Chapter Seven: Meeting Pope Mickey

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"Does this dress please you?" Iris asked Cilan. She captured his attention with her pink gown with long sleeves and a splitting skirt held by gigantic ribbons, revealing her legs. Around her neck was a pink transparent shoal. As she smiled she held onto Cilan's emerald robe and smiled. The Queen lifted her head and revealed the silver locket shaped as an Axew. It was the one that Lance had given to her as an engagement present. She watched Cilan's smile rise and fall, but held onto the tusk waiting for Cilan to open it.

Cilan said nothing and opened the locket. One side had a picture of her sons with Iris' Haxorus. Colourfully engraved on the picture on the left, was Cilan himself. His smile returned as he held onto Iris' chin. "It pleases me wonderfully." Iris was still wearing Lance's wedding ring, but it was on her index finger instead of the wedding finger.

Cilan opened the door to the carriage for his Queen. Iris smiled and stepped in. The carriage was just what Iris and Cilan wanted. Extravagant on the outside, and cosy in the inside. As soon as Cilan hopped next to Iris, the four zebstrikas took it as a sign to charge off. The King and Queen could hear the lighting strike as they charged to The Vatican for The Pope's party.

The rocking of the vehicle was ferocious, but the strength of the steel bars and their hand grips was enough to keep them safe. Iris's golden axew and Cilan's pansage were also present. Axew sat comfortably on Iris' crown whilst Pansage sat on Cilan's lap.

"How are you feeling about today?" Iris asked Cilan.

"I kinda..." Cilan started but struggled to speak. He sighed and shook his head and added a bold tone to his voice. "Come what may!"

"You have nothing to fear," Iris confirmed. "Pope Mickey is a very kind. Even though we have not spoken often since I divorced Lance. He was always there for my spiritual needs."

Cilan's hands were fragile, like holding a baby in her arms. Long and thin. Like a child, Cilan made her smile when he cared for her. She knew that Cilan felt the same way. They knew each other's strengths and weaknesses: each and every one of them. She placed her head beside Pansage. Cilan's legs were constricted, but he didn't care as long as Her Majesty was comfortable.

Cilan was so delightful, having him as a husband was like having a whole lime cake to herself. Iris had been looking forward to the party. She was looking forward to meeting Queen Cynthia of Sinnoh, known as 'The Lesbian Queen' for her civil partnership with Dawn, Duchess of Twinleaf. At first she didn't understand why Queen Cynthia would risk the legacy of her throne for a forbidden love between a woman, but now she was married to Cilan, she could finally understand that love moved in mysterious ways.

"You've met Princess Dawn before haven't you?" Iris asked Cilan.

"Cynthia's wife?"

Iris nodded. "Queen Cynthia confused me. Why didn't she want to marry a man? Did she have any idea how dangerous she was without a husband and children to pass the throne onto. How could she risk everything to be with Dawn? How could they have heirs? But since we got married, it all makes sense to me now. Pope Mickey approved of their marriage because he saw that the two of them were in love with each other."

"And you need not worry about succession," Cilan whispered. "You already have two sons. And more to come. Maybe you'll get a girl this time."

"You are more important to me than anything in the world right now."

"You sound happy. Are you excited."

"Delighted." Iris jumped up and raised her arms in the air. "I get to show the world my love for you."

"And I can display my everlasting affection for you."

The trip to The Vatican was a lot quicker than Cilan had expected. He was amazed of the speed of the carriage, even though the funny cramps in his stomach made him think that they could have gone a bit slower next time. Either way, they were finally at The Vatican and meet Pope Mickey at one of his many palaces. Riku opened the door and bowed his head.

"Welcome to The Vatican, Your Majesties," Riku said.

"Thank you," Iris said as she hopped out of the carriage. She opened her arm out for her King as he waved at Riku. Cilan didn't really know how to behave in Riku's presence, so he decided if Iris would do anything such as praying or kissing the ground, that he would do the same.

"Would you like to follow Cardinal Snape and Cardinal Frollo to the hall," Riku requested.

"Certainly," Cilan said.

The King and Queen of Unova followed the two cardinals who were utterly silent. Both of them men appeared to be very miserable and silent whilst they guided them to the huge hall. As the pair of them opened the doors to the hall, they both said in unison, "May Arceus and Mew bless you."

Cilan and Iris entered the hall as a traditional couple. They held each other's hands as if their lives depended on it. The way everyone stared at them made Cilan feel as if he was a celebrity. He wasn't sure weather it was a good thing or a bad thing, but all of a sudden, he felt rather famous. Then he thought to himself, what did he expect, he was The King of Unova and Iris' second husband, people were bound to look.

"Good evening everybody," Pope Mickey said as soon as he walked into the hall. Two rows of cardinals followed him, including Frollo and Snape who were at the front. Their white faces made it easy to spot the pair of them. "Would you all like to take a seat on the table." The Cardinals all stood on opposite sides of the room. As the monarchs and their spouses all sat down, Pope Mickey was his trusted friends; Riku, Donald and Goofy. As the three of them also sat down, Pope Mickey remained standing. His grand red seat at the beginning of the table was empty and had Mickey's name on it.

"Now before we all begin our feast and dancing," Pope Mickey announced. "I have a few things I have to announce. Through centuries of war, hunting and poverty many creatures are now endangered species. The Kabutos and Omastar family have been officially extinct. Things have gone far enough as far I'm concerned," Pope Mickey declared. "As world leaders we must act. So I have created a treaty known as The Order Of The Creatures."

"What is this Order Of The Creatures?" May, the Queen of Hoenn asked. "It sounds excellent."

"The Order Of The Creatures will be a new law to ensure that all species of the world will work together in partnership with humans. Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, Sinnoh, Unova and The Digital Islands have already proven that this kind of partnership is successful and will promote good peace to all of the world. And now I will read out the concise version of the treaty."

Pope Mickey unrolled part of a scroll. It was clear to see that this must have been The Order Of The Creatures.

The Order Of The Creatures

A treaty created by His Holiness, Pope Mickey

Following the events of tragic loss due to war, poverty, and hunting and any kind of evidence against Arceus' will, His Holiness, Pope Mickey has created this treaty to promote peace and good will to the world. The Order Of The Creatures will make partnerships with different species as a compulsory law across the world. This treaty will take action as soon as monarchs sign it.

By signing this treaty, monarchs promise that:

* Hunting and killing mythical creatures such as dragons, unicorns etc as forbidden.

* Discrimination against someone to their individual powers such as witchcraft and wizardry is now illegal.

* Proposals to declare wars must to be approved by His Holiness before they take place.

* Hunting and killing of any species registered and acknowledged by Arcues, Mew and The Holy Trios as pokemon as forbidden.

* I can be overthrown or forced to abdicate if I am convicted of breaking the laws set by this treaty.

* Remarriages, divorces and adoptions must be approved by His Holiness before finalized.

* To be kind towards everything and everyone.

"I love it!" Ash cried. "It's a great idea. It will make everybody in Hoenn feel safe and secure." Pope Mickey handed a waiver for everybody to sign. The quicker they signed it, the quicker they could party.

Meanwhile in Lord Xemnas' chamber, the seven that survived were gathered in the office. Lord Xigbar and Lord Xemnas wanted Xion and Larxene to be on good terms during their pregnancies. The stress caused by a fickle emotion called hatred could put the life of the unborn children in danger. If Larxene wanted to succeed with her plan, she had to remain calm. But there was one problem to this, telling Larxene to calm down was like ordering a thunderstorm to go to sleep; it wouldn't work.

With the loss of his peers, Lord Xenmas was under more pressure to go into war with Hoenn and seek revenge on those who wrecked his attacks. He also wanted Sora to be dead. For as long as Sora loves, Lord Xemnas' desire to become king was at jepardy. In order to become a king he had to either marry a queen or snatch the crown by force. Royal blood was sacred, and Xemnas believed that it was flowing in his veins. His noble status was his right and not a reward.

He watched Iris and Lance's coronation with green eyes. He could not be king right now, but hr was going to make King Cilan's life difficult indeed. Nobody in the room would dare stop him.

With all the power of being a king, Xemnas could finally obtain the pkey to obtain the hearts he craved the most.

"How long have you both been with child?"

"At least a month and a half," Larxene responded. "Xion must be at least a month."

"So only eight months to go."

"If all goes to plan," said Larxene as she rubbed her stomach, "Xion and I will both give birth at the same time."

Then Xigbar remembered the time when he had breakfast with Queen Iris. Her Majesty, stated that she would love a daughter."

Roxas said, "I don't think the child's gender matters at this stage."

"The whole world will think this is The King's bastard child," Larxene shouted. "Everything matters. We have to give birth to daughters."

"What's wrong with sons?" Xemnas asked as he sat in his chair, pondering about how quickly he was falling from The Queen's favour since Lance left Unova.

"Iris already has sons," Larxene snapped. She banged her fist on the table. "She wants daughters and if Xion and I give The Queen what she wants then we won't get convicted."

"That's rubbish!" Axel roared as he jumped up his seat. "If they find out you were lying we would all get executed. The children won't get born and your plan would backfire."

Larxene giggled. "That will only happen if one of us produces a son."

"What exactly are you going to do with these children?" Xemnas asked. "These two brats are being brought into the world for a reason."

"Don't call them brats," Roxas demanded. He knew for a fact that Xion was carrying his child. and for all he knew and what Larxene was like, she could be carrying his child as well. He didn't want his children to be addressed in such a foul manner.

"Oh Roxas," Larxene said sarcastically. "Wouldn't you be a good and loving father? Oh please, the thought of you being a father is laughable."

Axel thought that Larxene was being a hypocrite for bringing him down. Axel wouldn't hot a pregnant woman, but when he first heard that Larxene was pregnant, he thought she was lying. He couldn't bring himself to hit her again, not while she's carrying his best friend's child. Axel was certain it was Roxas' child inside Larxene and that trying to be Cilan's mistress would make her outrageous plan become believable. He looked at Larxene and said, "It was all your idea to begin with. Did you forget to memorize that part?"

"Being pregnant can't make me normal all the time," Larxene replied.

The door slammed open. Lord Gropius barged into the dark room and was followed by soldiers holding torches and spears.

"My lord," Xemnas croaked. He left the back of his table and stomped his way to Lord Gropius with a cross look on his face. "Don't get me wrong, I am pleased to see you. But why must you come to my office in such a rouge manner?"

"Lord Xemnas," Lord Gropius announced. His face was cold and serious. "You are under arrest for multiple offences against The Queen."

"Really?" Xemnas asked. He stood there motionless. "I am surprised. Could you care to explain the reasoning for my arrest?"

"Gladly." Lord Gropius nodded and read out the scroll from his pocket. The arrest has been issued by Lady Caitlin, the head of the Elite Four. The warrant has also been verified as lawful by Lance, The King of Johto, head of Kanto's Elite Four and Prince of Unova. You have been charged for the attempted murder of King Cilan; sexual assault against the Duchess Of Blackthorn; blasphemy against Pope Mickey; and plotting to overthrow Her Majesty. These are very serious charges. For your offences all your household have been discharged. You have forfeited your title as a nobleman and commander of the army. Xemnas is there anything you wish to say?"

"No," Xemnas responded.

"Then it is my duty to escort you to the dungeon."

Lord Saïx who had been silent the whole time remained as motionless as ever in the room. He muttered to himself, "That escalated quickly."

Lord Gropius's feet froze on the ground as his face turned to Saïx. "Is there something you wish to say Lord Saïx?"

"Now that you've mentioned it," replied Saïx. He stood up as he asked, "Who will become the new commander of the army."

"Since you're second-in-command," Lord Gropius explained. "There's a high chance that it will be you. If not then it will most likely be Xigbar."

"Another one bites the dust," Lord Xigbar said as he watched Xemnas being escorted by Lord Gropius. Everybody in the room knew how much Xemnas hated the foul smell and gruesome scenes of torture and starvation. These dungeons were underneath Nimbassa Castle, but the bricks blocked out the sound of the screams. It was a hell hidden place. The most popular of the prisoners stay live in solitary confinement in the dungeon whilst the poorer people all live in a muddy and crumbly pits. "I wonder who is next."

"I think you guys know who I hope it is." Axel glared at Larxene.

"We will all be safe," Larxene persisted. She held onto Axel's black robes as she added, "As long as long as you in particular Axel, control your tempter."

"Sure thing kiddo," Xigbar said as he sat down on the empty seat that Xemnas always to sit in.

Cilan thought to himself that there must have been at least thirty couples in the room. King Lance was not one of them, which was proof that he was not interested in any other women. Monarchs who were single, were allowed to come to the party and arrange marriages for political alliance. He only knew a handful of the couples; Queen Cynthia of Sinnoh and her wife Dawn; Queen May of Hoenn and her husband, Ash; King Gary of Kanto and his wife, Misty. To be honest, Cilan was glad that Lance didn't arrive to the party: it would have made things awkward.

Cilan adored the magnificent food, vivid orchestra arrangement of violins and guitars and the eyes of his wife. He spun around the room and threw himself on the marble floor, and rolled over as a shape of a star. He felt he was in heaven.

Iris smirked as she faced Queen Belle and King Adam from France. Next to them was King Eric and Queen Ariel of Spain. "I am fortunate to find such a perfect man." She could still see some of the royal peers were shocked, surprised and some even in horror by the fact that Iris remarried.

Queen Ariel held on to King Eric's arms. The redhead showed a face of concern. "But what happened to Lance? Is he okay?"

"He is well," Iris replied. "Lance and I got on very well, but we were not meant to be."

"Well I hope your new marriage is successful," King Eric said. "Best of luck."

Iris raised her glass. "Thank you."



"I'm so happy to see you." Queen Jasmine tapped Iris' shoulder. They greeted each other like long-lost friends. "You should have told me that you changed the wedding date. I would have come to it."

"Lets see this new husband of yours!"

"Oh Mr. Aladdin how wonderful to you." Cilan reached out to shake his hand. "Now tell me, have you come far?"

"I have sir," Aladdin replied. "Born a street rat and now Sultan of Agrabah."

"Jolly good," Cilan exclaimed. He actually meant if Aladdin and Jasmine had come from a long distance. "It sounds like a wonderful story."

"You should come to Agrabah," Aladdin persisted. "I think you will love our palace."

"If it's anything like the paintings I've seen," Cilan replied. "Then I'm sure it's wonderful."

"My sons love it in Agrabah," Iris interrupted. She held Cilan's shoulder and kissed his cheek. "Perfect summer vacation. The boys love the magic carpet and the genie."

With Iris talking about their sons with pride, Cilan was zoned out of the conversation. Cilan could see red hair swaying from behind a stone pillar. Curious by who was behind it, he crept away from the royal people and decided to see who it was. Cilan had a gut feeling who the person could have been. As Cilan placed his hand on the pillar, he could see the shadow of a man.

"I didn't expect you to here... Kamon," Cilan spoke quietly.

"My purpose in life is to serve Her Majesty," Kamon snarled. With those humble words spoken in an attitude that Cilan disliked, he knew that Kamon Ketchum was a threat.

Laughter spat out of Cilan's mouth. "How wonderful. It is nice of you to come when you were so wonderfully invited." Cilan smiled harder at Kamon's vacant and wide-eyed face crumble into a snearful glare. "Of course I'd understand why you would want to play peeping tomb If she is here. You wanted to know what you were missing out on."

"On the contrary I'm here to tell you that Xemnas shall be executed tomorrow for this crimes against you."

"Nice one," Cilan said. He crossed his arms. "Use Unova's court affairs as an excuse to come here. It's all a cover up isn't it?"

"I don't understand."

"I think you understand me perfectly," Cilan said. "You and your father. That evil terrorist, Giovanni Ketchum."

"My father did not always make good choices," Kamon whispered. Cilan smirked as he watched his voice broke. "But I can assure you that my father is making atonements for what he has done."

"I don't know what you two are planning," Cilan confessed. "But you will never split me and Iris up."

"I would never do a thing like that."

"Why don't I believe you?" Cilan asked himself. He turned away from Kamon and stared proudly at Queen Iris. "She has beautiful eyes and a beautiful smile. A beautiful queen on top of the world."

"An angel should touch the ground," Kamon whispered. His romantic words made Cilan flip his hands at Kamon's cheek. For good measure, Cilan punched him again. "Humph! You must be happy to have Iris. You're the most fortunate man in the world."

"I can see it in your piercing eyes," Cilan kneeled closer to him until their noses bashed together. "You are jealous of me."

"You're only strong because your noble status," Kamon said in the most dignified manner. He bowed his head and smiled. "One day I will be king."

"In your dreams," Cilan hissed.

"I'm going to be a great king," Kamon promised Cilan. "You're only but an obstacle."

"You're not even a mere fraction of a man," Cilan snapped.

Kamon smiled. "I'll beat you with all my power. It shouldn't surprise you; I come from a powerful family. If the dragon tamer was a pushover, what chance do you think you have?"

"You're a fool," Cilan declared. "And you really are delusional if you think your father is a great man."

Kamon growled and marched out of Cilan's sight. Cilan became to keep a close eye on Kamon. Nobody could take Iris away from him, but they were free to try. It would only end in tragedy in the end.

For ex-nobleman Xemnas, the trial was a disaster. Manfred von Karma had traveled all the way from Germany to Unova to prosecute Xemnas to his grave. His cold face could bring volcanoes to its knees. It no wonder that Manfred was considered, the best prosecutor in the world. As soon as Manfred made his way into court, everyone knew Xemnas' fate before the trial had even started. It was a guilty verdict, just as planned.

He was thrown back into his own cell after the trial. He knew that he was going to die. Xemnas saw no point in resisting death. Anything was better than the dark filth he had to call home. He beloved he was dying for a good cause. That he would be leaving a corrupted world into another world where he could obtain the purified heart he had always desired. He could be the King of Kingdom Hearts in his eternal dreams.

"Xemnas," said Cheren as he walked into the cell. Xemnas laughed at Cheren's cold and manly voice. "I must inform you that you are going to die. Your execution will take place in Anville Town at nine o'clock tomorrow morning."

"How are you going to kill me?" Xemnas asked.


"How did I know? I bet it's Sora who is beheading me."

"I have no information of who will be your executioner, but would you like a confessor?"

"No thank you." Xemnas had little time for gods like Arceus. He would be surprised if Arceus even recognized his face through his less than glorious face.

"Then you will be escorted by to Anville Town at five o'clock in the morning by myself and Lord Gropius."

"I have only seven hours to live..." pondered Xemnas. "It will be a sad way to go, but It is destiny. I will rise again." Cheren looked down at Xemnas unsympathetically as he turned his back and marched out of the prison. Xemnas raised his hand, "Please just one more thing before you go."

Cheren stamped his feet as he kept his neck still. "Make it quick," he requested. "I would like some sleep."

"I ask of you to pray for my ladies-in-waiting," Xemnas requested. "For they are with child to King Cilan's children. I know you think that I am lying, but it was not their fault; they were raped."

Cheren opened the door. "Your request will be granted," he said before slamming to door.

Xemnas did not have his last sleep. He waited patiently until the clock stroke five, where Cheren and Lord Gropius escorted him to a carriage. The journey took exactly four hours and he was there just in time for his execution. There was nothing left Xemnas wished to say. In sheer silence he walked into the scaffold and imploded his neck on the block. He took no time to look who was present, but he knew that Xigbar, Saïx, Axel, Xion, Larxene and Roxas where present.

As he drew his final breaths, he opened his arms wide and felt a tense moment of agony. In the painful millisecond where his head left his body, all of his life flashed before his eyes until everything faded.

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