Chapter 1: Nightmare

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Cole Brookstone sat up from his bed, a gasp escaping from his trembling lips. He clutched tight onto his blanket, his hands resting on his bed.

Cole's heart ached as it pounded hard against his chest. Cole tried to take deep breaths but failed miserably, he grasp for his shirt, pulling it down.

He exposed his skin, exposed his neck, hoping by some miracle if he gave his neck some space then he would be able to breathe again.

He stared down at his bed, his black blanket blending in with the dark room that he stayed in. Cole swallowed, a pool of saliva filling in is mouth.

He felt sick, as quickly as he could, Cole got out of bed. He kicked his blanket off his hot body, stumbling towards the bathroom. 

As dark as it was, it didn't help that his vision was blurry. Cole tripped over his own foot, slamming his hands hard on the wall as he tried to catch himself before he could fall.

Cole sick burped, he could feel the vomit rising in his throat, he clamped a hand over his mouth and slammed the toilet seat up, not having time to care how loud he was being.

Cole brought up his dinner from last night, meeting with it again in the toilet. He harshly fell to his knees, grabbing onto the sides of the toilet.

His knuckles grew white, his fingertips ached, pressing hard on the toilet. Cole gagged and more vomit escaped his mouth.

He coughed, wiping away the evidence that he was feeling sick.

Cole looked at his hand, chunks of it now laid on his hand. He groaned in disgust, running his other hand through his damp hair.

Cole spat in the toilet, leaning against the bathtub rim, he rested the side of his face on it.

The coldness feeling so good to his hot face, Cole sighed miserably. He took a deep breath, closing his eyes.

"It was just a nightmare, no need to be freaked out." Cole spoke to himself, trying to calm himself.

He listened to his own breathing, slowly breathing in and out. Cole sat up from the floor, carefully pulling himself up.

He stared down at the mess, at the not so pretty view. His eyes widened, he stared inside the toilet in horror, Cole nervously swallowed.

Green vomit was in the toilet, and not just "normal," green vomit.

Cole raised an eyebrow, watching as his own vomit was glowing, and vaporizing inside the toilet, disappearing with the contact of water... Like a ghost.

"What the fu-

A knock on the bathroom door startled Cole, he immediately turned his head to look over his shoulder, flushing the toilet before anyone else can see it.

Jay Walker stood outside the bathroom, leaning against the doorway.

The strings to his dark blue sweatpants barley tied correctly, his white Cliff Gordon, or better known as Fritz Donnegan, T-shirt wrinkled from sleeping.

His chestnut hair was an absolute mess, he had bed hair, Cole would've laughed if he wasn't so scared shitless.

"Hey Cole, are you okay?" Jay asked, sounding concern for his best friend. Cole immediately nodded, walking over to the sink.

"Y-Yeah, yeah I'm fine. I just... I guess that leftover chicken wasn't good after all." Cole lied, turning the water on for the sink.

Jay frowned, watching as Cole grabbed the toothpaste and his toothbrush to brush his teeth.

"I told you it wasn't, do you want me to get you some Ginger ale?" Jay asked, holding back with the scolding.

Cole had the water running as he put toothpaste on his toothbrush, he frowned.

"Uhhh..." Cole looked over at the toilet, the green vomit replaying in his head. He nodded, looking back at Jay before he brushed his teeth.

"Yeah, sure." He agreed, looking away from Jay. As "immature," as he seemed, Jay was actually pretty mature. He was smart too, he was also very observant.

He has to be observant, he has to notice things, he refused to never notice anything again, especially his best friend... Day of The Departed will forever haunt him.

Jay didn't say anything, he kept quiet. He watched as Cole's shoulders shook, he watched how badly Cole struggled to twist the cap back on to the toothpaste.

"Be right back." Jay spoke before walking away, Cole only nodded. His eyes too focused on the toothpaste, he finally got the cap back on after he took a second to breathe.

"This is ridiculous." Cole said to himself, blowing his bangs away from his face. He sighed in defeat, staring at his hands which slightly shook.

His forehead started to burn, he hissed in pain. Cole held the side of his head, looking up at himself in the mirror.

He rose his eyebrows, lifting his hair up, his messy, shaggy hair, to see his scar was glowing.

It glowed a bright green, too bright even for him, he squinted his eyes, staring at his scar in confusion.

"Close it."

Cole jumped, taken aback from the sudden voice. Cole blinked twice, looking around him to see if there was anyone with him.

He was completely alone, Cole looked back at himself in the mirror, looking back at the scar. It was still glowing, he could hear whispers, it sounded like as if there was millions of people talking at once.

"You need to close it!"

Cole winced, his scar was starting to burn even more, it throbbed. It was as if his scar was getting stabbed, but slowly, making their way down to Cole's cheekbone.

He covered his ears, the whispers grew louder, the louder they were, the more it ended up with the whispers growing into yelling.

Close it? Close what? Was his scar talking? Was Cole losing his mind? What was going on?

"Cole!" Jay yelled, grabbing Cole's attention. Cole looked at the right side of the mirror to see Jay, he stared at his best friend; worried.

"What?" Cole asked, clenching his jaw. Jay lifted up the cure to Cole's stomach problem.

"I got you the ginger ale." Jay replied, handing it to Cole. Oh, right. Cole sighed in relief, walking to Jay.

"Thanks Jay." Cole responded, opening the ginger ale as quickly as he could, taking a sip of it as Jay tilted his head.

"You okay? Like really, are you okay?" Jay questioned, Cole shrugged. He closed the lid, smiling at the blue ninja.

"Yeah I'm okay." He claimed, scratching the back of his neck. Jay glared at the black ninja, raising an eyebrow.

"Are you sure?" He pressed, Cole scoffed with an eye roll.

"You worry too much Jay." Cole pointed out with a smirk, he ruffled Jay's messy hair. Jay punched Cole's arm, now rolling his eyes.

"I wouldn't have to worry if you didn't give me a reason to worry." Jay scolded, Cole frowned.

He knew that Jay would only keep asking if Cole didn't convince Jay that was fine although he wasn't even sure he was fine himself.

The nightmares were getting out of hand, but this nightmare was a little more extreme; more brutal. Cole took another sip of Ginger ale, resting a hand Jay's shoulder.

"I'm fine, seriously Jay." Cole lied, Jay didn't believe it, he couldn't, something was telling him that Cole wasn't fine.

"Cole, I-

"What are you two losers doing up?" Another voice spoke, interrupting the conversation between Cole and Jay.

Cole looked behind Jay, seeing Kai Smith stood behind Jay, a few inches away. He ran a hand through his bed hair, raising an eyebrow.

"What are you doing up, your highness?" Jay asked, teasing Kai. Cole snickered at Jay's comment, Kai gave Jay a shove.

"It's five, time to get ready for training." He reminded the two ninjas, Cole wanted to kick himself, how could he forget that they had training today? He didn't even put an alarm on.

"Oh." Jay said, Kai nodded. He raised an eyebrow, pointing behind him.

"Yeah so you two better hurry up and go get ready before Sensei gets there." Kai pointed out, walking back to their room.

"For once in his life, Kai is right. We should go get ready, but are you sure you can train?" Jay asked, Cole chuckled.

"I'm okayyy Jay, I just had a little upset stomach." He rejoiced, giving Jay a playful shove.

Jay didn't look convinced, he stared at Cole with a suspicious look on his face. Cole chuckled again, shaking his head at his best friend's stubbornness.

"Look, if I feel sick, even for a minute, I promise to let you know, okay?" Cole offered, Jay stared at him for a few seconds before slowly nodding.

"You better, or I'll kick your ass." Jay threatened with an eye roll, Cole scoffed. They both knew who was stronger, but Cole decided not to say anything.

Jay walked back to the room, Cole followed. He could only take a couple steps before chills were send down Cole's spine, he shivered; grabbing the back of his neck as the hairs rose up.

Cole stopped walking, he stood there for a moment. Feeling the chills grow stronger by the second, he anxiously licked his lips.

Cole turned his head and looked back at the mirror, looking at his reflection, not knowing that someone was also looking back at him...

Right through his reflection...

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