Chapter Ten: The Ketchum Empire

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It took months for Pope Mickey to finally grant King Gary of Kanto permission to declare war on Unova and Johto, and by the time the three regions were at war, Iris had given birth to her long awaited daughter, Lilia. Lilia was born on the 26th June 1596 at Virbank temple, unlike her sons that were born in Blackthorn castle. King Kamon, Pagan and Salem never left Her Majesty's side. Deep down in Iris' heart, she knew that Cilan was lurking in the shadows. By holding Lilia in her arms, she felt like a champion. For being a mother was far more rewarding than being a Queen. Iris could abdicate like many of her predecessors and die peacefully in retirement, but Iris believed that she should keep the title until death.

King Kamon also shared her opinion which helped some people believe that Kamon and Iris were a much better match than the last king's before him. She was overwhelmed with joy when Lilia was born. She felt that she was at peace with her children again, including the two-year-old prince, Elijah.

All of Unova rejoiced in triumph, except for one person - the vengeful maid, Gerogia Langley. She was very close with the late Lady Larxene. With her death, Georgia had lost a sister and a friend. Although Georgia lost contact with Larxene completely when she pregnant, she had a gut instinct that Larxene was remarkable woman right through to the end. Georgia had heard so many things about her friend, some of it she found very hard to believe. She was a modern girl living in a society based ancient traditions – exactly how Georgia felt.

Georgia hid behind a pillar as King Kamon and Giovanni stood face to face outside Her Majesty's chamber. King Kamon was holding Princess Lilia in his arms as Giovanni admired her rosy cheeks.

"Our heiress," Giovanni murmured. "She is destined for great things."

"She's wonderful," Kamon admitted as he kissed Lilia's little nose.

"She will bring much joy to our family," Giovanni assured his son. "Anything you desire you shall receive it. Now your dream will become true once again. With this war you could rule the world!"

"Rule?" Kamon asked. He raised his eyebrow and wrinkled his nose in confusion.

"We can destroy King Gary and King Lance, then you shall have ultimate power in Asia." Giovanni tapped his son's shoulder again and grinned.

"But father," Kamon said talking over Lilia's cries. "Lance is my friend, and Gary is my cousin. I cannot bring myself to kill them. There's been enough death by war as it is. I cannot betray them. They are part of my family, and yours too."

"Sometimes boy," Giovanni said in a calm manner, yet clenching his fists. "Sacrifices must be made."

"You really think I should be king of Johto instead of Lance?" Kamon asked.

"If I had it my way our family would rule the universe," Giovanni announced. Georgia, who had heard every word had a battle with herself not to make a noise. She was fortunate that her slender body was concealed to Giovanni and Kamon by the marble pillars. Giovanni cackled as he walked out of the room.

"My poor mother," Kamon said out of the blue.

Startled, Giovanni turned his face towards his son. "I beg your pardon?"

"Poor lady!"

"No!" Giovanni hissed. "Your mother is the most cherished princess of the land. This time next year, she will be a beloved queen."

"She will die unhappy," Kamon whispered.

Giovanni shook his head.

"You expect far too much from her," Kamon reminded his father. Kamon finally had the courage to say what he really wanted to say to his father. "For years I've defended your honour, but I cannot defend the way you treat her. The world might be blind to it, but I will always be scared. She is a human being just like we are, and Arceus forbid you threw her into the deep end like grandmother did to you. The bruises have faded, but her pain will remain the same."

"Stop this foolish talk right now," Giovanni demanded.

"Don't you understand?" Kamon implored as his father refused to look at him. "You are killing her."

Giovanni and Kamon said no more, and went their seperate ways. Safe to proceed, Georgia ran into Her Majesty's chamber. Georgia held one lady responsible for her friend's downfall. Queen Iris Ketchum, The Queen of Unova, Johto and a mother of four. Georgia had hoped that she would die of puerperal fever, but Lilia was three months old, so it was certain that Iris never contracted the child bed fever. Cilan spirit may have forgiven Queen Iris, but Georgia hated her.

Her family pressurized her into becoming Iris's lady-in-waiting just as they forced her to marry Axel. Georgia had served Iris since her coronation, so she knew Her Majesty's weaknesses like the back of her hand.

"Lady Langley," Iris whispered to Georgia. "I feel as if I have done something wrong to you. But I do not know what I've done."

Georgia lifted her eyes off the floor and rolled them to Queen Iris. "You know what you've done."

"You have to tell me," Iris implored. She had her hand on her heart as she said, "And then we can make it right."

"Why do always have to pretend to be innocent?" Georgia shrieked with her eyes red with tears. "The last two kings had their heart smashed over you, and you flash Kamon around like a trophy husband. He is Giovanni's son. You have given Giovanni the power to destroy all of us. You can never make it right. Nobody will save you, not even Arceus or any of your dragons."

"Lady Langley," Iris gasped holding back the tears. "What is the matter?"

"YOU KILLED MY BEST FRIEND!" Georgia screamed.

Lady Bianca was sitting in the corner, reading from the entire time they were there. Disturbed by Georgia's outburst, Bianca slammed her book shut and stood in front of her Queen. "That is no way to talk to the Queen Of Unova," said Bianca firmly.

"It's got nothing to do with you," Georgia snapped at Bianca. "My friend, Lady Larxene was a great woman and if it hadn't have been for you lot, she would still be alive." Nobody said a word, but the maids peeped into the room curious to what was going on. At that point, Georgia was so mad, her eyes were steaming. Iris said nothing, which frustrated Georgia even more. "Why don't you say something?"

Georgia had her left hand out ready to slap her, but Lady Bianca intervened just in time and Georgia's legs slammed against the dry floor. Iris looked disappointed, but she didn't look away from Georgia.

"I hate to admit it, but Lady Larxene was not a good person," Bianca declared. "Her death was tragic. No mother should have to go through that, but if you're looking for someone to blame, then you should be blaming your husband for her death. He was the one that neglected her."

By looking at the sheer shock in Bianca's stern face, Georgia knew that Bianca had a lot more to say to her, but her sweet nature stopped her from saying it. Georgia knew that Axel hated Larxene, but as far as Georgia was concerned it was only a rivalry for her attention. Larxene used to joke about going into her bed and having carnal knowledge of each other. Larxene's jokes were one way to enrage him.

"You should take some rest Lady Langley," Queen Iris said to Georgia. "Give you some time to reflect on what you've said. This isn't worth losing your head over, and I don't want to execute you."

Georgia jumped out and ran out of Iris' rooms. She continued to run around the house until her eyes met her husband, Axel. "Arceus may not know who I am," Georgia screamed at the top of her voice. She marched in front of Axel and clenched her fists together as her arms were spread out. Axel stroked her elbows as he watched her rant with a grin on his face. "But I swear that I will teach Her Majesty never to mess with the ones I love."

"You want to know something?" Axel whispered into Georgia's ear. His voice was so soft it melted Georgia's anger away.

"What is that?" Her lips curled into a calm smile. By looking at his evergreen eyes, Georgia saw the eyes of a good man who wanted to serve his country and wife in every single way.

He smirked as he tapped Georgia's back and lead her away to a private place. Georgia found herself in a fit of giggles as her lover said, "I do love a good cat fight."

Nuvema Temple was littered with candles that night. Behind Iris' throne was a marble statue of Arceus, with Zekrom, Reshiram and Kyurem on it's left, and Landorus, Thundrus and Tornadus on it's right. The temple was truly a tribrute to The Holy Trios with each window stain glassed in rainbow colours featuring the rainbow colours.

The Queen had brought her family and direct in-laws over to celebrate her army led by Lord Xigbar crushing King Gary's army. His army of thousands was shrivelled down to only ten. As far as they were concerned, Unova had won. The war was over for the time being, but Xigbar warned that Gary would make a desperate attempt to cause havoc in Unova. It was rare for King Gary to be gracious in defeat.

But no one thought of King Gary. There was only a couple of things that they all wanted to do: eat and be merry. Lady Bianca and Lady Langley were responsible for taking care of Lilia. The latter had recently apologized for an earlier outburst and the party was a chance to redeem herself. They watched Queen May skip towards them with the intention of having a closer look at her niece. Everyone knew that Queen May was not enthusiastic over her brother-in-law's marriage to Queen Iris because of the way they both treated Ash. But Iris' pregnancy made her excited to be an aunt because it reminded her of how much she had grown up. She was proud to be an auntie to a beautiful little princess.

Lilia had made May less resentful towards Iris and her in-laws. May never had a rpblem with Delia, but Kamon and Giovanni drove her up the wall. May hoped that Lilia would consider her to tbe the coolest aunt in the land once she grew up.

"Ash!" May called her husband with cheeks fattened with noodles. "Come and see Lilia."

With a big bowl of food, Ash dragged himself next to his wife. Ash said, "This is Delicious!" He emptied his bowl as if he was a homeless boy starved of food for a week. He didn't behave in a way that was expected for a king, but everyone knew of Ash's passion for food. "These noodles are better than the food at home."

"Take a look at Lilia. She's our niece. Isn't she beautiful?" May requested with a big smile on her face. Queen May looked up to Bianca and Georgia who smiled at the couple. May held onto Lilia's tiny fingers as Bianca held the little princess securely. May went on to proclaim, "I think Lilia will grow up to be a beauty queen."

"Yes she is beautiful," Ash responded as he licked his bowl clean. "A beautiful bastard!"

Although she was startled, May ignored Ash and asked the maids if she could hold her niece. They allowed The Queen Of Hoenn to hold her niece as she went in front of Ash and tried to show him Lilia again. "Look at Lilia," May said. "She looks a lot like your grandmother."

Ash tossed his bowl on the table and wiped his mouth clean with his sleeve. "That's a weird compliment," Ash told his wife as he raised his eye.

"I don't know why you're angry," May admitted. "But I know you can't blame Lilia for it. It's because Gary won't let you talk to Misty anymore isn't it."

Ash sighed. He turned his head away from Lilia. "Lilia is not a Ketchum and Iris' marriage to my brother is invalid."

"But Kamon and Iris have been married for over a year now," May reminded Ash. "The Pope says the marriage is valid."

"His Holiness can mind his own buisness," Ash snapped. "Cilan was my friend. My father and brother are profiting from his downfall. It's a disgusting thing to do to Cilan's honour. Not to mention that they're both a disgrace to the Ketchums. And the worst thing is that Gary blames me for all of this."

"Well Gary is being stupid," May announced without shame. She went over and kissed Ash on the cheek. "He can't blame you for everything. He needs to take responsibility for his own actions."

"...Lilia's cute," Ash whispered.

"That's better."

Meanwhile, Salem and his older brother were playing tag with their great grandfather, The Elder Prince Drayden. From what everyone could see, it seemed as it Drayden was the one who was meant to chose which one of the brothers who was it. Kamon laughed at his stepsons as he marched over to his brother with a smile on his face.

"I trust you two are well," Kamon assumed. "I'm so happy to see everyone together again."

"We are very happy," May responded as she passed Lilia over to Kamon.

"I hope you are not angry with me anymore," Kamon said to Ash as he shook his hand with his free hand.

Ash shook his head. He made it no secret that he viewed Iris' marriage to his brother illegitimate because he believed that they were responsible for Cilan's fall from grace. His poor friend was wrongly pulled away from the world. Ash would always believe that Cilan was the true love of Iris. She didn't love Kamon at all in Ash's eye, she only succumbed to the pressure of everyone else. Besides she was probably under a spell or even cursed. Trouble was his father's best friend, and it followed Giovanni wherever it went.

Giovanni was announcing Kamon's special surprise for Salem and Pagan: a surprise visit from King Lance and Lady Clair. Behind Giovanni was Lord Xigbar and Lord Saïx who entered the temple earlier in a victorious spirit. Lance and Clair were greeted with a round of applause. Salem and Pagen dashed up to their father and hugged him either side. They were a lot taller than the last time Lance had seen them - Pagan was almost as tall as Clair.

Giovanni bowed, then turned to face Lord Saïx. "May I have a word with you?" he asked so humbly.

"Of course," Saïx replied. The two men left the main hall of the temple and stayed behind the door in silence. The Archduke of Viridian had to be careful of what he said and had to choose wisely who to confide in. He could trust Saïx: he could be a valuable partner. Lord Xemnas took the man for granted and underestimated his potential.

Now that Giovanni had the man to himself, he could set him the ultimate task for the throne of Johto. With his offspring, Giovanni wanted to have absolute power by controlling his two little kings.

"What is it that you wanted to speak to me about?" Lord Saïx asked.

"Xemnas greatly underestimated you," Giovanni announced, raising his voice. "I see that you could be the key to changing this world forever."

Saïx was expressionless as Giovanni's curved lips revealed a mechanical grin. "What do you want?"

"I want King Lance and Lady Clair dead," Giovanni whispered. "They are a great threat to my family. You shall help me."

"Why would I want them dead? What's in it for me?"

"Plenty of reasons," Giovanni replied. "They took your heart away." Saïx remained silent. "Now listen up! There are two axes floating above the cieling. One of the pillars will activate the axes and they will kill. One kill will Lance and the other shall kill Clair."

"Sounds like you have it all planned," Saïx declared. "What if they find out it's you?"

"That will never happen," Giovanni awnsered. "I will simply frame my nephew. My good friend Manfred von Karma can arrange the evidence on my behalf."

"So you're killing two birds with one stone?" Saïx asked.

"Indeed." Giovanni opened the door and they both returned to the room. They saw Drayden gasp out of breath as he knocked his head and fell asleep against the pillar. Giovanni bounced towards the other side of the hall as Saïx turned around only to be greeted with an axe slicing his nose in half. The other axe glided in-between his skull.

Giovanni's plan to kill Lance and Clair had failed on an epic scale. The cousins were nowhere near the axes when they fell. Now Drayden was on Giovanni's hit-list and at the rate it was going, there would be more names that will fire hatred in Giovanni's spine.

Naminé helped herself into the hall with a smile on her face. Giovanni didn't understand why she was wearing a white wedding dress, but she shouldn't be there. He went to approach her as if he didn't know her. "You girl," he said at the snap of his fingers. "What are you doing here?"

Naminé smiled. "I'm here to collect my payment."

"Ash is over there," Giovanni told her, pointing over to his eldest son.

"What made you think I'm taking Ash?"

"It's usually the first-born," Giovanni replied.

"Well you could say that I'm not normal," Naminé admitted.

While everyone was in shock over the death of Lord Saïx, King Kamon and his daughter vanished into thin air. Then all eyes fell on Naminé who kept her eyes on The Queen. With her arms and back up straight, she lifted her skirt and curtsied. "You need to make a choice," Naminé told Iris. "You must choose between the life of the father or the child. Only one can live."

Naminé turned to dust before anybody could ask for an explanation. In a state of panic, Iris scurried to the window to see what some of the maids were looking at. She could see King Gary with his ten men.

"They're here!" Xigbar roared. "EVERYBODY OUT AT ONCE!"

Everyone followed Xigbar's orders and left Iris on her own to pray. Iris thought of nothing but prayers. Despite being Queen Of Unova and The Dragon Empress, Naminé made her feel powerless. Naminé was a witch and Iris didn't think she could stand a chance against her. She looked so innocent, so she hoped that Kamon and Lilia would be unharmed.

She had already made her mind up. As cruel as it was, Iris had chosen the life of the child. She was not looking forward to the time where she had to say goodbye to Kamon, but she made herself a promise to put her children first above anything else.

Even at the expense of her husband.

"Arceus," Iris cried out. She sniffed up her tears as her hands were firmly together. With her eyes closed, she faced her thone and imagined Kamon cradling Lilia in his arms. "Please take good care of Kamon when it is time for him to come back to you. I hope in your mercy that you let him stay for a little longer. My daughter needs his father and we all need our king."

"You've made the right choice."

"Cilan!" She could recognize that voice at any time of the day.

"Bless you," Cilan whispered. "So sullen-eyed and broken-hearted."

"You already know that my children come first before anything."

"You're so brave to make a decision like that so quickly."

"Or perhaps foolish," Iris sighed as she walked into Cilan's chest. "Hopefully they'll be back soon."

"I've missed you." Cilan pinched on Iris' cheek and made her sit on her throne.

"But you see me nearly every day."

Cilan rose above her and his soft hands slipped behand the pink ribbon on her dress. He pulled the ribbon and untied it in a sweet manner. "What I meant was that I miss sharing my life with you," Cilan explained as he undressed Iris.

Everyone took extra measure to ensure that Unova had won the battle between Kanto. King Ash revealed all of King Gary's weaknesses to Lord Xigbar. Once the weaknesses were exploited, it only took a thunderbolt from Pikachu to win the battle for good. They all split up to find King Kamon and Princess Lilia. It was The King & Queen of Hoenn who found Kamon and Lilia safe and well. The kidnapper, Naminé was nowhere to be found. Once everyone was reunited, Gary placed all his rage on his cousins. He called Ash and Kamon traitors and puppets to his evil uncle. According to King Gary, Misty was dead.

May suggested that they all returned to court, but disaster struck. Kamon pushed Lance to the ground, and passed Lilia over to Queen May. Kamon was struck by an arrow to his chest. Kamon yelled slouched onto the floor.

"KAMON!" Ash roared.

"Sometimes sacrifices must be made," Kamon whispered. "Tell my father that!" When Queen Iris ran out of the doors of Nuvema Temple, she couldn't believe her eyes when she saw her husband lying in a red pool. She rushed to Kamon and held onto his torso. Kamon raised his head and said, "I'm glad I got to see you one last time."

Kamon closed his eyes for the last time. Five days after his death his body was returned to Kanto and was buried in a temple in Pallet Town.

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