Chapter Thirteen: Another King Falls

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Kamon, Gary, Chili, Cress and Larxene were five guests that Cilan didn't expect to see when he woke up in the morning. As all four of them stared at Cilan as they all gathered around the small round white table in the corner, Cilan looked down and found himself alone and naked. He reached out and slipped on the closest clothes nearest to him, which ended up being one of Iris' pink night gowns made of silk. But all five of them contributed to Cilan's rise and fall.

Kamon was the first to speak. "How is my daughter?"

"She is well," Cilan replied. His tone was blanker than usual. He didn't know what kind of tone to use when he was talking to Kamon Ketchum. All five of them ghosts, but Cilan knew from the mauve fog that it was all a dream. Cilan knew that the only ghosts that existed were pokemon, and he didn't even consider himself a religious person. He was a man of love and he believed that love was all that mattered in the world. Whilst Giovanni's plans were a technical success, he lost his youngest son, Kamon in the process. "We've all been looking after her."

"Poor girl never got know her grandparents," Kamon muttered. "She will only know what they became."

"Cheer up you miserable sod," Chili requested as he patted Kamon's shoulder and poured more wine into his glass. "My brother is a good man. Don't forget you're one of the reasons why we're all sitting together like this."

Cress chuckled. "Very well said."

"My parents killed each other," Kamon replied. "My father died unhappy, as will my mother."

"Maybe the other king wants to have a drink with us?" Gary asked as his eyes glistened at Cilan.

"No thank you," Cilan responded. Cilan found himself in hysterics. The five of them were gathered around the table but they were transparent like ghosts. "This is only a dream," Cilan whispered to himself. "There's no such thing as ghosts."

"I must say that you pulled a great act in pretending to be a ghost," Gary told Cilan as he chuckled. "You play a great pretender."

"Thanks for looking after my son," Larxene responded happily. "I'm so glad everything turned out the way it did."

"And you tried to get me killed," Cilan reminded Larxene. "And failed pretty spectacularly didn't you?"

Larxene nodded. "Aren't we all failures?" She giggled before slurping another bottle of wine. "But he's getting too fat; he should cut down on them ramen dishes."

"I always Elijah was quite healthy," Kamon spoke. All of the spirits seemed to be wearing black kimonos and white obis around their waists. Kamon seemed to be the only ghost not to drink.

"How many bottles can you lot go through?" Cilan asked. "You're all going to get drunk before I even wake up."

But out of all of the five ghosts, it was Cilan's brothers that seemed to be the most happiest. Chili and Cress were the ones that succeeded and Cilan remembered when he woke up to the letter, he was devastated and couldn't even find a reason to live. All those promises that he and Iris made to each other all went down the drain when she was finally pushed into marrying Kamon.

But his brothers were right; karma was a big bitch. Giovanni had died from a heart attack after seeing Delia with another man. Kamon was killed before his daughter's first birthday. Larxene had died from a a postpartum hemorrhage. Gary was beheaded for his excessive adultery. And Lance, Cilan's original rival for Iris' affection was to be tried as a traitor.

After Gary was executed, Lady Clair tried to persuade Iris to take Lance back. Lady Clair didn't know that Cilan was still alive and that his death was faked by his brothers. As far Iris was concerned, the marriage to Lance was over. But Lance's attitude seemed to have changed, he had heard that The King had to take medication for his depression and Lord Will even said that he tried to commit suicide.

"Do you think that Lance is guilty of his crimes?" Cress asked Cilan.

Cilan gasped. He held onto the banister of the bed and replied with, "The tables are turning. What did he do while I was in a coma?"

"He was horrible to us," Chili replied.

"Why did nobody tell me this?" Cilan bellowed.

"Nobody knew," Chili responded. "I think he was angry that Iris didn't want him back and since you were dead he started taking his anger out on us."

"He was simply doing his job," Kamon responded. "Lance was worried about Iris and his sons. All he wanted was for them to be happy."

"And pushing her to killing my brothers would have made her happy?" Cilan responded.

The five of them had disappeared, but Cilan found himself wide awake. He decided to get dressed into something more respectable He marched into the cupboard and found an exquisite emerald cloak. He picked up a white vest from the bottom of the wardrobe and black pants. Before taking Iris' gown off, he picked up a golden obi with green leaves circulating around the centre of the sash. He tried to dress himself as quickly as he could and left the room.

Everyone who Cilan walked past bowed as he made his way through the royal gardens. He saw the golden axew running around the flowers as Cilan's step children entered the temple for meditation. Cilan had noticed that there were more dragons about than usual. A flock of jagged druddigons exposed thier wings to the sun whilst an altaria flew over Cilan.

Cilan turned his head and saw Lance Den, Johto's king standing still with a smirk on his face. At first, Cilan was reluctant to step forward, but he did. "What are you doing here?" Cilan asked.

"I have come to see my family," Lance responded with a smile. "Why should that surprise you Cilan? You've not been very good to them. There shouldn't have been a need for Iris to marry Kamon or Gary. You both should have been a long time married, you should both have your own children." Lance shook his head.

"I was framed and then they told me I was infertile," Cilan replied. "I thought you would have known. But I guess your gods move in mysterious ways. If I hadn't have been framed, Lilia and Elijah wouldn't have existed. I love them dearly."

"I don't think you do," Lance responded coldly. "You're just saying it, they remind you too much of your enemies and what they did to you."

It was true that Lilia reminded Cilan of Kamon for her scarlet hair and rough eyes and Elijah reminded him of Larxene because of his bright blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Cilan shook his head and smiled. "You're wrong, I care about them. And I am their father, just not by blood."

"How did you get away with everything for so long?" Lance asked curiously.

"Go away..." Cilan hissed. "Murderer!"

"You sent me away before," Lance reminded Cilan. Although Cilan couldn't remember a time when Cilan had ever sent him away other than now. He wondered if he meant that Iris stopped him from seeing Salem and Pagan and blamed Cilan for it. "And you know I love Iris, and I am still her husband in Arceus' eyes and Mew's too."

When Cilan blinked his eyes, Lance was gone. He opened his eyes and found himself back into his room. Cilan found himself correct, it was all a dream the whole time, but he found that there was a special symbol to that dream. Then he remembered the letter that his brothers wrote to him, all three of them had seem it coming. Cilan was to become the great king that Iris was wanting.

Iris had chosen Cilan out of all the mighty kings and princes she could have chosen to spend the rest of her life with, she chose Cilan who worked up the ladder to her heart. His fortune was like a yo-yo, but he knew the he was the winner; the king who survived where others had died. He wanted the wedding to be as perfect as possible, but this time he had a feeling that all who were good were there to see the wedding.

"King Lance has been found guilty of treason," Lord Gropius announced to Queen Iris. Hilda held onto her husband's arm as he spoke. Lord Gropius lowered his head as if he was mourning. "They found that he has had He is to be executed by Rukia Kuchiki."

Iris was not bothered about the adultery charges, as The Pope viewed their marriage unlawful, but they had decided that Pagan and Salem were to keep their titles as princes. It was what Iris wanted for her eldest sons. Pagan was the rightful heir to her throne, but she thought that any of her children could be brilliant monarchs. It was not Iris who was suffering: it was her sons.

Lance had loved her and would continue to do so until he died.

"The name sounds familiar," said Iris as she flickered her eye lids. She straightened her back as she sat on her metallic throne. Lance's execution would create a lot of attention, not because it would be the death of a king, but also because the executioner was a woman. It was madness, and it would be up to Iris to clean up the chaos that his ex-husband left behind.

"Rukia Kuchiki is the lieutenant of the 13th Division under Captain Jūshirō Ukitake in The Soul Society," Hilda explained. "And also a friend to the legendary Ichigo Kurosaki. She comes from a very noble background Your Majesty. She will make sure that Lance will not suffer."

"Will he be on his own?" Queen Iris asked.

"No," Lord Gropius replied. "Lord Xigbar and Lord Will follow him to the scaffold."

"When is execution?" Queen Iris asked. She gulped as she held onto her coronation ring.


Iris stood and headed straight for the door. "I must see him!"

"But what about the wedding?" Hilda asked. "That's tomorrow, if you go you will be late for your wedding." It would take five hours for

"We'll have to postpone it for the time being," Iris explained. "Cilan can wait a little longer and I need to let my sons see my father for the last time."

"Think about it," Hilda pledged to The Queen. She held onto Iris' sleeve and tapped her back. Hilda and Iris went back a long way, and Hilda believed that Iris made her the happiest woman alive when she blessed her marriage to Lord Gropius. Hilda waited until Iris turned to face her, it was now her turn to make her happy. "Don't you think Cilan has been through enough already? He might take it completely the wrong way. And do you really want to see Lance? If the accusations against him are true, then I don't think he's worth it."

"I don't really need to see him," Iris replied. "... But my sons do."

"You think he's innocent don't you?" Lord Gropius asked. "It's okay if you do, we'll stand by you no matter what choice you make."

"I don't know," Iris replied. "Lance has always been close with Will. He might be guilty, but I don't think he's guilty he's all the charges, especially incest."

"Should I tell Lance that the wedding is to be postponed until further notice?"

"If you can Lord Gropius, I would most appreciate it."

In a dimly-lit town in Sinnoh, Axel had arrived at a cottage that belonged to his Uncle Flint. He had brought his new girlfriend, Lady Xion to whom he was due to be married in the summer. Axel's parents had died in Pretear War where he served for the late King Kei: Iris' father. At first he was startled by the noise coming out through his uncle's house, but as he knocked on the door, he gazed over to the window and saw that he and Xion were not the only guests. There were two men with their wives; Klavier and Ema; and Volkner and Jasmine. The door swung open as Axel was greeted by a dashing smile from his uncle.

"Axel," Flint roared as he stretched his arms out. "I'm so happy to see you." He looked over his tall nephew's shoulder and saw Xion who smiled at him. "Have you got yourself a lady then?"

"I have," Axel replied. "This is Lady Xion, she was one of Xemnas' ladies-in-waiting."

"I've heard a lot about you," Flint said to Xion. "It's nice that I finally got to meet you. Come in guys, we're having a house party."

"Sounds good," said Axel as he crouched his head over to fit under the door. Xion quickly followed him as Flint closed the door behind them. "I have some news for you."

"And what would that be?"

"I'm staying in Sinnoh," Axel announced. "Starting fresh. Be a little closer to my friends and family."

"Roxas is now working under Queen Cynthia's household," Flint announced. "Sounds like you need it after Unova's been through. Anyway, it looks like we'll all be going to King Lance's execution if Ema gets her own way."

"She gets excited over dead people?" Xion asked.

"Ema always gets excited when she sees dead bodies," Flint explained. "She's a student at Her Majesty's University. She majors in general science and anatomy is one of her favourite subjects. Her husband, Klavier is a lawyer specialized in prosecution. The Gavins are a very ambitious family, I'm just glad they're not all like Kristoph."

"Kristoph?" Xion asked.

"You don't want to know," Axel replied. "He was a psychopath."

"Where has Roxas gone?" Xion asked Axel.

"He said he's gone to see Naminé," Axel replied. "He's not coming over tonight, but we'll be seeing him around. Do you want to go to the execution?"

As Xion tried to make up her mind, she could hear Ema raving about King Lance's execution. Ema raised her glass as she said, "This is going to be an execution to remember! Not only will The King of Johto be beheaded, he will be killed by a woman. It will shape history and the way society views women forever." Xion's stomach churned. She didn't really fancy going all the way to Kanto just to watch somebody's head get cut off She didn't understand why Ema was so happy about a good king being brought to his untimely death. She just couldn't begin to fathom it.

Lavender Town, Kanto, February 14th 1600

Today was the day that Lance Den, The King Of Johto would be sentenced to death. His executioner, Rukia Kuchiki unleashed her curved sword as she practiced her role. The Queen of Kanto stated that she could kill King Lance however she desired. Her sword was a silver katana with a slim blade. Queen Delia ordered Fuji household to supply her with any luxuries she desired as well as access to servants. Queen Delia was also staying at Fuji house and she would often speak to Rukia about the most random topics.

"I want an early night," Queen Delia told Rukia. "I'm getting married tomorrow and I just want to get all this over and done with." With each word Delia spoke, the tone of her voice became deeper and her accent became strained and weary. She shook her head and looked up onto the executioner. "Now my dear, is there anything we can do to make your stay more comfortable?"

"I think it would be beneficial to have a talk to him," Rukia suggested. "Along with the other two I have to execute to make sure he knows his place. And I hear from The Duke of Pewter that over ten thousand have come to watch the execution."

"More will come," Queen Delia confirmed. Rukia listened to The Queen well, and she couldn't help but feel that there was a tinge of sadness coming from her presence. She was told that Queen Delia radiated joy and happiness to all who knew her. "They've come to watch that scumbag die. People are always quick to point out that Ash and Gary were cousins. But Lance was my nephew too. I don't know why he had do that to little Kamon."

"I understand it must be quite hard to lose a child at any age," Rukia announced. "And I apologize for your loss and I assure you that the execution will be done very quickly."

"My lords," Queen Delia said to the monks as they swept up the rugs. "Take Rukia over to Lance."

"Yes Your Majesty!"

Delia inhaled her breath for a long time and as soon as the guards led Rukia out of the chamber, she exhaled with tears gushing from her eyes. Her knees silently dropped to the floor as her arms spread out above shoulders. As The Queen of Kanto cried harder, her arms tumbled in-between her cheeks. When she had become queen, she wouldn't have thought that she would have to order an execution, let alone help towards her nephew's murder.

But if it was true that Lance had been trying to kill Giovanni and her sons, then Delia had to take some action. She had never seen Ash so angry or upset at anybody before, she didn't want to believe the rumours. She had actually hoped that Gary's death would have been the end to it all, but according to Ash, there was one more traitor in their midst.

When she got her son's letter, it came to the point where she didn't care weather Lance was innocent or not. If Ash wanted Lance dead, then she would help him do it. At the same time, there was something deep inside her that was telling her that she was a fool. She just didn't want to live anymore, but she didn't want to die cowardly from a suicide.

The Queen of Kanto was lost and losing the ones she loved. She doubted anybody could save her. Her wedding day was tomorrow, but she was still deep in morning over the loss of Giovanni, so she wondered if she was even in a fit state to remarry.

"TODAY IS THE DAY!" Cilan screamed at the top of his voice. He lifted his heals and felt as light as a feather as he went through his extravagant wardrobe, Cilan struggled to decided what he should wear for his wedding. He was swept of his feet by the golden silk and the florescent kimonos before him. He wanted to look like a proper king. He wanted to represent the radiant persona that Iris had fell in love with.

"While you're picking your wedding clothes, Lance is preparing for his execution," Drayden hissed at Cilan. He lectured him like a child who had committed a terrible mistake.

"So?" Cilan didn't believe he was doing anything wrong.

"You are disgraceful," Drayden roared with his hands in the air. "And I hope you burn in Hell!" Drayden stormed out without even taking a single glance and made a vow that he would never see Cilan's face again.

"He really liked Lance didn't he?" Cilan frowned as he asked the question. He sat down and sighed. "When is he going to learn that Iris loves me?"

Lord Cheren tried to cheer him up. "I'm sure if you give him time..."

"He's had plenty of time," Cilan snapped.

"Don't forget Sire, there was a lapse in your marriage."

"The marriage is to be postponed until further notice," Bianca announced as she ran into the room. Cilan heard the words and felt as if he had been stabbed in the heart.

"Where is The Queen?" Cilan asked as he opened his mouth.

Bianca's lips tembled as she responded, but Cheren nodded as if it was a sign for her tell the truth. "She has gone to see King Lance's execution and she shall return once the affairs are settled."

"That murderer is not worth her time," Cilan growled. "What if she decides to spare him? What if she chooses him at the last minute?"

"I don't think that's possible," Hilda replied. "She says that you are the love of her life."

"Lance's death means that I am a survivor and this is my freedom," Cilan announced, raising his voice. "Gallons of blood was split by Lance's orders. I cannot let him take Iris away from me after everything we've been through."

"He can't," Cheren said. "He will die tonight. And as soon as Lance is out of the way, you two will be free to marry in no time."

"Iris has been bewitched, what if the damage is permanent?"

"We will find the culprit," Cheren promised his future-king. "As I said before, you need not worry."

Cilan closed his eyes and his body floated on the floor as if he was going to bed. Cilan didn't consider himself to be a religious man, but he felt like praying for Iris' safety.

"I like Daddy Lance," Lilia told her brothers. "I want him to stay in Unova forever and ever."

"Lilia," Salem said as he held onto his sister's hand. "You'll be a fine queen one of these days."

"But I thought Pagan was going to be king after mother."

"Not like that," Salem responded. He tried his best to smile. "You'll have many magnificent kings fighting for your affection."

"The Queen is here," one of the gaurds said as the men lead them to Lance.

"I thought she would be asleep," they heard Lance say.

"The Queen of Unova and Johto, Your Grace!"

"Iris..."Lance was stunned. Iris made her way through the dull room as Lance hugged her as soon as she was a foot away from him.

"I have other people to see you too," Iris said as she her two sons and daughter stepped forward as the two brothers held onto Lilia's hand.

"I must say how much I will morn your loss," Salem said as he bowed before his father. "And bid you remember others before you who were executed in dignity."

"You are so brave," Lance said, smiling at his son. Salem's bravery moved Pagan into tears.

"Will you be coming to my tea ceremony?" Lilia asked Lance with a huge smile on her face with excitement in the tone of her voice. She was too young to understand the gruesome back-story of why they were in Kanto and innocent to the fact that it would be the last time Lilia would see him.

"I'm afraid I won't be able to make it," Lance said as he bent over to Lilia's level. A sound coming from Pagan made him rise his head. "Why are you crying Pagan?"

"I don't want you to die," Pagan sobbed.

"Don't be sad for me," Lance requested. "You've come to that age when it's time for you to make your own family. Have you chosen your wife yet?"

"I want to marry the Lady Clair," Pagan said. "She understands me more than anybody can."

"Pagan should marry whoever he deems worthy," Iris declared as she looked at her eldest son. Lance nodded, even though he thought it would be strange for Pagan to marry his second cousin, as long as he was happy, Lance would make no comment about it.

Iris thought that Lance had made his own death wish when he said he pretended he was still married. Even though he was pleased to see her, Iris could still tell that he was traumatized.

Iris was reminded of the time where people begged her to stay by Lance's side, and now they were telling her declare the abuse she received from him. It sounded easy, and Cilan was already making plans for his coronation in Johto. It would all be written off in history as a happily ever after.

The Queen of Unova found a major flaw to the logic: to her knowledge, Lance had never abused her. Iris wanted to find Lance guilty, but she couldn't help but feel he was innocent. Nobody came to her about Lance's accusations.

Lance was once one of the most powerful kings in Asia; now he was about to be beheaded as his people were lost and helpless. She wanted to help Lance, but if she interfered too much, then Pope Mickey might turn around and say that she can't marry Cilan.

Cilan was the love of her life, and she had learned many things during her reign, that had nearly lasted twenty years. After everything she had been through, she could only see a future with Cilan.

"What were you trying to do?" Iris asked. She slid around every corner of the room as her two sons, Salem and Pagan, followed her. She wanted to look away from Lance, but her instincts told her otherwise. From the moment she barged into the room, Lance and Iris' sight where in deadlock.

"I was trying to be your true and loving husband," Lance responded. "As I always was and always shall be."

"It was a good twelve years," Iris told him. "You made me very happy."

"Nineteen," Lance said as if he was trying to correct him. Iris didn't understand why he was smiling. He was about to be condemned to death and the love of his life would be marrying someone else.

She was so in love with Cilan that she never stopped to think about Lance.

Rukia stood up as she walked in between them and faced Lance. "It is time," she said. Lance removed his wedding ring and passed it to Pagan. Pagan took the ring and wore it and then Iris did the same thing to Salem. Iris and her children hopped onto a carriage as they parted ways with Lance. He didnt want his children to watch him die, nor did he think that Kamon would want Lilia watching bloody executions from the age of four.

Will, Xigbar and Lance had to share the same scaffold. Will and Xigbar's death was just a warm-up, all the people came to watch Lance die and probably didn't know nor care about the other two. Will was the first person to die, he begged everyone to pray for him and he sobbed through his death. Next was Xigbar who just took it as it was; no speech or anything. Two heads had been beheaded, but it didn't scare Lance: he had been long prepared.

"As you all know I have come here to die," Lance announced to the crowd as he walked in front of Rukia and next to his coffin. "So I will not delay you for much long, but I want you all to listen and pass it on to your sovereigns. As Arceus and Mew are my witnesses, I forgive all those who brought me here and pray that you do not charge them for my death. As for my final wish, I pray for you all to pray for Queen Iris, for there was never a more sweeter princess and help her maintain the peace of our kingdom."

Everyone was on their knees, including Rukia. "Your Majesty... forgive me."

"Gladly," Lance said as he sat on his knees and removed his cape.

"I promise you that it will be so subtle that you won't be able to feel anything," Rukia whispered into Lance's ear.

"GET ON WITH IT!" It was a voice of a man who was close up front. He was tall with ginger hair and wore the same robes as Rukia. She stared at the man and then looked down at The King's neck who turned at the man's frustrated face. In the corner of Lance's eye, he could see

A perfect angle: King Lance Den was beheaded by a single stroke from Rukia's sword.

Ash and May had a choice weather to go to the wedding of Queen Delia or the wedding of Queen Iris. In the end, they went to both, but didn't stay very long as something urgent cropped up. The King and Queen of Hoenn didn't make much of scene, so many assumed that they attended neither of the weddings. All three regions were a considerable distance apart and they both only got to see the exchange of vows and the ceremony. Both weddings were almost identical in terms of glamour and decoration.

"What a day," Queen May said as she held onto her king's hand. "Two weddings in one day."

"And a long coming execution," Ash added. "Lance had been getting away with it for too long."

"He should have been beheaded a long time ago," May agreed with Ash. "He burned thousands of duelists and beybladers in a tower. All because they didn't want to become pokemon trainers."

"I'm so glad he's dead," Ash admitted. He lowered his head and frowned as if he wanted to sulk. "But at the same time, I feel guilty for feeling this way, he was one of my cousins. But he was a murderer. He killed people in cold blood."

"Let's not think about him now," May advised Ash as she rubbed on her stomach. "Let's have some some of this pie before it goes cold."

"Lord Gavin suggests we should take full custody of Lilia and kill Iris," Ash stated. "He believes that Iris is a terrible mother and a failure of a Queen. He wrote me a letter asking if he can stab Iris."

May chuckled. "We have the best servants. But perhaps they're too good. I don't know, I want a new beginning. I've had enough of war and executing kings. Why don't we all just get along? Lance's death seals a new beginning for the world; a time for love and a time for peace."

The Queen May had developed a craving for dragon meat, in particular she enjoyed chomping on dragon wings. King Ash had ordered a dragon pie to be prepared. It would be gigantic enough for their large appetite. Ash forced himself to smile as he stood on the dinner table and and stomped his feet. "Arceus bless the gorgeous pie." The servants and noblemen who had gathered around the dinner table all gave a round of applause. "The fried wings are for May, but the rest all for me." Ash chuckled and took a brief glance at all his hungry guests. "Of course you guys will have a piece too."

"Where is this glorious pie we were promised?" Lord Sidney asked.

"It's here," Ash roared as he saw the sight of a venusaur lifting a huge pie with it's vines. Ash jumped of the table and slipped onto the big chair next to his wife. The pie as Ash promised was huge and it was placed in the middle of the table where May grabbed onto the two wings. "Let's tuck in."

"If I didn't know any better," Cardinal Drew said as he watched The Queen eat. "I would say that you are pregnant."

"I am!"

"Arceus bless my soul," Lord Wallace gasped in delight. "You've finally about to produce the grand heir we were promised?" As soon as Ash heard the news of May's pregnancy, he tucked into his food faster. Gravy oozed from the corners of his mouth, and so did a victorious smirk.


The way that The Queen saw how the marriage went was different to the way that Cilan saw things. He was satisfied with how everything was coming along, and then he accused Lance messing everything up. Iris loved every minute of getting married to Cilan again. Unfortunately it left King Cilan with an overwhelming feeling of nerves and the thumping of his heart created an eerie base that made his head feel tense.

He felt lost by the concept that he almost lost his wife. With Lance's death out of the way, Cilan began to find out more about the late king's hemic methods to secure his empire. The conflagration of duelists and beybladers and the beheading of any who stood in his way. The killing sprees were kept a secret from The Queen until now. It made Iris even more grateful that she was with Cilan.

"I've never been so happy in my life," Iris proclaimed with her arms in the air. It was only the two of them in their old luxurious bedroom. She raised her heels in the air and smooched Cilan's cheeks. When she lowered her heels, she lifted Cilan's arms above her head and twirled him across the bed. The full weight of Cilan's body landed onto the mattress of the bed.

"Why did Salem walk out of the wedding?" Cilan snarled as he clenched his fists against the pillows. He wanted to prove to Unova that he loved their beloved queen very much. He knew that as soon as Pagan was crowned that he would find himself on the scaffold. Salem storming out of the wedding didn't help much either. His trusted friend, King Ash from Hoenn didn't even show up to his wedding. Ash didn't come the last time due to an injury, but there was nothing from stopping him now. "Why didn't Ash come?"

"I'm sure they have their reasons," Iris responded. She was drawn back and quite shocked from the unenthusiastic tone of his voice and showed little of the charm that The Queen of Unova and Johto had fallen in love with. "Salem's still morning over his father and I don't think he likes the idea of Pagan marrying Clair. Even though there's no law stopping it, I can still see why Salem wouldn't want Pagan to marry his godmother and first cousin removed."

"Why did go run to Lance?" Cilan rolled over and his hands crept towards her wedding dress. His voice weakened. "I need to know."

"To say goodbye to him," Iris responded. She made no hesitation or any stumbling in her voice. "My children wanted to see him, and I knew it would be the last time they would see him."

"I was so worried about you," Cilan confessed as he moved his upper body against her chest. Before Cilan rested his head against Iris' shoulder, The Queen managed to see a glimpse of Cilan smile. "I thought you would actually leave me for him."

"Lance and I were never truly married," Iris announced in a fit of giggles. She tapped Cilan's nose and said, "In Arceus's memiors it states that we must marry for love. You're silly, Cilan... That's all in the past now. Open your heart! This is our future. You are now my true and loving husband."

"Promise me Iris," Cilan screamed as he held tightly onto Iris' elbows. He stumbled as he fought back a single tear. "There will be never be any other men. Your love is only for me."

"Whatever you want is yours," Iris whispered. She crawled back against the end of the bed and slipped out of her wedding dress. She bounced on Cilan's legs and kissed his hand. She could see it in his emerald eyes that this act of passion was crucial for Cilan's physiological health.

Cilan tossed his vivid clothing and wrapped himself around Iris as they both tucked into bed and circulated around the velvet and silk. "Then I want only you."

"What do you want from me?" Iris asked as she cradled his chest.

"I want your real love, your warm comfort, your sweet body, your wild heart, your feisty personality, your... I want all of you. I don't want to let you go this time. I want to be a part of the family we promised each other." With each word, Cilan held onto Iris to an even tighter grip. It even included the odd thrusting and moaning.

"We are." Queen Iris was thinking of Pagan, Salem, Elijah and Lilia looking after each other. Cilan wasn't their biological father, but she had a feeling that if he had the chance, he would have been a great father.

"But your sons hate me," Cilan responded. Although he couldn't help but rest his eyes on the pair of breasts before him. He clutched them like a batch of flowers.

"They will grow to like you," Iris vowed, cupping Cilan's cheeks.

"You said that the last time. Pagan will destroy me."

"We're King and Queen of Johto and Unova. They will grow to love you as their king." Iris' voice was rich with determination.

"As soon as you are gone it will be the death of me." On the other hand, Cilan wouldn't have minded at all. Pagan could dispose of Cilan any way he wants when he is king. By that time it wouldn't matter because if Iris did die before Cilan, he would view it as a way to get closer to her again.

"Don't worry," Iris assured The King. "I have many years to go and much more things to do."

"You mean it?" Cilan grinned as he felt all his problems sweep away.

"My word is law," Iris declared before ramming her tongue down Cilan's throat with a mighty force. She pulled away in a breathless state, but Cilan was left impulsed The Queen was on top of him, but he felt like the dominate one.

"Finish your law unto me." Cilan spoke in a deep voice that represented authority. Iris gasped as her face plunged closer onto Cilan's cheeks. In her head she wondered what she meant by that, but she felt as if her king could read her mind. Cilan answered her hidden question with no words. He licked Iris' lips before the gap between her lips widened and they performed their deepest and passionate kiss.

Now I have found the start,
I must fulfill my part
In the warmth of the beckoning fire.

I may have fallen apart,
But my recoveries are smart!
Hear the sweetness of the choir!

These passionate nights heal my heart.
My courage found the art
Beneath the light desire. 

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