Part 8 (lemon)

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[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Logan started shooting at John as John teleported in front of him and smacked with the sheath of his sword twice then John sheathed his sword and slashed Logan as Logan evaded quickly, Logan then did the million stab stinger as John took some of them (we're talking half million stabs), John then dodged that deadly attack as he stood on the other end of the tower.

John: looks like I underestimated're good.

Logan: and guess what...! There's more where that came from!

John: don't push your luck!

John and Logan clashed swords fighting for the winning side of the clash as the swords were glowing from the heat which made John smile a bit knowing one thing.

John: I win.

John then slashed Logan's sword away and stabs him.

John: your foolishness knows no bounds Logan...

Logan was gasping for air as John turned his sword upside down and pushed his sword further.

John: and that will be your downfall.

John then pulled his sword away quickly and took his amulet, Logan tried to take it back but John made a cut in his hand, John then took Logan's sword and walked away, feeling Logan standing up again he quickly stabbed Logan with his sword    And walked away then...


Logan charged at John as Logan deflected his attack as Logan's hand got soaked in blood.

John: you managed to awaken the devil inside you

Logan: grrr!!!

John was about to kill Logan but John felt a strong presence of a familiar person as John kicked Logan away and followed the presence trail, Logan then unleashed his devil trigger and passed out.


Will woke up in kandrakar and saw the taimanin crew as she approached them.

Will: hello.

Asagi: where are we...?

Will: you're in kandrakar.

Sakura: in what now...?

Will: kandrakar...another name is will...will vandom.

Asagi: my name is asagi igawa, this is my sister Sakura...

Sakura: heeyy.

Asagi: and this is murasaki yatsu...a very close friend of ours.

Murasaki: pleasure to meet you.

Will: what were you doing there?

Murasaki: that's classified.

Will: c'mon tell me.

Asagi: well since you're involved in this...we were given an order to assassinate The target known as bail...

Will: bail...?

Asagi: also known as John vale...and take his sword.

Will: what!? Why!?

Asagi: he has connections with the three of strongest demons known as the Sparda family

Will: you mean Dante and Vergil...?

Asagi: and sparda himself.

Sakura: wait you met the two of them!?

Will: yeah...they're nice.

Murasaki: when was the last time you saw them.

Will: about a year and a half ago...and now John is looking for them.

Then irma came in and saw the ladies chatting.

Irma: what did I miss...?

Will: I'll tell you won't like it...where's Elyon by the way?

Irma: I don't care...I hope she dies.

Asagi: bad history...?

Will: you can say that.

Irma: well she's the reason why you're all beat up like that.

Murasaki: what do you mean by that.

Irma: he was supposed to be with me...but she snatched him away from me...she betrayed him...tried to kill him...LOCKED HIM UP WHEN HE WAS DOWN AND OUT!!!! He wasn't like that...he was kind and loving and supportive...the fact that devoted his time for training to protect HER only for her to ditch him like that disgusts me.

Asagi: 'she must really hate her' sorry to hear that.

Will: Irma...I never knew that.

Irma: well now you know!

She then left the place slamming the door behind her.

Asagi: she must really hate her.

Will: I've never seen her like that before.

Murasaki and Sakura went awkward silent mode as taranee came in holding her ribs.

Taranee: did she know...?

Will: no...not yet at least.

Taranee: she'll be broken...

Will: hard.

Sakura: poor girl...she really love him.

Murasaki just nodded making Sakura take a glance at her.

Sakura: like kiryuu...

Murasaki: shut up!!

Will: better check in the others...I'll catch you later.

Taranee: be careful.

Will then left the room, as she left the room she saw Irma sobbing which made will run to her.

Will: Irma! You alright!?

Irma: how can I...? How can I be alright when he's like that...? I want him the old that hard to get...

Will: well Irma...given the circumstances it is hard...and now elyon is on her way to fight him.

That crushed her and made her angry at the same time as she stood up.

Irma: not if I can help it.

Then they heard a voice as they saw Edwin black which scared will.

Black: I do not recommend it girl.

Irma: then what do you want me to do!? Stand here while she kills him!!!?

Black: I assure you that she's the one who dies...and when that happens I'll kill him as well.

Irma charged at him as he sent a very powerful shockwave at her pinning her to the wall, will froze in her place from fear, that fear took control of her of her knees as she fell down.

Black: think this'll thank me later.

He then vanished as will was still in horror...she then looked at Irma and saw her in her knees...

Will: Irma I'm s-

Irma: take me there...please will...

Will: but-

Irma: will for god's sake to it!

Will sighed and opened a portal to the top of temenni gru and saw Logan down bleeding as will rushed at him.

Will: Logan!

Irma went back inside the tower and started looking for John.


John was still following the power source as he felt another but way smaller power source.

John: I wonder who could that be...? Whatever I have to stay could be anyone who want to stand in my way.

John then went to the bloody faces room as felt the presence in the room, he then closed his eyes trying to track the person's presence as he quickly used his summoned swords to shield him from an attack that came from behind.

John: you're smart...a worthy opponent perhaps...?

He then saw a woman with mocha skin color and gold eyes standing with her sword drawn.

?: any enemy of my lord is an enemy of mine.

John: I admire your style...mind if you tell me your name?

?:  I'll tell you since you're going to die anyway...I am the hell knight ingrid, Edwin black's right hand...and your terminator.

John felt something deep within him (pause) but he wanted to stay focused.

John: first of all...very original...second you said you'll terminate me...I'd love to see you try.

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Ingrid and John charged at each other at the same time exchanging slashes at the same speed as Ingrid quickened her pace which was quite a challenge for John, ingrid was pushing John hard as he was dodging and deflecting her attacks which he liked, he teleported to the other end of the room as he sheathed Yamato.

John: looks like I've underestimated yet another worthy opponent...I like your style.

Ingrid: thank you but I'm not done yet!

John: show me.

Ingrid charged at John again as John was standing and waited for the chance to strike, Ingrid jumped high in the air as John did the same which caught her off guard as he quickly unsheathed Yamato halfway sending a wave of slashes at her which she dodged at the last second but John unsheathed it fully as he landed a hit on her

Ingrid: ugh!!

John then wanted to try something new as he charged Yamato as it started glowing purple and making few sparks, Ingrid decided to try a new tactic as she summoned a fire storm and quickly sent it to John which caught him off guard as he did His master's signature move THE JUDGMENT CUT.

The first cut killed the storm and the second cut was a direct hit at ingrid as she fell down injured as John approached her as he sheathed his sword.

Ingrid: kuh!! K-kill me! I-I won't bring shame to my lord!!

John: no...killing you won't do me any good...there is something in you that motivate me...but answer this...who is he...this Edwin black that you speak of.?

Ingrid felt no hostility from him anymore as she looked his eyes...something in his eyes pulled her towards him.

Ingrid: my master...Edwin black...the ruler and king of hell.

John: that's a lie...the true ruler is mundus...the one who killed my father agramon...and my mother the angel queen eve... because of this...I devoted my life to end his existence...

Ingrid caught a hint of anger in his voice as she felt some sympathy for him as he then left.

Ingrid: what is this I falling for him...? Impossible!

She then heard a very loud thud as the ground started to shake, she saw a huge dead whale like demon.

Ingrid: what is this...?

Then it's eye started bleeding then a figure came out of the socket, she couldn't figure out who because the figure was soaked in blood.

?: and there goes my coat.

Ingrid: Logan...? What happened to you?

Logan: well my brother jammed two swords in my chest...woke up with my head on one of his friends in this thing to let him know I'm still alive...

Ingrid: he knows that you're still alive...he can sense you remember?

?: still couldn't catch him...jeez both of you are hopeless.

Logan: and the mega bitch is here

Ingrid knee who this was and was disgusted by her presence.

Ingrid: Oboro...just what the hell are you doing here

Oboro: the same reason why both of you here.

Ingrid sighed and followed John's trail leaving Logan and Oboro alone


Logan: angrier than usual huh...?

Oboro: I swear I'll break that bitch!!!

Logan: 'I'm surrounded by idiots'

Oboro: she's too full of herself!!

Logan then raised his gun as he shot a demon.

Logan: you're right...

They then got back to back as Logan shot more demons as Oboro threw some kunai at more demons as Logan jumped to the stairs...

Logan: I'll leave this to you...I have an insane party waiting for me!

Oboro: who counted on you anyway!


Asagi was walking around the castle with murasaki as they were astonished by the each room designs.

Asagi: this place is amazing.

Murasaki: yeah... 'not as good as you' lady asagi...?

Asagi: yes murasaki...?

Murasaki:There's something I really want to talk to you about...

Asagi: and that is?

Murasaki: I can't tell you here...we need to be alone.

Asagi became suspicious but decided to roll with it then they found an empty room as got inside.

Asagi: so what do you want to talk about...?

Asagi noticed how nervous murasaki was as she put her hand on murasaki's shoulder.

Asagi: murasaki...are you alright...?

Murasaki: I...I lo-I love y-you...lady asagi I love you!! With all my heart!!!!I'm obsessed with you!!!i want you to be mine!!! And mine alone!!!

To say that asagi was shocked would be an understatement...she always noticed how weird she acts when asagi was around her...but she never though of it like's not everyday that someone confess their feelings to her.

Asagi: m-murasaki...

(First lemon in the story)

Murasaki our of no where kissed asagi catching her off guard, murasaki then groped her tits shocking her as asagi tried to get away from her but no avail, murasaki then kissed her neck as she noticed a moan from asagi.

Asagi: m-murasaki...p-please stop...

Murasaki: I have to do this...I must!

Murasaki rubbed asagi's clit gently as asagi widened her eyes as murasaki kisses her again, she then ripped asagi's suit and sucked her nipple and and pinched the other.

Asagi: muraaaaahhhh!!!

Murasaki then pushed her middle finger in asagi's pussy making asagi wet, murasaki then lowered herself and licked asagi's clit as asagi held murasaki's head while making an ahaego face.

Asagi: m-murasakiiii~~~I-I'm cumming!!!

Asagi was trying her best not to cum but failed as she fell to her knees, murasaki stared at asagi's eyes and held her chin.

Murasaki: want to find out how you taste...?

Asagi just nodded slowly as murasaki kissed her for a solid minute, murasaki then stood behind asagi and  took her panties off.

Murasaki: I waited so long for this!

Asagi: m-murasakiii~~~!!!

Murasaki then placed her dick (yes she has a dick) on asagi's slit.

Asagi: w-what is that!!!?

Murasaki then pushed herself in asagi's pussy making her gasp for air.

Murasaki: how's my cock!!!?

Asagi: p-pull it out!! It's too big!! AHIIIIII!!!!

Murasaki pushes deeper until she reached her womb as asagi let out a small moan.

Murasaki: does it feel good!?

Asagi: n-nooo~~

Murasaki then quickened her pace as she was spanking asagi making her get tight.

Murasaki: aaahhhh!!!! You're so tight!!! You like to be spanked lady asagi!!!?

Asagi: n-no!!!

Murasaki fucked asagi harder and faster making asagi moan loudly.

Murasaki: how does feel lady asagi!!?

Asagi: it feels so good!!!!keep fucking me like that!!!

Murasaki:I'm close lady asagi!!!

Asagi had lost in lust and pleasure and lust and looked at murasaki with wide eyes

Asagi: let's cum together!!!!

Murasaki then went faster as asagi was rubbing her clit violently and then



Murasaki came buckets in asagi as asagi has completely lost herself.

Murasaki: i came in lady asagi!!

Asagi: heeyyy...fuck me more!!

(Lemon end, meanwhile)

Logan just collected a stone that would take him to the other side of the tower as he reached a "dead body"

Logan: damn he works quickly doesn't he...?

He reached a door as he caught a glimpse of a very angry elyon as she flew insanely fast.

Logan: well this party is getting crazy!

He then follows her trail.


John reaches a large room with a set of small stairs, as he reached the stairs a large Beowulf landed behind him.

Beowulf: I told you I'll follow your wretched stench! As long as I'm alive I'll hunt you down!!

John then looked at him

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

John then jumped while slicing the air as he landed on top of his head.

Beowulf: no this is different...

John slowly sheathed his sword as Beowulf's was sliced into four pieces.

John: it's agramon you idiot.

John noticed a white orb floating above Beowulf as John raised his and to the orb as the orb floated towards him as it became gauntlets as John charged at the dead body and punched it and kicked to the ground as it got split in half and John landed stylishly

<five minutes later>

John sat on his knees as he took Yamato and placed the sharp side on his palm and slid the swords backwards slowly as his face stiffened a bit then he slashed his palm quickly making the blood fly everywhere as he flipped his hand making his blood drip on a white water pool turning it red then...

Elyon: JOOOOHNNN!!!!

He slowly turned around and had a dark look in his face.

John: Elyon...

He spoke with venomous tone as he quickly pulled Yamato.


John: this your doom...but it needs a royal blood...I already injected it with i guess to use more of your blood to break spards's little spell in hopes that it'll open.

Now the Elyon vs John showdown begins.

(To be continued)

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