Side Chapter two: The playhouses expo building

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Ovalsan's log: Isabel is taking her kid to the Nerf gun show turns out showing other Floor shows at the playhouse Expo building host had to book a few things to keep visiting officials and guests entertained during this day here when I went in I've responded the map display and it seems to go Ryan standing counterclockwise and for me I'm doing the gun show first.

Hall one: The Nerf gun show.

The gun show had some nice displayed Nerf firearms with very nice colors and it's boring LilyBel when I spotted her with Isabel and well I can't tell if she's close to her pups boredom or wants her like that.

???: Didn't really think I find you here.

That when I turn and see Ang Lightwing who seem to here for pleasure which I did give her the invite but I didn't think she had to waste of time here nothing she would come.

Ovalsan: Ang.

Ang: Oval and well thanks anyway just didn't have any plans for the month due to my son and Billy staying at my in-laws for their own plans and they will come to your things with your superiors.

Ovalsan: at least you still have love in your life!

Ang: well sorry that you got bad hand.

Ovalsan: all because of your light!

Ang: okay tell me to go demon on me.

Ovalsan: that's the only thing that I am left now, because of you!

???: all right all right break it up break it up I know something like this will happen by then think it'd be this soon.

Ovalsan: Gabe I just send the invite I didn't think nor care if she would show up anyway.

Gabe: Well she did had some parts and that little town you turned upside down.

Ovalsan: at least she's not an abomination of offspring as he tries to lace it like a purse dog.

Ang: Hey!

Then I head to the next exhibit hall.

Hall two: the Rusk floor show.

Now the risk Floor shows are from old cannons and muskets to the most over the top mix, where's the diplomacy?

Me and Ang had honestly played Risk at its basic needless to say butts it's like what they say in the game dimension, war....war never changes.

Hall three: Hot wheels

Well the Hot wheels cars but they are on displays are not bad but I'm not into them LilyBel who seems to be eyeing as much as you can from the exhibit hall her mom is in.

Hall four:Barbie

The last show floor is full of Bobby manikins with each displaying a getup that make me think I can make better threads bottom line Isabella is trying to make her pop into a ridiculous show dog.

End log.

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