The Living Legend

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Dedicated to WVIVO777 & Wise_Girl2002

PJ characters belong to RR

Apóvli̱tos POV

Time passed, slow at times, but at others faster than Arion. By the time my mind had caught up to it, I had already saved each planet once after a century of work. Some planets weren't disturbed again, others I kept going back to. For example, Letain was one planet that had been ridden of evil for the rest of its existence unless End decided to pay particular attention to it. Dusmon was the planet I was constantly called to by the humons and their daemal companions. The snaktors acting out and getting out of control.

By now I've made a name for myself and figured out how to properly use my gifts. I've upped my fighting style adjusting to the wings and various weapons both physical and power related. I hear what's said about me and the many names labeled by chaos people. It was amusing really.

"The Outcast—forever alone" duh

"The Winged Warrior—deadly beautiful wings"

"Mysterious Lord—divine being that speaks no words, but godly actions" well, half god

"Quick Night—dark assassin"

"Swift Bane—the unseen conquerer"

"Powerful Destruction" this explains itself

And the most common one besides Apóvli̱tos, The Outcast and The Winged Warrior...

"The Living Legend—alive, but legendary, stories that are real"

***Line Break***

Chaos POV

I frowned as I faced my warriors. They were being put out of the action and out of their jobs because of one person. My two co-generals were staring dejectedly as each of the mini model planets flickered green showing no signs of needed action. The four captains stared with them. All troops training and training for the coming war against end.

My generals were also my top assassins that carried out my missions when they weren't leading my armies. The captains under their command but would take a mission if they were unavailable. My commander has just...left due to an unfortunate accident concerning End. I'm looking for a new commander, but both of my generals have refused preferring to co-lead rather than have all depend on their choices to decide whether they gain the win or loss.

Then my thoughts drifted to this new guy. The one I encountered at The Port, Apóvli̱tos. The file I had on him didn't grow anymore than when I first made it, unless you count the names my people have labeled him. Apparently he gained wings, and saved each and everyone of my planets within my galaxy at least once from some sort of evil.

Each time a planets light flickered a distressed color, whether it be red or blue, maybe even purple I sent my warriors, but they always arrived too late. They would appear in time to help finish off the last part of the mission contributing a few minutes, five at most. They would tell me how a figure clad in black cloth, combat boots with a belt holding throwing knives on each side, three daggers strapped diagonally across his chest, and a sword and spear crossed over top a folded purple robe attached to his back overtop his beautiful midnight black wings, would look at them through their mask as the warm orange and soft sea green danced across it and his outfit scanning them before finally looking into their eyes.

My warriors would say when their eyes clashed with the vibrant sea-green eyes flowing like a cackling fire with the warm brown band around it they would feel as if they were grounded to where they were and every weakness or strength was assessed and noted. Frozen on the spot, ice cold and fire hot, weak legs with a sweat filled brow. Throat dry and shaking hands, no words would be said, but they would always return shaken to the core and feeling like their mind was invaded and soul was read to every little detail. Intimidating was the word all agreed on, some more shaken then others, but my generals were not as much, just guarded.

That's when I felt a presence besides my warriors and mine appear. Distractedly I looked behind me at the doors I entered through. Nothing was there, but I thought I saw a small shadow move, I shook my head absentmindedly, I'm too paranoid, the presence wasn't even threatening that I could tell. Powerful, but not threatening, at the moment. I dismissed it, I'll find out who it is later.

"My Lord—" my female general said interrupting my thoughts. I looked up and motioned her to continue.

"What would you like us to do? We have no work amongst the planets, End has gone silent giving no indication of his next move and all of our spies fled with the death of Alpha."

Her voice dropped on the previous commanders name and eyes cast down, even thought it was over two centuries ago it still hit us hard. He was one of my greatest commanders, always putting others before himself and thought with a clear mind even if the odds were against. He lacked some qualities for a perfect commander, but he was definitely one of the best and will be missed.

"I don't want to send you to End now, that would be too suspicious and there would be a high probability of bad response." I thought about what else, they have been training nonstop for his war, but we're growing bored and need some more outside experience.

"I suggest we send them to figure out or even better, bring in this Apóvli̱tos for an addition to your army or maybe even your commander position."

We all turned towards the door I had come through and were met with the arrival of my lovely wife Order. Wearing a beautiful white outfit, regular tight fit top with tight white flexible pants, a sleek dagger sheathed at her waist and her dark hair tucked behind her ear and up in a pony tail. I smiled and walked towards her.

She smiled back and hugged me as I approached her. We're totally opposites, but totally in love. I wore black pants and a black shirt with black cape, the only physical thing that made us match was our dark hair and powerful aura, because we're creators of the universe of course, children of the void. Her eyes represented the planets and mine the universe.

She had memorizing ever changing colored eyes, her pupil was the shape of a planet as the color changed and outside the planet was pitch black with little glowing lights. She always said she liked my eyes more though, but I clearly disagreed. She says that she loved watching the purple vortex in my eyes rotate as the stars twinkled, and that she felt like she was traveling through a portal in my eyes to every part of me that she loved, which I hope was every part. As we went and tried for another kiss a snicker and the sound of someone clearing their throat interrupted us. I gave off an annoyed but amused sound and turned back to my warriors.

"Just so we keep it PG we thought it was best we stopped you there" snickered my male general as my female general elbowed him in the side but smiled never less.

"Next time I'll blast you, but we have important matters to discuss." I looked pointedly at my male general who grinned nonchalantly.

"Lady Order, may I ask what you meant when you came in?" My female general asked politely, but determinedly. My wife simply smiled warmly.

"Ah, you need a commander and you need to figure out who Apóvli̱tos is, why not hit two birds with one stone?" I frowned.

"She has a point" One of my captains said, "We can't just let this being waltz around like he owns the place taking our jobs without knowing that he won't join End in the long run or keeping him in control."

"While I agree with Lady Order and my fellow comrade, I don't believe that Apóvli̱tos will join End after all the work he's done just to undo it." My male general said.

"He might be doing it to gain trust because we all know the planets rely on him now, he could be deceiving." Another captain stated.

"That's—" I cut off my female general before this could get into an argument that none could win since we don't even know the real identity never less the looks of The Outcast.

"While I agree with my generals on this, it's good to keep an open mind like my captains are" they looked satisfied, but not with my verdict.

"What would you like us to do sir?" One of my more respectful captains asked me.

"The next distress call we get, go, help, but don't be seen or acknowledged. Try to follow him and see if you can get any information on him from the shadows, you are after all my warriors, observe." They all nodded, then mutually grinned glad to have another assignment.

"Mission accepted my good sir." My male general said pleased, my eyes twinkled amusedly.

Suddenly someone dropped from the ceiling onto the floor opposite my warriors, wife, and I. It was the presence from earlier. We all immediately turned, weapons out. My male general had a sword drawn out standing tall next to my female general who had one hand on a knife at her waist and the other holding a bow with an arrow already drawn. My four captains stood in V formation behind my generals, each with various weapons, a spear, a gun, throwing knives, sword, bow and arrows, and a few with a shield. Order had her dagger out in front of her and I had a hand on my sword in its sheath.

The person who dropped in on us stepped back half a step with a hand reaching behind him for one of the weapons crisscrossed on his back, the other on a throwing knife at his waist. Movement on his back caught my attention, they were wings, midnight black wings that spread wide opening up and taking up space in a protective, but threatening matter. That's when I realized who I was looking at, I looked into his narrowed eyes not blinking or giving away anything and sent out a message to my warriors and wife.

"Stand down, but stay guarded. You all know who this is"

They all nodded, to someone who wasn't paying attention no one would have noticed, but Apóvli̱tos was on high alert. Slowly they all put their weapons away, but still kept at least one hand on them. Apóvli̱tos brought his hand from his back and let it rest alongside him, but his other never moved from the knife. Smart move I thought, still guarded, but relaxed.

He watched us all warily through narrowed eyes, but he studied us as well. When his eyes landed on my generals they widened considerably and he actually stumbled back a few steps staring at them. His eyes shone disbelief, but happiness. Does he know them?

As soon as he noticed his display of emotion he immediately straightened up. Wiping any vulnerability from his face and eyes, his body stance remained guarded, but if I looked hard enough I could see a sliver of relief in his eyes as he looked at my generals. My generals looked confused, but I sensed a familiarity instinct come from them, they must know him in their past lives as he them, I'll look into it later which I suspect they will as well.

"What do you want?" Demanded the first captain that accused Apóvli̱tos.

"Why are you here?" The other captain who supported the first said.

Apóvli̱tos didn't answer them, he either didn't care or didn't just to annoy them. Instead he looked pointedly behind me and instantly I knew what he was looking at. Behind me was a long row of obsidian, on top of the platform were 60 bases of chaos metal, all had stands that held planets of different sizes and colors with the planets name labeled on the base. Each planet had a small bulb you find in christmas lights at the top glowing and flickering in a green light.

"Fine don't answer us, spy" the first captain spat at Apóvli̱tos. Immediately I rounded on my captain.

"That is enough. If you did not see Apóvli̱tos gesture, then you have not realized he came for the signals." My captain looked at me confused but with a hint of anger. He needs to learn how to control that or he won't ever get promoted a position.

"How did you get in?" I asked Apóvli̱tos taking on a different subject to calm my captains emotions. When I received no answer I sighed. He just smirked, the mirth not reaching his eyes.

"Come on, I know you can talk. You did in The Port" I received a rolled eyes in response. My generals opened their mouths ready to send some words at the boy when they were cut off.

"I walked through the front door this time." It vibrated throughout my brain as it did my warriors and wife's. They looked shocked, guess I forgot to mention it.

"This time?" My female general asked suspiciously.

"Yes" Apóvli̱tos confirmed.

"There's been other times?" My male general said surprised. "And none of us noticed?"

"You didn't notice this time" he said simply.

"How?!" The captain who backed up the first asked outraged. "We are Chaos' personal warriors, you aren't good enough or powerful enough to sneak in without us noticing, never less beat us!" Noting his arrogance, I studied Apóvli̱tos who expressed no change as he was underestimated and insulted.

"Ignore my associate, there's a reason he's not on the same level as my co-leader and I. He still has to control some things, but he's working on it." My male general glared at the two captains. A small smile formed on Apóvli̱tos face before quickly vanishing.

"Reasons you need not know, but as I tell the people, I'm here to protect the vulnerable, guard the innocent, and disperse of evil. The only way to do that where its needed most is to check here." His response lingered in our minds, it made sense.

"How did you go in through the front door? It's guarded by the best!" The captain just won't let it go. Clearly fed up with my captains he glanced annoyed at them both.

"Like this—"

Apóvli̱tos focused on my first captain and waved his hand, the warm brown band in his eyes glowed for a moment before he channeled sleep around the room, but more so directed at the first captain, a sort of hypnotizing tone somehow sounded from his mind voice and my captain dropped like a stone.

"What did you do?!" My other captain hissed.

"This—" He repeated the action and soon enough my other captain was snoring peacefully beside the other. Apóvli̱toss looked at me unimpressed.

Suddenly his eyes focused on something behind me, I turned along with the others who were still conscious. Dusmon's light changed to flashing brown signaling for help. Time for my warriors, at least the ones who were awake to go, help and also observe even if Apóvli̱tos did hear. Messaging my fellow apprentices telling them to stick with the earlier conversation before they left.

"See you around Apóvli̱tos" My male general said voicing out his farewell.

"No you won't, but I will" And with that, Apóvli̱tos was gone in a flash of flames, different than last time, helping those in need.

I bid adieu to my warriors walking arm and arm with my wife contemplating about Apóvli̱tos, very powerful and able to evade even my wife and I. Order was right, he might be my next commander, hopefully as good or maybe even better than Alpha. He has some talents and quirks that Alpha lacked, but I don't know everything about Apóvli̱tos so I'm not quite sure yet. I left leaving my warriors, nervous, confused, excited, and best of all... unconscious.

Thank you Living Legend...

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