Part 10

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(A/n: before we start, this chapter will conclude the W.I.T.C.H arc, then we can begin the taimanin asagi arc...with that said onto the chapter!)

(Sheffield institute, Lunch time)

Will And her friends and Matt were sitting in one table chatting while some were eating their lunch.

Taranee: I still don't trust him...I mean it's not logical for him to just forgive elyon after everything she did to him right?

Haylin: but irma loves him and I can tell he loves her too.

Cornelia: although elyon is my best friend but I have to agree with taranee...something's not right with him.

Will: guys can you just stop this...I mean he just lost his master for crying out loud! Let's give him some space!

Matt: seriously...and besides he freed me from nerissa's control.

Just then irma sat with them.

Irma: so what did I miss?

Will: I heard there's a new student and two new teachers coming today.

Irma: cool!

Then a young nerissa walked in the cafeteria with a swarm of boys behind her as she sat on one of the tables making the girls glare at her.

Nerissa: oh dear...I didn't bring any of the books for the semester...could you please be kind and bring the books I need.

Then all of the boys rushed to the library as John walked in with a confused look on his face.

John: what's up with them?

Irma pointed at nerissa.

Irma: the old hag is here.

John: gotcha...this day keeps getting better and better.

Then the boys came back with nerissa's books as she looked at John with seductive eyes as she pointed her finger at him.

Nerissa: I'm quite hungry...bring me food.

John then got up and took a food tray and collects the food for her earning an angry look from Irma, he went back to nerissa and stood in front of her as he dropped the food over her head earning a glare from the boys.

John: wooops! my hand slipped.

He then walked back to and sat next to Irma as she gave him a jealous look, he looked back at her as she walked away, John sighed and left the cafeteria.

(Later at the conference hall)

John was sitting next to Matt and Caleb making the girls sit next to each other as mrs knickerbocker got on stage.

Knickerbocker: good afternoon boys and girls today is a very special day because we have not one but two new ladies in our staff...please welcome the new history teacher Ingrid! And the new guidance counselor Oboro!

To say that John was shocked would be an understatement and that didn't go unnoticed by Irma.

Irma: "just how many does he know!!?"

Ingrid then looked at the crowd as she immediately noticed that John was there as she grew a blush on her face, Oboro on the other hand when she saw John she grew a lustful smile on her face, John then took his leave as Irma immediately followed suit with an angry look on her face.

Irma: where do you think you're going!?

John: not the best time Irma.

Irma: Are there any more girls you want to add to your list!?

John: one more time Irma...not the best time!

Irma: I'm asking you a question! How do you know them!?

John: I'll tell you everything you need to know later.

And with that John left leaving Irma alone with tears running down her face.


John had left the school as walked to his house as he saw Dante leaning on a wall.

Dante: been a while kid.

John: sure has...any luck with who turned Vergil?

Dante: Matier should give you a call...I take you have his necklace.

John: I sure

John gave Dante the necklace as Dante looked at it with a pained expression on his face.

John: I'll be going now.

Dante: see you later kid.

With that John went to his house, once he reached his house he saw will and her friends with a disappointment drawn on their faces.

Taranee: you're cheating on her!? Seriously!?

John: and here we go.

Cornelia: I just can't believe you!

John walked past them as he opened the door as gestured them to get in.

John: get'll be more comfortable for me to explain everything.

They walked in as he closed the door behind him and went to the kitchen to grab something to drink and went back to the living room.

Irma: you better have a good explanation for all this!

John: so what do you want to know?

Irma: the new teachers! It's obvious that you met them before!

John: that's because I have...

Taranee: oh please do tell.

John: remember when I first got here...? That's when I met the guidance counselor...or Oboro...I don't know why she's here but I can tell you she's been sent here for for the history teacher or Ingrid...I fought her in the tower.

Irma: and you let her live!!? How could you!!?

As John was about to continue his phone started ringing he saw the name of the caller and it turned out it was matier.

John: hold on this is a very important call.

He answered his phone.

John: mama matier! It's been so long!

Matier: I can say the same for you son of let me get straight to business...after looking up some information it turns out the one who killed sparda and your parents and turned Dante's brother is...the devil emperor mundus.

John: where can I find him.

Matier: you don't he'll come for you and your brother.

John then fell silent as he hung up the phone as he looked down.

Irma: who was that!? You better answer!

John then got up and took Yamato and the coat and headed to the door as Irma got in front of him.

John: get out of the way Irma...I'm serious!

Irma: not until we finish this!

John held Irma by her arms and lifted her out of the way.

John: when I get back...we'll talk.

He walked away leaving Irma with a saddened look on her face while the others had a confused look on their faces.

Haylin: Irma...

Irma: why do I bother...he clearly doesn't love me!

Taranee: I agree with her...and besides I still don't trust him.

Will: guys wait...from the look on his face I can tell it's serious...why not wait for him until he's done then he can tell to Irma.

Irma: whatever it is...I don't want to hear it now.

Cornelia: girls...I think we have nerissa to worry the new mall is about to open and I need to go there.

Haylin: I think that's a good idea!we'll have tons of fun there!

They left the house and went to the new mall, once they reached the mall they saw nerissa walking in.

Will: this is definitely interesting...c'mon let's go.

As they were heading to the entrance the security guard stopped them.

Guard: the mall isn't opened yet...come back tomorrow Amelia.

Cornelia: it's Cornelia!

Guard: whatever Ophelia.

Cornelia was about to slap him but was stopped by will.

Will: c'mon guys let's go.

They left and went to the back door as they saw different costumes as they began wearing them and entered the mall, they saw nerissa sitting on a couch and saw her staff, will slowly approached it and took it while nerissa was distracted but the the staff floated back to nerissa.

Nerissa: did you really think that would work? Think again.

Then four other girls appeared next to nerissa and to their shock they were the older generation of the guardians...haylin was stunned by what she saw...a younger version of her grandmother.

Haylin: grandma it's me!

Will: that won't work haylin! She's under nerissa's complete control!

Taranee: will turn us!

Will: guardians uni-

She was zapped by nerissa so the the only option for them now was to retreat as will opened a portal to meridian as the quickly entered the portal as it closed behind them, they sat by the oracle's mansion as haylin began crying.


Will: I'm sorry haylin but she's under nerissa' spell...don't worry we'll free her from all this.

Just as they were about to group hug her a portal opened revealing a wounded John which surprised Irma.

Irma: John!?

John: think Logan could keep up with me!

Irma: are you alright!?

John: I have a deep cut on my right side and multiple stab wounds...I'm totally perfect!

He then saw the crying haylin as he approached her.

Hohn: hey what's wrong?

Taranee: it's her grandma...she's under nerissa's spell...taking complete control over her mind.

John sat in front of haylin making her face to face with him.

John: look at me haylin.

Haylin looked at him with her puffed tearful eyes as she saw a serious look on his face.

John: as long as I'm alive...I will not rest until she's free...I won't let you feel what I had to go through.

Haylin: w-what d-do you m-mean?

John: when I was a child...younger than Cornelia' sister...I lost my parents and my father figure...they all died in a demon invasion...I was alone...for most of my life...I had no one until I met mother figure...she became my first ever friend until I was sent here...that's when I met all of you...and on the same day I met Oboro...and I could tell you that I hated her more than anything else in this world...not mentioning the other world of course...I had a quick and not so healthy relationship with elyon which ended up in a train wreck...that's when I discovered that I have a split personality disorder...the one who almost killed elyon was my other side...that's when I first met Ingrid...Which wasn't what Irma thought...I met her in a church and she was almost killed by me... because I was in a hurry to summon the demon to raid this place...but that didn't that answers your questions about me.

Irma looked at him with a sympathetic look on her face as she hugged him from the back.

Irma: I'm sorry that I doubted you...please forgive me.

John: don't worry about it...

Will: so how did you get these injuries anyway?

John: well...

<flash back, John's pov)

I walked around looking for Logan, after a long search I found him and I saw another man with him...he has gray eyes and just like me and Dante...he had a white hair, he was wearing a business suit and a long black coat and a red scarf, they looked at me as I can see a cocky smile on Logan's face.

Logan: well well well...look who decided to show himself.

John: Logan we need to talk.

Logan: there's nothing to talk about...your death will satisfy me.

Black: so you're John...Logan's older twin...heard so much about you.

John: Edwin black...heard so much about you...A formidable opponent I hope.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I summoned Beowulf and got into my fighting stance as he walked up to me.

Black: stand down Logan...I will handle him.

Logan: *sigh* fine...but let me warn you...he's stronger than he looks.

(3rd person POV)

He sent a barrage of black mist at John as John retaliated with a series of white summoned swords then John closed the gap between him and Edwin and did the Beowulf combo 1 but Edwin managed to block the attack as he sent a powerful shockwave at John making John to quickly switch to Yamato and slashed vertically destroying the shockwave.

John: you're gonna have to do better than that.

Black: I'm just warming up boy.

Then they charged at each other as they headbutted each other as John was the first to land a hit with the butt of Yamato as black retaliated with a black mist right hook staggering both of them, black then surrounded himself with black mist tendrils and sent them at John as John did the rapid slash as some tendrils managed to some damage to him, John then charged the Yamato and did the judgment cut making some serious damage to Edwin.

Black: looks like I've underestimated you.

John: I can say the same.

Black: but to me you are needed dead.

John: again I can say the same.

John then jumped and switched to Beowulf and did the starfall as black dodged as they punched each other with full force sending each other flying, both of then got up as They got covered in blood, john's eyes began glowing bright blue as black's eyes turned red.

John: this ends now.

Black: die you worthless worm!

John charged Yamato and charged at black as three hollow version of John including the real one headed towards black as a mix of slashes and black mist tendrils surrounded them then they got sent flying at random directions, they got up as Logan got in front of John making John summon Beowulf.

Black: no Logan...maybe next may have one this one John...but be sure that the next time...I'll kill you! You hear!!

John: you know where to find me!

(A/n: cheesy... I know)

Then both Logan and black left the battlefield as John took a breath and opened a portal to kandrakar.

(End of flashback)

Will: you fought him?!!!

John: if it was Logan I would mop the floor with his face.

Irma: well I'm so glad you're okay.

She hugged him as he gently returned the hug and looked up.

(At night)

The girls returned to heatherfield and headed to the same mall as they met nerissa and her goons (the rest of the old guardians along with haylin's crush strapped on a lamp.) and a fight broke out (element against element) and team w.i.t.c.h were losing badly by c.h.y.k.n until haylin had enough and caused a flurry of hurricanes causing chaos, seeing that they have no chance nerissa and her goons fled the scene as haylin fell on her knees and started crying as her friends hugged her, haylin saw that her crush was still strapped on the lamp as she flew to him and freed him as will turned them back to their normal state, five minutes later he woke up.

Haylin: eric!

Eric: w-where am i? And how did I get this tan?

Haylin: it's a long story.

Eric: hey you got braces!

Haylin: I know...they look ugly...

Eric: are you kidding me!? They look great on you! Plus they're shiny!

Haylin: owwww!!!!

Haylin then squealed and kissed him as the others smiled for her unknown to them John was also watching the entire thing and he felt happy for haylin.

John: way to go girl...

He then looked at Irma and frowned and walked away.

John: I'm sorry Irma...but it's for the best.

(5 months later)

Things got quiet...too quiet for comfort...nothing from kandrakar...but that didn't seem to affect cornelia.

Cornelia: finally 5 months of nothing but peace and quiet.

Will: but still...this is too quiet...something's not right.

John: yeah...I have a bad feeling about this.

Irma: but the thing is we got time for us, I mean I get to spend time with my family and you.

John: at least that's a good thing...but still Edwin black could be plotting something big...I don't like this.

Just as he finished his sentence a portal opened and Caleb and blunk came out of it.

Caleb: Nerissa and Phobos are attacking kandrakar!

Cornelia: you had to jinx's no problem though...we can still beat her am I right?

Caleb: she has all the hearts on her won't be easy...once she's finished with kandrakar she'll come here...

John: not if I can help it!

Will: this is it...John you and Matt will take care of everything here while we handle business.

John: good luck.

Will: guardians unite!

Will then transformed along with the others into their guardian forms and went through the portal, John then made a portal of his own and went to inform Matt.

(With the guardians)

Caleb and W.I.T.C.H arrived at kandrakar and saw the chaos as they made their way to the castle, they went inside and saw Phobos, Cedric and nerissa minus her goons standing among the bodies.

Will: phobos!?

Phobos: yes and I'm here to reclaim what was stolen from me!

Then he surprised everyone in the room as he raised his hand and sent a stupidly powerful shockwave sending the guardians to flying across the room, he then looked at nerissa as cedric smacked her with his tail knocking her out.

Phobos: I'll be taking this.

He took her staff and absorbed her in the jewel in the staff.

Phobos: now there's one loose end that I need to take care of.

Cedric: no need my lord...

Phobos: what do you mean!?

Cedric: I'll take care of way.

He then ate Phobos (PAUSE) and absorbed all the power that Phobos had (plus the staff), then Miranda (in her spider form)climbed on his shoulder.

Miranda: did you miss me my lord?

Cedric: oh so much my love.

Irma: eww...

Cedric ordered the goons to take care of girls as half of them betrayed him as the rebels (caleb and his men) fought cedric's goons.

Caleb: go back to earth! Now!!

Will opened a portal back to earth and left one by one, as Cornelia was about to go through the portal caleb held her and kissed her.

Caleb: inform John about the situation.

Cornelia nodded and went through the portal as it closed.

(With John)

John and Matt were on the bottom of mount thanos as they saw a portal open behind them as the guardians came out of it.

John: is it over?

Will: I'm afraid not! Cedric is on his way here and he's way stronger than before!

Matt: what!!?

John: him again?

Will: we don't need innocent people get harmed...we need something!

Matt: in downtown there's that big screen maybe we can push him there.

John: good i have a score to settle with him for the last time.

Will then walked to Matt as John went to Irma.

Will: I know this isn't the time to say this but i love you Matt.

Matt: and I love you too will.

Will: I'm always a sucker for doomed romance.

She then kissed him.

Irma: John...this is it...the final battle...I know this isn't the perfec-

John cuts her off by kissing her shocking her at first then she kissed him back.

Irma: I've always loved you John vale.

John: Irma lair...i love you from the bottom of my heart.

Will: alright everyone! Let's do this!

Then John made a portal as they went to an alley in the downtown area as Matt did his magic thing as they god pulled into the screen.

Matt: alright now where is he?

Cedric: behind you!

They looked at him and saw how his size grew bigger.

Will: we have no choice...let's use our elemental states!

Then they transformed into their elemental states and charged at him as John's eyes turned red as they all charged at him, Cedric was four steps ahead of them as he raised his hand and absorbed them shocking John and Matt, Matt got angry at this as he rushed at him blindly as Cedric summoned lightening at Matt knocking him was now John and Cedric.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Cedric: kneel before me and I'll make your death swift and easy.

John: make me...

Cedric summoned rocks at John as he sliced them with Yamato as Cedric sent six huge fireballs at him making John retaliate with six summoned swords, John teleported and switched to Beowulf and did the star fall move but this star fall was faster and packed a hell of a punch, Cedric then tried to his John with his tail but John dodged it and did the dragon breaker to cedric's face sending her flying through a building, John was prepared for the next attack as Cedric lunged at him and stared beating John to a pulp as Cedric grabbed John and threw him at a building making John pass out.

In a dark place John was wandering around trying to find anyone as he found will, Irma, taranee, Cornelia and haylin.

John: h-hello.

Will: hi...what is this place?

Cornelia: what's important who are you!?

John: I should be asking the same question!?

Irma: never mind her come sit with us.

John sat between Irma and will as an image appeared in front of them showing Cedric.

Cornelia: what is that thing!

John: I guess he's the reason why we're here.

?: you would be correct.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

They all looked at the direction of the voice as they saw a man with white hair and blue similar to john, he was wearing a black long coat, black undershirt,a very dark blue vest , black pants and black boots.

John: w-who are you?

?: I am your mentor me since this thing absorbed all of your powers, you John are the only hope for humanity...

John: what do you mea-

John was cut off as he felt Vergil's hand on his shoulder as a tremendous amount of power pushed into him.

(Back with Cedric)

Cedric grabbed the body of John as he begins laughing as John' eyes shot opened as they were glowing white as a white aura exploded making Cedric drop John as the aura covered John entirely.

Cedric: what's this.

(A/n: skip the song to 2:03)

The aura then died revealing a white weird looking creature as it stared at Cedric shocking him...that creature being John in his DEVIL TRIGGER STATE

(A/n: skip to 2:55)

John then attacked Cedric at a blinding speed as he began slashing Cedric from all directions, Cedric summoned lightning and shot it at John but John was faster as he did the million slash attack while charging Yamato, Cedric then summoned hurricanes as John did the triple judgment cut making some heavy damage to Cedric.

Cedric: this is absurd!! How did you get this powerful!?

John then switched to Beowulf and did the signature kick 13 spilling blood everywhere.

Cedric: i will kill you! I swear I will!!

John: show me your motivation.

Cedric could hear another voice coming from John shocking him.

(A/n: skip to 8:22)

Then John teleported on top of a skyscraper as he turned normal and jumped from the skyscraper and above him was a rain of summoned swords, John began putting more power into Yamato making sparks and blue bolts as Cedric summoned all five elements and sent them at John, John then did the judgment cut end making slashed all over the place as he sheathed the sword slowly until it made its signature click making Cedric fall almost dead, Phobos was able to get out only for John to punch him in the face using Beowulf making him pass out as the rest of the guardians managed to get out as well.

Will: John...

Taranee: thank you.

Cornelia: I owe you one.

Haylin: we all do!

John: it's no problem.

Irma then kissed John as John returned the kiss, they broke the kiss and will saw the jewel nerissa had as she used her magic to free everyone in the jewel except nerissa.


They got out of the screen as John looked up.

John: thank you...master.

Then something caught his eyes...Edwin black along with Oboro, Logan and Ingrid were staring at him from afar as he looked at Irma.

John: Irma can I talk to you for a second?

Irma: sure babe what's up?

John: I'm sorry...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Irma: John what's wrong why are you apologising?

John: i must leave.

Irma: WHY!!?

John: Me being's too dangerous...for all of you...the moment I showed up here and it's nothing but serious trouble.

Irma: we can come on top John we always do!

John: not with this one...some dangerous demons are after me and I want to finish them off...if I don't come back I want you to please move on and live your life...I really don't want to do this but i must leave...for your sake...

He then hugged tightly and shed some tears...she hugged him back and started crying as Dante showed up.

Dante: this is our beacon kid...Mundus is waiting.

As much as he hated this John broke the hug and kissed Irma one last time as she kissed back, the broke the kiss as John walked away.

Will: it's been a fun ride while it lasted john.

Cornelia: goodbye john.

Haylin: I'll never forget you!

Taranee: thanks for everything john!

John: farewell everyone...I'll miss you.

He opened a portal as he walked in.

Dante: see you later!

Irma: take care of john!!

Dante: will do!

He then walked into the portal as it closed.

John looked around the new place as it was nighttime as he saw asagi sitting on one of the building's roof.

John: where are we?

Dante: this john...this is Tokyo kingdom...where mundus will attack.

(To be continued)

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