Film one: UltraStar

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Opening screen

Setting: A dark memorial service.

The priest: dear friends we're here today to rest a great storyteller of Monamount on the Silver screen he tell tales of hope where we are at our lowest, Hampton Reeltin he gave us great story on the silver screen with his wife and Muse Louis Raya the sunlight on the silver screen who had past as well leaving Peggy Raya their only child they lift behind and into the care of Peter Tori,Who will now say a few words.

Peter:Thank you father now as the good friend of this man and vice president of Monamount they bought so much to screen and your love to those they care and will be saddened that they will be missed.

Not long after the service Peter meets with the board on the plans to move forward and it's bottom line.

Peter: gentlemen the time of fairy tales are over for the theaters and this studio must face a cold reality to make results.

Act one

Setting: Bus: Depot

Looking for a new opportunity and a new starts friends Howard John and Beck Sanban got out of the bus at the bus Depot in L.A where they got a gig at Monamount Studio a script writers.

Beck: guess there's no turning back on this one Howard.

Howard:well our meeting with the representative at the cafe is next week so for now let's just take a look around and get a feel of a place so where to start?

Beck:Hmm So many to choose so little time after we check in that is.

Howard:Hmm True and maybe study on the project we are going to work on.

Beck:From what we know so far this is going to be a scifi war drama.

Howard:Mr. Tori does like to be remorseful to his movies.

Beck: Their rumors that state that he part of a one up chain game that the other Studio do for years but there's never been actual evidence so far and no one is blowing the whistle.

Howard: As long it not to illegal.

Once they got to the Hotel to check in the receptionist gave them the pitch draft on the movie they are going to write.

Screen two

Setting: The Hotel room

Howard: This is just dreadfully sad even if it has a Sci-Fi twist.

Beck:Yeah a War drama where half the Earth became a war zone in humanity is all but gone in Mexico ruining the battlefield which resulted in bigger weapons that forces Humanity into man-made caves.

Howard:Mr. Tori have a Bleak mindset when it comes to movie ideas no optimism he thinks movies like those are cheesy cash grabs to make toys from.

Beck: Monamount don't do straight to DVDs with their movies they make full flash movies to get results.

Howard:Well most of their movie are grounded in reality with that dramas which most got reward when your results in the end.

Beck:Well they are really depressing even if they are going to try a new genre.

Howard:Well Movie nowadays are almost dead on imagination.

Beck:Let hope the one we will work on have some creativeness.

Howard: can't say for sure from all the massive regurgitation.

Beck:Their will always be a diamond in the rough.

Howard:True but some are more harder to find then others.

Beck:Like oh the one true superhero movie you alway want to make.

Howard:Indeed but not like the ones nowadays.

Beck: Yeah that oh most of the empire has.

Howard:you really have to go their better get a early start on it tomorrow morning.

Screen two

Setting:Monamount boardroom two week later

Peter Tori: Hmm not bad Mr. John and Mr.Sanban but the Bittersweet ending is tame compared to the usual the Studio makes here.

Howard:Thanks Mr.Tori.

Beck:Yeahit just most of the movie that you aloud to be made are very dark and sad even the most of them got Oscars in result of it.

Peter: true but that's how I run this ship there's no place for fancy North fairy tales while I'm in charge the Sci-Fi thing is what the board of directors wanted to try like to have something different for once as long as my house rules.

Howard:Well your movie are so sad and oh most like they are conforming anyone who sees those movies.

Peter:Well until Ms.Raya turn 25 I'm four year from now I will still call the shots and and what I say goes.

Beck: Whatever you say your Majesty.

Then Peter tap his finger on the table annoyingly whenever he hears something like that.

Peter: once you begin production I'll give you the call in 6 to 8 months bye for now you two are dismissed.

Then Howard and Beck leave the boardroom so he can look at script once more and may found something that can extend his place in the studio.

Screen three

Setting:Sound Studio 7 6 months later.

Howard:So this is the set of Ashes and Dawn does a target audience, is the target audience meant for going to give people Despair and Nightmares?

Peggy:That the kind of thing my so called uncle wants made to get award-winning results in his one up games he and the other students are doing for years.

Howard:You must be Peggy Raua am Howard John nice to meet you.

Peggy:You must been another of Tori's brain juices to drink tell there's nothing left.

Howard;You really hate the kinda of movie he letting get made.

Peggy:My Family for years ever since the Everal Fairmo films which I voiced when I turn sixteen but didn't official started acting tell a year ago.

Howard:Those movie are cute when I was a kid but the last one which seems to be yours almost looks like a swan song.

Then Howard see a bolt hit the floor and when he looks up and thinking quickly pushed Peg it out of the way but got badly ended by the Fallen stage lights.

Screen four

Setting:Hospital on the 7th floor where Howard John is recuperating.

Peter:So how long will he be like this?

Peggy:The Doctor said it ne a year tell he get up.

Peter:Shame really but their been a change of writing plans since that incident.

Peggy:What but he and Beck had work so hard on it

Peter:The test screening didn't like the cheesy pacing nor the light humor.

Peggy:Are you even tired of making gloom and doom movies?!

Peter: Those kind of movies get better results in the box office and the award community then those that result to ridiculous merchandising and cash grabs like what your father use to do with that ridiculous fantasy line.

Peggy: The Everla Movies have been a family tradition for grr not again.

Peter:I know those things can come of their own way but worry put you on is your only thing I'm seeing those nonsense too bad it can't be the other way around.

Then Peter lift the room annoyed of what he can't control.

Peggy: Elliott's Elf come on out Wherever You Are...RIGHT NOW!

Then who seem to be Elliott elf came out from behind the flower vase on Howard's bedside table.

Elliott Elf: I know you don't want to see me after all these years but am here with her.

Peggy: Her?

Then Peggy Raya slowly turn towards the closest mirror in the room and in that mirror in the room and in that mirror is who seem to be a human size fairy in Grand clothing who she seems to know.

Peggy:Aunt Strawbell Sparkle wings.

Strawbell: Ms. Fairmo.

Peggy:Stop call me that! Anyway what being  you here?

Strawbell:Your fath- I mean the king have seen this man save your life so he thinks you should return to favor.

Peggy:How an I-

Then Peggy realized she's now in the costume she wants wore in the school play she was once in.

Strawbell: Ah you look just like me in your little play.

Peggy:I was 7 back then!

Strawbell:But your performance was more than enough to be accepted into the king's court.

Elliott: indeed lady Raya and how would wish which I will read from this note wants to make a superhero movie.

Peggy: South peanut will let him know his friends make one let alone the only one.

Elliott: oh you never know unless you try.

Peggy: Ok but it not going to work.

Strawbell:Don't be to sure...action!

Then Peggy stand on lift side of Howard's bed then draw out her wand and recites what needs to be said.

Peggy: oh honest soul that's you Siri so that you never truly know by the order of her father King Lionmo Fairmo I her daughter Everak Fairmo Grant your wish of making the superhero movie you desire.

Then Peggy tap her wand twice on Howard then says

Peggy: on the top of three you awake by Dawn with the means and inspiration to make your movie.

Then by the third tap Howard's wish is granted and Peggy leave the room but later that night around midnight what seems to be of light blue shade of energy went into Howard and ends with a c starting the Fade to Black with a blue star glowing on his chest.

Three days later when Howard checkout his friend Beck is waiting for him outside but when Howard put his hands in his pocket on the way out he felt what seem to be a hand mic.

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