Day four Film one final act/Outro

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Final screen: A few days later after the hotel closed down Roxxanne and Freddy meet at the nearby park to sit and talk.

Freddy: Finally got out of the DA for who knows how much of Interest, and you with your migratory job?

Roxxanne: me and Frida will be here till summer break at least she's getting along with the others at school.

Freddy: at least she's doing okay.

Roxxanne: the school is letting her stay here because it's going to be more of a summer thing where we're going next.

Freddy:Hmm sounds like a plan and I guess you two are going to stay here permanently which is a better idea.

Roxxanne: yeah even if there are still places that will treat hybrids like lamb to slaughter for their body parts.

Freddy: the trafficking is worse than you thought with more darker complications.

Roxxanne: that's something even I can protect Freda from forever and that'll be her coming this way.

Freddy: well she does look like she found a nice place where she belongs even if she does have bear ears that look lik-

Then Freddy Double Take at Frida and when took a closer look at her those bear ear's and they are so real.

Freda:Hi dad.

Then Freddy fainted sideway from the shock and fell on the grass hard.

Roxxanne: shouldn't you be more settled than that dear.

Freda: have him know that chica has been put on top of the tallest building like she's been putting the corner.

Roxxanne: I won't ask how.

Then come an iris out and then the credit rolls.


Howard: that was Monamount's only Fazbear movie they made with Fazbear entertainment with mediocre commercial results at the box office but most watched and rented on most lists no major Rewards and to make it more demeaning 80% of both profits and proceeds went to Fazbear entertainment lost 65% in a lawsuit due to mistreatment of the Union that they made with a 15% interest fee and another 15% for bail feed photos that been charged for Union fraud.

Peggy: when we come back after the break we will interest on next movie with some special guests so stay tuned.

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