Part 9

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Elyon charged at John as John was dodging her attacks quite easily as he teleported behind her and gave her a straight punch, an uppercut and a fan kick as he jumped and did a falling star kick sending her to the ground.

John: you are not worthy as my opponent.

Elyon: oh I'm just getting started.

She looked at him as her eyes were glowing creamy white as she sent her energy waves at him as John dodged all of her attacks as he summoned Yamato and punched the the center of the room.

John: Rest In Peace.

John then smacked her with the sheath of Yamato and did an upper slice sending her flying as he switched back to Beowulf and kicked her to the ground, as she got up John was charging his lunar phase technique as she fell to the ground.

Elyon: I will not rest until you die!

John: then I'll just have to kill you quickly.

John then switched back to Yamato as Yamato was glowing purple as elyon quickly got up and charged at him again, he took two steps back and quickly unsheathed Yamato once.

Elyon: AGH!!!

John walked towards the now defeated elyon as he unsheathed Yamato and pointed it at her.

John: disappointing.

As he was about to slash her her head off he heard irma screaming at him.

Irma: John please stop!

John looked at irma as he stopped a hair close to elyon's neck and sheathed Yamato.

Irma: John please don't kill her...she's worthless yes but please don't!

John: she just saved you.

John then looked at Irma with a serious look on his face.

John: now why are you here?

Irma: I came here to end this rivalry...please listen to me...she hurt you in many ways I know but have you ever tried giving me a chance.

John: and you thought this is perfect time for this? How foolish of you.

Irma: if this goes further and you killed her...then it'll be us against you...and I really don't want to fight the one I love!! Please listen to me John!!! Please stop!!!!

John then turned away and sat down on one of the Irma was about to approach him a man wearing a demonic armor appeared out of no where as John looked at him with an angry look in his eyes.

John: we'll talk you go.

Irma heard the death threat in his voice as she took elyon and left leaving John and nelo Angelo alone.

John: you may have beaten me once...but when I kill you.

Nelo Angelo then got surrounded by purple and turquoise aura as he screamed on top of his lungs as the helmet disappeared revealing what shocked him.

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John: m-master...Vergil?

Vergil then charged at John as John summoned Beowulf and blocked his attack with his knee as both sent summoned swords at each other, Vergil then gave John a straight ,uppercut and a high kick as John did the exact same thing as both of them did a backflip, John then switched to Yamato as Vergil did the stinger as John did the rapid slash.

John: 'damn if I don't don't play this right...he'll kill me'

Vergil then started floating as he summoned a large number of summoned swords as John charged the judgment cut end enveloping the room with slashes disintegrating all the summoned swords, John fell to his knee as he saw Vergil landing on his back as John rushed at him.

John: master!!

Vergil(demonic voice): very...good...

He then disappeared as his necklace dropped in front of John as he took it.

John: thank you...master.

(The next day)

Will was plotting a plan with her friends as elyon walked in the room making Irma mad.

Irma: and what is she doing here!?

Cornelia: Irma won John...calm down.

Elyon: I came here to apologize for my actions...I tried looking for John but I don't know where he is.

Irma: that because you did something to him he promised me to come back and he never showed up! It's all because of you!!!

Haylin: Irma calm down please! I'm sure John will come back!

Irma then stormed out of the room as she sat down crying then someone stood next to her.

Irma: please leave me alone...*sniff* I'm not in the mood.

?: well then I shall take my leave.

Irma was shocked as she heard the voice as she jolted up in happiness.

Irma: John!!

She then hugged him tightly as she started crying on his shoulder.

Irma: I thought you'd never come back.

John: I didn't say when now did I now go inside...I'll join you in a second.

She then got inside the room again as she sat next to will.

Will: well that was a quick recovery.

John: that's because I'm here...

Taranee: John!?

She then got up as her palms were lit with fire as John raised his hand.

John: I'm not here to fight...I'm here because of the battle of the bands on Thursday.

Elyon approached John as irma stood in front of her.

Irma: OH NO YOU DON'T!!!

John: Irma...let her talk.

Irma: bu-

John: Irma...

Irma then stepped out of the way as elyon stood face to face with John.

Elyon: I...I don't expect you to forgive me after everything I did to you...put let me say this...I'm sorry for everything...all of us heard about what happened to your master...and i want you to know that not just me...but all of us...we got your back...again I apologize for everything I did.

John the sat down as he looked down.

John: I'll think about it.

Elyon was about to leave the room as John stopped her

John: I think Irma as well needs to apologize to you.

He looked at Irma as his look told her the "you better do it" kind of look.

Irma: I'm sorry elyon...for every hurtful words I said...friends?

Elyon: to the end.

Then the girls shared a group hug as John smiled at them as John broke the hug.

John: now back to business...what's going on?

Will: it's Matt...nerissa got a hold of his Shagon form.

John: that should be easy for me...a word of advice...keep your eyes open for my brother and the demon hunting ninjas.

Will: you mean the ladies with the tight costumes? You don't have to worry about them...we're on the Same page with them.

John: alright...I'll do this for him...

(At Wednesday)

John went back to the Sheffield school as every girl was looking at him as he wore Vergil's outfit (minus the coat)
Revealing his well toned body making all the boys jealous of him, then he met Matt.

Matt: well look who decided to show up.

John: yeah...showed up and stole your spotlights.

John then smiled at him as he saw the angry look on Matt.

Matt: what do you want anyway!?

John then quickly placed his index finger on Matt's forehead as John eyes started glowing then he put his finger down and walked away.

Matt: what did you do to me!?

John: you'll know soon...very soon.

Later the school was finished as will and taranee were at Matt's house as Matt and Nigel(taranee's boyfriend) were rehearsing for the event on Thursday.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Once they finished will felt something from Matt, shagon was losing control of Matt, she knew John's trick worked...but what she didn't know was Logan was standing outside listening to his performance.

Logan: kid's got some skills...he might put John to shame.

He then walked away and disappeared.

(On Thursday)

The day has finally come for the battle of the bands as will was chatting with Irma.

Will: so how's everything with John?

Irma: he's just so nice...I still can't believe that I finally got him.

Will: good for you...where is he bu the way?

Irma: he said he needed to finish something.


John was fighting asagi as she was going on the offensive as John was calmly dodging her attacks.

Asagi: there's no hope for you to win! Give up and I'll make your death quick!

John: you still do not get it do you?

He then did the rising sun technique on her.

John: I'm leagues above you...there's no way for you to beat me.

He then did the star fall technique defeating her.

John: I maybe a devil...but not all devils are bad.

He then walked away.

(Back with will)

Will: alright Irma I'll see you later.

Irma: see ya!

Then Matt showed up.

Will: well looks like you had a big difference since yesterday shagoff!

Matt: Matt isn't here...he'll never be free from me.

Will: well then I won't stop until he's free!

Matt: count of it!

Will: huh?

Matt: count on it NOT HAPPENING!

He then walked away as will knew Matt will be free soon.

(Later at lunchtime)

Matt was approaching will with a very serious look in his face.

Matt: will this me Matt...I don't have time to say this but I'm almost me tonight at the roof and you'll be able to help me!

Will: fine.


It was nighttime as the battle of the bands began as Irma got on stage.

Irma: alright ladies and gentlemen...welcome to the battle of the bands!!!

As the event began will was heading to the roof with Matt, as they got there will was the first to enter as she got hit by a laser beam from Matt's eyes as he transformed into shagon.

Shagon: you fell for it...

Will: Matt! I know you're in there! Please come back to us!

Shagon then fell on his knees as ember charged at will but then she got speared by Matt's mutant pet, then Tridart charged at mr huggles (Matt's pet) as he got shot by Shagon as will stood up.

Will: Matt?

Matt then fell on his back as he transformed back to normal as will jumped at him and kissed him.

Will: you're back! You're back!!

Matt: I'm glad to be back with you.

A portal then absorbed ember and tridart as the portal closed, Matt then stood up as they went back to the event.


Irma: and now please welcome wreck 55!

(A/n: that's Matt's group)

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As Matt was playing his song a masked man was folding his arms as he was jamming to Matt's song, as the song ended Irma got on stage again.

Irma: now to end this wonderful night! Please welcome the broken angels!!!

Then a group of masked young men got on stage as the lights turned off as the main singer started playing with his guitar.

(A/n: I do not own the song...obviously)

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As he started playing the song the crowd went insane with the band's skills, then the lead singer was looking on a roof across the stage as he saw the taimanin group, as he finished he took off his mask revealing that it was John the whole time as he raised his fist and left the stage but before they leave the crowd demanded another song as John and his crew went back in position and started playing another song.

(A/n: again I don't own this song)

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He then finished the song and went backstage as they got in the dressing room.

John: good job boys.


As Irma was counting the votes she was still wondering how John drove the crowd insane.

Irma: how's he that good...everyone voted for him.

Dante: that would be my handy work.

She then looked at Dante as she saw how similar John looked compared to him.

Dante: I taught him everything he knows.

Irma: well you sure did create a masterpiece.

Dante: well I'll be going now...I'll talk with him tomorrow.


Irma got on the stage as all the bands were standing behind her.

Irma: and the winner of this year's battle of the bands is...THE BROKEN ANGELS!!!

Then John and his boys were celebrating their victory with another song

(A/n: for the third time...I don't own this song)

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Nerissa has absorbed both ember and tridart and have their powers to the old generation of guardians as they looked at a portal as she had John in sight.

Nerissa: just you wait Boy...very soon your powers will be mine!

To be continued

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