Chapter 4

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Thankfully my parents were already asleep so I didn't get grilled by them. I went into my bathroom and showered before getting ready for bed. I lay in bed about to go to sleep when my phone buzzes. The message on my screen making me roll my eyes but also smile a little.

Sexy Beast to Me: I will find out Kitten but until next time. Night. Don't dream about me too much;)

I shook my head as I rolled back over closing my eyes falling into a peaceful slumber.


I wake up the next morning with my jaw still hurting from the night before. I groaned rolling out of bed. I trudged downstairs to see my dad making breakfast.

"Hey, dad where's mom?" I asked sitting down at the kitchen island.

My dad with his back to me cooking on the stove says. "She had to go in early today but she said that she'll be home for dinner." He turns around and nearly drops whatever he's cooking. "Katrina, what happened to your face?" He asked almost angrily. "Was it that boy? I knew he was trouble when he walked in."

I shook my head quickly. "No daddy it doesn't have anything to do with Daxton. It happened at the library before we even went over there." I half lied.

Dad just sighed shaking his head mumbling something like," I swear that girl is so clumsy. "

I rolled my eyes as I sat down. "So daddy what are you cooking?" I asked him.

"Your favorite, strawberry pancakes with bacon and eggs." He told me setting a plate down in front of me with a smile. I grinned as I looked at the delicious pancakes in front of me. My mouth watered as my dad slowly poured strawberry syrup on the pancakes.

Once he was done I grabbed my fork and started to devour my food. I absolutely love my dad's cooking but he rarely cooks as he never has the time with being busy with a big case all the time. He rarely has the time for anything other than work and I'm not really all that bothered by it as I know that's what helps put food on the table and that my dad loves his job. But I've come to always cherish these few moments with my dad as they are few and far between.

"Daddy, have I told you how much I love you and these amazing pancakes?" I asked with my mouth full grinning.

My dad looked at me chuckling shaking his head. He made himself a plate before sitting down across from me. "I think you've mentioned it a few times." He muttered with a laugh as he started eating.

"Well, I'm telling you again cause you deserve it," I told him smiling as I ate my food.

"Thanks, pumpkin." My dad said smiling at me.

I nodded as we slipped into a comfortable silence both of us enjoying our food. Our peaceful breakfast cut short by the sound of the house phone ringing. My dad got up getting it.

"Hello?" He said into the phone his face becoming serious when he heard the other person. He sighed softly nodding. "Alright, I'll be there in twenty." He muttered into the phone before hanging up. I frowned softly knowing what was coming next.

"Pumpkin I'm so sorry but I have to go to the office. They need me to help look through evidence." He told me with a frown as I shook my head.

"Dad really it's fine I know duty calls. You just go get dressed I'll clean up down here." I told him with a sad smile. He smiled back at me kissing my forehead before going upstairs.

I smiled softly as I finished eating and started to clean up. I also made my dad a new cup of coffee for when he leaves. After a little bit, I heard him coming downstairs.

"Alright, pumpkin I'm heading out tell your mother I'll be home soon. And thank you so much, sweetie." He told me taking the cup of coffee from me. I smiled nodding and giggled seeing his tie was crooked. I fixed it before dusting off his shoulders.

"There, perfect," I told him kissing his cheek. "See you later dad," I told him.

He smiled at me before heading to the door waving at me one last time.

Once he had left I made my way up to my room and got dressed to go to the gym. I had to teach another class today and I also wanted to get as much training in as possible before my fights tonight. I put on my red and black Nike shorts and matching tank top. I left a note, in case one of my parents came home early, saying I was at the library.

I locked up the house and got in my car driving to the gym. I parked at the library before walking over to the gym with my bag that I always kept in my car.

I put my stuff in the office saying hi to the twins but couldn't really talk as I had to teach a self-defense class.

*mini time jump*

"Alright bye ladies see you next week," I called as I ended the class and headed upstairs to the office.

"Hey guys sorry about earlier but I had to set up for my class," I said as I walked in and sitting at my desk. I started to wrap my knuckles so I could train.

"You're cool, girl," Penny said waving her hand dismissively while on her phone.

"So how was the dinner. You never texted us when you got back home. The pompous rich folk too tiring for you?" Calvin joked as o laughed shaking my head.

"Actually it wasn't that bad. My mom's boss and her husband were really nice it's their son that I have the problem with." I muttered fixing my shoes.

"Why? Who is he?" Penny asked putting her phone down giving me her full attention.

"Daxton," I muttered with distaste.

"So what happened? Why couldn't you call us?" Cal asked following me out of the office.

I headed down to the back of the gym so I could train. "His parents suggested that I tutor him so I'm stuck having to fit him into my training schedule along with my own school work. Then he told his parents he was going to a party and my parents forced me to tag along." I explained as I started my work out.

"Well, that doesn't sound too bad," Penny said with a bit of hope in her voice.

"No, but it was. We didn't actually go to a party we went to a club where he ditched me to go do some gang shit or whatever I don't know. But you know being nosey old me I had to follow him and then being stupid me I got caught. So there I was standing there with this huge guy just gripping my arm rather roughly I might add. He kept trying to touch my face so I did the only thing I could do and punched him. That, in turn, started a big fight between Daxton and his boys and the others men. Finally, the other guy stopped the fighting and left promising to be back or whatever. And now that Daxton has seen me fight he's getting all suspicious and asking questions." I told them as I punched and kicked the punching bag rhythmically.

When I didn't hear a response from either of them I stopped and turned to look and see that they were gone. Well, fuck you guys too.  I thought to myself as I went back to punching the bag.

I trained for a couple of hours nothing too strenuous as I had to fight later tonight. I headed back up to the office. I started to wonder where the twins had run off to when I couldn't find them in the office. I just shrugged it off figuring it was probably something their dad needed them to do. I got to my desk and pulled out my phone seeing I had 4 missed calls and 4 unread messages. Two of the calls and texts were from the twins apologizing to me about leaving but they had to take care of some business with their dad. I quickly sent them both a text telling them not to worry and that I understood. Two calls and a text from my mom telling me that I had a tutoring session today with Daxton and that I should text him to discuss where. The last text was from the idiot himself, Daxton, telling me to be at his house at five.

So much for a discussion. I thought to myself as I rolled my eyes at his rudeness. I then glanced at the clock and swore. It was 4:25 which meant I barely had half an hour to get home, shower, change, and then drive to his house.

"Dumb asshole making me stress and rush and shit," I muttered as I packed up my stuff and ran out of the gym. I ran to my car hoping in before speeding off to my house. Once I got home I rushed into the shower. Once I was done I had about ten minutes left so I quickly put on some sweatpants over my spandex and a walking dead t-shirt on before leaving my house again.

I got to his house in just the nick of time and I sighed in relief when I knocked on his door at 5 o'clock sharp.

Damn, I'm good.

I know you're wondering why I rushed over here when it's just Daxton but I don't want his parents to think I'm not taking this seriously by being late. I happen to like my good girl cover and want to maintain it at all cost.

Daxton opened the door after a moment smirking when he saw me. I scowled back at him. "You're right on time. What a surprise." He said sarcastically making me roll my eyes at him and push past him.

"Whatever let's get this over with," I muttered turning to him. "Let's start with math?" I suggested.

Daxton just shrugged going upstairs without a word. I groaned following after him as he went into a room which I assumed was his. I was surprised when I walked into his room to find it didn't look like your typical boy room with pictures of "hot" girls on the wall or clothes strung all over the place. But then again Daxton wasn't your typical boy.

"Wow," I muttered looking around.

"What?" Daxton asked turning to look at me as I snapped myself out of my awestruck state.

"Nothing it's just you seem like the type to have a dirty room that's all," I told him honestly.

Daxton shrugged. "Well, I guess we both miss judged each other." He muttered looking at me intensely searching for any tell signs that I'm hiding something.

"What are you talking about?" I asked feigning confusion.

"You know what I'm talking about Katrina." He said stepping towards me but I held my ground.

I laughed softly. "Oh that. That was just the product of rigorous self-defense classes my mom made me take. Seeing as my dad has put away a lot of high power bad guys she just wants to know that I can protect myself." I told him being partially honest as that was one of the reasons I even started going to the gym was to protect myself.

He looked down at me for a second before stepping away nodding. "Okay, I believe you for now." He said walking over to his bed plopping down on it. As he was walking away I internally sighed in relief.

"Let's get started with some math," I said grabbing his desk chair and sitting in it.

The next two hours were torture. I've tutored some pretty dumb people but this guy is beyond stupid. I can't even believe he's in my grade he's so dumb. I gave him a few easy math problems to warm up with he didn't even get those right. I can't tell you how happy I was when seven hit and I could leave. I practically sprinted out of his house.

Now I'm in my car on my way home. I have a couple hours until I need to leave for the underground and plus I'm still "grounded" so I have to eat with my parents. I get to my house and get out seeing that both of my parents are home.

Well, that's new.

I walk in smiling when I smelled my mom's cooking. "Mom?" I called into the house following the delicious smells coming from the kitchen.

"Hey sweetie, how was tutoring?" She asked me turning off the stove and looking at me.

"It was good I feel like we really made progress." I lied with a convincing smile.

She nodded believing me as always. "That's good honey. I'm so proud of you for fitting him into I know your already busy schedule." She said kissing my forehead. "Now go upstairs and tell your father dinners ready." She told me and I nodded before hurriedly heading upstairs.

"Dad," I said knocking on his office door before opening it. "Dinners ready," I told him when he looked up at him with the phone tucked in between his ear and shoulder. He grinned quickly hanging up the phone and got up to follow me downstairs.

I could understand his eagerness to come down to dinner as we all rarely had time together and it was really nice when we could all sit down and eat a good home cooked meal with each other.

After a delicious dinner, my parents went to the separate offices for the duration of the night. I used to get mad that they would just disappear until morning but now I'm grateful for it as it made it that much easier for me to leave.

Once 9 o clock hit I put my underground clothes in my duffle bag and snuck out of my window. As usual, I got out of the house and neighborhood easily and made my way to the twins house.

Once I got there I just walked in seeing as I had my own key. I saw there dad, Dominic, sitting in the living room.

"Hey, Dom," I said with a smile and a wave which he returned.

"Sup kiddo you excited for your fights?" He asked me turning to look at me.

"Of course I'm always excited to fight. You know that." I told him.

"That you are." He commented with a chuckle. "The twins are in Penny's room." He told me as I nodded my thanks and headed that way.

*Time jump (all they really do is talk as they get dressed to go to the underground and none of that stuff is important.) *

I dismount my bike outside of club Vertigo which hides the fighting ring in the underground basement. Hence the name The Underground.

I smiled seeing Cal and Penny step out of Calvin's matte black Ferrari. I myself was riding my black Ducati.

I shook out my black hair after taking off my helmet.

You're probably wondering why I have black hair when my hair is supposed to be blonde. Well I can't fight looking like myself that's too dangerous so I change my appearance some. Just black hair and green contacts.

To go along with my new hair and eyes I'm wearing a black leather spaghetti strap crop top with a black leather mini skirt and some leather over the knee boots.

(Her outfit)

"You ready?" Penny asked as we headed inside.

"Ready as I'll ever be," I say just before we were engulfed into the loud music and dancing bodies.

For a while, we all just dance all of us each harmlessly flirting with guys and then it was time for me to get ready for my fight. We all headed down to the basement under the club. There in the middle of the room was a big boxing ring where two people were already fighting. As we made our way to the back I continued to watch the two fighters analyzing their every move just in case I would have to fight them one day.

We walked to a door with a black cat on it and I pulled out my key opening it. It's so nice that I've gotten so good that I can have my own dressing room here.

"Remember Kat don't strike first. Quick and sharp movements. Stay on your toes at all times. And most importantly..." Calvin said as I put on my mask.

"Don't tap out. If I go down I go down swinging." I finished for him with a smile.

Calvin grinned. "That's my girl."

I laughed tying my hair into a ponytail. Then there was a knock. "You're up." A gruff voice said through the door.

I grinned grabbing my robe and flipping up the hood. My robe was so cute with my little cat ears on the hood part.

I walked out with my signature smirk as I heard my introduction.

"She's sexy but deadly. Seductive yet dangerous. She's our favorite girl from across the pond give it up for Kitty!" The announcer said as I stepped into the ring and the crowd hollered.

I walked around the ring winking at a few guys in the crowd I almost faltered when I saw him.

Why in the hell was Daxton here? I asked myself as I went to the center of the ring slowly taking off my robe.

When everyone saw my outfit the roars got louder and as I unzipped my skirt I kept my eyes locked on Daxton. I slipped off the skirt seductively and threw it at Calvin on the side of the ring.

I have spandex on people relax.

I then walked over to the side taking off my high heeled boots and giving them to Penny.

My opponent had already been out so after I got into position the fight began.

I stood across my opponent as I bounced on my toes. For a moment we just circled each other waiting for someone to go and then he swung. I smirked as I easily dodged it while sending a blow of my own to his stomach.

He stumbled back a bit before regaining his balance. He took the slightest step back which let me know he was about to kick out. I braced myself catching his leg and elbowed him in the face. When he reared back I kicked his other leg from under him making him crash to the ground. Before he had a chance to do anything else I got on top of him and started laying into his face. Sending punch after punch until I was pulled off him and I saw that he was unconscious. I smirked as the announcer raised my arm saying I was the winner.

I waved and blew kisses into the crowd before I left the ring. I put my shoes and robe back on but I just held my skirt in my hand. I didn't see Penny or Cal so I figured they went back to the dressing room. I started to make my way there.

"Hey, Kitty!" A familiar voice yelled at me over the crowd. I continued to walk ignoring the voice. Then all of a sudden I'm turned around and looking eye to eye at Daxton.

He opened his mouth to say something but stopped when he really looked at me. His head tilted as he looked at me before he uttered the worst thing that could come out of his mouth right now. "Katrina?"

Hey guys I'm so sorry I haven't been on in so long. I literally put everything I have into my books and each chapter. I want to make it absolutely amazing for all of you so I end of writing and rewriting a lot. I really hope you guys like this chapter and I tried to make it pretty long. I know something's in the book might not make sense but I promise it'll all come together in the end. I absolutely love and appreciate all of your positive feedback and if you don't think something makes sense let me know so there is no confusion. I want to make this book the best it can be and I can only do that with your help. Anyway, make sure you tell your friends to COMMENT,

Next Update: 35 reads, 10 votes, 5 comments!!

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