Story in a Story Chapter 3: Ovaleyes month one.

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Ovalsan's log: Today I I resume my little story at the D20 and it looks like I got some new audience members when I came in.

O: So Isabel I see you bout LilyBel  along here.

LilyBel: Well she taking me to the Nerf gun show instead of the one in the micro region.

Isabel: hey I can't handle live around Firearms at places like those.

Ovalsan:Am not fond of loud noises as well honesty but even I have to pull the trigger in order to do what needs to be done on the one that deserves it for a very long time.

It been a month since dispel that Rewritten in a precious Magic has been broken but the barrier that is over all of Storybrook that won't let anyone that's native or summon to leave with the exception of those that came of their own will, as for the town try to get reacquaint with their true self Ovalsan have to do as he enter one of the elevator to the floor with the rooftop stairs and when he got there he changed into his main attires a techno like power suit with half robotic leg and a right robotic gauntlets and then oval as his output viewer as the Ovaleyes.

Then he gazed at the rooftops that he will be running while stretching his legs before the runs and without further delay he begins.

"With the wind on my face like those great hero that ran rooftops like these," self narrated the Ovaleyes as he jump towards the first rooftop " says like this one will soon know me, soon they will need me' soon," then his Gauntlet started to rain "I have to take this."

Then Ovaleyes as he landed on the next rooftop he pull out the phone antenna phone the gauntlet and make his hand into a way that he is holding a phone and then says "Is that you senator?...your where?...I'll be right their."

Then the Ovaleyes make a running start and with a jump turns on the flight mode and flew off today Rendezvous and once he got there which happened to be a diner and went in to me his contact who's at the booth at the far end, Who Ovaleyes recognize to be the comic government Chief senator Archie Andrews "Senator. " says Ovaleyes as he sit down across from him then Senator Andrew while handing over with what seems to be a leather says " here's your assignment for the month Ovaleyes."

The leather read.

With all but the dome now gone those like Rodlek are slowly regaining that powers it's other factors that are unpredictable and we all know how clueless Emma and her family can be so you're assignment for the month do what you can to keep the peace.

This message will self destruct.

"Got it senator." Says Ovaleyes after eating it I'll gain up and throwing the disagreeing leather into the trash bin and heads out and back on patrol, while back on patrol Ovaleyes spotted some strange and yet familiar lines and when he got a close enough it's worse than he thought with...the...hooks.

A couple of days later at the assembly room headmistress Emily Gloomy make a important announcements " attention everyone," say Emily  "as you may already the hooks had started to appear in the center of Storybrook and to tell you more about it here's Ovalsan in his most over the too that is."

Then Ovalsan came on to the stage and then says " indeed those hooks are misleading and deceitful and we'll call you by The Butchers if you're not careful and but they will do with their catch it's too horrifying for me to say."

About a hour later after school in Gloomy's Office as Ovalsan enter her office and she says while turning in her chair towards him " Ovalsan I no our parents are slowly returning but I don't want you to get the students into your antics nor have a locals be the butt of your jokes."

As ms. Gloomy goes on with her little monologue Ovalsan send something or someone looking at him and seemingly making fun of him from the wall mirror on his right and then went off screen on his left leaving ms. Gloomy very annoyed than usual didn't unusual manticorn appears in the mirror Ariana who that is and where she sees is no other than Discord, then he feels attacked on the left shoulder then this court turns to see who's behind him and see that the Ovaleyes had tap him with his right arm while his lift arm Extenze like rubber and wrap Discord by the back of the neck and came out of the mirror throwing him on the floor.

"Ovaleyes it just that you can go abit far when it come to dispensing Justice." Say Discord as he gets back up after being so rudely thrown towards the ground then Ovalsan while the Ovaleyes face plate opens up to show his face he's a very irritated tone " hey I still have trolls after schools and weekends and no one has Gone music hooks yet and I bet Rodlek a.k.a YOU KNOW WHO will try to in danger any of the students and put the blame on Milton."

"Well even if (censor) is probably doing another futile attempt to go after (censor) for who knows how many times until his little faith is physically sealed but I can't just spoil the whole thing which will make most of store Brook look like bystanders with their mouth open." Says Discord who seem the vice principal of the school and the counterbalance to Ovaleyes's dimensional powers if you go Skynet that is.

"Well the third choice will take longer to come up or find until it's too late Starbucks pay scenes are like walking in Brick shoes like they're waddling." Says Ovalsan as he change back to his teaching attires and head back to his class to teach.

"He going to be a pain to the town is he?" Ask Discord the Ms. Gloomy answers while she hits her head on the desk " yes in more ways than one."

The following weekend while on Patrol Ovaleyes spotted who seems to be Joe's dad the former King George with Rodlek as he went in for a closer hearing and finds out that in about a week's time Rod will get Michelle into great danger and put the blame on Milton Grimm then Ovaleyes says as he resumes Patrol "Not if I can help it."

A few days later after school at the Blockbuster movie rental and Cafe with Raven Laguna Discord and Ford Nonag at one the tables as a go over the plan to let say hoists Rid by the seat of his pants "Ok team," says Ovalsan as he go over the plan with them " intermar Insider states that the hooks be more active on their final day that will give Rod the chance to put Michelle in enough Danger and with Apple doing most of the work on the orders of who he thinks is Headmaster grim So the plan is simple Raven intervene Apple to question the orders being given by Milton Grimm but you have to make the argument serious enough to draw Rod out of wherever he will be hidden to whiten the arranged mishap and blame it on Grim Laguna will keep Michelle safe in case the argument escalator higher than me thoughts and once wrong is out from hiding and once he's far enough out in the open me Ford and Discord on his sky boat, will he'll come in reel them in and I may catches pants at best any questions?"

Discord Ford Raven and even Lagoona find the plan crazy but it's the other ones that can work and they'll go with it even if something could go wrong.

"Ok," say Ovalsan "dismissed." and then they leave for the day after Ovalsan find a movie or two to watch.

Days later Ovalsan with Discord and Ford on the shy boat over the area of the incident then he speaks to the car " this is airboats to land shark come in Landshark over."

"This is land shark over." Says Raven on her own communicator and very annoyed at the whole coding thing" no visual on bone butt yet over." Reply to airboat which made Raven roll her eyes but then she spots apple with Michelle's and quickly reports in and get the okay to proceed with the operation.

The arrangement did get Rod attention Peak out of where he's hiding from and Ovaleyes got him in his site and gave the order to extend while Laguna is keeping Michelle safe as the frustration trying to grow in Rod as he come out which Ovaleyes dope the hook.

"Ok ok what going on here?" Says Rod as he try to break up the fight not knowing he's been hooked until he felt a tug from a seat of his pants and as a poor buffoon runs for his dear life Ovaleyes gave him a few slacks and real men and repeat the cycle a few times till he grabbed the lamp post with a great struggle of his life which result with the view.... of his rear made him run and complete embarrassment.

"That quite the catch Ovaleyes." Says Discord in a salty sailor accent while Ford hide his face in same from the nonsense he got himself into but did hear it seem to be cannon fire and singing quickly Ovaleyes takes a ham to evade fire and what seems to be a high caliber Cannonball with but he any others specket has enough explosives to take out that ship but when it's got to its height it's time to descend down towards an open Gaslight that's underneath a whole street of restaurants and even Ovaleyes thinks they cause enough damage to the poor town as a chain reaction led to the destruction of the whole restaurants like it's out of a cartoon and sales off.

About approximately 4 days later as Ovalsan leave for the day after his usual day of teaching on the way back Emma swans intercept him as he's about to wait at the nearby bus stop for the hour and says to him and he let's say in a very peeved tone "Do have any idea what kind of let me see that's been going on that making a town folks like me look like fools and you seem to know more about what's going on with those things and I want it's out of you now!" But Ovalsan little silver tongue got Emma in what cement and she actually encounters the Ovaleyes later that will she hey would have watched cartoons more and now the lyrics to Cuba Pete.


LilyBel: Wow they must a been really dumb by then.

Isabel: LilyBel: even if you know just because they don't know much or none doesn't make them dumb and please Ovalsan tell us what you did to George that made some very crushable candidates come to town.

Ovalsan: well to cut to the chase he abducted Frankie and I'll try to force me follow the path of the locals pacing but he doesn't know that he thinks that I have a tracker on her with the others but they are deactivated when they are in their current place of residency or if more than two are in a group for privacy reasons.

Zoey:So where did you found her?

Ovalsan: well with Emily and Spectra as back up in case he has something in case I'm on to him sooner than he thinks but with some phase fruit Tech with some smoke grenades we got Frankie out there and as for George well this is where it gets good...and tasty.


About the last day at the end of the month when Emma and the others George's burning and when they went to Granny's Diner someone had something for the occasion " welcome everyone to my little end of the month feast," Say the Ovaleyes with some exciteful energy to his voice "So so without further delay yes but will be serving." Then one by one he lift the discoveries from each plate in a clockwise order and the cooked remains of the Well Done King George from hands with the head and a torso in the center is sliced and diced and made Emma and the rest of Storybrook pass outs while others lose their lunch as they get out while they are still standing on their feet.

"Oh well more for me." Says Ovaleyes he begins his solo meal and eat as much as he can like a beast no...a demon.


LilyBel: Oh M and they call me a Beast.

Isabel: sweetie pop the only difference between you and him is a fact that....HE A M-CLASS MONSTER!

Ovalsan:Well no one in Storybrook is doing anything about it or resolver in inferior raise.

LilyBel: yeah there were no specifics on how to do it.

Isabel: well it's still not a good way to dispense Justice.

Ovalsan:Storybrook was interior and I'm not afraid to get my fist bloody.

Isabel: at least they don't resort to becoming a monster.

Ovalsan: and it almost put a bigger monster in office.

Isabel: even so how you prevented had some unusual consequences but that's for next time.

Ovalsan:Maybe so but I like to check out that little thing you are taking your kid to and that being everyone.

LilyBel: won't mind having one more for this new show.

Isabel: as long as I have you on the leash you will follow my rules, GOT IT YOUNG LADY!

Then they all lift the D20 with Zoey to where she will spend time with her dad at while Ovalsan out of intrigue head to the Nerf gun show.

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