he had more power than his family combined by default. Ash had accomplished his dream of becoming king, whilst his father and brother had a long way to go. As far as Ash was concerned, he did it the right way. Ash and May had won the hearts of other small regions including Orre, Fiore, Almia, Oblivia, The Sevvi Islands, and The Orange Islands. All of the regions counted Ash and May as their king for queen from saving their regions from utter ruin. If Ash or May were crowned in another estate, then they would lose their title as King and Queen, and would be known as Emperor and Empress of Japan.

Ash was not the kind of person to wish bad luck to anyone, but his father's proposal churned his stomach. When Ash was angry, he would never hide it. His eyes were intense and he growled as if he was about to breath fire. Kamon wanted to propose to Iris on the first day of Cilan's trial and he wanted to propose to Iris in front of everybody in some village. The hated their intentions with a passion. If Giovanni's plan, Ash would be reluctant to accept it.

Ash knew that Kamon had admired Iris, but he didn't think that Kamon would go as far as he did, nor did he expect his father to be encouraging the madness. Cilan was one of the best friends Ash ever had. He had forgiven his father and Kamon for many things, but if Cilan died, he wasn't sure if he could forgive them. They had already had a plethora of chances to change their ways.

Giovanni always spoke in pride about his path to redemption. Ash really wanted to see it, but no matter how much he tried, he could still see the criminal in Giovanni's eyes.

Both Ash and Kamon wanted to be great kings. Giovanni expressed great pride in Ash on his day of coranation in Hoenn, but now he was trying to make Kamon swim to the throne in Cilan's blood. Even though there were both members of his close family, he couldn't bring himself to let them succeed. Ash had defended them in many situations in the past that caused friction between Ash and his beloved cousin, King Gary of Kanto.

The King Of Kanto would no longer reply to Ash's letters and even stopped Misty, Kanto's free-spirited queen from visiting him. Ash was devastated, and he thought by finding a way to save Cilan, that he would find peace with his cousin.

He dashed over to Unova and had a chat to Queen Iris. He said no bad word about his brother and father. In fact, he decided it would have been wiser not to mention them at all. He continued to protest that Cilan was innocent. He could see that Iris wanted to believe in Cilan. But Queen Iris was torn and confused, so was not making decisions as wisely as she used to.

"Cilan needs an attorney who will believe in him," Ash told Iris. "May I suggest Phoenix Wright?"

"Who is he?"

"You don't know who Phoenix Wright is?" Ash gasped. "He's one of the best lawyers a man could ever ask for. You must have at least heard of the Armandos?"

"The lawyer couple: Mia and Diego who live in The House Of Grossberg?"

"There's the ones," Ash responded. "Phoenix was employed by Lady Armando!"

"They have a good reputation." Iris and Ash finally reached the end of the maze where Kamon stood waiting for Iris. "Mr. Grossberg was a kind man. On my first wedding he gave lemons as a present." Iris had made up her mind. She raised her hand as if she had a eureka moment. "I will see if Phoenix Wright would like to defend Cilan."

"I'm sure he would be happy to defend Cilan," Ash said. "Because he is innocent and Phoenix will make sure the truth will be revealed in the trial."

"Your Majesty," Kamon mouthed as if it were an urgent manner with his brisk tone. "Lady Bianca has brought Larxene's son into court. Larxene shortly died afterwards."

"We'll need to ensure that Elijah is right at home."

Kamon smirked.

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