Chapter Eleven: The Rise & Fall Of Gary Oak

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I used to think that I was a good king. A brave man and a devoted husband, but as I watch all the people who have come to watch me die, I understand that I was nothing more than a common sinner. My grandfather said that I was a disgrace to the family and unworthy of Kanto's throne. My parents had passed away before they could even give me the chance to train as a king. I was told to be a great king that I had to honour the traditions, win wars and produce heirs to continue the dynasty.

I have failed on all accounts, but there was something more important then the rules of being king. Even so, I was still a failure as a king. But as a man, I was one of the best in the world. My reign will always be remembered because of my death. It was my time to die and I am only thirty-one. I had made a deal with Darkrai, and he came back to bite me. My Grandma Agatha made me marry my cousin's childhood sweetheart, Misty Waterflower.

Grandma Agatha said if I married Misty, then I would become king. My mother, the Queen Catherine decided to abdicate and retire peacefully in a small temple in Korea. I married Misty the day before my coronation. I would say that it was a happy marriage. We both grew to love each other. But we were both under a lot of pressure.

Ash was my best friend and it was no secret that he and Misty were very fond of each other. There were rumours that the two of them were having an affair and I believed in them. Misty and I even had a son, but I sent little John and Misty away. I pretended they were both dead and that the marriage had come to an end.

But everyone found out that Misty and John were alive. Poor John was declared a bastard and If I hadn't believed in all of those rumours and stayed with Misty, then I would have been allowed to keep my head. Catherine's marriage to my father, Archie of Aqua started form a political alliance with Hoenn. Kanto needed this alliance to prevent complete invasion from Johto. I asked Uncle Giovanni for help, but he had his own plans. Uncle Giovanni was searching for a suitable bride for Ash. He was hoping to find a princess who was next in line to the throne.

Then along came King Norman from Hoenn. He and Uncle Giovanni coincidently crossed paths. Norman wanted to find a pure and brave prince for his daughter and Giovanni wanted a strong-willed princess, full of beauty to become Ash's queen. King Norman arranged Giovanni and Ash to come over to Petalburg Castle and Ash and Norman's daughter, May were in instant hit.

Ash and May had a happy marriage and one full of bliss. I envy them. I never liked Kamon very much, he was quiet and depressing. Ash and Kamon had always wanted to be king, but Kanto's crown was my birth right. Kamon had this delusion that he was going to be the greatest king that ever lived. I thought that my cousins were both being silly, but it wasn't until I Giovanni's true colours when his organization were slaughtering innocent creatures, was when I realized that my poor cousins and aunt were pawns for his lust for power.

Giovanni had always hated me since the moment I was born. He accused me of snatching the crown. As I grew up, his hatred worsened. It came to the point where I couldn't have anything to do with Ash because he reminded me of Giovanni and the damage he had done to our family. Lady Rocket, Giovanni's mother was a horrible lady. Giovanni's sister, Ariana was just as deranged as the rest of them. The Ketchums were a ruthless family and Aunt Delia deserved a much better husband than Giovanni.

Ash was the only good thing to come out of Delia's union with Giovanni. Kamon was a little puppet trying to earn the love from his father. Giovanni didn't treat his sons very well, and it sickens me to imagine what he does to poor Aunt Delia. When I heard that Kamon was betrothed to Iris, I wanted to puke. Giovanni was winning and now my cousins were kings, I didn't want to know them.

The traitorous backstabbing Kamon even went as far as having a child with Iris. I met Iris' previous husband in the Pope's party in Rome and I thought Cilan was one of the most interesting and intellectual kings that I had ever met. Iris and Cilan were really in love with each other, and then Kamon the home-wrecker had to make it worse for them. I knew that he a had a creepy thing for Iris, but he really should have gotten over her when she married Lance.

I played Misty like a violin. She was my first queen and as I reflected on my life on the scaffold, I wished that she was my only queen. What if I was faithful to her? What if I didn't declare John a bastard? I guess I'll never know, but I'm sure that Ash will give her a comfortable place for her and my son to live in at Hoenn. I hope she finds someone that will give her happiness. From the distance I could see Kari Kamiya. She was an ambassador for The Digital Islands where her brother ruled. She was the bridesmaid for our wedding.

Lady Georgia Langley was one of the ladies that were executed. I first met her two days after my marriage to Iris. She told me what she knew about Giovanni and his plans for world domination. I had already known of Giovanni's intentions, but for it to come from a humble maid I was shocked. Lady Langley also confirmed my suspicions that Delia was being abused by him and that Kamon gave him a good telling off.

When Lady Langley gave me all the juicy information, I knew I had to reward her in some way. I knew she was still bitter over what happened to her friend, Larxene who gave birth to Iris' adoptive son, so I found a chance to redeem myself. Lady Langley threw herself at me as I came up with a plan to make Elijah the heir to Kanto's throne. By making Elijah next in line to the throne, it meant that Giovanni could never take the crown. Little John was too young to be a king, whilst Elijah was already maturing into a five year old. Elijah could have Iris rule on his behalf until he comes of age.

I wanted to make sure that Lady Langley was happy. When Iris left home, I let Lady Langley sleep on my bed. There were times when I often felt alone and regreted the way I locked Misty away from the world, but at the same time I think I did her a favour. In my head I said to myself I did it all for Misty's protection. Giovanni would never touch them. I wondered how Misty and John were doing? I had holes in my heart that I had to fill. And nothing filled them better than nights of passion. Lady Langley would make love for me in return for diamonds.

Dawn Berlitz the pale enchantress was the one that I wanted to spend my life with. She was my first love and if I ever had to choose, I would chose Dawn. I can't believe that she is the queen consort of Sinnoh. She was so beautiful that Queen Cynthia had to have her all to herself. Dawn didn't let something like marriage get in the way of our love affair. She sent me pearls and I sent her flowers and pearls.

I always looked forward to seeing Dawn's Togekiss fly over Unova's skies to send me Dawn's love letters. I loved the the lavender smell on Dawn's letters and her beautiful curved writing with little hearts between every paragraph. It could have been our little secret forever, until Dawn was with child. We tried to keep the pregnancy as much of a secret as possible, but then Lady Langley found out and she was heart broken. I never saw Lady Langley again until today where I watched her die.

Iris was my last wife, and the one that sent me here to to deathbed. When Pope Mickey ordered that we were to be married, I thought that Iris was playing hard to get. But once I let my arrogance calm down, I realized that she was still in grieving. She wore the wedding rings of her previous husbands, but it was the one with triple gems that was on her wedding finger. She could not bring herself to consummate the marriage, she loved Cilan too much. Iris' refusal to submit herself to me only made me feel even more lonely. She always had time for her children, but never for me.

It made me so jealous of King Lance. I tried to stop him from seeing Salem and Pagan, but it didn't work. King Lance should have given me more respect, but he pitied me. He was a complete pushover when it came to Iris: that was my opinion of him. My Uncle Giovanni said I should try and get rid of him, but I could never find the right moment. I was waiting for the time when Lance fell out of Iris' favour. Then he had to be invited to every family party.

"Must King Lance come?" I asked.

"Yes," Iris replied. "He is my business parter, the father of my eldest sons and a good friend."

"But what if he's plotting against you?"

"If Lance was plotting against me I would not be here," Iris responded. "Cilan and Kamon never complained about Lance coming. You should stop being jealous and stop plotting against Lance."

"I'm sorry I'm not Cilan," I cried out to The Queen. She looked at me and ran away.

A few days after I said that, Iris and I got to know each other. I tried to flirt with Iris, but she laughed it off. "Come to bed My Lady," I requested. "You work too hard, you deserve a rest." I tried with all my power to get Iris to consummate the marriage, but she would not do it. She only saw me as a friend. So I hugged her and kissed her lips. She would go no further.

Then Dawn sneaked into Unova to have these secret meetings with me. Even though she was pregnant, she still didn't want to let go of me. She hugged me and gave me the confidence to be a good king. That night when Dawn left to return to her mother's house in Twinleaf, I filled my belly with beer and sake. Then I went to my room and had a wild party with all my mistresses, including my sister. Some of these mistresses I've had since I was ten years old and I lost my virginity at that age too. I once thought it was cool, but now I see it is nothing to brag about.

It was a great big orgy fest, but it was one I hardly remember. I was so drunk that night I screamed when I found myself in a small cell. It wasn't until Lady Bianca came into the room was when I realized that I was in Nimbassa Dungeons.

"Gary Oak," Lady Bianca said in a stern voice. "You have been charged with numerous accounts of adultery, treason and attempted murder." I gasped and then laughed. I thought that this was all a dream or maybe a massive prank. I've never seen Lady Bianca so angry. Her face got redder and I could even see her eyes filling up. That was when I realized that this was no prank. I wondered what they knew and wondered what would happen. "Misty and John have been found," Lady Bianca announced. "Alive and well."

"Where is The Queen?" I asked. "I must speak to her."

"She is in Nuvema Temple," Lady Bianca answered. "But she will not speak to you, nor will you be staying here for very long." I watched Lady Bianca with the eye of a hoot-hoot. "Your trial will take place in Dragon's Den in Johto and Her Majesty is attending."

"NO!" I screamed. "Lance will surely have me dead. You don't understand Lady Bianca... I need to speak to her now!"

"You must stay here until you are called," Lady Bianca demanded. I ignored her and pounced my way through the door. Bianca tried to hold onto me and I shook her off against the wall. As she screamed I ran out the door. "Your Majesty!" Lady Bianca roared, "You must not leave this dungeon, you'll make things worse for yourself."

Luckily for me, the dungeons were not very well guarded and that my pigeot was waiting right outside for me. "TO NUVEMA TEMPLE," I gasped to the bid. Pigeot spread his wings and soared across the sky. Pigeot dropped me off outside the temple and I ran into the main hall. I don't think I ever ran so fast in my life, but soon I would run out of stamina.

I fell to my knees. Just as I was crying for Iris' help I found her courting with the late Cilan. Had I have had the stamina, I would have held onto Iris with all my might. "IRIS!" I yelled. "It's me, King Gary!"

"Don't make me laugh," Cilan said. "You did everything that I was accused off."

"Go away," I ordered hysterically. I had completely lost my mind and all I wanted was to speak to Iris. "As King of Kanto and Unova, I order you to disappear... you ****ed your own brothers."

"I was innocent," Cilan reminded Gary. "And my brothers nobly sacrificed their lives for me. While you abuse The Queen's trust and slept with anyone you get your hands on. Even your own sister who was a nun. You did everything I was accused off."

"I must speak to The Queen," I whimpered.

"She has nothing to say to you," Cilan responded as he held onto Iris and cradled her face. "Dawn miscarried her child. What on earth were you thinking?"

"I can't let Giovanni become king," Gary said. "I needed an heir to stop Giovanni becoming king."

"There were better ways," Cilan reminded me. "You could have restored John's title of prince. You could have gone back to Misty. You could have said no to his Holiness' orders. You could have done something about Giovanni if you didn't want him to take the crown from you. Your orgies get you nowhere but the scarlet scaffold."

The trail in Johto would be pointless. The verdict has already been fixed. Iris said nothing to me and she never even looked at me anymore. I was led away by Lord Xigbar who roared into my ears that I was under arrest. I was taken straigh to Johto and just like Lady Bianca said, Queen Iris was there sitting next to Lance. Franziska von Karma, the daughter of Manfred was the prosecutor. I had no chance: they all had perfect records and I was just another tick on their box. I was guilty as charged and I had no one to defend me.

They accused me of plotting for world domination. They thought that I was the one that tried to assassinate King Lady and Lady Clair. They held me responsible for Kamon's death and that I was trying to frame Ash for murder. The court saw me as a murderer, a traitor and they saw in me, Giovanni's true colours. Nearly all the testimonies were against me.

All the lovely pleasures: so short-lived with deadly consequences.

An apple thrown across my face brought me back to reality. The crowds acknowledged me as a traitor and my aunt's name was on everybody's lips. I stood there as Gary Oak, The King of Kanto and a love rat.

The whole block was red. Nearly of the lovers and mistresses in my life were brought to the scaffold. They made me watch every single decapitation. Misty and Dawn were sparred of course. Ash gave Iris a handsome sum of money and his gible for Misty's freedom and Queen Cynthia simply gave Dawn a pat on the back and said not to do it again.

"I have come here to die," I announced in the bravest voice I could find. I know why I had been brought here: it is because of my sins against Iris. As I stand behind the block, my uncle watched over me. "I die a king," I announced clenching my fists. I hated Uncle Giovanni and I was unkind to my cousins because of him. But he has not won. With any hope, Giovanni would never become King Of Kanto, or king of anything. I knelt behind the block and roared at the top of my voice, "But I would rather die the husband of Dawn Berlitz."

My eyes fell upon the block as the crowds gasped. I laughed and thought of Dawn. "She made my tired heart sing." I gave one last smile to Giovanni and wiped my eyes clean. The executioner was so impatient with me. He wanted the job over and done with. He kicked me in the back as Cardinal Snape murmured prayers to Arceus.

I rolled my head over so I would put myself in the perfect position for my send off. I was crying and as much as I didn't want to die, I could feel spirits colder than winter holding my hand. In my time of dying I could think of nothing but rest. I had not slept since I was brought to Nimbassa Dungeons, my trial was in Dragon's Den in Johto, and then I was taken to Lavender Tower in Kanto. That's at least three sleepless nights.

The dead spirits were welcoming me to my new home. I took one last breath before the executioner sloshed his axe against my neck. I hope Aunt Delia doesn't succeed me because that will mean that Giovanni will become king. Arcues forbid that Giovanni should ever be king. Kanto would live in darkness from his power. My aunt Delia was a sweet and kind lady, but Giovanni would walk all over her. Hopefully Arceus will give him what he deserves.

Aunt Delia was always interested in Spencer Hale. Spencer was one of my grandfather's greatest students and a widow for two years. I hope the interest develops into an infatuation or even love. I would have loved to have seen the reaction on my Giovanni's face if that ever happened.

"Get on with it Pyro!" Giovanni snapped at the executioner. "It's getting cold and I would like to go home."

"SAVE KANTO!" I yelled. "SAVE ME!"

A single stroke and blood poured.


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