Day four film two act three

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Screen one: Magic casting 101

Marevelou's magic casting 101 class is amusing but still dull like the class's she had in her past school for being bounced from home to home.

The girl next to Marevelou: those wizards always magic like math and the names Amia, Amia manadust.

Marevelou: Marevelou.

Amia: Love the name so we can talk more at lunch?

Marevelou: Ok see you their.

As the school day went on she started to notice that the school seem to have a very strict uniform with customization liberties with the girls simply being in Princess like dresses and the boys being in more techno like armor tells lunch bell rings.

Location: cafeteria

At lunch Marevelou after getting what she want to eat even if they do look very over the top and sit next to Amia.

Amia: So how your first day so far?

Marevelou: Well the one thing that bugs me is that we are on one side while the guy's are on the other.

Amia: That how then are none the less.

Then Marevelou see a vacant spot at the boys table.

Marevelou: Hate to switch seats but I have a plan.

Then without delay Marevelou seat at the boys table and well it caught most of the boys by surprise even the two that Marevelou is sitting next to on one side with one who seem to have his face in a mask on the other side.

Marevelou:What the matter never seen a girl at the boys table before?

Location: Headmaster office.

Marevelou: Me at the boy's table is not a big deal.

The Headmaster: It is here young lady!

Marevelou: Don't need to blow a gaskets, literally Headmaster...

The Headmaster: Cogsworth Pennywise Cogsworth young lady.

Marevelou: clockworkers are so wounded tight.

Cogsworth: Don't tempt me to put you in the box.

Marevelou: Luke in toy box.

Cogsworth: watch it young lady and the only place where both side can interact is at the out door magic combat gym and that all ms. Sparkles.

Then Marevelou left the Headmaster office before Cogsworth blow his gasket.

Location: The outdoor magic gymnasium

The next day Marevelou start magic combat training with those she made a commotion with yesterday as their instructor comes in to begin the class.

The Instructor: Good morning class now before we begin the upper classmen Curber Mafag have some words to say.

Marevelou: Curber Mafag?

Amia: successor to the throne of Heartean the Homeworld of Pow-tar who with his follow Defenders defended the system from the omnitaren Tara Federation who are still in Exile and the sinister Magkeletor a dark Contra of magic who wants the wisdom of the Palace of star rule for himself and let the oft plunder the other worlds resources for all he cares.

Marevelou: What happened to him?

Amia: Legend say he fell into a dark void in his final battle with Pow-tar many believed it to bring the master ship of the OTF which is still in their home world to this day.

Curber: Ok everyone with the Star throne try tournament with any month from now usually brings less competitors that normally as you five are to compete in the draft was on short notice.

The Instructor: as you are aware the star Throne Tri tournament is the Starrule annual competition of speed magic and might, the first being the grand unicorn race across Heartean then comes the warrior Clash a free-for-all with the last one standing and the Magic Dual being a proper tournament with the winners granted access to the Palace of Starrule.

Curber: Indeed but no one is vow to tell what they seen within it.

Once the instructor Blows the Whistle their training begins Marevelou and the other magic girls were using training wands while the guys use training dicks that looks like swords clubs and staffs while on Dragon with others, Marevelou and Amia spying together and today I'm like the others are just firing little Sparks while those like Curber are casting more powerful spells.

Marevelou: Why is Curber doing the more Advanced spells then we are?

Amia: we are just tournament father sadly.

Marevelou: That can't be right.

Amia: Curber and her so call friends have the house Advantage with their inherited resource those like us can't win.

Marevelou: Si we are just to put on a show?!

Amia: More or less.

Marevelou: So going to have a talk with Unicorn after this.

Screen two: The Unicorn stable.

After school Marevelou went to the unicorn stable to meet with Daisymist on the questionable ways of Palco's universe.

Marevelou: Say Daisymist you know of your family's line's what do you know in the Palace of Starrule?

Daisymist: not much the playset that's all just usual Place sets.

Marevelou: Well it could be just for show because am planning on winning the tri throne tournament.

Daisymist: What!?

Then Daisymist fart out daisies from the surprise.

Marevelou: hey you don't have to break wind that heard.

Daisymist: sorry but that's how unicorns jump far over big gaps.

Marevelou: That just wrong.

Daisymist: Anyway secondaries like us don't get what the main lines receive in events like these even if one of us actually did in any way they will do what they can to even the score.

Marevelou: are you one of the mainline since you are born here with the others.

Daisymist: it doesn't work like that and you may not know this but the whole thing was a contest results of making a new set of Pow-tar toys but most known entries almost sound like they are descendants of the original characters and well here we are.

Marevelou: And our...shells?

Daisymist:My personal entry even even if I'm the very first but my folks won't play favorites even if my friends did make the runner-up roster.

Marevelou: Not if I can't help it.

Daisymist: How?

Marevelou: I just said it so don't rush me on solution.

Then Marevelou leave the leave the stable so she can think more clearly but when she got to her room what seems to be a note on her bed and when Marevelou open it it tell her to be near the Forest at midnight but it didn't say who the letter is written by but there's no choice in the matter.

Screen three:the nearby forest.

It near midnight and Marevelou see the nearby bench and takes a seat while Daisymist lie down next to her till some dragonflies May the trail that wants them both to follow as they follow the path it ends at what seems to be a medium size pond and was getting close to midnight familiar face is starting to come out of the surrounding shadow starting with two they already know the Headmaster and Amia but their reflection in the pond says otherwise when Daisymist look into it.

Daisymist: Mr. Bronze wheel Mira what a surprise to meet you like...this.

Amia/Maria: well Being a unicorn that flies on back wind is still off.

???:I can never understand Palco's brand of humor.

Then the Everal Fairmo with two of her most trust guards who shall remain nameless.

Daisymist: Oh aunt Raya nice to see, despite me being all hoofs.

???: Well you have a way of adopting in other brands.

???: because your father always forgets to leave out loopholes in any Contest rules.

The Ravenel Darmo and Norberten Roytoy comes out of the Shadows with the actual looks reflecting as no other than the heads of Palco toys and Daisymist folks.

Daisymist: Oh mom dad see you.

Nor/Phil: Mia dear hire photos are at play here and the tri throne tournament us at the center of it.

Ella/ Ravenla: And Megkeletor is behind it somehow.

Everal/Peggy: And the main's could be his means for his revenge.

Cogsworth/ Bronzewheel: and the fine prints may have gave him the advantage due to Vain factors of the rules like say how many a person not a household for starters there's also the fact which I mentioned in my entry statement a description of the character in question or place for the other category group.

Nor/Phil: because no one expect even if the guidelines will allow it to have adult entries in having family members in the line are rare and those that are also admitted are trips and parents of the five grand prize winners.

Everal/Peggy: Well Monamount are quite appealed to their archetypes they made the Creations around but the fine print smells like Notorious print.

Ravenel/ Ella: but not notorious directly dude still loose specifics on what kind of characters or places Palco is looking for.

One of the guards: like say a villain that's the father of the top five.

Nor/Phil:We have some game's with the proper motives.

Everal/Peggy: and the drama has not yet begun in the description of the character pictures by parents is really building it up.

Cogsworth: and I unfortunately may have set off even if the terms are of good intentions.

Everal/Peggy: well the pitch negotiations had shed someone unusual light on the adult entries like some are divorce and a surrogate donor and one buy appeal reference by a known Monamount employee.

The other guard: well she wants to do what she can to help her find me store which is one of the last of the handful that are left.

The first guard: And it seem to do with one of them being able to enter this world a year before this whole thing started.

Ravenel/Ella: and one of them may pitched a villain as Megkeletor's new play thing.

Daisymist: But is Megkeletor dead after all those years ago?

Nor/Phil: dead but then cross over and waiting for the right moment to come back so he can exact his revenge by finishing what he started.

Guard two: and let's say the one I know could be his new plaything.

Everal/Peggy: so starting tomorrow night you will start learning what the means are planning on using for the tournament.

Ravenel/Ella: the tournament is still a month from now so we both putting you three through the works but until then meeting adjourn.

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