Opening ceremony

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Over 5000 people have come to the Mushroom Kingdom most were from new donk cities in seamlessly Beyond for a special event at the last Mushroom Kingdom movie theater "So Peach," says Maya Pauline "What crazy idea Ovalsan had cooked up this time?"

"Whoever say it just him." Says Peach then the Theodore open and out comes Howard John and Ovalsan Ivan in the finest of tuxedos and tops to begin their opening dialogue.

Opening ceremony

Howard John: Once upon a time their was a time where movie theaters our place to go to have a good time on a Friday night.

Ovalsan Ivan: until the Empire I've taken most what they can find a use for and leaving most of the film industry with making things dark and depressing and shove the same stuff down everyone's throat.

Howard: that's no different than the game industry.

Ovalsan:At least am putting some effort to rent this place from being torn down and have another golden Mario statue in its place.

Howard:And that why you with other drag me into this.

Ovalsan: actually I just bagged you in I won't let you out in a disclose location until you agreed to do this.

Howard:So you Stop touching me with crazy sounds that you have been making for three days straight.

Ovalsan:Hey It works.

Howard:Only if to shut some lights on the gray reels.

Ovalsan:The Empire is Raising too many questions.

Howard: even so you have been a major part in one of the documentary series that I produced.

Ovalsan:Hmm love see them Howard,Once we get started that is.

Howard:So without delay.

Then by taking off their hat then cover their face change into their alter egos.

UltraStar: sponsored by Monamount Studios.

Ovaleyes:And live at the Nintendom

UltraStar:Welcome to the,

Ovaleyes: Oval


Both:Film Festival!

Day one intro

An the attendees and Toes the theater of The first see the room and when they are seated Howard John came on to the stage.

Howard: Now before we start the first movie here's how the film festival will work this will be a 5-day event with each series of films that revolves around a theme, today's theme the main reels when we show the first set of ultrasound movies now the headsets is where you have the option to hear special commentaries from special guests.

They'll be a 5 minute intermission between each film and wrap it up the day with a highlight play from each movie but for one night we will pull out a classic for midnight screenings if you know what that is stay tuned,so without further delay let's begin.

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