Chapter 5

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I waved and blew kisses into the crowd before I left the ring. I put my shoes and robe back on but I just held my skirt in my hand. I didn't see Penny or Cal so I figured they,
went back to the dressing room. I started to make my way there.

"Hey, Kitty!" A familiar voice yelled at me over the crowd. I continued to walk ignoring the voice. Then all of a sudden I'm turned around and looking eye to eye at Daxton.

He opened his mouth to say something but stopped when he really looked at me. His head tilted as he looked at me before he uttered the worst thing that could come out of his mouth right now. "Katrina?"


I didn't miss a beat as I jerked my arm away from him. "I'm sorry you must have me confused for someone else," I say in my perfect British accent. My tone is forceful but I end it with a smile.

Daxton looks at me frowning before nodding. "Yeah, I guess you just look a lot like this girl I know." He muttered as I mentally sighed in relief.

"Well, now that that's all cleared up I must be going," I say turning to leave but he stops me again.

"Wait that's not why I stopped you I have a proposition for you. I'm Daxton by the way. " Daxton said stepping in front of me.

"Well, I don't want to hear it," I said stepping to go around him.

"I think you should at least hear me out," Daxton said stepping in my way again. I huff crossing my arms across my chest and stand there silent waiting for him to speak.

"I want you to join my gang. It would be extremely beneficial if we had you as an asset." He said to me. I smirked and let out a laugh.

"Not gonna happen," I said shaking my head.

"I suggest you think about it some more. These places are very dangerous and unpredictable without my gang's protection who's to say what could happen to you. Pretty little thang like you here all alone. Easy target. " Daxton said calmly but by the look in his eyes, I could tell he was threatening me.

I narrowed my eyes at him and took a step closer getting in his face. "If you watched me fight tonight then you should know that I can take care of myself," I whispered calmly but my tone menacing. "And I'll be damn if I let some little boys push me around."

"Also she's not alone," Penelope said from behind him causing him to turn around.

"So I suggest you leave her alone," Calvin said from beside his sister both looking equally menacing. Cal with his buff looks and mean glare and Penelope with her muscular arms and terrifying eyes.

Daxton didn't look scared in the slightest bit. He simply smirked raising his hands in surrender. "Hey I meant no harm but I know when I'm not welcome. I'll just take my leave." He said smirking the entire time.

"Yeah, you do that." Calvin sneered.

Dax laughed humorlessly before walking away.

I rolled my eyes before briskly making my way into my dressing room. "God I hate him," I say speaking normally as I run my hand through my hair.

"I can see why now," Calvin grumbled.

"Yeah, that dude is just a dumb asshole," Penny added angrily.

"Guys he recognized me," I stated with a frown.

"What?!?" They both said in unison looking at me.

"Yeah he looked at me and I saw it in his face and he said my name my real name. I think I convinced him I'm not me but I'm not sure." I said with a sigh.

"Well, you'll just have to be more careful," Calvin said and Penny and I rolled our eyes.

"No shit Sherlock," Penny muttered.

" I honestly can't worry about this right now I still have another fight so I need to be mentally prepared," I said getting up.

"Yeah you lost a lot of rest time with him you go back out there in a couple of minutes," Penny told me.

I nodded taking a deep breath and closing my eyes resting for just a second. "Let's go," I say after my little moment.

I make my way back out there with my robe on and up. The announcer says my name and I step into the ring once again.

My opponent came into the ring cockily just like everyone else that fought me. He stood there lazily while I got into my stance. Once the bell rang the fight was over in seconds. I was pronounced the winner and made my way back to my dressing room.

"Hey, you going home?" Calvin asked as I put my skirt back on along with my high heel boots.

"I might go up to the club get a few drinks to relax. This whole Dax thing is stressing me." I tell him as I let my hair back down. "You guys can go home if you want I won't be long."

"You sure?" Penny asked me. I could tell that she was pretty tired and so was Cal.

"Yeah you guys go rest I can see that you're tired," I told them with a smile.

"Thanks, Kat, you're the best." Calvin and Penelope say at the same time and they both kiss my cheek.

I cringed. "You guys have really got to stop this whole saying stuff at the same time thing." I joke with a laugh.

"We'll think about it. Bye." They said before leaving with a laugh.

I shake my head before I check myself making sure everything was perfect before walking out myself.

I lock the door and make my way up to the club. I immediately go to the bar and order myself a beer. I sit at the bar slowly sipping on my beer and just thinking.

After about an hour I have finished my second beer and I feel like it's time to leave. I try to pay for my drinks but the bartender said that someone already did. I ask him who and he points down the bar and I groaned when I see Daxton.

I roll my eyes as I make my way to the door. I feel someone walking behind me as I head towards my bike in the back.

"Can't you just leave me alone?" I asked angrily turning around.

"I was just wondering if you had time to think about my proposal," Daxton said cooly.

"I have and my answer is still no," I told him.

"That's too bad cause I really didn't want to have to do this," Daxton said before he shrugged and snapped his fingers.

All of sudden my arms are being held back and he's walking towards me.

"Let me go." I hissed struggling to break free. Usually, I would have easily got out of this hold but in my slightly drunken state, I was weaker.

"You might not know this but I run this town. And I do and get what I want. By any means necessary." He said before he sent a blow to my stomach. I double over in pain I've been hit pretty hard before but never like this. He rears back to hit me again.

"Okay okay!" I yell slightly panicked. "I'll join," I mumble weakly looking down ashamed with myself that I broke that easily.

"What was that?" Daxton asked and I could practically hear the smirk in his voice.

"I'll join," I growled glaring up at him.

"I knew you'd change your mind." He said before nodding to one of his guys who let me go. I did my best to stand tall through the pain.

"I'll contact you when your services are needed." He told me before him and his man leave me alone.

Once they're gone I groan in pain as I slowly make my way to my bike. I get on hissing in pain and make my way to the twins house. I slowly drive there and park my bike. I never take my bike home first because my parents would kill me knowing I had a motorcycle and second I didn't need people following me to my house. I get into my car and head home. I get home and sneak back into my house.

Once in the safety of my room, I inspect my battered body. I have a few bruises on my legs and forearms but nothing that won't heal in a few hours maybe a couple of days. The real problem was the already purple gigantic bruise on my stomach. The was going to take days maybe even weeks to heal properly. And I'll be out of training for at least a couple of days.

I groan as I go to shower. I sighed as the soothing warm water hits my skin. I took my time washing out all of the black in my hair. I had to make sure it was all gone. Once I was done I put on my pajamas and slowly practically limped to my bed. I let out a sigh as my body hit the bed.

I was so close to falling into a peaceful sleep when my phone rang. I held back a scream as I grabbed my phone.

"What?!" I whisper yelled into the phone.

"Dang I'm sorry for being a caring best friend and trying to see if you're okay." Penelope sassed.

I sighed. "Sorry Pen tonight hasn't been the best night for me."

"What happened?" She asked urgently.

I sighed before I went into detail about what happened after they left.

"Ugh, that bastard! I knew we should have stayed. I knew something was going to happen! Kat why did you have to stay!" Penny yelled at me.

"Well, I'm sorry that I needed to relax! All of this shit stresses me out! And why are you even yelling at me, I'm the one who just got forced into a gang!" I yelled back.

I could hear her sigh on the other end. "Look I'm sorry I'm just frustrated and mad that the douche did that to you," Penny said.

"Well, how do you think I feel? I'm supposed to be this bad bitch and I gave in after one punch." I said frowning.

"Well, the dude does have his own gang," Penelope said softly.

"That, unfortunately, I'm a part of," I say with a sigh.

"Sorry, that happened to you girl. I really wish I could help." She said.

"I know but I need to go to bed I'm tired," I told her.

"Night Katrina." She said.

"Night Penelope," I said before I hung up.

I put my phone away with a frown.

I hate this. I hate this so much. I can't believe I let this happen.  I think to myself as I drift off to sleep.

I know you guys probably hate me for being gone so long and leaving you in so much suspense. Well, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and don't hate on Daxton too much his methods will be explained eventually. Trust me he's not that bad of a guy. Anyway, hope you guys had a great thanksgiving and ate a bunch cause I know I did. Anyway, don't forget to.... COMMENT and VOTE!! LOVE YOU GUYS BUNCHES!! ✌🏾

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