Chapter Twelve: Cardinal Drew's Success

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Cardinal Drew waited patiently for the moment that King Ash and Queen May came to visit Pope Mickey. He had never been so delighted to see the beautiful queen walk down that shiny floor to the palace. He showered May with exquisite gifts ever since he knew her. If it wasn't for his holy commitments, then Drew would have been more than delighted to marry her.

Unlike the other cardinals that were well past their forties, Cardinal Drew was in his early thirties. He was one of the youngest cardinals that worked for The Pope. The only time he was close to the cardinals was when he was in prayer. His pokemon were in Hoenn's court in the care of Sir Harley. He often thought about them and prayed for their safety. He also kept a miniature portrait of his beloved Roserade around his neck.

He admired Ash and May for their bravery. Even though such horrific things had happened to them through personal bereavements they stuck together like lumps of clay in cruel heat. Their fathers believed that it would be the perfect marriage, and they were both right. Ash and May gained new territories for Hoenn and eliminated poverty in the lands they ruled.

It was true love. Just watching the pair of them together made Cardinal Drew feel a cozy feeling in his stomach.

"It brings me great joy to be in your presence," Cardinal Drew whispered, his eyes facing May's feet. He sprang from his feet and asked, "What brings you two here?" His green hair was crawling out of his red hat but his blue eyes stood out from his white and red robes. As Ash and May walked past Drew, the humble cardinal bowed. He felt honoured to be even in the same room as a beautiful lady, especially if it was The Queen Of Hoenn.

Ash held onto May's hand in a grip tight enough to hurt his wife. Ash responded in the most bitter voice known to man. At first Cardinal Drew thought the anger was directed at him.

"To destroy that dictator: The King Lance!"

Drew gasped and winked at The Queen. "And by Arceus' grace you shall succeed." He gulped as he tried to conceal his shivering hands by pressing his back against the wall. "I shall take you to His Holiness at once!"

"Thank you," May said.

The King and Queen followed Cardinal Drew into Pope Mickey. He welcomed Ash and May with open arms as if they were his own children. He was happy for their pure love and the goodness they've given to the world.

"What can I do for you?" Pope Mickey asked.

"You don't like King Lance very much do you?" Queen May asked Pope Mickey. His Holiness opened his mouth. No words came out. May turned to her husband and grinned. "I take that as yes."

"I respect King Lance as if he was my own brother," Pope Mickey responded, deciding it was the right time to speak. "But I do not like his unholy actions. He's been going to war without my permission and brings darkness to this world."

"Before you were crowned we lived in a world of darkness," Drew told May. He bowed before The Queen of Hoenn and tilted his neck. "King Lance and his family were responsible for most of it, but you have shown us the light of Arceus."

"Arceus' light was always there," Pope Mickey. "But it's people like you who bring hope to the world where the light will shine the brightest. I took a trip to Sky Pillar, what a beautiful place."

"I think we need to find a way to get rid of Lance," King Ash suggested. "His bloody reign must end. Ever since Gary was executed, I've been so worried about my mother."

"Max and my father died last night," May added, trying to add substance to Ash' s proposal. "They were found in the Slowpoke Well."

"Someone's been trying to kill my parents," Ash concluded. "And my little brother gave up his life for us. They once thought that the arrow was for Lance, but I think the arrow was for either me or poor Lilia. And those axes Lance planted in the temple nearly killed killed Father. I'm such a horrible person for letting King Lance get this far. He betrayed my little brother."

"Of course you're not." May patted his back and kissed his cheek. "None of this is your fault."

"Do you remember what his last words were?" Ash asked May. "He said to tell Father that sacrifices must be made. And to think that I even called my niece a bastard because I was so angry with what they did to Cilan. Lance wants Iris back! He's been the mastermind behind all these horrible plots. First Cilan, then Kamon and now Gary. I know it's my parents that are next."

"It seems as if King Lance is trying to stop you from becoming King of Kanto," Drew told Ash. "A sinner like him is unworthy of being King Of Johto."

"Are you alright Drew?" May asked the poor shivering and stuttering Cardinal. "Just the mention of Lance brings you pain."

"In the name of the ancestor, and of the the creator and of the holy trios, you are rule to Kanto after your mother." Pope Mickey announced to Ash.

"I shall investigate this matter very carefully," Cardinal Drew promised them. "I will not rest until I believe what I find shall please all three of you. And before I leave, I ask that Her Majesty accepts this gift."

"A gift?" May asked. Her heart was pounding in excitement. Her bouncy heart and rosy face couldn't alone describe how much she loved gifts and presents.

"I ask that you take this blessed rose," Drew requested. He handed May a red rose in full bloom. The rose glistened as the leaves changed colours. "This rose shall protect you from a world of sin. King Lance can never harm Hoenn."

Cardinal Drew left the room with clear intentions in his mind. He had a colourful theory about King Lance that would be the key to his downfall. There were fourteen traitors around when Lance and Iris were still married to each other. Only four of them were alive. Two of them were ladies-in-waiting, whilst the others were a part of Iris' army.

There were so many vicious plots made to ensure the downfall of Cilan and Iris ever since her divorce from Lance. Had Lance and Iris had still been married, the plans would never have seen the light of day. It was true that Giovanni did terrible things, but he promised the world that he would atone for his sins. Giovanni must have thought that making his wife queen was a part of his redemption. Giovanni did change since Delia was crowned, he was a lot more relaxed and less violent than he used to be.

Lance was one of the few that didn't believe that Giovanni had a change of heart. Lance could have faked his respect for Kamon, Cilan and Gary whilst plotting their downfalls. Lady Clair often protested against Iris' marriage with Cilan. Lady Clair and the fourteen traitors all had one thing in common: they were huge supporters of Lance.

Drew had come to the conclusion that Lance was the mastermind behind all of this chaos He believed he wanted Iris to himself and would stop at nothing to get her back whilst everyone else did the dirty work for him. Cardinal Drew loved his own theory, he found it rich in imagination and detail. He vowed to himself that he could keep his promises.

In his mind, he already had a list of people he wanted to interview. Axel already knew a lot about Lord Xemnas' true intentions, and he also seemed to be an interesting person to talk to, so Cardinal Drew believed the feisty man could bring some good evidence against Lance. And then there was Lady Xion, the biological mother of Princess Pearl of Sinnoh. Princess Pearl was born through a plot by the late Lady Larxene to make everyone think that their child was the bastard children of Cilan. Roxas was the biological father to both Pearl and Elijah, and both parents were great friends of Axel. The three of them would have given them an interesting testimony.

And what about Queen Delia? Cardinal Drew could imagine that Queen Delia would be happy to send Lance down had she have known that Lance was responsible for her youngest son's death. Queen Delia wasn't afraid to give people a piece of her mind, but she was mostly kind and sincere to all she met. But Cardinal Drew believed that deep inside the sweet lady was a firm and strict ruler with a hidden temper. It would dangerous if that temper was revealed.

He found it obvious that Giovanni would be more than obliged to help his son bring Lance to the scaffold. Cardinal Drew and Giovanni had a discussion the other day about the legitimacy of Salem and Pagan. Iris and Lance's marriage was declared null and void despite divorcing two years ago. For a short period of time, Salem and Pagan were declared bastards until Iris remarried. Giovanni argued that his grandchild was Iris' only legitimate heir. In wet eyes he claimed that his son was Iris' true and loving husband and that Lance was a dangerous man. Perhaps Giovanni assumed that Lance and Iris would be back together after Gary's execution. He didn't even know that Cilan was still list Drew had in mind was small because a lot of people he wanted to interview, and could help fabricate incriminating evidence against Lance were dead.

"I will manage," Drew said to himself. "Lance's reign shall end."


The Royal Council Of Unova gathered round a large table. Both Iris and Cilan walked into the room together, holding hands and wearing smiles. It was confirmed that the two of them were back together and were looking for ways to get remarried as soon as possible. It seemed to the happily-ever-after to a suspenseful fairy-tale.

"We should share the good news," Iris suggested to Cilan as she tilted her head towards his shoulder.

"What if His Holiness doesn't allow us to remarry?" Cilan asked.

"I will turn Unova upside down until I can," Iris said. "No one can tell me who I can and cannot marry. We can marry in secret."

"But they can overthrow you," Alder said. "His Holiness has grown fond of The King Of Hoenn. They might want to invade Unova."

"That should be the least of our worries," Lord Gropius announced. "For as long as Giovanni Ketchum lives, we will always be in danger. Iris' marriage to Kamon kept him tame, but no doubt that his death has left him even colder than he was before."

"Giovanni is The King Of Kanto now," Hilda stated. "Wouldn't that make him a lot happier and content."

"I know the man," Iris said. "He was once my father-in-law. He was always very bossy, but I can't help but think he was hiding his true intentions."

"Your Majesty," Riku said as he bowed and entered the room. "I have some news for you." Iris was not looking forward to hearing what he was about to say. The last time Riku spoke to Iris was to declare her marriage null and void. "His Holiness wishes to apologize for the pain he's put you through these past two years and asks for your forgiveness. Because of this, His Holiness states that you and Cilan are free to remarry whenever you wish."

"You can tell him that I forgive him blindly," Iris said as she nodded.

"And there's something else you might want to know," Riku said. "His Holiness is creating a warrant for the arrest of King Lance."


"I don't know why," Riku admitted. "But I believe that The King and Queen of Hoenn have something to do with it. They've slept in The Vatican for five days. If Lance does get convicted, then you would be the sole monarch of Johto."

"Hold on," Cilan called as he shot up from his seat. His jaw was shaking and his eyes appeared widened. "If that happened to Lance, then that would... make me King again?"

"Should it be The Queen's pleasure then yes," Riku replied. "You could be allowed to call yourself King Of Unova and soon, The King Of Johto. But I think there's a catch to it."

"A catch?"

"I don't like the sound of this," Alder confessed.

"The legitimacy of Pagan and Salem has been questioned once again by The Vatican," Riku announced. "They do not deny Lilia as a princess but as she is currently next in line to the throne in Hoenn, there have been certain plots unmasked to make her first in line to the throne."

"But His Holiness promised that they were no longer bastards after I married Kamon," Iris said.

"Since Kamon is dead the contract doesn't matter anymore."

"I bet Giovanni is related to them," Cilan roared.

"All that were accused and beheaded were employed under Giovanni's estates," Riku confirmed. "But we need solid evidence that Giovanni himself was involved. His Holiness is smitten with the Ketchum family, an it seems that despite Lady Clair's efforts, that King Lance has found himself in Pope Mickey's bad books."

"They will blame me for this," Cilan barked as he held onto his baggy sleeves. "Lady Clair and Prince Pagan hate me and no doubt of Johto hate me too." Cilan could imagine that people will think that this was everything he wanted. He hoped that they didn't get him wrong, he was happy to be with Iris again, but he didn't believe that anyone should suffer because of it. "Once again I believe that my life is in danger."

"I will protect you," Iris promised Cilan. She held onto Cilan's pale hands and kissed every finger. "No one will hurt you or my family." Her smooth lips touching the tips of his fingers reminded him of the letter from his brothers. He remembered that his brothers gave up their lives so he could share this moment with his beloved Iris.

The last words that Chili and Cress wrote to him two years ago echoed in his mind. He was so near, yet he felt so far away. Chili and Cress did not die in vain, and because of that, Cilan was grateful for everything he had.

You and Iris shall be reunited as King & Queen, and our blood will be well spent.



You've gotta be careful out there. Johto's king is trying to kill us. Arceus forbid that he has betrayed us! My brother was nothing but a pawn to his plot with Darkrai to take Iris back and destroy our world. I will not let everything I've worked so hard for be taken away by this cruel prince. I once looked up to him, I dreamed that one day that I could become a powerful king just like he is, but now that I've grown up I can see that is possessed. My poor in-laws were tossed away because they got in the way.

Iris and Cilan back together thank Arceus. Our creator is good. May Mew protect them both too. But I fear that Lance will try and destroy their love. He had Lady Clair go to The Vatican to declare the marriage null and void. He got Lord Xemnas and his gang to plot against Cilan. And nearly all of them died because they thought they were doing it in The King's honour. Axel, Xion and Roxas should not be condemned, but I fear they will be. They were only serving their masters. Oh I wish I could free them.

I'm scared for you. Just as I am scared or my father who is being framed. My poor niece and Iris is in the middle of all of this. I thought that Father was plotting us, but know I see the redemption. He was trying to bring Lance down to protect our family and our friends. I hope he forgives me, for I did not respect him as well I should have done.

As I am writing, I am in The Vatican. We have spoken to His Holiness and Cardinal Drew. They confirmed that I am next in line to the succession and Cardinal Drew shall help the warrant for Lance's arrest become reality. I need all the help I can get to bring this murderer down. Cilan has been through so much to be with Iris, he can't lose now. I'm going to help Cilan become king again. This time he will rule Unova, Johto and The Dragon Empire.

Please Mother, I need all the help I can get. Brock should do something, he's great at things like these. He's so clever.

Ash The King And Red Master

"Good evening sweetheart," Giovanni said to his wife as he marched over green carpets with golden lining. "How does it feel to be Queen Regent of Kanto?"

"It feels okay," Delia admitted as she laid back on a plushy maroon chair with her legs crossed.

"You look down," Giovanni said softly as he hands massaged The Queen Of Kanto's shoulders. "You should be pleased. Your crowning was in Arceus' will."

"It's not that."

"Not heard from Ash then?" Giovanni assumed. He felt as if he was playing a guessing game.

"I've heard from him," Delia responded in a cold voice. At this point, Giovanni could tell that The Queen was angry and worlds away from the cheerful and quiet woman that everyone knew her as. "I had a letter from him. Poor boy."

Giovanni knelt down besides his wife and held onto her hands in a tight grip. "What did Ash say?"

"He says he worried about us," Delia yelled as she clenched Giovanni's hand to her heart. "Ash mentioned that great bastard Lance. He betrayed Kamon!"

"The King of Johto?" Giovanni roared. "That blasphemous traitor! He tried to turn Kamon against me. He wants The Queen of Unova back and he doesn't care who gets hurt."

"Ash asked me to get the Duke of Pewter City to help Cardinal Drew with his investigation," Delia said. "And I'll do it. Nobody upsets my baby and gets away with it."

"Fine words Delia!" Giovanni said as he raised his fists. "Lance has caused the death of many of my innocent employees. Even my sister, I confess she had a sharp tongue but that doesn't justify Lance's bloody actions. Lance's blood shall be well spent."

"I'll make him pay for he did to my boy," Delia vowed in a vicious voice. "If he gets arrested, we should put him on trial here. There would be no court in Johto that would dare try their king, but now plenty of courts that would try him for crimes against humanity in my palace."

Giovanni cradled his wife. As he did, his lips curled into a dashing white smile.

The world was changing all the time, but Mt. Silver and the Silver Cave would always remain the chilly atmospheric stadium for the bloodiest of fights. The King of Hoenn received shivers with every step that he was closer to the top. King Ash wanted it to be his final resting place, next to his beloved Queen May. He knew that King Lance would soon show up.

He just had to be patient.

He didn't care how long he had to wait on the summit. The mountain kept Kanto and Johto together and he heard that this was King Lance's favourite place to train. King Ash laughed as he picked up Pikachu and placed him on his shoulder.

"What kind of brother am I?" Ask asked Pikachu. "I'm the older one. I was suppose to protect him." He threw his fist and made a hole in the thick snow. He bounced to his feet and clenched onto the handle of his sword. "WHY DON'T YOU SHOW YOURSELF YOU STUPID TRAITOR?" Ash had his sword above his head whilst Pikachu's cheeks sparked electric currents furious enough to cause an avalanche. It was past the point of no return, if Lance wasn't beheaded by law, then he would do it himself. "YOU'LL NEVER GET AWAY WITH THIS AND I KNOW YOU CAN HEAR ME!"


"Your Majesty?"

Ash twirled his sword towards the the direction of where he heard the voice. He turned behind him and as soon as he saw the shape of the man who looked very similar to him, he withdrew his sword. "Master Ritchie?" He forced a smile upon his swollen face. "I'm sorry I thought you were someone else."

Master Ritchie was Ash's half-brother and the bastard son of Queen Delia and Spencer Hale. Master Ritchie was The Royal Family Of Kanto's worst kept secret. And even though Master Ritchie and King Ash often wrote to each other, they had only met each other four times in their lifetime. Master Ritchie and King Ash were born a mere nine months apart. Giovanni was left furious and wanted nothing to do with the child. Scared of the child's welfare, Delia sent Ritchie Hale to Greenfield where he lived with Spencer Hale and his wife. Spencer and his wife would go on to have a daughter named Molly.

"Who did you think it was? Master Ritchie asked.

The King scratched his head and looked away from his half-brother as he held onto his sleeves for warmth. "King Lance," Ash responded. "He's been trying to kill my family."

Master Ritchie opened his mouth wide as he spoke. He marched closer to Ash as his tripped on his green cape. "The King of Johto?" Master Ritchie stumbled as he shook his half-brother's iceberg hands. "That can't be? Why would he something like that?"

"For Iris," Ash replied. "He would do anything to get her back." Pikachu and Ritchie's Sparky hugged Ash in unison as he continued to spoke. "He plotted to kill Cilan, he got Gary and Kamon killed and tried to get Misty executed. He even tried to stop my mother becoming Queen. My father was trying to save us. He was trying to make sure we all got what was rightfully ours. And I turned him away. He was only trying to stop Lance from succeeding."

"Poor Kamon didn't know about me did he?" Ritchie asked as he patted Ash's back.

Ash shook his head. "They were going to tell him on his thirtieth birthday."

"I heard he died trying to save Lance," Ritchie said. "He was only 27 when he died. He was so close to it. And he had a daughter as well. Poor child."

"Lance will corrupt my niece," Ash vowed. "Just as he betrayed Kamon. Lance and Iris should never get back together. I don't care how many of his dragons I have to electrocute. I'll make a world war to stop him from winning."

"I don't think will ever happen," Ritchie admitted, thinking that Ash was going too far. "Cilan Dento is still alive isn't he? Queen Iris will go straight to him."

"Do you how how many husbands Iris has had?" Ash asked. "She's married my brother and my cousin. And she might still be bewitched."

"Four," Ritchie replied to Ash's question. "My father told me all about it. I think your mother and my father are waiting for the chance to eventually marry."

"I know my father has done a lot of bad things," said Ash as gazed into the sky."But I still must honour him. Now that my mother is Queen she can do whatever she wants. Which will be good. I get to see you more."

"But you'll be out in Hoenn."

"You should come to Hoenn at some point," Ash announced in pride with his hands by his side. "I have the most awesome wife!"

"Lucky you! Oh, and while I'm here, Cardinal Drew has a message for you: the warranty for King Lance's arrest has been finished and he has given me a copy it to give to you."

Ash accepted the scroll Ritchie gave him. "Thanks," he said with a massive smirk. The two brothers and their pikachus withdrew to the cave and read the scroll together. "I believe that Cardinal Drew will have King Lance arrested by the time I come back."


Titles: King Of Johto, Head Of Kanto's Elite Four, Price Of Unova, Defender Of The Dragon Empire

Previous Titles: Crown Prince Of Johto and King Of Unova

Charge: High Treason

Warrant Issued: 10th February 1600

Details Of Crime: King Lance Den has been charged with high treason for abusing his power as king. He is charged with numerous accounts of attempted murder and being also being a mastermind to several murders. His crimes include; adultery, incest, blackmail, heresy, rape, framing Caroline for theft which led to her untimely execution, arranging the murders of Kamon Ketchum, Norman Maple and his son Max Maple and the attempted murder of Giovanni Ketchum.

Nearly five years ago, King Lance signed both a death and an arrest warrant for his once trusted servant, Lord Xemnas. To whom we now believe was one of King Lance's accomplices. Xemnas was charged for the attempted murder of Cilan Dento; sexual assault against the Duchess Of Blackthorn; blasphemy against Pope Mickey; and plotting to overthrow Her Majesty. Xemnas was stripped of his titles, found guilty and was beheaded.

On top of the following charges, King Lance is also to be charged with Xenmas' offences.

Monarch's Signature: May, Hoenn's Queen

Approved by: His Holiness, Pope Mickey

This warrant is to be presented to The King Of Johto by Cardinal Drew, who shall also arrange the trail.

"Come on Lord Koga," Cardinal Drew snapped. He tried to remain as elegant and talk as smoothly as he did in prayer, but he was losing his patience with Lord Koga, a member of Johto's Elite Four. Koga's face was cold, but firm. His anger was carefully contained within the lines of his cheek and the clenching of hands. He shook his head and refused to give Cardinal Drew the words that he wanted to hear. "I'm a very busy man and I need to pray tonight."

"I have nothing more to say to you," Lord Koga announced with his shoulders more raised. "The King only spoke to my daughter."

"Speaking leads to many things my good lord," Cardinal Drew roared as he slammed his palms firmly on his desk. "What were they speaking about?"

"How should I know?" Koga asked cooley. "They said it was private matter, I wasn't listening into it at all."

"Then how would you know that they were only talking?"

Koga bit his lip. He lowered his head as if he was in defeat.

"We've been here for hours," Drew pleaded to Koga. "I know that Lance and Janine were up to something. And I promise that your family honour will not be stained for as long as testify against The King?"

"So if I told you everything," Koga asked as he lifted his head at the enraged cardinal, "Will you let my daughter go unharmed and free?"

Cardinal Drew slowly nodded.

"The King visits my household once a month," Koga whispered. "He comes to see my daughter. They've had carnal knowledge of each other for many years against her will."

Cardinal Drew opened his eyes and held his hand to his heart. "Are you trying to say that The King raped your daughter?"

"Indeed," Koga said with a grin. "He gave my family a generous estate for our silence. He promised that he would marry my daughter once the Queen had died."

Cardinal Drew turned to the window and opened it fully. He allowed the wind to blow leaves into the office as they blew out all the candles. The only light in the room was the starry sky and the crescent moon. "Tell me did The King mention this promise after The Queen divorced him?"

"No," Koga shook his head. "He never saw us again." He sighed. "Is my daughter free now?"

"Yes," Cardinal Drew confessed. "I knew I could shake the truth out of you somehow."

Koga glared at the cardinal as he shook his cape and stomped out of the room. Cardinal Drew's roserade passed him a quill for him to dip the ink in and write down the notes of his interview with Koga. It was a struggle, but Lord Koga finally told me that The King would visit his household once a month to rape his daughter and paid him generously for his silence."

The last person to be interviewed was Lord Xigbar, commander of Her Majesty's Army in Unova. Cardinal Drew was looking forward to this interview. He was hoping that Lord Xigbar would give him the most juiciest gossip out of all of the people he interviewed. He was one of the fourteen traitors, but Cardinal Drew promised Xigbar, Axel, Roxas and Xion freedom if one of them could think of a conviction against King Lance. Only Lord Xigbar was willing to do it, so they were all let off lightly again.

Lord Xigbar came into the room with a bottle of wine. "Good evening Cardinal Drew," he said. "I thought I'd give you something to cool yourself down."

"Thank you," Cardinal Drew said as he took the bottle and placed it on the table. "Please have a seat." Lord Xigbar sat down as Cardinal Drew opened a draw behind him and took out two goblets.

"It seems you have a solid conviction against The King," Lord Xigbar said as he looked at the notes that Cardinal Drew wrote.

"Yes," Cardinal Drew said as he poured wine into both goblets. Holding onto one, he passed one to Roserade and told him to send it to Lord Xigbar. The lord accepted the drink and made no hesitation to take the first sip. "Koga's says Lance raped his daughter once a month. Will Itsuki proclaimed his everlasting love for him and says that he is the guilty one. Lord Bruno said he saw Lance drag Norman and Max Maple in a well."

"How sneaky," Lord Xigbar remarked. "I also hear that King Lance is trying to kill The Royal House Of Ketchum."

"It is true," Cardinal Drew said. "Ash Ketchum is furious and I fear that if I fail to bring Lance to his death, then Asia would break out into a civil war."

"Doesn't surprise me," Lord Xigbar admitted. "King Lance has been plotting for Giovanni's downfall for years."

"And the Xemnas' plots," Cardinal Drew mentioned as he poured more wine into Lord Xigbar's goblet. "Was The King involved in them?"

"Not directly," Lord Xigbar confessed. "But Xemnas wouldn't have gone as far as he did had it have been for Lance's help. And I believe that if Lance hadn't have signed the warrants for Xemnas' fall, then Cilan would not have been here."

"I see."

The door burst open and Lord Xigbar and Cardinal Drew bowed as King Ash entered the room with Master Ritchie, his half-brother.

"My lords," Ash Ketchum shouted. "Has King Lance been arrested yet?"

"Not yet," Cardinal Drew replied. "I'm afraid that some of the witnesses have been stubborn, thus delaying the arrest." Cardinal Drew felt his heart leap as King Ash lowered his head and sighed. "However, we have very strong testimonies Your Majesty."

"Spit it all out," Ash demanded. "Oh and my lords, this is my half-brother: Master Ritchie Hale."

"Lords," Master Ritchie said as he bowed his head.

"Master Ritchie," Lord Xigbar and Cardinal Drew said as they bowed in unison.

"We have enough evidence to suggest the following," Cardinal Drew began as he told The King Of Hoenn what they were about to charge The King Of Johto. "Adultery with various men and women. We're also going to charge him for the murders of Kamon Ketchum, Lord Saïx, Lady Caroline Maple, Max Maple, Norman Maple and of course the attempted murder of your parents, The Queen of Unova and Cilan Dento. And also..."

"Please no more," King Ash requested as he slouched his back against the wall. "We'll be forever. He rubbed his stomach. "How about he all go and dine in the main hall?"

"Great idea," Lord Xigbar thought. "This wine surely gives you an appetite."

"I think you've got enough evidence to arrest King Lance with Treason," said The King of Hoenn.

"I do," Drew grinned as he spoke slyly. "I shall make my way down there tonight, the arrest should be carried out by morning."

"Take Charizard," Ash demanded with a higher pitch of voice. "Then you can have a sleep-in for the morning."

"Yes Your Majesty," Drew shouted. Drew gathered all his paperwork and placed it in a green chest. He carried the chest with him, and it fit nicely in between his arm and side. While he rode to Johto to carry out the arrest he thought of Queen May and how she was looking after the enchanted rose he gave her. It was a long, cold and windy night, but Cardinal Drew finally managed to reach Blackthorn by sunrise.

Cardinal Drew was followed by Hoenn's Elite Four; Lord Sidney, Lady Phoebe, Lady Glacia and Lord Wallace with their pokemon. Lance's dragons went out to attack the five of them, but Lady Glacia pushed them away with her Froslass' blizzard. Their pokemon worked together to help Cardinal Drew's journey become a lot more smoother.

Charizard, lent kindly by King Ash flapped his wings and prepared to lower into the cold ground of Blackthorn. The first person that Cardinal Drew saw was Jasmine Denzi, the duchess of Sunnyshore and Olivine. With her long light hair and white gown she hugged herself as she fought against the bitter cold.

Her husband, Volker Denzi quickly marched over and gave Jasmine a floral kimono for her to wear. Grateful, she quickly mashed it over her body at once. Volker looked over at Cardinal Drew and then tapped his wife's shoulder as they marched over to the small boat, fit for two with magnetzones floating the boat, keeping it from the sea.

"Excuse me," Cardinal Drew said to the couple just as they were about to step onto the boat. "Have you seen The King?"

"He's in Dragon's Den," Volker replied as he lifted Jasmine into the boat before leaping into the boat himself. "It's straight ahead."

"Thank you," Cardinal Drew said as he raised his hand. "Arceus bless you!"

"Charge!" Volker roared and Magnezone took off.

"Head for the cave," Cardinal Drew ordered as he marched in front of Hoenn's Elite Four. As soon as reached the cave, an old man stopped them.

"Only people authorized by His Majesty may enter here," the old sage croaked. "It has been the law for many decades."

"Forgive me, but I am above the law," Cardinal Drew hissed back as Charizard tossed the old man into the lake with a tail whip. The cardinal flickered his head towards the orange dragon and patted him lightly. "Now there was no need for that." He tutted as he watched the man fighting with the water's surface. "Bless your soul in the name of the creator, the ancestor and the holy trios."

After Charizard calmed down, they all retreated into Dragon's Den. They were so close to The King. They could feel their hard work coming to the conclusion. They all jumped on the narrow and spare, left floating around in the secluded waters. The pokemon that didn't fit on the boat, all swam or floated across the water until they reached the temple.

Cardinal Drew was the first person to leave the boat. He rubbed off dripping water from his red cloak and proceeded into the door. Cardinal Drew was stunned at what he saw. King Lance was kneeling behind the altar. But the statue above was not of Arceus, the holy creator, nor of Mew the ancestor. It wasn't any of the holy trios either. It was none other than a platinum statue of Giratina.

"Should we disturb him?" Lord Sidney asked.

"No," Cardinal Drew whispered. "We should let him finish praying." Once King Lance had finished his prayers, Cardinal Drew stepped closer towards the man and appeared to be cold and fearless. "Praying to Giratina are we?"

"There was a guard," King Lance said.

"He has met his maker." Cardinal Drew took one close to to The King and told him, "Lance Den you are under arrest for high treason. You are charged with adultery, incest, blackmail, heresy, rape, murder, attempted murder."

The king laughed. "I claim sanctuary!"

"You are to come with us," Cardinal Drew growled as he held onto Lance's cape. "Lorelei and Janine have already confessed to having carnal knowledge with you. Lord Koga even said you blackmailed him and rewarded him for his silence. You've been trying to destroy the royal family of Kanto and Hoenn for years and Giovanni has always warned us about you. But that wasn't enough for you was it. You even plotted to kill Queen Iris and try and bring the innocent Cilan Dento to his death."

Lance twirled away from Cardinal Drew's grip. "You have no business here."

"I think you'll find that I do." Cardinal Drew opened his chest and unraveled the scroll. King Lance remained silent as he read the warrant. "The warrant has been signed and approved by Queen May of Hoenn and His Holiness Pope Mickey." Cardinal Drew returned the scroll back into his chest and he locked it and kept it under his armpit. "Now will you come with us?"

"No," Lance replied coldly. "I recognize no queen but my wife."

"Now is not the time for silly comments," Cardinal Drew hissed. "Your marriage with Iris was invalid and she divorced you."

"That's what you think," Lance said. "But Iris will always be my wife in Arceus' eye. It doesn't matter about how many husbands Iris chooses to have, or how corrupt The Vatican is. And even when you kill me, she'll still be my queen."

"Maybe if you cooperated a bit more then your life can be sparred," Cardinal Drew suggested. He was running out of ideas that would have been deemed morally acceptable in the name of The Pope.

"You've already written the script," King Lance responded, "And you're just waiting for me to play my part."

"Please don't me make me get anybody else," Cardinal Drew pleaded. "I would hate to ruin your lovely haven."

"Get out," cried a group of old men. They were the elder members of Lance's clan that performed their worship in Dragon's Den. "You are not worthy of being here."

"I am above the law and I am here to arrest King Lance."

"If you knew what was good for you, you would listen to your elders," said Lance as he stood in front of the elders.

"If you don't come with us we will freeze Blackthorn to death," Lady Glacia threatened as she raised her voice. As she screamed, Lord Wallace gracefully let out his sword, held one of the elders by the throat and gently prodded his stomach with the sword. He smirked at King Lance waiting for the time for him to submit.

"Leave my father alone," Lance roared, but it was too late. Lord Wallace slipped and the sword sliced the elder in half.

"Your dragons cannot save you," Lady Phoebe said. "They're all frozen."

The King lunged towards the sliced corpse of his father as Lord Sidney beheaded a couple more of them. "I've got an idea," Lord Sidney proposed. He looked at his black wolf, his mightyena as he growled in delight. "Let's kill all the sages and let The King watch Mightyena have his breakfast. He's bound to surrender then. If not let's HAVE A DRAGON FEAST!" Lord Sidney raised his sword as he spoke. Mightyena licked his lips.

"THAT'S ENOUGH LORD SIDNEY!" Cardinal Drew roared. All he wanted was King Lance to submit to his arrest and detain him at Lavender Tower. He didn't want innocent elders being slaughtered to death and he was a vegetarian and wouldn't dare eat flesh. Lord Sidney's proposals was against the treaties made by His Holiness. As cardinal, Drew felt it was his duty to honour the rules of his holy house, and the most sacred rules of the pokemon religion was to honour all creatures.

The dragons didn't deserve to die for Lance's sins.

"Where are you taking me?" Lance asked as he was covered in his father's blood.

"Lavender Tower for the time being," Cardinal Drew said. "You will be under house arrest."


Queen Delia wondered how much time her husband had left. He been having episodes, the physicians diagnosed them as heart attacks. He even heard that her father, Professor Oak had been asking Cilan Dento for advice on how to break up a marriage. As she watched her husband's health deteriorate she wondered how much time she had left as well. She was fifty when she was crowned Queen Of Kanto and her husband was ten years older than her.

When Giovanni died, she promised herself to Spencer Hale. He was Professor Samuel Oak's first choice of a husband for Delia and also one of his favourite students. Professor Oak ensured that all his family were well educated. Professor Oak had always had a preference to Delia whilst Agatha preferred Catherine. Judging by the way their grandchildren turned out, Professor Oak felt that he won his old debate between him and his wife. He made it very clear that Delia was his favourite daughter and that Ash was his favourite grandchild.

They might not have liked Delia's marriage to Giovanni, and even though she had many affairs with Spencer, she still considered Giovanni her true and loving husband. But Delia had to suffer immensely for love and now she just wanted to make the most of her reign. All of Giovanni's hard work had become reality with her coronation. There were two things that traumatized her the most: having to baptize her second son as an orphan and the death of her youngest son, Kamon.

Ever since Kamon's death Delia had been interested in legitimizing Ritchie. But Giovanni flipped whenever he heard of The Hale Family. Mimey, Delia's Mr. Mime had brought Spencer Hale over to her room. She wanted to show Spencer a family portrait; their family portrait. Tracey Sketchit had completed the portrait a few days ago and believed that The Queen would be pleased with it.

She was more than pleased, she was delighted. It had all of the important people in her life. On her right was her sons with Giovanni and on the left was Spencer's two children. Both of her sons with Giovanni were with their wives. Ash was holding a sword above his mother's head whilst holding onto May's hand. Pikachu was resting on his shoulder.

A few footsteps apart Kamon was standing fiercely next to his wife Iris and she held onto the young Lilia. Spencer's children, Ritchie and Mollie were adjacent to each other. Sparky was hanging onto Ritchie's green cape whilst Molly was on her knees with her pokemon. A teddiursa and a flaafy were rolling about on the red carpet. Behind Delia and her crown was Spencer Hale, and above them were her parents: Agatha and Professor Samuel Oak dressed as angels. In the corner of the room behind Molly, Mimey was sweeping the floor.

Giovanni was nowhere to be seen in the portrait.

"Your Majesty," Spencer said. "It's magnificent, but where is The King."

"Which king are you referring to?" Delia asked in an innocent voice. "There's my sons on my right and then there's you behind me."

Spencer was speechless. "Are you trying to make me king?"

"Of course I am," Delia said. "Giovanni doesn't have much time left. This portrait will be hung in Indigo Plateau for everyone to see."

"You still cared about me," Spencer asked. "After all this time."

"I won't be allowed to legitimize Ritchie and Molly until Giovanni is dead." Delia nodded and the two of them fell into a kiss. They were unaware that Giovanni had tiptoed into the room until they heard armour on display smashing into the corner of the room.

Delia pulled away from Spencer and she had never seen Giovanni so mad. "Just when my heart is weakening, I find you courting with Viscount Hale!"

"Honey!" Delia called out. She looked over to Spencer and said, "Spencer you should leave." Spencer legged it as he dodged Giovanni's attempts to smash vases and plates at him. Meanwhile Delia held onto Giovanni's shoulders and he threw himself on the floor as he found himself in a pool of blood. He opened his mouth and rolled over to his side to see Mimey with his eyes open with a spear through his heart.

"MIMEY!" Giovanni screamed out his tears as he held onto his heart.

"Mimey," Delia gasped as she had only noticed that Mimey had died. In rage she kicked Giovanni's grion and screamed, "You killed Mimey!"

"I didn't kill Mimey!" Giovanni screeched as he dragged himself on a chair. With his free hand he pulled himself upon the pink hair. "That was your own fault, if you hadn't had been playing Viscount Hale."

"If you hadn't of hit me," Delia muttered. "I wouldn't have ran to him."

"Delia we've come so far," Giovanni croaked as his head turned from left to right. As he grasped for live he begged to his wife. "Don't ruin it all for that damned man and his little brats. As soon as his eyes turned towards the portrait he slammed his face against the table. "He is not the love of your life, I am. You only love him because you had a child with him."

Delia left without another word.

"Has Lance been arrested yet?" King Ash asked Lady Sabrina, the Duchess Of Saffron and also a prodigy in science.

"He is resisting arrest, Your Majesty," Sabrina responded as she kept her eyes closed.

"I don't care what they do as long they bring him to Lavender Town."

"They have beheaded several of the elders," Sabrina called as she envisioned the events of Lance's arrest. "Lord Sidney is engulfed by his anger and Cardinal Drew is stopping him from killing any more of the elders."

"Let me know when The King surrenders."

"He has surrendered with a confession," Sabrina confirmed.

Ash signed in relief. "What is the confession?"

"He says Iris is still his wife in Arceus' eye and that nothing will change that. He says that they can try and declare his sons bastards but it is Lilia who is the true bastard."

"There are no bastards in my family," Ash yelled. "I hope he loses his head."

Brock, The Duke Of Pewter came into Saffron Temple and tapped Ash by the shoulder. King Ash turned around and smiled at his dearly beloved friend.

"I am sorry to be the bearer of bad news," Brock whispered.

"Is it about King Lance?" Ash asked. "Sabrina has told me he's just been arrested."

"No it's about your father," Brock replied. "After finding The Queen with Viscount Hale, he later died of a heart attack. Delia and Vicount Hale have announced their engagement."

Ash shook his head as he said, "Mew works in mysterious ways."

"You know what this means right?" Brock asked. "Master Ritchie and Lady Molly will be placed in line to the succession of the throne."

"And my half-brother will become a prince?"

"Yes," Sabrina said. "Master Ritchie will officially a prince."

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