Part 11

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(A/n: just a reminder that this chapter will be the beginning of the Taimanin arc, also this chapter will introduce the reader plus a small crossover ,now onto the story!)

It has been a month since John arrived in Tokyo kingdom and let's just say that it was interesting to say the least, John quickly made a name for himself as the demon grim reaper for his brutal ways of killing demons, orcs and ogres, both ADN and UFS took notice of that and now the race is on.

(Gosha academy)

Sakura and murasaki were training the taimanin students, Sakura stood next to murasaki as murasaki gave her speech.

Murasaki: now since you're new here I'll make this short, if you want to become the strongest you must have speed to back said strength, raw power with no speed is nothing.

She took a big picture of John and showed it to the students.

Murasaki: this demon is the strongest and the fastest demon we've ever faced, and we weren't able to defeat him.

Sakura: he also uses various tactics and also has a variety of weapons in his disposal, so if you see him I suggest running for your life.

Then a certain WHITE HAIRED dude spoke.

?: doesn't look that powerful to me.

Murasaki: rule number one raiden, never underestimate the enemy.

Raiden: I'm just saying.

Then yukikaze and rinko came to sakura and murasaki.

Yukikaze: miss sakura, miss murasaki, lady asagi want you in her office.

Sakura nodded, murasaki's brain stopped functioning after hearing assgi's name which sakura took notice.

Sakura: excited that much mumu?

Murasaki: s-shut up!

She left leaving sakura behind, sakura looked at the students and dismissed them and followed murasaki, they reached the office and entered and saw asagi sitting in the office.

Sakura: hey sis.

Murasaki: m-miss a-asagi.

Asagi: sakura, murasaki, since you two are here I'll cut to the chase...we all know that John is here...he must be eliminated before the UFS get their hands on him, so tonight we'll look for him and once we do we'll do what we do best.

Sakura: we tried that before sis and we ended up falling on our faces.

Asagi: that raiden guy has potential...he's coming with us tonight.

Sakura: but sis don't you think that it's a little reckless to take the new guy with us?

Murasaki: consider it done miss asagi.

Sakura: you're so in love with her aren't you.

Murasaki: s-shut u-up sakura!

Asagi: ehhh...anyway that'll be all.

Sakura: alright, catch you later sis!

Sakura dragged murasaki with her out of the office and closed the door behind her leaving asagi alone again.

Asagi: I still can't believe she had her way with me.


In the red light district we see an orc running for his life, being covered in his own blood as a man wearing red was walking calmly behind him.

Orc: n-no please h-have mercy!!

?: hmm...nope!

He then shot him in the head, that man is none other than the legendary devil hunter Dante, Dante looked around and saw John standing on one of the roofs holding an ogre's head as John squeezed the head so hard he crushed it.

John: are we done here or...?

Dante: yep, now we can go back to the office.

John: what about our competition in devil's tears?

Dante: I'll figure something the meantime let's head back.


In the slum district a man with white hair wearing a dark blue coat and a dark red shirt and black pants and black boots, he was chasing an orc holding a woman, the woman was screaming for help as the guy stared at the orc.

Orc: move one muscle and she dies...but before that I'll have a taste of her pussy.

?: you actually make me feel sorry for you.

Orc: shut the fuck up!

?: hmm...let me think about it...nah.

Woman: please save me!!!

Orc: shut up bitch!!

?: you talk too about I shut you up permanently?

He pulled out his gun and pointed it at the orc, the orc tightened his grip on the woman as the man shot a bullet, a woman with brown hair and blue eyes wearing a pink combat suit landed behind the orc and sliced his head off clean the same time the guy shot the bullet making the orc's head fly away, the woman fell to her knees as the other woman looked at her then she looked at the man.

Guy: hey that was my kill...not cool lady.

Woman: do I look like I care, who are you anyway?

Guy: you can call me y/n, what's yours.

Woman: it's asuka...

Y/n: cool name.

Asuka: thank-

She was cut off by a group of orcs surrounding them as they stood back to back, y/n then pulled out his sword while asuka summoned her blades from her arms.

Y/n: cool trick...

Asuka then charged at them at a blinding speed as y/n did the same, they began hacking and slashing them one by one until there were two left.

Y/n: any last words?

then one orc got shot in the head while the other one got his head sliced off clean killing them instantly as a petite chocolate skinned girl with long brown hair in pigtails wearing a black and red combat leotard, next to her was a white haired man wearing a dark grey exo skeleton suit.

Asuka: yukikaze mizuki...

Yukikaze: asuka koukawa...never thought I'd see you here.

Y/n: who's the guy?

?: I should be asking you the same question?

Y/n: it's y/n...y/n l/n, and you?

Raiden: call me raiden, so you're the vigilante we heard about.

Y/n: I'm only doing my job...let me throw this out there, the suit makes you look cool.

Raiden: thanks...I take it we're done here yuki?

Yukikaze: don't call me that! And yes we're done!

Y/n laughed at her reaction as he walked away.

Y/n: I guess I'll see you along the way then.

Unknown to them Logan was watching the whole thing as he hid in the shadows and disappeared.


Dante and John were heading back to the office until both of them felt a very powerful demon making them stop.

John: I'll take care of head back to the office Dante.

Dante: you sure about this?

John: it's not everyday you'll get to fight someone powerful.

Dante: true that my friend...anyway I'll see you back at the's on me.

John: it better be.

Dante then went back to the office leaving John alone as John began looking around.

John: I know you're here...just show'll make my life easier...and yours shorter.

?: I doubt that.

John immediately recognised the voice as he pointed Yamato towards the direction of said voice.

John: ingrid.

Ingrid landed in front of him and drew her sword.

John: we meet again hell knight.

Ingrid: indeed...and this time it won't end like last time.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

john equipped Beowulf and tricked upwards and did a star fall kick which she parried, thinking quickly John kicked her in the chin and did a backflip as ingrid summoned arrows made out of fire and sent them to him, john then retaliated by summoning summoned swords as the swords clashed with the fire arrows.

John: I see you've learned few new tricks while I've been away.

Ingrid then raised her sword upwards as it got engulfed in flames, she then charged it him and began slashing at him as he quickly switched to Yamato and parried her attacks, he then tricked away from her and used judgment cut multiple times, that managed to slow her down a little bit but John wasn't done...he charged Yamato and did the judgment cut end slashing her everywhere, she then fell to her knees as John pointed Yamato at her.

John: but then have I.

Ingrid: j-just kill me!

John then turned around and opened a portal and looked behind him.

John: if you would be more of a threat...I might consider it.

He then walked through the portal as it closed leaving ingrid alone.

Ingrid: this is the second time...damn it!!!


John was chilling with Dante in the shop as they were eating pizza, Dante looked at John and decided to break the silence.

Dante: so who was that demon again?

John: the hell knight.

Dante: well that's interesting...I can see she kicked your ass.

John: quite the opposite actually...she was no where near my level.

Dante: that's what I'd like to hear.

Dante then pulled. A bottle of jack Daniel's whiskey and poured it into two glasses.

Dante: to a job well done!

John: to a job well done.

(To be continued)

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