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Dedicated to bluehead124

PJ Characters belong to RR

Apóvli̱tos POV

I followed the trio of pink heads. The man lead us to a cabin made of oak wood. It was the size of a two story house with a chimney. Beautifully crafted windows with the sun light shining on them creating multiple rainbows inside and out. He opened it up and his wife and daughter shuffled in. I paused outside warily. I quickly looked it over, after what just happened my trust issues shot sky high. The man smiled gently and coaxed me in. Hesitatingly I took a step inside.

I was met with a simple house. Soft pink rugs, light blue couches and chairs, and an outstanding piece of glass, so big, but like a tv of sorts. I glanced around but saw no remote. The kitchen was white with drawers of mint green. Lights hanging from string with covers of shells. Pictures on the wall, but not photographs, paintings. Painted by hand with all sorts of colors, including some I have never seen before.

Their house was outstanding, I saw a spiral staircase in the corner. The railing was circular with water flowing through it as the stairs were rainbows themselves. Little designs of the Suns they had were located on each side of the steps. I was shocked out of my stupor when I heard the door shut behind me.

Panic over took me as I jumped and spun around. The man was there standing tall. I stumbled back breathing heavily. The walls were closing in on me. I tripped and was sent to the floor. He advanced on me, I scurried backwards. My vision blurred, I couldn't tell if I was looking at the Zne or Hyperion, Alcyoneus, and Polybotes.

The world started spinning rapidly. Darkness was closing in on me. I could hear her screams. I could feel the pain, the humiliation, the defeat. I was vaguely aware of someone yelling at me to calm down. How could I when I was surrounded by all this horror? I was engulfed in terror, I couldn't move. Then a hand on my shoulder jolted me out of my fright. Instantly I grabbed the hand and twisted it off my shoulder painfully behind the back of my attacker. I heard another scream as my attacker grunted in pain.

"Apóvli̱tos" My attacker muttered. "Are you okay?"

I paused. Why would my attacker ask that? I blinked a few times and the world shifted back to reality. I got a look at my attacker. Hot pink hair, sea blue eyes, all white clothing. Immediately I dropped all contact with him and back away shakily. It was the Zne. After I let go his family rushed to him checking him to see if he was okay.

I turned to the wall closest to me and leaned against it resting my head on the wall. With trembling hands I gripped my hair. My legs felt weak and shaky. What just happened, one moment I was back in Tartarus, the next I was here. I took a deep breath.

"I'm sorry." I channeled around the room.

I sunk to the floor. When I lifted my head to meet the concerned glance of the father, I was instead faced with the girl. She was crouched by me observing me curiously. Her eyes were sparkling. Slowly she reached over, unsure of her intent was I leaned back warily. Focusing on her actions, she continued to pursue her task. I froze watching her carefully.

She touched my face caressing it as if to calm me. Then she smoothed back my messy sweaty hair getting it out of my face. I relaxed a little, but then she touched my mask nudging it off. Instantly I grabbed her arm stopping it. Gripping it enough to stop her, but not enough to hurt.

"Don't." I channeled. She tilted her head confusedly.

"Who are you really?" She asked quietly. I looked at her.

"Time, give me time." I answered.

She nodded and stepped back, standing up. She held out a hand to me and I took it. Once I was up, she didn't let go. I cautiously tried to remove our contact, but she only griped harder. A growing cool feeling erupted from our hands. Panicked, I looked at her. She set her steely gaze on me, a blue glowed from where we were connected. Exact color of her eyes.

"So you are the one." She said after the light died down.

"Who am I?"

"It was foretold by the seas, that one day a mysterious person would stumble into our village." I focused intently on her now, ignoring my surroundings.

"Looking as a mix between the Twi's and Zne's. The person would have no home or family, an Outcast they would be. If the person and the child of the chief of the village connected hands and a light the color of the child's eyes glowed between them, the person would feel connection with the planet and Twizne would claim this person as its own."

I absorbed her story taking in its value. Then I turned and faced the whole Zne family. I faced the chief first and gave a nod. To the spouse, I closed my eyes and gave a simple bow, then rose. The girl, I took her hand and guided it to my mask. With her fingers touching the cool metal I let her decide what to do. She waited, then ever so slowly lowered her hand.

"Time." Was all she said.

"You have passed my test." I channeled to her. Then I spoke to them all.

"I will tell you of my life, if you tell me of the ways of the Universe and anything I need to know." They looked at each other and then nodded as one. The man stepped forth.

"I am Chief here in Punet." He said. "My name is Spet." His wife stepped next to him.

"I am his wife. My name is Psut." She announcing warmly. The girl came last.

"I am the child of the chief and his wife. My name is Ari, short for Ariel."

"Welcome to Chaos' Universe." The synchronized.

***Line Break***

Ari's POV

Apóvli̱tos was a mystery. He calmly walked into our town and announced himself not selfishly or boastfully, but kindly and curious. Something drew me to him. Something that was new to me, he had that spark of experience that roped me in. He was dark and mysterious, but kind and caring. Two opposites in one. I wanted to see his face, I yearned to shed the mask that hid him from my eyes, but he needed time. For him to trust us time was needed.

My father led him to the center of our house. He waved his hand and water from the stair floated towards us smoothly forming a comfortable chair and couch. Apóvli̱tos watched the flowing liquid and warily sat down in the chair as it hardened. He slowly relaxed as he recognized no trick.

My mother smiled warmly at him and sat down beckoning to my father and I to as well. Apóvli̱tos smiled gratefully back before grafting into his usual manor of blankness. He looked at us waiting, I glanced at my father as he looked at Apóvli̱tos curiously.

"Where do you come from?" My father asked curiously.

"Earth." His smooth voice channeled in our heads.

"Why did you leave?"


"Tell me your story son. I will exchange it for an explanation about the Chaos' universe." Apóvli̱tos took this to mind and silently thought.


***Line Break***

Apóvli̱tos POV

Son, he called me son. Does that mean something? Or just an expression to get me more comfortable? Either way I need to know more about this universe I have entered to save.

"Okay." I channeled.

They didn't even shift, they were getting used to my telepathy. So I told them about my life. About my quests, my love, my friends, my family. Everything all the way accounting to today. After I described my destruction of the Twi's the girl shivered a little, but regained her composure. I let them think about it for a while. Then finally after a few minutes of their absorbing of my tale, Spet began.

"I am chief in this town called Punet. There are many other towns like these, placed in specific areas. Like Beaves, or Yamp. Each area is like a normal place on Earth, but they differ in magic or color. As you see in Punet, we have pink sand opposed to your bland tan sand. Leadership is picked by the sunset the day the leader them-self diminishes.

"The sunset glows pink with a combination of our Suns. The Sun's beams combine together in a glow of pink for our sand and focus on either man or woman of our town worthy of the Suns turning their hair as pink as the sand we walk on. If the leader mates and has child, they're hair turns as well."

The water is magical too, we are one with our water. We do not command it, but we are part of it, if the water does not want to, it will not. The water asks us for tasks we comply if reasonable, it does not force us as we do not force it. We are one."

"Each area on Twizne is like that. In Beaves, it's a forest like where you entered, but has blue leaves to differentiate it. The leaves glow and fall softly on the head of the new chosen leader, they're hair will turn blue as well as their mates and child's. They work with the wind and leaves as we work with the water and sand."

"In Yamp, the area is yellow. It is similar to your swamps, but just a different color. They work with mud, the mud chooses their leader turning the hair yellow. As you can tell by now, the hair signifies the leader. Each area is focused on their connection to an element of a type. There is no bad soul on this planet besides the Twi's that threaten genocide of us Zne's."

"As for the Universe of Chaos. Only he rules it, with his brother End locked away and his father, Void faded, he is alone. Every planet knows of Chaos, besides your original one of course. His money system is simple really. Just chaos coins made of chaotic silver. Every planet has they're own money system as well, but his exists on every planet. For his Universe, there is only one he has created. There are enough dangers to keep track of that he's reluctant to start another so he sticks with this one."

"There are 60 planets in total, not including the ones your human scientist discovered. Those are actually fakes to deceive your kind from venturing out and coming across aliens like us. They would seek us out and destroy us if they could."

"Each planet is significantly different. Some use magic like us, others have characteristics that they can use to their advantage. A couple have elemental powers that strike deep in their core for generations. There are some that have a partner tied to their life, organism or person. Few have power by themselves without a reason."

"The planets themselves are adjusted to the use of their occupants. If it's a planet with the people and they're partner, it's a large planet. If it's a planet with characteristic advantages then it's adjusted to the characteristic need and not the size of population."

"All rulers of the planets are either a monarchy or democracy. Most are ruled by single rulers, either way, all answer to Chaos. That is all I can tell you for now young one. You will have to find out the rest for yourself on your mission to save those in need."

As he finished I let that sink in. The family looked at me expectantly. I ignored them and dwelled into my thoughts. Earth was so much different then these other planets. Also very ignorant, how could we throw out Chaos and be so power hungry that if we knew about the other planets we would try an conquer them? Then again, there are multiple gods on Earth who believe that the world revolves around them. I don't even know what to think about the other religions, such as Egyptian or Hindu. Finally I turned my attention back to the pink headed family.

"May I try something Chief Spet?" I channeled. He smiled warmly.

"Sure thing Apóvli̱tos. May I ask what it is?"

"Nothing of harm, please take me to the beach." He nodded, and lead the way.

As I stepped out of his house I was greeted with curious glances, but none that said dangerous. I silently followed the chief. As we walked through the town, I noticed only the Chiefs house was pure white. The rest of them varied neon colors, but different designs. Annabeth would have loved the structure and architecture of all the houses and the way the town was organized. There was no prison looking place, but many seemingly inviting places. I only saw one orphanage, but I spotted many foster parents and happy children.

I smiled under my mask, Ariel noticed my smile and gave me a smile as well. When we approached the clear water I got sight of unique fish and other animals. The water was see through, the only way I could tell there was water was the sun's light shining off it giving it a glow. It was beautiful.

"Apóvli̱tos?" Psut asked breaking me out of my amazed state.

I nodded and approached the water. I noticed I had drawn a crowd. Practically the whole town was here. I was here for a different reason though. I'm curious, Ariel said the seas foretold of my coming. Let's see if Twizne will claim me as its own. I took a deep breath and stepped into the water.

Instantly strength surged through me, the water was cool, perfect temperature. Then the skies started turning dark and cloudy, swirling in a stormy matter. Waves started pounding against the pink sand raising higher than 12 feet pilling on top of one another. The wind was picking up rapidly making sand fly with it.

I heard the sound of others approaching. I turned and was met with people coming out of the forest. At the front was a duo of blue headed people with magnificent cerulean blue eyes. Hearing more crashes to my left, I turned again. This time greeted with a single woman of bright neon yellow hair, indigo blue eyes with her followers behind. On my right more people emerged, a single man with neons purple hair and light blue eyes with his crowd.

Suddenly the water formed a rope around my waist dragging me deeper into the water submerging me. Last glimpse I had above the water was Ariels worried expression and the sun's forming a triangle directly above me. As I was dragged down, streaks of yellow mud, purple sand, pink sand, and blue streaks of wind circling me.

I reached out to them as I hit the bottom of the ocean. As soon as I touched the swirling vortex of elements it wrapped itself in lines around my arm steadily climbing up covering my body. I gasped silently and it dove into my open mouth. Then I heard its soft voice.

"Who are you?"

"Apóvli̱tos, The Outcast." I channeled around the ocean.

"What are you here for?"

"To protect the vulnerable. Guard the innocent. Disperse of the evil."

"Do you swear to forever follow your intentions with clear sight of good and evil?"

"I swear."

"Swear by your name."

"I Apóvli̱tos, The Outcast, swear to forever follow my intentions with clear sight of good and evil."

"By the name given to you by your mother." I hesitated.

"To truly swear, you must overcome past demons and focus fully on the future." I nodded.

I Perseus Jackson, swear to forever follow my intentions with clear sight of good and evil."

The pressure around me increased. The elements touching my body and soul began to glow and heat up. My arms spread and my head straightened. My eyes glowed fiercely and I began rising out of the ocean. The elements wrapping around me tightly imprinting on my being. My breathing remained normal, but I kept getting hotter.

I broke the surface. The weather has intensified. As soon as I left the water I was lifted higher. Soon I was higher than a 3 story building, the elements rose up to meet me. All swirling around me like a hurricane. The sand rubbed against me breaking the circle, grating off any dirt. Then the mud coated me soothing my flaming skin.

The water enclosed me in a ball scrubbing any remaining mess the mud or sand left me with. The sun's spun in their triangle creating a blur of light. In the center of the rotation a strong beam of light glowed. Then it hit me lighting me up like a Christmas tree. My clothes disappeared, my weapons left me appearing on the sand as a beautiful robe covered me. It was generally a mysterious purple, but in different lights it could be seen differently.

"Apóvli̱tos, The Outcast." The voice resounded over the whole planet.

"The First and Only Twizne."

Then all I saw was darkness...

***Line Break***

3rd Person POV

The wind was picking up and the elements went wild as Apóvli̱tos was dragged under. All towns were silent as they watched the glow of the elements surround the figure. He seemed to be able to breathe. The the colors wrapped around him. His arms spread square his face turned straight and he was spun around.  Apóvli̱tos began speeding towards the surface, as soon as he broke the water he flew to the middle of the sky.

Instantly the weather increased in strength. He wind was sliced violently through by the yellow and pink sand reaching the boy. The mud snaked its way through also joining in the circling of Apóvli̱tos. Water, mud, sand, and wind swirled as a vortex around The Outcast.

Then the sands broke the circle rubbing all the dirt off him cleansing him of anything bad, then fell back to the ground retreating to their rightful place. The mud soaked into his skin replacing the rough dry skin with a new smooth coat before it too fell and slid back to its rightful place. The water encased the earthling in a sphere of water cleaning the remains of anything dirty left by the other elements and making him new.

The trio of sun's spun in a circular rotation so fast creating blurs. A bright glowing beam shot down from the center hitting Apóvli̱tos encasing him in light from head to toe. Unable to avert their burning eyes everyone watched as he glowed until they couldn't see him anymore.

Black clothes appeared on the sand with his weapons, the beam retreated and the water rejoined its many molecules. The wind blew his hair back showing his vibrant eyes through his mask, the only remaining piece of his original outfit. He was fitted with an unknown robe created by the planet itself. Magnificent mysterious purple changing in the different lights. Then the planet spoke in an old wise powerful voice gaining attention from every living organism.

Apóvli̱tos, The Outcast.

The First and Only Twizne...

Tell me what you think...

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