Day four film two final act and outro

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Screen one: The tri throne tournament finals.

The tournament M.C: This is it folks we are now down to the final two with upper classmen Curber Mafag and the underdog Marevelou Sparkles as they face off and here they come.

Then both Marevelou and Curber came on to both side of the Arena and make their stance for their match.

Tournament M.C: Ok both ladies ready and three two one, Go!


Curber start with a water wave attack spell but Marevelou use a stone wall spell then fire a piece of it at her as a kind of move but Curber counters with a wind slice spell.

Then Marevelou go with the electrical whip Lashmade Curber jump back a bit then use a fire short to counter but Marevelou make a sandstorm to disorient her and end it with a right hook knocking Curber off the Arena.

Tournament M.C: Winner Marevelou Sparkles!

The crowd cheer with excitement made Marevelou smiled a bit as she help Curber get back on her feet.

Marevelou: I can't let Megkeletor have you deal whatever is in the Palace of Starrule.

Curber: Wait your not-

Then without warning the master ship of the Terron excavation fleets the Leviathan launch its forces of Terror bouncers to attack as they are packing heat it was chaos with built-in weaponries like machine guns and Flame throwers.

Cogsworth: just as I thought.

Curber: you think my dad is really working for him?

Daisymist: He have no control of the role he in.

Marevelou: So how are we going to get into that ship.

Curber: we need a cutaway.

Then as they lift the screen some unusual extras may have their own solution.

Screen two: Inside the Leviathan Master ship. (Don't ask how they got in.)

Cogsworth: I hate EX machina's.

Marevelou: Hey the burritos is the best that we can come up with.

Curber: well well it did give us a little profile with its after wind.

Then T.E.F Soldier drones made attack as a fight through the ship all the way to the Command Deck they are at the helm is was more than what they are dealing with.

Screen three: The Leviathan deck.

???: I see everyone had come for our little playdate.

Then the command chair turned around then they see The Mastermind, Sky Marshal Bearscream

Curber: Well play time is over.

Then Curber fire a magic beam but it went through Bearscream.

Marevelou: I thought Bearscream was your dad's pitch.

???: the ship is Bearscream was cut from the Pow-tar line for being to Direct of a satire to Starship Troopers.

Then a educate dropped on them when Megkeletor came out of the Shadows.

Megkeletor: And even you know other line are not ment to interfere with one another.

???:But set are a different matter like the spring-loaded wall behind you to make a dramatic breakthrough entry when the main door is locked.

Megkeletor: I seem to keep forgetting that.

Then the spring loaded wall pop open knocking Megkeletor on to his face as, Pow-tar come into the set.

Megkeletor:Rrr you always have a way of working around the rules.

Then Megkeletor sick Bearscream on Pow-tar then a big stage light came on behind him as he sidestepped when, UltraStar gave Bearscream one Powerful uppercut.

UltraStar: he ment to be with that line she to be in that she act will she act like that but in the end we are all child playthings, we are all Toys!

Pow-tar: that was one such strange opening liner and had my pity for saying that.

Marevelou: They don't make Super heroes like they use to.

UltraStar felt a bit annoyed from that comment even it could be true from time to time.


As Pow-tar release the others while UltraStar go two on one against Megkeletor and Bearscream,  Bearscream girls with the bear hug while Megkeletor those are them from behind but UltraStar backflips over Megkeletor as he runs into Bearscream's bear hug.

Megkeletor: Rrr let go of me you smoke breathing Pig!

Then UltraStar goes for his Grindhouse kick clean them both across the deck onto what seems to be a trapdoor and acting quickly UltraStar it's the plastic button on the command chair and they fell through the Trap door and on to random Pavements and then get rid of it by a big car.

Megkeletor: I always hate it when stuff like this happens to me even on Monday.

Screen three: Rena's birthday.

Mouth later at the Palco toy factory Rena came to the factory by invite and follow what seems to be a red thread when she got in forward into the missile but the lights are off so she turns it on, a surprise party was waiting for her with some friends and loved ones welcoming her.

Rena: oh my sister Wendy this is a nice surprise to have you here.

Sister Wendy: I have been with you for the best of intentions to give you a good life ever since I found you when you begin going from home to home.

Ella: until today.

Then Ella unveiled what turns out to be a certificate of adoption as she removes the covers.

Ella:Welcome to the family.

Then Rena pass out hard from the shock.

Sister Wendy: Hmm perhaps that was too big of a surprise.

Phil: well that's not going back now.

Post credit screen: after all the excitement few days later a knock came on the door Phil answered it.

The salesperson: hi I'm from the toy box Republic.

Then he closed it right away.

The salesperson: I'm not from that kind of a public.


Howard: And we're back with new guests like my good friend Burke and for our next movie after the break Ovalsan Ivan  thank for joining us.

Burke: likewise.

Ovalsan: nice to be here.

Howard: So Burke how was it being Pow-tar?

Burke: oh it's the best roll I ever played and one reason why I took the gig that we got when we met on the same road ahead.

Howard: I was the first on the land Transit we met when you came aboard on the one stop before our common destination and the rest is history.

Ovalsan: intriguing.

How: hey you never know who or what will be on the road ahead.

Burke: and all the memories we made sense with some new friends as well like that one princess of that movie line and the toys that we joined up in.

Howard:Well Palco seem to think we individually may not work as a toy line but that's for tomorrow with some guests but we will be on our last movie of the day when we come back.

Ovalsan: when you end up doing a parody.

Burke: and even you know I find those kind of things annoying.

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