Chapter Six: A War Was Coming

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Good people of Hoenn, this is the darkest day of my life... but it will bring a brighter tomorrow for you all. My wife has died. She was burned at Dragonspiral Tower for a crime she didn't commit. My son is dying. We may be sacred flesh but kings too are human. I hope that you all understand that my grief is too strong for me to perform my duties as king. From this day forward I discharge myself as king. And I want you all to know , as Arceus is my witness that it was by choice to abdicate. Nobody influenced or persuaded me to do this. It has been entirely my decision.

But I will serve and honour you all until my death. I lay down my burdens. I will be succeeded by my daughter May. She is betrothed to Prince Ash of Kanto. They will give you a bright promising future. I am sure that you all miss me as king, but due to tragic events I have had to make decisions based on what I believe is best for my country.

I will be looking forward to my daughter's coronation And I pray that you all share my enthusiasm and pray for our new queen. I wish her, and you, her people, happiness and prosperity with all my heart.

King Norman's sudden abdication came as a sudden shock to Iris. But at the same time she considered it a blessing. If this was a war, Iris was confident that she had won. Hoenn used to be on good terms with Unova until Iris divorced Lance. Queen Caroline greatly disproved of the divorce and of her marriage to Cilan. If Hoenn's prince dies, then Norman would die too of a broken heart. She would not blame May if she was angry at her over mother's decapitation.

Iris was petrified as she laid still in her bed. Weather Caroline was a witch or not, Hoenn had lost their beloved Queen. On top of that, Iris was partly responsible for the mental breakdown of a kind king. Ash and May's marriage would form a political alliance with Kanto and Hoenn. Ash was not only the duke of Pallet, but the cousin to Gary Oak: Kanto's handsome king. For Ash Ketchum it was the case of being in the right family tree, but the wrong branch.

There were many things that didn't make sense to Iris about Caroline's arrest. How could Caroline have stolen her sapphires if she had never stepped foot in Unova before? How could she even know where the secret location to the sapphires without any direct contact from her? Iris had a feeling there was a third party involved, but Marluxia found the sapphires around Caroline's neck. As his reward, he was allowed to keep the sapphires.

Thee thoughts of Caroline drove Iris up the wall. She just wanted to put everything behind her. "Ash's dream will come true," Iris announced. She held onto Cilan's hand as she squirmed at the thoughts that May would seek revenge on the downfall of her family. Not only that, Caroline was in contact with Iris' enemies over at Orre who plot to overthrow Iris.

"What dream was that?"

"To become king." Iris turned over and rolled herself on top of Cilan. She felt an urgent to desire to gaze into his eyes, it was the only sense of sanity she felt she had left. "King Norman of Hoenn has abdicated."

"Really?" Cilan gasped. "How and why?"

"All thanks to his wife," Iris whispered. "She was plotting with some enemies to overthrow me."

"Have you met their daughter?" Cilan asked. "May's getting married to Ash."

"I've heard many things about her through Ash," Iris replied. "But no, we have never met. She will be angry with me."


"With her mother dead, father quitting and fatally ill brother, and after what I said about Ash... She may want to start a war on me."

"But why can't we all just get along?" Cilan sighed. "I'm sure the pope or Ash will talk her out of a war. You look worried."

"I'm not."

With a smile, Cilan said: "Save your fears for another day. You've got me."

Prince Pagan appeared from behind the curtain and ran away as soon as his eyes met Cilan's churpy face. Cilan chased Pagan through the corridors of the castle and into Pagan's room.

"Pagan," Cilan said. Closing the door behind him. "Tell me what's wrong."

"I can't win." Pagan sobbed. He clutched onto his bagon with a mighty force. The bagon's eyes began to water as he growled with his trainer.

"What do you mean?" Cilan asked. He tried to hug Pagan, but the young boy rolled over to the other side of the room. Cilan couldn't help but notice an aching stretch in his heart. His own eyes began to tear up. "You're the future king of Unova and Johoto. His words did nothing. Pagan's face turned red. His eyes were narrow and he leered at Cilan.

"My mother will declare me and my brother bastards," Pagan muttered. "All my preparations and upbringing will be wasted."

"She would never say such a thing."

"She said her marriage to father was wrong. Null and void. Which makes us bastards.. But I know it's not true. Father loves Mother. He will do anything to make us happy."

"Listen to me Pagan." Cilan trapped Pagan and joined the hug. "I ask as you as your stepfather, and as king..."

Bagon crunched on Cilan's index finger whilst pagan found the opportunity to slap Cilan.

"You are no king to me," Pagan snarled. "By denying you I upset my mother. But if ever bow to you, I would be betraying my family. My father is the true king of Unova and my mother's husband."

It seemed that Iris had been right to be worried about May being crowned as Queen. May had announced that she wanted her army to go into a battle with Unova. Iris understood that even though May was happy about her status, she didn't like the way she was crowned. It was true that Iris should have treated the late Queen Caroline a lot more ethically than she did. From now on, Iris was going to make a law that everybody in Unova had the right to a fair trial. She was now beginning to have doubts if it was Caroline that really stole the sapphires.

But that couldn't have been the only reason May wanted war on Unova. Ash was seriously worried that Iris would execute him. He wanted Iris to help because King Gary's funds for Cinnibar Island had been stolen. King Gary suspected his uncle Giovanni was responsible for the stealing, and Ash had tried to clear his father's name with no prevail. Giovanni was very unpopular for his beliefs that pokemon are tools for profit and war. Iris didn't want to be involved but the conversation between Ash and Iris escalated a bit too quickly.

And Caroline's death led to Norman retiring from his duties. May would have been devastated. She could only imagine how May must have felt. But Iris was once in May's shoes. Her father had passed away from an early age, and her mother died when she was fifteen. They were both very young queens, and to be honest, Iris did not want a war with Hoenn. She was happy, she wanted to enjoy herself and feel the taste of freedom. But the battle would ensure the safety of her people.

Iris had spent the evening in Nimbasa Court. A party was hosted by Elesa, the duchess of Nimbasa. King Cilan and his brothers had prepared a banquet for them all. Beverages included sacred green teas, sweet almond milk and the finest wine in the land. It was something to keep Iris' concerns to rest, and it worked. Iris had happily chatted to everybody and danced with the gusts. When the clock stroke twelve, Iris sat on her chair and rang the bell. All were silent for Her Majesty.

Iris announced, "Tomorrow my army will go into battle with Hoenn. I wish all of my army good luck and may Arceus bless them all. I confess that I did not want this battle to start, but I must fight in order to keep my people safe. To the army!"

"The army!"

Iris' eyes caught the attention of a young man. The first thing that she noticed was the long red hair, the second was his fierce eyes. He stood at the back of the room and Iris had rarely seen him dance. Iris had never seen the man before and the fierce look in his face seemed to have hidden a sense of fear. Iris could understand that, not everyone are social butterflies the first time they enter court. Judging by the silver coat, it was evident that he from a foreign place.

"Now if you excuse me." Iris curtsied and left the room. "You may all continue." As soon as Iris left the table, the classical music and dancing started again. She went up to the man and said to him, "Good evening. You're new to court. What's your name?"

The man bowed. "Kamon Ketchum."

Iris was struck by his beauty, but she had to remind herself that she was married to Cilan, who was just as, if not more enchanting than a starry black sky. The name made her curious. "Any relations to Ash Ketchum?"

"He is my brother."

"Well welcome to court," Iris said. She hugged the prince and let out her hand. "Let me introduce you with a warming dance."

"Of course." He bowed and took her hand. The pair led each other to the dance floor. People around the corner, especially Chilli and Cress were taken by surprise that Iris was dancing with Kamon. To an even bigger surprise that Kamon even attended.

"So how is Ash?" Iris asked.

"He is well," Kamon replied. "My brother has asked you not to declare war on Hoenn."

"Really?" Iris said. She smiled and felt as if a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders. "I would have thought that Queen May would want to declare war on me."

"My brother managed to talk her out of it. The battle will only be friendly."

"Your brother is a good man."

"I hear him say such good things about you." As Iris twirled, he kissed her hand. "It is a joy that we finally meet."

"I ask you do me a favour, Kamon?"

"And what is that?"

Iris whispered delicately into his ear, "You come to Unova much more often. So I can honour you in every way possible."


"What pokemon do you have?"

"Feraligatr, Gengar, Alakazam, Magnezone, Crobat, Weavile, Kingdra and Honchkrow."

"Are they with you now?"

"Only Feraligatr." Kamon's face turned towards the blue bulky crocodile dancing with Iris' Haxorus. "He took me here."

"You must show them to me when you have the chance. We should also have a battle with them at some point."

"I think that would be excellent."

"Is that your feraligatr?" Iris had faced the same direction as Kamon's and laughed at the pokemon's two left feet.

"It is indeed." He paused, and then chuckled. "Haxorus seems to like his company."

"You should come more often," Iris repeated herself. She felt as if she had found a new friend in Kamon. "You are absolutely invited to my castle anytime you please."

"Thank you Your Majesty."

"Iris..." Cilan's voice broke.

"Cilan, allow me to introduce to you Kamon, Ash's younger brother."

"Good day." Cilan bowed his head. "How long are staying in Unova?"

"For as long as it pleases The Queen."

"Well haven't you got a cheeky style," said Cilan. Iris laughed. "My lady may we have a word."

"Of course." Iris wrapped her arm around Cilan's shoulder and waved at Kamon. "It was a pleasure meeting you Your Highness."

"A pleasure to see you too."

Iris felt she was having a heart attack when she was carried out of the room. Cilan cradled her and lowered his head to conceal his anger. As soon as The King and Queen left the room, Kamon turned around and saw his father, Giovanni holding a goblet of wine and a small smile on his face. Everyone else seemed to be concerned. Chili and Cress found the opportunity to speak their mind.

"I think you should leave," Chilli said to Kamon.

Cress intervened. "Yes. Go back to Kanto where you belong."

"But Her Majesty said I am welcome to stay for as long as I like."

"Well your little game is upsetting my brother."

"Good evening gentlemen," Giovanni said, before biting into a strawberry pie. "I believe you may have made a mistake."

"Well your son was trying to take my brother's wife away from her."

"Nonsense," Giovanni cackled. He patted his son on the back. "Her Majesty was giving my son her good blessing."

"Oh really?" Cress barked.

"I assure you if Her Majesty is truly in love with your brother, then you have nothing to fear."

"What the hell were you doing?" Cilan asked. The rocking of the carriage made Cilan raise his voice, and to Iris it sounded as if he was yelling so all of Unova could hear him. Cilan covered his face with his green sleeves.

Iris laughed. "I was only being sociable."

"You were all over him."

"I've not seen you in that dress?" Cilan commented on Iris' blue dress. "Who gave it to you."

"Lance gave it a long time ago."

"And did Lance give you that necklace too?" Cilan held onto Iris' silver locket shaped as an axew. "And that's his wedding ring!" Cilan gasped at the huge opal on her ring. "I thought you and Lance were over."

"We are. Of course we are over. I'm married to you."

"Then why do you wear his wedding ring?"

" All the gifts from Lance are a symbol of my power. I am still Queen Regent of Johto. Why are you making such a fuss over nothing?"

"But our wedding rings are symbol of our love." Cilan began to cry. "All these things...they're you and Lance. It's like having three people in a marriage. Don't you get it?"

"I have more things to worry about then jewelry and pretty dresses. WHY DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND THAT?" Iris paused. She stopped to watch Cilan burst into tears. "I'm sorry... Why are you crying?"

"Our beautiful is marriage is being tarnished."

"Now don't be so childish." Iris passed her husband a pink handkerchief. "Here have a tissue."

"Pagan has already declared his eternal hate to me."

"Pagan is only a child who feels that he's losing his father." Iris held onto Cilan's hand and kissed him on the cheek. "Whatever my sons say to you, don't take offence from them."

After the battle, a memorial service was held in memory of all the people who had fallen. Including Xaldin, Vexen, Lexaeus, Zexion and Luxord. Xion had made precautions to ensure that Larxene and King Cilan would soon join them below the graves. Xion stroked her own stomach and thought of Larxene's plot. The plot that all of Lord Xemnas' crew approved of with the exception of her, Axel and Roxas. Nothing on earth would convince Axel that Larxene's plan was wise. Both he and Xion had always despised Larxene, and that her plot to trick everyone into thinking she was carrying the bastard child of King Cilan was disgusting.

Xion knew that there had to be a way to stop Larxene's plan from working. Half of the people who approved of Larxene's plans were now dead. No one need never know or let Larxene succeed. Marluxia and Demyx didn't really care that much about it. Demyx allowed all the fame King Cilan gave him get into his head. Marluxia on the other hand surrounded himself with flowers. He claimed they're good for his health.

Xion sat in her small grey cell with nothing but a plain mattress to sleep in. Xion's pokemon, a litwick she nicknamed Kairi provided the only light that she needed. Without Kairi's blue flames, her cell would be pitch black. Even the other maids had more luxurious bedrooms than of Xion. She did not mind the cold walls lacking design. It was what she needed, and it was Arceus' will for her to live in poverty. That was what Lord Xenmas said. Below her bed was wooden floor. As cold as winter's air. Xion was used to the cold: she would never dare shiver.

"Mew," Xion whispered. "In your mercy, hear my prayer. I know we have to love, serve and honour our kings but... I can't. No matter how much I try, I cannot bring myself to bow to King Cilan. He stole our Queen from us. I pray that my plan works. And bless Burgundy. It is not her fault. And Arcues forbid that I slaughtered her and framed her for The King and Larxene's death."

Burgundy was a lady-in-waiting for King Cilan. She was also responsible for serving wine at the party at the memorial service. She had poisoned two glasses of wine, which were reserved for King Cilan and Larxene. Xion couldn't bring the thought of Burgundy being tried, convicted and tortured for a crime she didn't commit so with her keyblade, she stabbed Burgundy and made it look like suicide.

The sheer guilt of killing The King and his pregnant mistress would be a powerful burden to share. Xion wanted to burst into tears. She murdered one person, and didn't even know if Cilan and Larxene were dead yet. Iris would be a widow. And what if Iris didn't go back to Lance? There were rumours that Iris now had her eyes on Kamon Ketchum.

"Burgandy is a kind and gentle person," Xion whispered. "She deserves nothing more than Arceus' loving grace. Bless Larxene's unborn child too. I mean no harm to it, but you and the holy legends can't let Larxene have her way. You can't! I hear The King is an incubus, I believe it to be true. I found Larxene with The King again. She was naked and he was topless. I collapsed. I could be with child too. Xenmas forced me and Roxas to go to bed with each other. Please Mew, have mercy on me. Look after us and especially look after Roxas."

She held onto her black hair and gripped the top of her neck. Gritting her teeth, she resisted the urge to scream. Even though Xion had a feeling she was pregnant, she couldn't help but feel that her chest was empty. She gasped and rolled over to the bed. Her black sleeves covered her face just in case she was about to cry.

She slapped her hands together and raised them to the sky. "Why? Why am I so heartless?"

"You're not heartless," Kairi replied. "You're one of the most humble master's I've ever had." Kairi's small hands tapped Xion's legs and Xion rolled back over to face her. "You only did what you thought was right."

"But I murdered people. One of them was innocent."

"Arceus will forgive you," Kairi announced. "It doesn't how bad your sins are. Arceus, Mew and The Holy Legends will forgive you if you ask for their blessing."

"Queen Iris is the best monarch to have ever lived," Xion mumbled. "And I have betrayed her. I must prepare a speech for my execution."

"Don't be silly." Kairi sighed. "You are not going to get executed. I'm not going to let that happen."

"Queen Iris is gracious," Xion repeated herself. "But she has strong punishments against sinners like me. No wise person would dare break the law in Unova. They would lose their heads."

"As long as you stick to the story you'll be fine."

"I will never be able to escape the truth," Xion whispered. "No matter how far I run. I cannot escape the consequences of my choices."

"Shh! I hear someone coming."

"Hopefully it's Axel or Roxas."

It was both of them. Roxas opened the door whilst Axel bent over and crawled into the room. Roxas closed the door behind him. Xion looked up to the pair of them and smiled. "Good evening," Xion said.

"What's wrong Xion?" Roxas asked. "Why have you got blood on your cheek?"

"What makes you think it's blood?" Xion asked.

"Well you don't drink," Axel said. "So blood is the only thing it could be." Axel stared at the cloth covered in blood under Xion's bed.

Xion dropped her head, hanging it in shame. "Poor Iris..."

Roxas widened his eyes and scrunched his cheeks in confusion. "Huh? What do you mean poor Iris?"

"With Cilan dead along with Larxene and their bastard child... it looks like our queen is left a widow. Burgundy didn't deserve to die, but she was the only person that could be framed."

Roxas' mouth was wide open. "WHAT?"

"The King needed to pay for the damage he's done to our country," Xion muttered. "He is the reason for the cold plague, the cruel wind and the vicious storms. If Larxene gives birth to his child it would be a disaster for everybody."

"Xion..." Axel sat on the bed next to her and rubbed her back. "It wasn't Cilan and Larxene that died. Marluxia and Demyx were the ones that were killed."

"Oh no."

"Marluxia took the drink of Larxene," Roxas said. "He drank all of it in front of her. He said she shouldn't be drinking."

"And what about Demyx?" Xion asked.

"Cilan gave Demyx his cup," Axel responded. "Xemnas said he could be arrested for his murder."

"So let me get this straight?" It was the voice of a woman. The three of them reconised it as Larxene. She helped herself and opened the door. She crossed her left arm and patted her stomach with her free hand. "You tried to kill me and The King, and frame his lady-in-waiting for it?"

Xion didn't hold back. Roxas jumped up and sat on the opposite side of her. "Yes I did."

Larxene folded her arms . "In case you didn't know, I am carrying The King's child, and you're carrying Roxas' child."

"You'll be carried to Darkrai if you don't leave them alone," Axel roared.

"Oh Axel," Larxene giggled. "Trying to act like the hero are we? Don't make me laugh. If you three really wanted The King dead, why didn't you just say so. We could arrange that after the birth of his bastards of course. Xion, I have a little proposal for you. How about you play my game too?"


"Of course. If my calculations are correct, I think we'll be going to labour about the same time as each other."

"Xion is taking no part of this madness!" Roxas spat.

"I don't think you three realize how powerful I am," Larxene shouted. She grinned and flicked Xion's cheek. "The King has made me his mistress. I can hand you three in. And wouldn't it be a shame to have all your heads on a pike. Hmm... come to think about it, I think it sounds lovely. If Xion doesn't pretend it's The King's child then I'll have to tell everybody what you did."

Xion held onto Larxene's hand and smiled. "I won't fail next time."

Larxene left and slammed the door behind her. All three of them heard her laughter fade. Roxas couldn't let his sight leave Xion. He grabbed onto her shoulders and didn't let go of her.

"Xion," Roxas said. "Axel and I are going to be with you every step of the way."

Axel smiled. "That's right! Though it looks like Larxene is Cilan's little bitch. Xenmas isn't going to be pleased about that."

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