Day four Film one Act three.

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Tammy: So your dad is the Freddy Fazbear?

Roxxanne:Freddy raped me in the fallout of another Fazbear entertainment related Fiasco and by the time I found out it was too late for an abortion and who knew that loud crash of thunder would scare me into labor.

Chica: ewwww.

Roxxanne:Hey that how it happened.

Chica:Yeah that, and you kid is a hybrid freak!


Frida Fazwolf:Mom?

Roxxanne cringed for not tell her daughter about her past.

Hector: yeah you two were in the Fazbear group at one time.

???:Well the other two are butting in on our operations when I spotted them nosing around.

Chica: Greg goat.


Roxxanne:And he is?

Greg:Going to be the last thing your going to see.

Chica:You can pull out whatever you can sell whatever in the but I'm here with my son and that's it from that, Thing!

Chica took her son as Greg's men are taking Roxxanne and Frida into the back room.

Screen two: the back room is what seems to have an automated organ remover for Frida and Roxanne who are being strapped to bolt it down chairs and waiting to have both their organs and limbs removed with no anesthesia to boot.

The hyena: okay boss send up the target on the kid song of the ears with other organs decent enough to extract from the mother as well.

Greg Goat:Good now-

Then he and his cronies heard a big crash in the other room and Greg ordered them see what was it as one of them turns on the autopilot and follows.

The vulture: hey how did that thing get here?

Then the organ Ripper fell through the Starship Hall but when Greg peeks in who came out of it to uppercut him is, UltraStar!

UltraStar: right or not one has a big from one's mom a gorilla hand from the dad Fish House on the uncle where all the same and not meant for your unlawful organ donating rackets.

Greg goat: you just put a weird description of a hybrid in my head.

UltraStar: hey blame Fazbear's entertainment writers for they're made for TV writing experience.

Roxxanne always knows one lands are always hard to come up gold as Ultra star unties her and Frida.

Frida:Thanks I guess.

UltraStar: no time oh you might need this back.

UltraStar gave Freda her hair band even though she's starting to get used to being without them.

Frida: thanks but I'm getting used to not wearing them honestly.

UltraStar: just follow the sense the exit for now, well I fixed this goat's boat.

Frida/Roxxanne: Booo!

Then as Frida and Roxxanne head to the exit Greg goat pulls out what looks like the syringe needle injected it into his neck and turn into the range animatronic goat with a text name Ram trap Underneath Him.

UltraStar:Do all the Fazbear entertainment villain archetypes have to be, scapegoats?


Ram trap start with a ram attack but UltraStar horse vaulted over him while grabbing his horns and him his throne him into the closest wall.

UltraStar: that has to be my hardest throat yet.

Ram trap pull himself out of the wall with some of his parts showing that could be important for its function.

UltraStar: viewing discussion is advised folks.

Then UltraStar goes for a net lock on Ram trap snapping the neck facing its function.

UltraStar: not the longest fight that I have than normally but at least I have enough time to see the second to last scene.
Screen three:Frida follows they sent towards the exit as it's getting stronger.

Roxxanne: Frida dear-


Then Frida inadvertently ran into someone and knocked it over.

???: woohoo hoo hoo that's some tackle you got there young lady.

Frida:Rrr sorry it just th-

Then Frida's nose caught something that she's been looking for when she comes face to face with, Freddy Fazbear.

Freddy:You remind,oh

Then Freddy as he with Frida get back up see Roxxanne who with the others look like they went through a bad night.


Freddy: Roxxanne and no photos for Pete's sake there's enough bad PR to really turn me off now.

Then Roxxanne with Frida Hector Tammy and Catacron slowly leaves and Frida looks at Freddy one more time like it will be the only time she will see him,but is that anyway to end the story thought UltraStar who's in Hector's reflection knowing what's going to happen next.

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