Chapter four: operation snake raid.

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Senator Adam: So ready for the next half even if you did readed what next.

General Mario: Well I won't spoil thing but it must an been really low for him.

Senator Adam: And that just before we let that out to the public.

Dateline: classified

Location: remotes Cobra base.

Still under the thumb of serpentor the Cobra emperor in frustration the Cobra Commander bangs his right fist on the right side of the wall of the base after another failed operation and says "Of all the simple mindedness results it's a waste he will bring Cobra to ruin only if this some way to put him down for good."

Then the Commander hear what seem to be a Wicked cackle echoing throughout the base "So you want to have serpentor out of your hair if there is any under that helmet of yours." Says the voice when it Shadow appeared in front of the commander.

"How dare I ask?" Asked the commander.

"In three day from now my mistress and I will have a solution to your Joe problem but for now deliver this to your so-called Master about our rival and my mistress will ensure you a better seat of command in case something goes wrong." Says the Dark Shadow as he gives the letter of his Mistresses coming to the Copper Commander and then vanishes in the thin air.

"Hope this is worth it." Says Cora Commander three days later as he had to suppend to his throne room but when I got there his so-called emperor has a couple of unusual guests a blonde empress and all pink and her dog advisor who seems to be pulling the strings as Commander recognizes his voice while displaying the Hella protector of what seems to be a castle.

"As you can see serpentor," say the Pink empress "Castle Grayskull have so many secrets and knowledge that can help you achieve your goal if you can formula alliance with us we can overcome both are enemies that's been in our way." Even if serpentor is intrigued by the empress's plan he still ask for her name.

"Barbie," Says the empress " Empress Barbie of the Barbie Empire." The Cobra Commando finds her title ridiculous even if the baroness industrial who just came in and find Barbies all pink look very absurd.

"She seem to be the puppet so play along for now even if whatever in that Castle is worth the trouble." Explained cover committed to the others as empress Barbie explains operations snake invasion.

Then approximately 4 months later in the world of Eternia rumors and sightings of strange people and vehicles the near villages in other locations with some complexions of what seems to be two armies with one seamlessly invading the other is that long till the Royal Palace find out that the Invaders are after the secrets of Castle Grayskull and those that seem to be opposed to but trying to slow down that face settling for their attacks and that's when King randor calls for a meeting with those opposing the Invaders, when the opposers led by the one who's called Duke of the GI Joes and explain those are after Castle grade school calls himself cobra led by serpentor.

"I see," says Randor "My Man-at-arm had seen some of your meds simply disrupting their Base building progression and those are near Castle Grayskull and seems to trying to force some new recruits by those called the dreadnoughts."

"Indeed your cobras they are covered goons for hire," said dude to give confirmation to what they are up against " and my current entire reason to believe that the forest base will attack the castle in 3 days from now."

"I see," say King Randor "Then I'll have the best best defenders of Grayskull be ready because they can recruit those that once lives on what we call snake mountains and they will do more damage to your vehicles and troops."

"We will except all the help you can give." Says Duke and seem to see King Randor speaking to his son Adam and may have an idea to what it can be.

On the Eve of the expected assault at Grayskull those are willing to join are on the guard while Duke with Adam Sergeant Slaughter and men in arms are in the castle talking to fence plans "Ok men," Say Sergeant Slaughter "If I know soprano brother he will charge head on like a bowl with blindfold on so we have to take out all the cover units that he confront us but Intel informed us there's going to be some new paint job and that's what I can say for now but we also heard they have softened those that he can recruit from what I'm hearing they are more bronze than brains with traps and some surprises." Duke and others does see it as a solid plan but then Man-at-arms ask " How did cobra found their way to attorney in the first place?"

Duke new someone will ask that sooner or later and says " we have reason to believe someone from your Universe brought them here with the means and the motives believe in we know he'll use them as a puppet and I have a feeling which one."

Adam and Man-at-Arm may have the idea on who and then Adam says " you may know who to be all but forgotten but he knows a set things off sooner than we think." Then some explosions got their attention proving that Adam is right.

"At least we have a idea on who pulling the strings." Says Man-at-arm as he and the other he to while Adam goes someone.

When Man-at-arm and the others Joe's got out of the castle and see a real battle going on as his job Bridge closed behind them and see you at the Cobra vehicles and a battle Android Troopers are

"They much be really hiding a new paint job." Says Man-at-arm as they seem to be more even the I'll play up a decent fight then sepenter's soldiers eject from the vehicles like the bubble troubles and and others, "Enough!" Shouted serpentor on his air chariot as the sense to the ground " as much as I hate the color that my new Allison put on my forces you are delaying the inevitable surrender grade school and I'll think about showing Mercy.

" then you have to defeat the champion of Grayskull to succeed and the secrets of its Castle will be yours just call out to challenge him." Says Man-at-arm to fool serpentor "So be it," Replied serpentor as he arrogantly approached the castle and shouted "I suppentor the covert Emperor call 4th champion of Grayskull for its power and knowledge Within THIS I COMMAND!"

Then beams of light fire that's a serpentor this weekend him due to his impoliteness as the jaw Bridge slowly opens with who the Joe's and Man-at-arm May recognized to be Adam but the rest know him as...He-Mam at the gate and then he says to serpentor " perhaps next time you should say please."

Angered by the toasty response serpentor charged at him like he has no plan like any other fool then he man grabbed them and left them like he was nothing " throw me into the bottomless if you dare but the wrath of cover all a race to yours and many worlds in the way this I command." Says serpentor but He-Man sees the cover forces retreating and then says to him " I don't think they will follow you anymore and even I know you are too dangerous to go free." Then he hauls them like a sack of potato into Castle Grayskull as the jaw Bridge slowly close feelings of Pinto's face and when the gate opens up both the Joe's and the mass of universe see Adam comes out of Castle Grayskull and then he says "It is done."


Senator Adam: it's not long till about 6 months later we'll learn with the help of Cobra Skeletor had the Barbie Empire by her strains with him and the Cobra Commander as her first two to generals.

Senator Joe: and needs to say it's no different than a game of capture the Fortress and there's more that are yet to be added on the board and you know which faction is next in this little history lesson but that's next week so in the meantime enjoy your stay and see what our world has for our guests.

Senator Adam: and from what I'm hearing Ovalsan has his own sorry to tell which had an important part in our history.

Ovalsan: true but that's near the finale I'm currently on chapter of that campaign.

Princess Peach: which I had a part in turning the poor town upside down.

General Mario: and we put the worst person in power.

Ovalsan: hey I wasn't that bad of a Outpost command in the back then.

General Mario: that depends who will be coming in a few days.

Ovalsan: true until then I bid you farewell.

Senator Adam: well with no other item on the list and don't be it for now hearing adjourn.

Ovalsan: yes I can resume my little thing as a spot for those story if anyone is interested that is.

Senator Joe: some of us May pop in when you get to the chapters.

General Mario: that's where most of my mistakes start did you come back and bite me hard.

Princess Peach: the forms are well made so even if he put a fair amount of land in the form we just put the base in for him.

General Mario: that's just to keep the psychos I was starting to come into that town because of what they have left untied.

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