3. Albus Dumbledore

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything except the plot the characters belong to Rock Riordan and J.K Rowling.

I watch sadly as Perseus cautiously looks around checking for danger, hiding places and ways to get away quickly. I sigh as I see the broken look in his eyes that shows how much he has seen and been through.

This is the reason I brought Perseus here to protect Harry, I don't want Harry's eyes to look that broken. The burden of numerous deaths on his shoulders, large amounts of pain constantly haunting him but most of all the eyes of a war veteran on someone so young. I know I sound selfish not wanting Harry to look like that when so many of Perseus's species do but the difference between mine and Perseus's race is that they are born and trained to fight, us wizards and witches are not. We are taught to use magic to help us in everyday life, not protect is from threats. It is inevitable for a demigod to not look battle hardened but many wizards can be saved that look.

Sighing again I say, "Come along Perseus, we have many people to meet." He looks at me and nods, following after me silently. We reach the dining room whee the order of the Phoenix is currently having a meeting. I see one of the Weasly's inventions, extendable ears, listening in, I ignore it wanting them to hear about our new addition.

As we enter the room all talk stops. Many pairs of eyes turn towards us. We stand there awkwardly for a few seconds before the sinks explode, everyone looks at each other in confusion but I look accusingly at Perseus. He shrugs and waves his hand making all the water evaporate, I don't like people staring at me, he mouthed. I nodded and chuckled to myself, "Calm down, " I call out over the chatter, " this is Perseus and he will be here for the year at least."

"Why," someone calls out. I identify them to be Sirius, I look at Perseus and he gestures to me to explain. I sigh and say, " Perseus," I see him flinch at his name but disregard it, " is here to aid us on the defeat of the Voldemort as this is his area of expertise."

Sirius and Alastor glance at each other, " how would this be his area if expertise, as far as we know he could be bluffing and working for the dark lord," Sirius says. I have just enough time to think that he is going to regret that when Perseus leaps at him and has his sword at Sirius's throat. "Never say I am a traitor or a spy. Never underestimate me because I can guarantee that it won't end well for you, just like every other person who has done so," he growls. Sirius flinches and I tell Perseus to get off him, which he does so grudgingly and not without a final glare that makes everyone flinch. I wonder how long it will take for some serious injuries to occur before saying, " I will leave you to get acquainted and please don't hurt each other too badly as I am sure Chiron wouldn't approve of it Perseus and I know I won't encourage any attacks on a valuable ally," I say before apparating away to Hogwarts to prepare for the upcoming year of what i an sure is going to be exciting.


So everyone, life how is it, mines hectic, give me any pointers on grammar errors and stuff.


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