Chapter 41

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It had been two weeks since Edward's idea of Lysette, Nanako, and Atsuko taking turns to have him pamper for a whole day was carried, and today which was a Sunday meaning that it was the day that the three would have to share Edward equally, meaning that the four were all gathered at their usual meeting spot of the tea table under the gazebo at the back garden of the manor. And as for what they were doing...

" " "Edward-sama, please let us end this rotation of turns idea!!!" " "

The three girls begged Edward, with tears from all the embarrassment that they still felt from their actions these past few days. In normal circumstances, they wouldn't even be close to routinely doing those things, but ever since they began taking turns, they had all done things that they now regretted a lot on doing.

As for Edward, he was the only one who was fine in taking turns with each of his fiancées, rather, he liked taking turns with them, since he was now seeing some of their sides that they never had shown before, which for him, only made them cuter, meaning that he felt an even bigger urge to pamper them even more.

So at hearing that request of the three he only had one answer that he could give.

"... Why?"

"Why!? W-Well, i-it's b-because w-we've been s-showing s-some u-unsightly s-sides o-of ours t-to you..."

"Eh? But I really liked to have you clinging onto me all the time, and constantly begging me to kiss you, Lysette-sama"

"D-Don't say that out loud, Edward-sama! T-That wasn't c-cute of me!"

"Yes, it was! In fact that begging face of yours was the cutest thing I ever saw!"

"N-No, it wasn't! I-I'm not s-s-supposed t-to a-a-act like that!"

"But I don't want to stop having you all to myself, Lysette-sama! Especially if means seeing you being all cute and-" *Patting Lysette's head*

"I-I get it already, Edward-sama! I won't ask you to stop taking turns with me! So, please! Stop talking about that already!"

Lysette was the first one to cave into Edward's embarrassing praises, as she began hiding her red face with both hands, as she couldn't endure the fact that she had been acting like a spoiled child towards Edward whenever she had her turn.

With Lysette out of the play, it was now Atsuko's turn to try convincing Edward to give up on the rotation system with them, however, there was one key problem for Atsuko, and that was the fact that tomorrow she would be getting Edward all to herself. In other words, she was supposed to convince Edward to not pamper her for a whole day without Nanako and Lysette being allowed to interrupt them, And Atsuko could already see all the sort of things she and Edward would be doing together tomorrow.


"Fueh!? A-Ah! Y-Yes, Edward-sama?"

"Do you really want me to end the rotation scheme with the three of you?"

"E-Erm... W-Well... Y-You see, E-Edward-sama... I-I think t-that we s-s-should w-wait u-until..."

Due to her being caught daydreaming about her plans for tomorrow with Edward, Atsuko was now nervously trying to come up with an excuse to delay this talk... At least until Tuesday, so that she could still spend Monday hogging Edward all to herself.

"..." *Intensely staring*

However, Nanako was seriously burning a hole in Atsuko's back as she stared at her, just waiting to see if Atsuko would try to pass a leg on her and Lysette, further causing Atsuko to have problems in answering Edward's question, who was still silent but his gaze was moving ever so lower towards her lips.

"... ... ... Chu"

"MMNN!... E-Edward-sama!?"

"Ah! Sorry, Atsuko-sama. I couldn't help but want to kiss you"


Because of Edward's smooth and surprise attack, Atsuko was also forced to back away, leaving only Nanako to convince Edward to go back to their previous routine of flirting with his fiancées whenever he passed by them or when he felt like doing so... But instead of doing that, what Nanako did was sit on Edward's lap and hug him to claim him all for herself right at this moment.

She seemingly forgot her and the other two girls intentions for confronting Edward, both because she had to spend an entire day without Edward's pampering, as well as seeing him flirt with Lysette and Atsuko just now, leaving Nanako rather jealous, which also caused Nanako to start kissing Edward on his neck, cheeks and finally lips, as if she marking that Edward belonged only to her.

Needless to say, Nanako would later regret and wriggle in agony from doing that.




Some days later


"Ah! E-Edward-sama!? W-Wait!, I-Im still- MMMNNNN!!!"

It was a Friday, in other words, today was Nanako's turn to be pampered by Edward, but today of all days, he was being a tad more aggressive on his advances much to the chagrin, and pleasure, of Nanako... Even more so, as she found it hard to say no to his more aggressive advances since he was doing so to make up for tomorrow.

Because, not only tomorrow would be Nanako's birthday, as well as her siblings, but it was also the day on which it would be Lysette's turn to be pampered by Edward. This means that right on what was supposed to be Nanako's most important day, Edward wouldn't be able to give her the most attention, due to his promise to his three fiancées of giving each of them two full days' worth of attention during the week.

So instead, he had decided to make up for that fact by pampering Nanako way more than he usually would. And whose results could be seen right now, as Edward was still deeply kissing Nanako after many minutes had already passed, and with her also having succumbed to her desires already.

Of course, by now either Lysette or Atsuko would've intervened by giving Edward jealous stares, which would make him stop for the time being, but right now, the two were outing as they searched for good presents for Nanako and her siblings. In other words, no one could stop Edward from flirting with Nanako.

Their kissing session would continue for a few more minutes, before they stopped to breathe, which gave Nanako a small window of opportunity to

"Puhaa!... Haa!... Haa... E-Edward-sama..."

"Yes, Nanako?"

"P-Please, c-c-can we s-stop f-for now? I-I-I need t-t-to g-go back t-to m-my d-duties"

"Hmmm... Nope!"


Nanako made a shocked reaction at hearing Edward's refusal, since until now, he never once refused one of her requests... Well, he did try to avoid some of her requests, mainly those about him decreasing his workload, and at times, he would secretly do something against Nanako's wishes, like asking him to stop working until late into the night.

But he never refused any of her requests in such a direct manner.

"Nanako, tomorrow is your birthday. But it's also Lysette-sama's turn to have my attention, and because I don't want to break my promises with any of my beloved fiancées.

"... But you're always breaking your promises with me about working less..."


At hearing, Nanako's counterargument, Edward began making a troubled expression while looking away, since he didn't know what to say against that... So he, of course...

"..." *Tightly hugs Nanako*


He avoided the subject the subject by hugging Nanako even more, causing her to squeal from the surprise, and from being way too close to Edward than she was used to.

"Nanako, whatever it may be, today I don't plan on leaving your side no matter what, and I will make sure to show you how much I love you too"

"I-I-I-I a-a-a-already k-k-k-know h-h-h-how m-m-much y-you l-l-l-love m-m-me a-a-a-already, E-E-E-Edward-sama..."

"... But I want to show you how much more I love you, Nanako"

"T-Then c-can w-we at least... M-Move t-t-to a more p-p-private p-p-place, E-Edward-sama?"

Hearing her request, Edward flashed a happy smile to Nanako as he accepted it

"Of course, Nanako. Is there a place you prefer more?"

"H-H-How about y-y-your r-room, E-Edward-sama?"





At hearing what she had just suggested, Edward let out a stupid voice, which in turn caused Nanako to let out a stupid voice, followed right after by the two falling silent as they began to cold sweat profusely for different reasons.

"..." <I hid it after wrapping it, right? No, but even then she would easily find an eye-catching object inside the room, but gifting her in broad daylight isn't as romantic as gifting it to her at night... ... ... This is bad...>

Edward's silence was because Nanako's birthday present was currently on top of his desk inside his bedroom, and if they went there right now, Nanako would easily find it and mess up his plan for surprising her with the gift later tonight.

Nanako on the other hand...

"..." <W-Why is Edward-sama quiet?... ... ... H-He isn't thinking I'm some naughty girl, right? H-He isn't thinking that I suggested for us to go to his room, b-b-because I-I want t-t-to do n-naughty stuff, right? I-It's not like that at all, Edward-sama!... F-For the most part!>

Even though Nanako did go inside Edward's room quite often, and has even been sleeping together with him quite often lately. She still managed to start overthinking that Edward was getting weirded out by her suggestion, since in a way it could be taken as her asking Edward to do it with her. As a consequence, she started to freak out and her embarrassment began to grow again.

"... ... ... Nanako..."

"! E-Edward-smaa! I-I-It's not like that! I-I-I'm a-a-asking y-y-you t-t-t-to c-c-cross t-t-that line w-w-with m-m-me r-r-right now!"

"... ... ... What?"




Once again, they both let out confused voices as silence ensued a second time, slowly but surely, Nanako began to understand that she had misunderstood Edward's silence, and now she had just said out loud that she didn't want to cross that line... Right in front of him... Without any necessity to do so... Making her look like she really wanted to cross that line with him... Which she did want to... Occasionally...

"... ... ..." *Starts looking down as her face turns bright red*

"Hum? Nanako?"


"Yes, Nanako?"

"I... I... I am sorry for only thinking of perverted stuff!!!"

Nanako made a mad dash away from Edward as she blushed so much that even her ears were red from embarrassment, and due to how sudden and desperate her escape was, Edward was left standing on the spot, stunned at Nanako's speed.

"... ... ... Huh?" <Nanako wanted to do perverted stuff with me in my room?...>

And thus another stupid misunderstanding was born.




Later that night

After her escape earlier today, Nanako could keep herself away from Edward for the rest of the day, which in some way was quite refreshing for her, since she could take a breather from being pampered by him. But for the most part, she felt depressed at not being pampered by Edward, which culminated in this very moment.


Of Nanako, standing in front of Edward's room in silence, while profusely cold sweating as she was now having naughty thoughts inside her mind, which only made it harder for her to knock on the door.

The more she hesitated, the more she felt like running away again, but her desire to be pampered by Edward, with a growing desire to do naughty things with him as well, forced her to keep standing in place. And just as she was managing to suppress her desires just a little bit so that she could start running away... The door was open by itself.

"Ah! Nanako"

"! E-Edward-sama!?"

Suddenly finding Nanako standing in front of his room, did cause Edward to feel a bit surprised, but his surprised expression quickly changed to a happy gentle smile.

"Nanako, I'm really happy to be able to see you right now. Please, come inside"

"Ah? ! Y-Yes, E-Edward-sama"

Nanako meekly walked inside his room, as Edward held the door for her, she went all the way into the middle of the room she was becoming more and more familiar with. The sound of the door being closed, followed by steps behind her could be heard.



Hearing Edward's voice calling her name, prompted Nanako to turn to look at him, and when she did so, Nanako noticed Edward holding a wrapping on his hands.

"Here, Nanako. Happy early birthday!"

"Ah! T-Thank you, Edward-sama"

With some confusion, Nanako gently and carefully picked the wrapping from Edward's hand, and slowly began to unwrap it, revealing its contents.


What Nanako picked up and looked with surprise, was a pretty necklace with a Bolnisi cross that had a beautiful amethyst in the very center of it.

"E-Edward-sama, t-this..."

"Hm *Nods* It's for you, Nanako. I picked it up, especially because its gem reminded me of your beautiful eyes"

Hearing Edward casually praising her, made Nanako look away as she felt her cheeks turning a bit hot.

"H-Hmm... E-Edward-sama, c-can I ask you t-to p-put I-it on me?"

"Of course!"

And so, Edward approached Nanako and received the necklace from her, then he gently moved his hands around Nanako and behind her neck, and as gently as he could, he put on the necklace on Nanako.

"Done... Humu *Nods* It really fits you, Nanako"

"T-Thank you, Edward-sama"

Nanako flashed a small embarrassed smile as she looked at the necklace hanging around her neck.

"Nanako, I also have something else to say to"


"Since you ended up running away earlier, I wasn't able to say you this... Nanako, since tomorrow is your birthday, you can ask me to do anything that you want to and I will do my best to fulfill it"

"Eh!? E-Edward-sama, w-w-when you s-say y-you mean-"

"Yes, I mean anything"


Hearing that, Nanako's mind began to race as she began thinking of all the things she wanted to do with Edward or ask him to do, but of all of her thoughts, one was rapidly filling her mind the most.

"... *Gulp*... E-Edward-sama... D-Do you remember a-a-about w-what I-I ended up s-saying e-earlier today?"

"Hm... ... ... I-Is it the one a-about you not wanting to... Do perverted stuff with me?"

"... ... ... E-Edward-sama, C-Could... Could we d-do it... N-Naughty s-stuff..."


Edward remained silent with a poker smile on his face as he did so, while he was starting to cold sweat a whole lot. After all, he thought that they shouldn't do it yet, however, with Nanako asking him, he couldn't find the will to refuse, putting him between the gates of heaven and hell.

"... ... ..." <WHAT DID I JUST SAY!?!?!?>

As for Nanako she immediately regretted her words.

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