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Ninjago City was in ruins, buildings were crushed, innocent lives were taken or seriously harmed, the sun did not shine, it was hiding because there was no reason nor place for it to be so bright.

He gripped tight onto his weapon, his hand was practically glued to it. He watched as his teammates tried to get up, but they were either unconscious or dead.

Kai Smith used his sword and swung it towards his former teammate, but it did no damage.

His former teammate kicked the sword away from himself, immediately grabbed Kai's wrist.

He pulled him close, staring into Kai's hazel eyes. His eyes were filled with determination but also with fear, the former teammate smirked.

"Good thing you didn't end up as the green ninja, this would've been much more pathetic for you." He snarled, before Kai could say anything else, the former teammate used Kai's own sword and aimed for his heart.

A sword was thrown towards the former teammate's chest, barely missing and going for his shoulder.

The former teammate groaned in pain, looking up to see it was Nya Smith who had thrown the sword. She ran towards him, tears consuming her eyes.

She fought back, left a few marks on his skin with her Sai, angry and upset devouring her movements.

Unfortunately she was also blinded by them, her former teammate was able to grab her by her neck.

The green ninja laid on the floor, unconscious. Hurt very badly, he laid next to the ice ninja, half of the ice ninja's face was broken, wires were all over the place and his heart, the blue power source crushed right next to him.

The blue ninja was on the floor, barely conscious. He groaned in pain, holding his head. Blood resting on the side of his face, he held his broken arm.

He refused to look over at his dead sister's body, tears rolled down his cheeks, because he knew she was not moving since she was dead.

The blue ninja looked up, hardly able to see correctly. His vision wasn't doing so good, he blinked a few times to see the love of his life was in danger.

"NYA!" Jay Walker yelled, he instantly ran over to her, using his powers to aim towards his former teammate but something grabbed his foot and made him fall.

His power missed his former teammate, not even close to hitting him. Nya struggled, she tried to break free from her former teammate's grip.

The former teammate grinned, staring right at Jay as he laid there, helplessly, while the former teammate broke Nya Smith's neck with a quick snap.

His heart dropped, his ears were ringing, his breathing was hallow, Jay Walker's eyes widened in horror.

"NOOOOOO!" Jay yelled, he couldn't get up, he was being held down and he could not see who or what was holding him down.

"How could you do this?" Jay asked, glaring up at his former teammate.

The former teammate tilted his head head, grinning at the blue ninja. He dropped his weapon, dragging it on the floor as he walked up to the master of lighting.

The Scythe made a noise, scrapping the cement floor.

The Scythe rested under Jay's chin, making him look up at his former teammate.

The former teammate glared at Jay, piercing the weapon through Jay's neck.

He tried to grab the weapon, to grasp for any glimpse of air but Jay could not do so.

"Poor Jay, the last ninja to survive, the ninja who failed." The former teammate teased, shaking his head. Jay glared up at his former teammate, trying to push the Scythe away from him.

"You won't get away with this." Jay sneered, he clenched his jaw. Breathing through his nose, his chest throbbing with each breath he took.

His former teammate, leaned in closer to stare into his eyes. His former teammate, Cole Brookstone, smirked at his ex best friend.

"But I already did." He said, before stabbing Jay's neck with his Scythe, blood splattered everywhere.

Jay's blood splattered on Cole's face, Cole couldn't help but laugh. He laughed loud and watched as Jay's head rolled off his body, rolling over to his foot; Cole stood on Jay's head,

"Happy Day of The Departed."

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