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Dedicated to Harrylover123454505

PJ Characters belong to RR

Chaos POV

A smooth strong voice echoed throughout my galaxies reaching every corner and every inch. The voice had so much depth in it and so many emotions it was overwhelming. It kept bouncing around my head and it finally hit me. The voice was in my head, I wasn't hearing it from my ears, but my inside my own brain. Who had that power to project their voice not only around the universe, but in everyone's mind as well.

I snapped out of my thoughts as it began to fade. Frantically before it was fully nonexistent I pinpointed the main source. It was coming from The Port. Not wanting to scare away the source of this voice I quietly transported myself to The Port. Once I arrived I found an unusual scene.

All the arrivals from different planets being pushed back against the walls. Green fire barely a foot away from their bodies, a thin layer of ice behind it, and boiling water on the inside circle. In the center of the the walls were two male figures.

A Replin being held in the air by some unseen force with its feet dangling pathetically, sputtering and trembling staring at it's captor fearfully. Then an Earthling, a human. Flabbergasted I tried to dwell into the figures mind, no human ever leaves Earth, only few know of the portal itself. Earth was the only planet that cast me off as faded.

The human was 6'4 with raven black hair, dressed in midnight black with swirling sea green and curling warm orange dancing around his outfit. A sheath of knives on each side, three dagger sheaths strewn across his chest, a spear and long sword making an x across his back. All of his weapon hilts had the same design as the humans outfit, his knives and dagger had golden engravings. On the left sight of their hilts was written in English was The Outcast and on the right was Apóvli̱tos.

His sword was four feet in length sheathed strapped to his back, it's engraving was different, still gold color, but different words. His spear was the same strapped to his back with a different engraving, but same color. His sword was named Silent and his spear was named Justice.

His aura was overwhelming as fury overtook him. The Replin must've done something to anger the human, that's when I realized the human was not normal controlling these two elements, that by them self were near impossible as easy as this person was. They had a black mask with the two colors dancing on around his face. Ending at the bridge of his nose showing his vibrant sea green eyes with a band of warm brown flowing like a crackling fire.

As soon as I attempted to navigate the humans mind I slammed into a hard cold wall. Confused I strived to try again, it was like running into a wall of glass. I can see it's there and I know what's on the inside, but I can't reach it. How does this being have the power to keep me out from his mind? Once again, I staunched to enclose myself in his mind I was completely blocked off.

I noticed each time I threw myself against that glass wall around his mind, the human stiffened. When I had my final try his head snapped towards me. His fiery eyes glowed with unimaginable power, hurt, sadness, brokenness. All those emotions I felt through his telepath voice were displayed through his eyes. I flinched, me, creator of the universe, flinched from all the despondency emanating from his being. His eyes met mine. We stared each other down.

"Who are you?" A smooth voice spoke in my head.

"Why do you not speak through your mouth mortal?" I asked him ignoring his question.

"I am no mere mortal." He countered calmly dropping the frightened Replin.

"Why do you not speak?" The Replin scrambled away from the earthen figure back to his crew.

"I am mute." The voice resounded in my mind.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"Who are you?" He replied.

"I am Chaos." As soon as I said Chaos, the beings all around bowed finally shaken out of their fright from the earthen figure.

"I am Apóvli̱tos, The Outcast." That puzzled me.

"Why are you an Outcast? What are you?" I voiced out.

"That's for me to know, and you to find out."

With that said the earthen being disappeared. I slowed time around The Port and watched slowly as his figure broke apart into water molecules building together somewhere else in my galaxy.

I returned to my palace lost in thought about this new being lost in my galaxy somewhere. I gathered my thoughts enough to rope together a file. I waved my hand and instantly a thin folder appeared with a piece of Earthen paper, printed neatly in ink was all I knew about this being.

Apóvli̱tos, The Outcast:



Raven black hair


Sea green orbs with warm brown band on the outside flowing like a sparkling fire

From Earth

Not mortal


Silent- Sword: 4 feet of chaotic silver, imperial gold, mortal metal, celestial bronze, & stygian iron. Hilt midnight black with swirling sea green and curling orange dancing around each other.

Justice- Spear: tip infused with chaotic silver, imperial gold, mortal metal, celestial bronze, & stygian iron. Hilt midnight black with swirling sea green and curling orange dancing around each other.

3 daggers: Blade implanted with chaotic silver, imperial gold, mortal metal, celestial bronze, & stygian iron. Hilts midnight black with swirling sea green and curling orange dancing around each other.

2 knives: Blade saturated with chaotic silver, imperial gold, mortal metal, celestial bronze, & stygian iron. Hilt midnight black with swirling sea green and curling orange dancing around each other.

After I read over it adding things that were not included I gently closed the folder. I set it on my desk and slumped into my chair and ran my hands through my hair. This is a new being that will hopefully be on the good side. I can't handle another bad influence throughout the universe.

Not much has been going on around my home planet. This person was a new piece to my puzzle, except this one would give me the time of my life. So interesting, with so little information. A new puzzle with a million parts. Powerful, mute, hopefully good, but where is he from? What is he? Who is he?

I will find out.

I will not give up.

***Line Break***

Percy POV

The alien's eyes widened as my telepath echoed through his brain. The aliens around me dropped to the ground holding their ears. I pulled my ring of fire in a little to avoid causing them harm as they fell. That's when I felt a powerful presence enter. I couldn't pinpoint their exact location though.

I froze as I felt someone trying to access my mind without my permission. I used that beings own aura to locate their position while they bounced off my iron walls that surrounded my mind. I stiffened as they tried again, I traced their aura as they kept getting up from their fall to try again. This being was in the corner to my right, if they tried one more time I could discover their stance.

I almost stumbled as I felt the force of their last blow to my brain. I wrapped metal clasps around my walls to keep them stable while also detecting the being. My head whipped in their direction. I was met with an over powering figure.

6'4, midnight black hair, tanned skin, black cape and black clothing similar to mine. The beings eyes were a rotating vortex of royal purple with small blue lights mixed in as well. Their aura of power was breath taking, but mine matched theirs, just falling short. His galaxy like eyes swept over my figure observing every chink of my flesh.

"Who are you?" I asked interrupting his ascertainment.

"Why do you not speak through your mouth mortal?" He asked curiously.

"I am no mere mortal." I countered calmly dropping the trembling alien.

"Why do you not speak?" The alien scrambled away from me back to his gang.

"I am mute." I retorted.

"Who are you?" He responded.

"Who are you?" I snapped.

"I am Chaos." As soon as he said Chaos, the aliens all around me bowed finally shaken out of their fright to acknowledge him.

"I am Apóvli̱tos, The Outcast." I channeled smoothly around the room once more.

"Why are you an Outcast? What are you?" Chaos cried out in frustration.

"That's for me to know, and you to find out." I channeled barely above a soothing whisper.

To leave that mysterious, I vapor traveled to a nearby planet I saw the name of behind the alien who attacked me. It was called Twizne. When I reappeared I was met with forest all around. I slowly spun in a circle.

I had appeared in a clearing, a beautiful meadow of bronze colored  weeds. A ring of oak trees around the clearing filled with healthy green leaves. Small flowers sprouting from the ground on the edge of the meadow. The wind was flowing slightly ruffling my hair. The suns, yes suns were in the form of a triangle overlooking the canopies. Soft clouds giving some form of shade.

I took a deep breath and started trudging toward the edge of the beautiful environment. Luckily while I was training on Earth, I had enough sense to vapor travel to Athena's library and read up. Every planet outside ours has oxygen that is definitely more breathable than our polluted air. Just the space around the planets is not so breathable without the blessing of Chaos.

Hera was right, he had a hard time breaking into my mind. Shattering my walls trying to reach my broken mind. Not something he would want to see. It was funny seeing him flustered up trying to breach the unreachable while I tightened the bounds even more. Creator of the universe blundering around a semi immortal demigod.

That's a story to tell. I was so lost in thought I didn't notice the wind picking up as something or someone whipped through it. Suddenly I felt the air around me thicken as more bodies surrounded me. I looked up and was met with crimson eyes. My eyes swept the perfect circle. I was surrounded by a sea of blood colored eyes.

They all looked human, but I knew they weren't. Different colored hair, bronze, silver, obsidian, with the usual blood colored orbs. The leader stepped up, walking slowly around me. Eyes scavenging every little insight he could, his black cape sweeping the ground after his feet lightly stepped on the leaves. Pure black clothing leaving only the hands and face exposed.

His companions likewise his attire. Only his cape signified his leadership. I turned with him not letting him see all of me. When he completed his cycle he stood staring into my eyes. I hadn't moved an inch besides pivoting to meet face to face. Then he hissed showing his teeth getting into a defensive stance. Instantly I met his stance with one of my own showing no openings.

His lips drew back showing his pearly white teeth. As he hissed fangs slid out capping his smooth ones. His pupils dilated showing nightmare black. His followers backed up widening the circle and forming walls.

"A human." He hissed apprehensively. I narrowed my eyes and steadied my posture into a relaxed, but ready at a moments notice balancing on the balls of my feet.

"Quick to judge, but slow to apperceive." I channeled into the cluster of aliens. They all jumped in shock, but hissed again as my voice entered their minds.

"We don't need to know of your past earthling. All we need to know is your a human on our planet with weapons." The aliens superior stated. The rest nodded in agreement.

"You know of my kind, but I know nothing of yours." I affirmed. "I am an Earthling, but not entirely human. What are you?" They exchanged glances with each other before watching their leader curiously.

"We are the Twi's." They synchronized. Now they pointedly looked at me.

"I am Apóvli̱tos, The Outcast." I already am having to channel this way too much today. The Twi's backtracked. The leader pointed at me accusingly.

"You! You were the one who entered our minds without our permission." He glared.

"I'm doing that now so... shouldn't it have been obvious I did it earlier as well?" I channeled amusedly.

"Time to die Apóvli̱tos." He hissed.

Without warning he lunged faster than lightning. Taking me by surprise of his speed, I was caught around the middle and slammed into the ground with him above straddling me. He grabbed my wrists and pinned them into the ground uncomfortably. The Twi leader grinned savagely and his teeth sprouted once again. Blood lust shined through his eyes and his body shook with anticipation. He leaned in and sunk his teeth into my neck.

Twi's? More like vampires. I felt nothing, but never less tilted my head back and closed my eyes letting him feel like he was succeeding. Then, abruptly I slammed my head into him and he pulled back in surprise. His skin was as hard as stone. I ripped my hands out of his grip and thrust them through the air towards him.

He flew back as the water in the air took him. He slammed into a large oak tree. His posse took one look at their fallen leader and hissed at once. Growling they all lunged at me, but I held up a hand and they froze. The leader aroused enough to sit up weakly.

As soon as his head lifted up, my eyes met his and glowed brown as I used Hera's power to dwell into his mind while keeping his friends at bay. After I few minutes I withdrew from the vile Twi in front of me. He and his clan had slay countless innocents because they were not like his people.

Anger seized my being. The most recent kill his clan had committed was to an orphanage of scarred children. I was shaking in fury. How dare they slaughter orphaned children because they were not Twi's. The Twi's are half the population of this planet I learned. The other half is the ones they slaughter. The Zne's were the abnormal ones apparently to them.

The Zne's were blue eyed people, no pupils, all iris. Neon colored hair, but otherwise normal in my book. Exactly like humans, besides the eyes and hair. That's how they could tell I was human, or from Earth, because of my hair and eyes.

"You Twi's are the particular reason I am here." I channeled to the wide eyed beings.

"How so Earthling?" The Twi leader snarled.

"I guard the innocent and protect the helpless." I sneered.

"Well you aren't doing a good job of it." He jeered.

"I'm new." I smirked.

"Better get started then." He bantered.

"I'll start with you."

His eyes widened fearfully. The playful manor in his crimson eyes disappeared. Faster than he ever would be, I snatched the throwing knife from my right side waist and threw it at the Twi leader. The knife sliced through the air so fast the Twi's eyes couldn't follow it. Next thing the Twi knew it was embedded in his heart. Black oil leaked out from the wound dyeing the area around him black.

I dropped the stunned Twi clan and they tumbled to the floor with their eyes glued to their master. Harmonized, their heads swiveled to my position.  They gathered in front of me, on my sides, and behind me. My unique eyes flit from each figure to the next counting the numbers.

As if practiced they all charged. I ducked under the first and elbowed the next. I weaved in and out of them. When they finally acknowledged that what they were doing wasn't enough, they held back and watched me blankly as if their minds were elsewhere. My eyes glowed brown again, once I entered one I was connected to a network of minds.

They were all connected, if one thought something, the rest knew. That must suck, probably hard to keep secrets. I could hear that they wanted to send a few groups at a time from different angles. A good plan, but not good enough.

The first group advanced, they consisted of five. Another creeped up around my backside with a set of three to make themselves unnoticeable. I blocked the first Twi's attack and spun throwing three knives toward the sneaking trio striking them in their hearts.

Then I twirled back to the oncoming group of five sending more sets of knives their ways. Each one hit their mark, their heart. Countless Twi's tried to trounce me for their fallen clan, but they all met the same fate; death. It continued until all the menacing Twi's were defeated or fled.

"If you even think about harming another innocent..." I let the threat hang while they remaining Twi scurried away from me.

Once all of them were gone, I was left alone in the silence. All I heard was the whisper of the wind and chirping of the birds. It was peaceful, the suns were hot, but the wind chilling. I started toward the sound of a town. I walked for hours, but it was nice, a beautiful setting. When I finally exited the forest I was met with a beach.

Pink sand and crystal clear water with unique shells, none looking anything close to similar. There were houses on built like cabins on the sand with families all around. I saw mobs of neon colored hair and all sorts of blue eyes.

The first family I encountered had indigo blue eyes. Their neighboring houses were filled with navy blue eyes, cerulean blue eyes, sky blue eyes, all kinds of shades of blue with different color hair.

When I entered the city of Zne's, they stopped to stare at me. Their first initiate thought must be that I am a Twi, but I don't have the red eyes, only the dark hair. They grew confused while I just let them overlook my whole being. Finally they shook out of their stupor.

A tall man followed closely by a woman and a teenage girl stepped forth. The man was tall, a few inches short of 7 feet with hot pink hair and sea blue eyes. His spouse had electric blue eyes, sort of like Thalia's, and hot pink hair as well. The teenage girl was at least 17 looking strong and confident with sparking sky blue eyes and the traditional hot pink hair of her parents.

They stood in a trio, with the father up front and the two women in the back. They wore the regular clothes of humans, but with neon colors instead of dull faded ones. The man wore white, pure white to show he had authorship. The woman on his right, presumably his wife had a coral green shirt with white cargo pants and meadow green slippers.

The teenage girl on his left wore a royal purple muscle tank showing off her tanned lean muscled skin with pearly white shorts. An athletic outfit which looked cute on her. They all stood confident and walked towards me. I showed no hostility, but more the opposite. I relaxed my posture and let my arms hang.

"Who are you?" The mans strong voice demanded, but gently. I stood tall and showed as much confidence as the leader in front of me, not to show weakness.

"I am Apóvli̱tos, The Outcast." I smiled gently calming my stormy emotions swimming wildly through my eyes.

"Why are you here?" The man asked unfazed by my telepathy.

"To protect the vulnerable. Guard the innocent and disperse of the evil." The father of this town softened.

"You say you are The Outcast?" He asked, I nodded in confirmation.

"How are you an Outcast..." He trailed off, I tilted my head, why would I share my past with someone I just met.

"If you are welcome here." The pink haired man finished. My eyes widened through my mask.

"Come Apóvli̱tos. Let us reside in my home."

He beckoned me to follow him.

His wife and daughter courted him.

I pursued them.

Tell me what you think...

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