Chapter 40

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It was a usual afternoon, the weather was a beautifully nice one, which was sure to make anyone's mood better just from going outside... This was the complete opposite of what was happening to Atsuko as she currently had her entire face painted red from bashfulness as she sat on Edward's lap while he hugged her and buried his face in her fluffy hair. All of that happened at a bench in the back garden of the Harding manor.

"E-Edward-sama... I-Is it not enough a-a-already?"

"*Sniffing Atsuko's hair* Eh? Is it, Atsuko-sama?"

"Yes, it is! You are doing it too much again!"

"... But, all that I did so far was just show you how much I love you, Atsuko-sama"


Hearing Edward's answer, Atsuko couldn't help but feel both guilty at trying to make him stop and happy about the fact that Edward was doing all that because he loved her that much. And as a consequence, she couldn't help but keep repeating all of the things that Edward had done to her earlier.




Earlier during morning


It was just a few minutes after breakfast, and Atsuko was already feeling exhausted, after all, she had to endure Edward occasionally feeding her during breakfast, and kissing her whenever she left crumbs near her mouth. Although she did try to stop him from doing either of those things, Edward in turn would show a somewhat saddened expression, which caused Atsuko to feel guilty and thus relent to Edward's advances.

And now, all that she could do was stand in place with her cheeks blushing red as she used a broom to keep herself standing since she also began to help in the usual tasks around the manor just like Lysette, which ironically these moments where she was supposed to be working, became the best moments for her to calm herself down as she would often stop thinking about Edward... That was for as long as they didn't end up meeting each other by chance...

Which was exactly what happened at that exact moment.

"Ah! Atsuko-sama"

"! E-Edward-sama!?"

Seeing Atsuko, Edward just smiled cheerfully as he approached and then hugged her, a move that caused Atsuko's mind alarm bells to start rigging wildly as she knew what was coming next. And just as she expected, Edward kissed her on the lips.

"Atsuko-sama, did I already say to you that you're looking very cute today as well?"

"Y-Y-Yes, you did..."

"I see, I can't help but repeat it again and again since you're always being so lovely and cute, Atsuko-sama"

"I-It is e-enough a-already, E-Edward-sama..."

"Okay then. See you another time, Atsuko-sama"

"R-Right... Mm!?"

Then just before leaving, Edward gave Atsuko a second kiss, which caught her by surprise this time, as she wasn't expecting a second one, this made Atsuko freeze in place for several seconds, as she only came back to her senses when she felt two gazes on her back. When she looked at the direction they were coming from, she saw Nanako and Lysette both looking at her with eyes filled with jealousy. So far, only Atsuko was being treated like that, just as Edward had promised that he would focus more on one of them each day of the week.

Of course, Edward still made sure to give Nanako and Lysette occasional headpats and praises, since he couldn't help but want to pamper the two as well.




Sometime later, inside the manor's library

Atsuko was now enjoying her free time by reading a book at the library, which was completely silent as Atsuko's soft breaths were barely audible unless one were to be right next to her. A few minutes passed, with the occasional sounds of a page being flipped momentarily moving through the almost empty library, and then finally...

*Book being closed SFX*

<This was quite a good read, the story was a rather common one, but the writing was top-notch, which helped in making all those cliches payoffs feel good... However, the romance part could do a bit of improvement, especially on how slow it is even when the characters show obvious signs of affection for each other at various points of the story... ... ...>

As Atsuko gave her review of the series inside her mind, when she reached the part about the romance, she ended up stopping her train of thought as the many, many, memories of Edward showing his affection to her began flooding her mind.

"... *Making a troubled expression* <I-I-I should g-go f-f-finf a-a-another b-b-b-book t-to read! M-Maybe o-one a-about t-t-this k-k-kingdom's h-h-istory! Y-Yes, l-let's g-go with that!"

In a desperate attempt to stop thinking about all those memories and to prevent herself from becoming too embarrassed. Atsuko decided to return the book she had just finished to read back to the bookshelf and pick another one, this time, one that hadn't romance in it.

So she got up from her seat and began to seriously focus on what book she should pick this time, however, that unnecessary effort that she put into not thinking about romance backfired as she completely missed the sound of the door of the library being opened followed by the sound of footsteps.


Edward who had come to the library to return a book that his father had finished checking for information, noticed Atsuko standing in place as she was making a serious face while looking through the various options of books in front of her. Of course, this being Edward he approached Atsuko, but instead of letting himself know, this time he decided to silently approach her.

*Hugs Atsuko from behind* "Caught you, Atsuko-sama"

"!?!?!? Eh!? E-E-Edward-sama!?"

"Yes, it's me, Atsuko-sama. Are you perhaps thinking about what to read?"

"Eh? Ah! Y-Yes, I am..."

"Then how about this one? I quite liked the story and characters from it"

"Ah! I've already read that one, I quite liked the confession scene from it, where the male and female leads confessed to each other in an empty library and had... Their... First... Kiss... ... ... Hm?..."


Atsuko who became a bit worked up at talking about the story Edward tried to recommend to her, slowly noticed by the end of her favorite scene description, that it was eerily similar to her end Edward's current situation... A boy and a girl who liked each other... In an empty library... Realizing her situation, Atsuko began to cold sweat, as she knew that Edward wouldn't just let her go without doing some sort of flirting with her.

Then Atsuko slowly turned her head to look at Edward, and there, she saw him brightly smiling at her almost as if he knew exactly what to do with her, which only made Atsuko's worry grow exponentially.

"E-E-Edward-sama... I-I-I n-n-need t-t-to g-get go- MNNPHH!!!"

Before she could finish her line, Edward began to passionately and intensely kiss Atsuko, inspired by the private atmosphere created by the quiet and empty library and by Atsuko's cuteness. Atsuko on the other hand, weakly attempted to resist, before falling to her desires for Edward after some seconds, and seemingly forgetting everything that happened from then on...

By the time Atsuko regained her senses, she would find herself sharing a bed with Edward as he tightly hugged her in his sleep. Although she had slept with him once together with Lysette and Nanako, this was the first time that she slept with Edward alone, meaning that she became unable to fall back asleep as her embarrassment, shame, and excitement kept her eyes wide open, with her slowly resurfacing memories from the time between when she was at the library to now, only worsened her suffering of shame.





It was currently a few hours before noon, and as usual, Edward was doing some paperwork, but today was a bit different from usual, as it was Nanako's turn to have Edward all to herself, and that was exactly what she was doing.

"... Erm... Nanako?"

"Yes, Edward-sama?"

"... Hm... Could you... Please let go of my arm, Nanako?"

"Why should I do so, Edward-sama?"

"Because it makes it more difficult for me to do this work"

"Then that means that you won't be able to overwork yourself!"

With a bright smile, Nanako said so as she snuggled onto Edward even more, but Edward could feel that she wasn't doing that just because she liked hugging Edward.

"Nanako... Are you perhaps still mad about earlier?"

"Ara? How could I possibly be mad at the fact that the first thing that I saw this morning was you and Atsuko-sama sharing a bed, and with you even giving Atsuko-sama a good morning kiss, when today you're supposed to do such things with me and only me for the entire, Edward-sama?"

"..." <Yup, she's still angry about that... ... ... Well, I can always leave my work for another time...>

Seeing that Nanako was still angry about earlier today, Edward decided to ditch his work to instead pamper Nanako.

"Nanako, is there something you want to do today?"

"Hmm... How about a date, Edward-sama?"

"Fine by me"

"Mm! *Nods*"

Nanako this time showed a happy smile as she nodded to Edward, but after doing so, she continued looking at him, which made him a bit confused for a moment, before he noticed that she was asking for something a second later.

In turn, seeing that Edward noticed what she wanted, Nanako closed her eyes as she awaited it, and just as she wanted it, she felt a soft sensation on her lips. Having received her kiss, Nanako showed a radiant smile as she seemed to have been appeased for now.

"Edward-sama, shall we get going for our date?"

"Of course, Nanako"

And so under the pressure of keeping Nanako in a good mood, Edward ditched his work to spend his day on a date with Nanako.




"Ah! Look at that, Edward-sama!"

"Ooh! It's very pretty, just like you, Nanako"

"... H-How about this E-Edward-sama? I-Isn't it very well made?"

"Yes, and the pattern used is very cute as well, fitting for someone as cute as you, Nanako"

"... T-Then w-what a-about t-t-this, E-Edward-sama?"

"I think it's a perfect fit for you, Nanako. Since it would only make you even more beautiful"

"T-That's enough already, Edward-sama! I-I'm the one supposed to be on the offensive today!"

"Hm? But I'm just saying my honest thoughts about how much I love you, Nanako"


Nanako easily felt amused and playful by the uncles and aunties who manned the stalls of the commercial district, and with whom she and Edward were all acquainted, rapidly grew more embarrassed, as her attempt to make Edward feel the taste of his own medicine, royally backfired as he showed once again how shameless he was when it came to flirting with his fiancées.

"... I-I'll g-go t-take a l-look o-over there, E-Edward-sama..."

Unable to endure all those gazes and whispers of the adults around them, all of them saying how much the two loved each other, and how cute Nanako was in trying to be the one on the attack. Nanako made a strategic retreat ahead of Edward, who without Nanako was able to buy all the items she had shown him so that he could it to her later.

"This should be all that she showed an interest in... Hm?"

When he was about to start going after Nanako, who was most likely with one of their many merchant acquaintances, he saw something shining on the edge of his vision, looking at the direction of the light source, he saw a collar with a silver-white Bolnisi cross that had a beautiful amethyst the very center of it, which reminded him of Nanako's eyes.

"... Hey, chief. How much is this collar?"

"Ah? That one? It's three hundred since it's made from some pretty rare metal"

"Expensive!... ... ... Well, it'll be Nanako's birthday present, so it's worth it"

With teary eyes, but also smiling, Edward used most of his allowance to buy a gift for Nanako's birthday, which was just a week away. Receiving the small box containing the collar, he safely put the bag that it was in, between the other bags he was carrying to make sure Nanako wouldn't notice it.

Then with that mini side-quest done, Edward went on to find Nanako, who thanks to her rather unique appearance, was rather easy to find... She was also being hit on by pick-up artists.

"..." <Why does this feel so cliché?>

Seeing that scene, all that Edward could do was sigh at how often that scene was used and approach Nanako to help her deal with the guys annoying her.

"Hey, hey, girl. How 'bout we go have some fun together?"

"Yeah, yeah, we'll make sure to give you a great time!"

"I refuse, I'm already on a date with my fiancé and I don't even know you two"

"Oh yeah? And where is that fiancé of yours then?"

"Most likely buying the things I showed to him to gift them to me, now if you two excuse me, Edward-sama is probably already making his way here"

"... Huh? Edward... Sama? Could it be?"

"Oi, does she mean that Edward?"

"Nanako, I'm back"

"Ah! Edward-sama!"

Hearing Edward's voice, Nanako ran towards him and then hugged him, followed by kissing him on the lips, to the fact that she was his fiancée. Seeing the two, and especially Edward, the two pick-up artists grew pale, as they realized that they had just attempted to mess with the fiancée of a noble, even if Edward was just a count.

So, of course, the two pick-up artists decided to run away before anything happened to them.

"Is everything alright, Nanako? Did I arrive too late?"

"No, you've arrived just on time, Edward,-sama. Those two things had just started to talk with me when you called"

"I'm glad. Also, I bought all of this for you"

"You didn't need to, Edward-sama... But, thank you"

*Stomach grumbling*

"I guess, that this date must've made you rather hungry, Edward-sama"


"Fufu! Then shall we go have lunch, Edward-sama? I brought some food that I packed earlier"

"Ah! Nanako's homemade food, I can't wait to have it""


Hearing Edward's praise, Nanako made a proud expression, especially because between her, Lysette, and Atsuko, she was the only one who knew how to cook, as anything that Lysette made always ended up burned or turned into charcoal, while Atsuko had never once held a knife, much less cook.

And so, the two would have lunch together, and later they continued with their date, which lasted until the final hours of the afternoon, along the way, Edward would find many opportunities to flirt with and kiss Nanako in front of many people, much to her chagrin.

Edward had to later go on overdrive to finish all his work, and just like Atsuko, Nanako got the opportunity to sleep together with Edward with the two of them... And just like with Atsuko, Nanako would fail to fall asleep as her brain decided to flood her with all the embarrassing things she did with Edward, and with, a massive surge of embarrassment that was further complemented by Edward tightly hugging her as he slept.




Meanwhile during that day


Atsuko was lying on her bed with an empty expression, ever since she woke up to Edward giving her a good morning kiss, she hadn't received anything else from him aside from an occasional headpat or two, after all, today was meant only for Nanako to be the one receiving his affection.

She knew that very well, but... Atsuko was already feeling fidgety at not being flirted by Edward, even more so after being the target of it for a whole week plus an entire day, where Edward had practically removed all breaks from his impulses of pampering his fiancées.

"... ... ... *Touches her lips* I want a kiss from Edward-sama..."

Atsuko's cheeks turned red after she said that, since that was clear evidence of how used she got to having Edward kissing her at any given moment, that she was now craving for it since she wouldn't be getting any kiss from him whenever he felt like giving her one.

"... ... ..." <Maybe I should go on a little walk>

Wanting to avoid making herself feel more depressed at the fact that she wouldn't be able to flirt with Edward, Atsuko sluggishly got up from her bed and left her room, to take a walk around the manor.

As she did so, Atsuko eventually passed through a window that gave a clear view to the back garden, and there she was able to see Lysette sitting on a bench... While appearing to be empty inside, just from spending two days without Edward flirting with her, something that Atsuko could feel would also happen to her tomorrow.

She shook her head to attempt to remove that thought from her mind as she continued walking, this time to the library. When she entered it, the first thing she noticed was how empty it always was, while the second was on a pile of papers and books on one of the tables, the very one that Edward would usually sit at to do his work, and on the chair he preferred to sit on, she noticed that his jacket was hanging on it.


Seeing it, Atsuko felt weirdly attracted to it, to the point she approached the chair and picked the jacket up, as she kept on curiously looking at it, until she...

"... *Sniff*... ... ... *Sniff* Sniiiiiiffff*... ... ... Puhaa!"

She started sniffing the particular scent coming from it, to the point that she had even covered her face with the jacket as she took a deep breath, only for her to reveal herself making a stupidly satisfied and happy expression in doing so.

"... ... ..."

Atsuko for a brief moment, realized what she had just done, causing her to freeze on the spot, she knew that this wasn't something a noble lady should be doing, and yet... she wanted to keep doing so. To the point, she battled intensely inside her mind, between her desire to keep smelling Edward's jacket and her reason that she shouldn't do that because it wasn't proper.

Then before she knew it, Atsuko was already back on her bed as she continued to smell Edward's jacket with ragged breaths and in a very suspicious pose.





"Ehehehe... Edward-sama... Ehehehe..."


Edward was currently doing the paperwork of yesterday, while Lysette was happily sitting on his lap as she hugged him and rubbed her cheeks on him, something she had been doing since early in the morning as she refused to let go of him. And that Edward also didn't want to make her stop from doing so, since it made Lysette look even cuter than usual.

"... ... ... Erm, Lysette-sama, could you let go of me for a moment?"

"I cannot, Edward-sama"

"Really? Because I think you would also prefer to let go of me for a few minutes, Lysette-sama"

"And why would I prefer to let go of you than spend as much time with you, Edward-sama"

"... ... ... Because I don't think you would want to go to the bathroom with me just yet"

"... Eh?"

"Lysette-sama, I need to heed nature's call, and unless you want you want to come with me, I'll have to ask you to let go of me"


Hearing his answer, Lysette who was initially making a happy and bright smile from finally being able to flirt with Edward, changed into one of embarrassment as she realized what she was doing.

"I-I-I'm sorry, Edward-sama! Y-Y-You can a-a-and t-t-take your time!"

"Thank you, Lysette-sama. I'll make sure to finish my work as fast as possible and then spend the rest of the day pampering you"

"... *Meekly nods*"

Having come back to her senses, a wave of embarrassment was now assaulting Lysette as she couldn't believe that she was being that aggressive with Edward, just because she had spent two days without any flirting from him. As for Edward at this very moment...

"..." <That was close!!! If we stayed like that any longer, I'm sure she would start noticing my little one. And even though the usual embarrassed Lysette is quite cute, an aggressive Lysette is also very appealing as well... Hm! Whatever it may be I still need to pamper Lysette until she's satisfied!>

Edward steeled himself to pamper Lysette to her heart's content, but instead of returning to the library, he still went to the bathroom since he still needed to help his little one calm down.




Some hours later

Edward and Lysette were now in the back garden, but differently from before where Lysette was just happily hugging Edward. She was now receiving many kisses from him, while she desperately tapped his back for him to stop as she was barely managing to keep her reason.

"Puhaaa!... Haa... Haa... E-Edward-sama..."

"Yes, Lysette-sama?"

"I-I-Isn't t-t-this enough already!"

"Hmmm... Nope!"

"Y-Yes, it is! I-I-I feel like y-you've b-b-been k-k-k-kissing m-m-me f-f-for a-a-an hour already!"

"Eh? I have?"


"Hmm... I guess, I was just too engrossed in kissing my really cute fiancée to notice the time passing"


Lysette who by now had lost her initial vigor from finally having Edward to herself, was now acting shy and getting easily embarrassed by anything flirty that Edward did with her, and even now all that she could do was blush at Edward's words.

"..." *Stare*

"W-What's wrong, E-Edward-sama?"

"I'm just admiring your cute beauty, Lysette-sama"

"..." *Looks away embarrassedly*

Seeing Lysette continuing to feel shy, Edward decided to just tightly hug her, which didn't help in making her embarrassment go away, but she still felt happy at being hugged by Edward. But that was only for a few minutes, as he then went back to kissing Lysette much to her chagrin.





Nanako was currently sweeping one of the many hallways of the manor in silence, her face showed only a lack of expression, as she appeared to not be thinking of anything. But that was just a facade as inside her mind...

"..." <I want a kiss from Edward-sama!!! Why can't he kiss me when we passed by each other earlier!!!... ... ... This was a horrible idea! Not getting any attention from Edward-sama a day after being pampered by him is painful! I want to flirt with him already!!!>

She was crying in frustration as she, just like Atsuko yesterday, was having a hard struggle to adjust to not receiving any attention from Edward, just after she was able to go on a date with him, have many kisses with him, and even sleep with him.

"... !... ... ... Muuuguguguh... I want Edward-sama to hug and kiss me already!!!"

Then when she saw just outside the window, the scene of Edward messing with Lysette by kissing her on the cheeks, as she appeared to be making a token attempt to make him stop from doing so as her cheeks were flushed red. Nanako couldn't help but let her thoughts out loud.

As for Atsuko, she had ended up just like Lysette yesterday... Feeling empty since she couldn't get the motivation to do anything, aside from sniffing Edward's jacket, which she had yet to return, in a very suspicious position.




The night of the same day

"Lysette-sama, do you also want to sleep with me today?"

"Eh!? W-W-What are you saying, Edward-sama!?"

"Hm? I just want to know if you also want to sleep with me, just like Atsuko-sama and Nanako did"

"Y-You slept with them!?"

"Yes, I did. We all already slept together once, so there isn't a problem if only one of us sleeps together, right?"

"Eh?... Ah!... ... ... W-Why didn't you say we were just going to share a bed!?"

"... Hm? But is there anything else that sleeping together could mean?"

"... ... ... Edward-sama, you mean..."

"Sorry, sorry, Lysette-sama. I couldn't help but want to tease you a little when you're being this cute"


"Lysette-sama, if you don't want to sleep with me, I'm okay with your decision"

"I never said that I wouldn't be sleeping with you!!!"

"Then we'll be sleeping together? That's great to hear!"


Lysette started pouting from embarrassment at Edward playing with her, but she would still agree, by not denying it, that she would sleep with him as well. Of the three, Lysette would be the one who would have the best time sleeping with Edward, as she hugged and snuggled on him the entire night, something that the other two were too embarrassed to do.






"Huff... Huff... Huff... Edward-sama's scent... Ehehehehe..."

It was now Atsuko's turn again to be pampered by Edward, it was morning, and she was already clinging onto him as she took deep breaths while burying her face on his chest. Her demeanor was almost similar to someone who had been freed from a diet, and it was a tale to come about Nanako and Lysette once their turns came a second time for the week. As for Edward...

"..." <Even though Atsuko is wearing a sarashi to hide her chest for most of the day... ... ... I can still feel them touching me!!!>

He was too busy dealing with his manly desires regarding Atsuko's chest, whose size and softness were on par with those of Lysette and Nanako.

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