The Winged Warrior

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Dedicated to StarWarsMao Manang15 Wwins_Girl2002

PJ characters belong to RR

Apóvli̱tos POV

I woke to being bound and dragged off the slab of rock I was sleeping on. My fore arms bound to the opposite elbow behind my back. Biceps tied tightly to my body, legs roped together above and below the knee. Something blocking my eyesight as I blinked furiously. I could feel the tension of the things taking me, not furry so probably the Pirans from earlier. I heard their hushed whispers as they panicked whenever a breath exhaled from the wolves. I shifted in the hands of my captors and the Piran closest to me slapped it's hand over my mouth, like that'd do any good, to keep me from making any sounds that would wake the starwogs. The two wolves oblivious to the struggle between Piran and earthling.

I could just burn through the ropes, but I was curious to where they were taking me, also in a lot of pain. I didn't feel like fighting at the moment, so I just went limp and closed my eyes behind the thing limiting my vision and slept...

***Time Skip***

Apóvli̱tos POV

When I came to I was dumped onto the hard floor in a surprisingly heated area. The thing that limited my vision was removed and I was forced into a sitting position and surrounded. I blinked a couple times and looked around. Pirans surrounded me whispering heatedly to themselves while staring at me. Silent and Justice strewn around me, my belt still attached to me of course, and daggers strapped to my chest only able to be removed by me. My mask covering the top half of my face, I was fine, just a little tied up.

I was dragged so my back was to a wall to lean against as my eyes clouded in pain from the remaining hellater. After awhile of just staring back at the fish humans, commotion was heard from the back of the group. They were being roughly pushed aside as someone demanded to see me. I was faced with one Piran larger than the rest, his finned forearms and back a little longer, his scaled body more prominent than the others and beautiful webbed hands, the designs far more captivating than the rest. We studied each other as the tension increased.

"I know you can talk without use of your mouth boy, so talk." His scaly voice demanding as his Amber eyes scaled over my bound body.

I smirked, time to show off. I kept the smirk on as I lit my body on fire burning through the bonds. I summoned Silent and Justice to my back as I took off Twizne's robe and draped it over myself. A hood appeared so I flipped it over my head hiding my face from view, but my eyes pierced through the darkness of it. I stood to my full height and crossed my arms over my chest as an uncaring gesture.

"It's rude to kidnap you know, so I suggest not doing it again." The words flew from my mind infiltrating the surrounding Pirans. They hissed in an offensive manner backing away from me.

"What are you earthling? Surely you aren't a normal weak human the way you defeated my team with those starwogs."

"You're absolutely right, I'm not normal, but I'm sure as hades not gonna tell you after this little fiasco" I channeled amused, he growled back. I never thought a fish could growl or hiss, guess I'm proven wrong.

"Tell me earthling, you are under my domain, under my power. Don't make me force you." The Piran threatened glaring at me. I smiled tiredly, I was in too much pain and out of energy to argue anymore with this fish.

"I'm good, I'll be heading out now though, so see y'all" I started parting the crowd and looking for a way out.

"You'll never get out, we're under the waterfall of hellater. Where all hellater comes from, unless you swim through it all, your stuck here. Only one of our own can free you."

Hmmm, I looked up and surely enough the purple liquid was steaming above me. I wonder how deep it is... I guess I'll have to find out. I closed my eyes and looked up feeling through the particles going until I gasped smugly. Found the top, now how to get there, I've learned from previous experience I'm not hellater proof, but can control it.

I grinned and thrust my hands up and opened my arms making a wide space as a painful tug in my gut split the hellater down the middle. I gasped as sweat dripped down my forehead under the mask, this was too much after the hellater incident, and this wasn't water. Now to get out of here, but as I prepared to do something my feet were swept out from under me as I tensed.

Rule number one: don't turn your back on the opponent, I just broke that rule. Stupid, I berated myself. The pathway in the hellater closed up as a claw from who knows where was thrust under my chin forcing my head back. The big Piran growled viciously, but grinned triumphantly. I rolled my eyes. Knocking away the claw with a forearm, I back flipped onto my feet.

"You have a date with destiny boy. You can not leave." I looked at the alien incredulously.

"I'll take a raincheck"

I ran at the Piran slapping aside anything in my way jumping off the ground and vaulting off the large Piran's head. Like many years before with the son of Gaia and my ex-father in the Labyrinth, he stood up in surprise raising me higher into the air. I parted the hellater again and hoped somehow I'd make it to the top. Suddenly I felt a tugging at the back of the robe. I glanced behind me and opened my mouth in amazement.

Wings, beautiful midnight black wings sprouted from the back of the robe and flapped a couple times bringing me to the surface. My mouth opened to let out a laugh of delight, but nothing came out. I landed lightly on the snow as I remembered why there was nothing. The thought brought down my excitement, but as I stared at the feathered beauties longer I wish I could keep them.

Suddenly my knees gave out as I crumpled I into the cold. A painful uncomfortable feeling erupted from my back, a warmth spreading. When it finally went away I glanced back and my expression formed into one of astonishment. Slowly I removed the robe careful of the new attachment.

Amazed I touched the softness of the feathers... attached to my back. I smiled, time to use these babies. Getting a running start I sprinted towards the nearest cliff...

And jumped...

*** Line Break***


I woke up to a small nudge from my mate. I whined, it's not time to get up yet. The nuzzling became frantic and annoying. I growled and sat up glaring at whoever dared wake me because for his sake it better not be Cody. I was faced with a friends pup, immediately I softened my glare and untensed my body.

"Yes pup? I'm sorry if I scared you." I made my way over and softly caressed the pup comfortably.

"Madre, you need to come quick. The boy Alpha saved yesterday is back and somethings wrong with him!" The pup screamed frantic. Instantly I was on my feet and sprinting out of the cave towards the commotion with the pup right on my heels.

"He has wings now!"


"No idea, but he's gravely injured too!" I ran faster.

"He's convulsing on the ground with hellater pouring out of him."

"From what? Yesterday Cody said he was only touched on the outside with it!"

"He's covered in it as well, head to toe."

"Why?! How?!"

"He's in so much pain Madre, so much, I can smell it. Feel it, oh Madre help him with your healing. Please!"

"Whoever did this to my pup will pay." I growled darkly.

We reached the circle of wolves surrounding my pup. They parted for me, in the middle was my pup. He was whining silently and shaking, convulsing, oh my pup. What did those Piran's do to him? He was just in our cave last night. I called for my medical bag and a bucket from our sacred waters.

"Come come! Hurry up! We must save this pup! He is of the elders tellingly!" I shouted at the pack. This encouraged them to speed up.

"Please my elders," I prayed, "Help me save my pup." I saw starfire light the sky.

***Line Break***

Cody POV

Hours. It took hours to save the pup. There were layers of the hellater of him, covering him like a layer of fur, multiple layers. The pup spit it out every once in a while as well, hellater spilling from his mouth into the now empty bucket that held our sacred water.

Finally he was given rest as my mate, who has been working furiously on the pup, eyes focused and barking at anything that didn't comply to her orders. We lay the pup on the slab from before, but this time requested some from the pack to guard him so he is not taken like before.

"You've done it again Amy"

"The elders have guided me" she simply replied.

"He is alive because of you" I urged.

"No, I was only able to save him because of his role to play destined by fate" I sighed and put my head over hers while she out hers into my neck.

"You did great like always my mate, take the complement and get some well deserved sleep"

"Thank you my mate, come rest with me. I need your comfort."

I led the way towards our resting spot, she slept as soon as she lay. I watched her soundly, evenly breathing, as even as the pup she saved. Morning shall come soon, and we all need the rest from today's events.

***Time Skip***

Apóvli̱tos POV

When I woke up this time, there were no bonds, I was on the same slab, and there was just a little pain, which is to be expected after my third encounter with those no good Pirans.

I slowly got up and walked out of the cave. The moonrise was just beginning, it was beautiful and so different than than a sun rise. The moonbeams were glowing a light silver blue as they bounced off the sacred water lake that I stumbled upon somehow. I sat there for a couple hours as I traveled back to what happened the third encounter.


I flew, trying to find the starwogs again, the Piran couldn't have taken me that far from the packs camp could they? I navigated the skies, the clouds were such a cooling wet and smooth, I realized it wasn't really water. I stayed up in the sky, looking for a big cloud, there were non so far that was big enough to hide my new wings. As I flew I put my arms out to the sides touching the smaller ones. I felt free.

There's! I spotted the biggest one I've seen all day, I flew towards it slowing down as I got near it. It was beautiful, it sparkled like dew on the morning grass, wetting the tips of my hair and fingertips. Something was different about this liquid as I studied it.

"It is tears of the elders" a soft voice spoke from the blue. I looked around curiously for the voice, it soothed me like my mothers.

"What is?" I channeled.

"The water, tears from the elders in the sky, the passed starwogs, and the sacred water of the living starwogs."

"This is where the sacred water comes from? The clouds?"

"They are made from the tears of the elders" The voice persisted.

"What does it do? Does it counter the hellater?" This could help the starwogs protect their packs.

"It does many things, heal, soothe, calm. It does counter the hellater, but the starwogs can only use it, not control it, it will not help them against the Pirans"

Hmmm, if I could control it, I could get rid of all the hellater and Piran, packs would be safe. I focused on the tears as they glistened in the sky, slowly raising my hand, willing it to flow around me. The tug in my gut and the movement of the water told me I am capable.

I let my control go, why would I, Percy Jackson, Apóvli̱tos be able to manipulate something as pure as this as well as the hellater what literally has hell in its name.

"Because we have blessed you" a strong animalistic voice growled above me, not in a threatening way though.

"Why? Why give me permission, I am tainted by blood"

"You are pure of heart and have pure intentions, the blood that marks you is the blood that your enemies forced upon you. Your fate awaits, make Letain's ancestors proud."

Before I could do anything else, I spotted Mr. Big shot Piran slithering in the snow and swimming through it like water. I frowned, time to get rid of this evil being and its species once and for all.

I closed my wings and dropped. The wind whipped past me, slicing at unclothed skin and ravishing my hair. I landed right I front of the Piran on one knee, with Silent out. I lifted my head up and sent a raised set of eyebrows at the Piran.

"Ready for the date?" I channeled amused. In response, all I got was a snarl, this was the weirdest set of fish I've ever encountered.

"Catch me if you can!"

I turned and sprinted right back to the waterfall of hellater with the Pirans right behind me. Now's the time to use that blessing. I called upon the sacred water from the clouds, it came like a funnel spiraling towards the waterfall. The Pirans stopped behind me in amazement, until the sacred water touched the hellater and in turn infecting it creating a pool of sacred tears. I looked back and grinned at them as they stared at me in shock.

"We can go swimming if you want, midnight swim is usually the third or fourth date, but I'm willing now."

They lunged, I was expecting that so I parried, twisting my sword so it put the Piran off balance. Stepping on top of it I leapt towards another, midair I summoned my bow and shot three unsuspecting fish right in the heart. Throwing my sword at another I dropped the bow and grabbed the spear off my back stabbing the one I jumped at in the gut.

Backflipping over a charging Piran, I grabbed a dagger from my chest and dragged a line down its back as I landed. I turned in time to be met with hellater to the face, I stumbled back as it doused me head to toe. I channeled out my pain as two Piran snatched my wings forcing me into the ground. Suddenly my mouth was pried open and the Piran I smushed into the ground willed a stream of hellater right into my mouth making me choke at the burning liquid.

I was blinking furiously and struggling relentlessly. I thrust my hands out side ways, fire exploding from my palms and lighting the Pirans holding my wings on fire. I called upon the tears to take over my eyes and wash out the hellater within them, and hopefully heal the burning pain as it slowly overwhelmed me.

I tuned on my side puking up whatever I could. The lead Piran was calling for reinforcements, but I knew that the sacred water would infect the hellater turning it to tears and destroy anything evil beneath it, basically the Piran clan leaving underneath.

I raised my left hand willing the water cleansing my eyes to shoot right at the incoming Piran. The water hit it dead on, in the center of its chest making it burn up right on the spot.

I stayed there for a couple more minutes as the battles injuries finally caught up to me, pouring from my mouth was the hellater that hasn't yet been affected by the sacred water and burning my skin through my clothes was the majestic purple.

"Go winged one, transport there by fire or water, imagine" A whisper through the mountains said.

That's exactly what I did.


I nuzzle from a wolf pushed me out of my thoughts. It was the Beta. Auburn fur laced with white, vibrant green eyes, she sat right next to me. I pet her with one hand as we watched the moonrise until others woke.

"You are the winged warrior. I am the Beta warrior. We protect the pack and keep the helpless safe." The beta informed me.

"Yes, yes we do. But I don't have a pack, I was left behind and instead embrace the universe as my pack." The beta turned interested.

"I have to leave, your elders foretold it. I am thankful for all your pack has done for me, and in return, I have gotten rid of the evil in this planet." With that said I transported my memories, like how I did to Sol and Belle to the Beta.

"Goodbye Beta" I stood up at the shore as the rest of the pack came surrounding us and watching confused.

"Goodbye Letain's pack, may no more harm come to good souls like you"

"Goodby Winged Warrior, may the elders be with you"

One planet of 60 checked off...

I disappeared...

Tell me what you think...

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