Part 5

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(Dante's pov)

"I was walking down the street when as I was thinking about how to make John feel a little better after his breakup with elyon...a very poor decision to make...i mean the kid's got a big heart and now that heart is broken...I just hope his sanity doesn't break...but I'll leave that there's someone following me...but I need to make sure that they don't know that I I went in a food joint as I sat down on the stool and ordered a strawberry sundae...a girl came to me...

?: are you mr Dante...

Dante: depends.

I could tell that she's not a human... but who cares if she pulled any stunt...she's dead...

?: then you know the boy goes by the name of John.

Dante: again...depends...mind giving me a name...?

?: it's Malinda.

Dante: need to speak to his house mate...And I'm sure you know where he lives.

Malinda: thanks.

Dante: yeah yeah...sundae time.

I started eating as "Malinda" left the joint as I contacted Vergil .

(John's pov) I was laying in bed trying to figure out what I'm supposed to do with my break up with elyon...I was sad...pissed...disappointed...betrayed and hurt...but beating the flying dog shit out of Cedric gave me some sort of satisfaction...but still not I was about to close my eyes...Vergil came in...

Vergil: a girl named Malinda wants to see you.

John: not in the mood

Vergil: she said it's urgent.

John: fine...

I got out of bed and went downstairs to see this malinda chick...I got in the front door only for me to see Miranda...

John: what in the name of Sparda do you want...?

Miranda: elyon wants to see you...

John: tell her to 'FLOCK OFF'

Miranda: unfortunately you don't have a choice in this matter.

I pointed blue rose at her.

John: yes I do...if she wants to see me...then she'll have to come here.

Miranda: your loss...your friends lives depends on your choice.

Is she really serious...did she really think that I would fall for that old trick...but fine...since I'm going to finish her off later then I might as well...

John: wait here...I'll be back.

Miranda:there's no need to bring that sword...she wants to talk.

I just remembered some technique that Dante taught me...summoning my sword as I came back.

John: go.

Miranda: with pleasure.

I walked with Miranda as a portal opened in front of us as we walked in as we were in kandrakar...In front of the castle...

Miranda: after you...

John: you go ahead.

Miranda walked me in as there were rebels being tortured and some of them disgusted a very bad way.

Miranda: wait here...

John: let's get this over with.

Miranda then walked in as I could hear some familiar voices and a voice I didn't recognize...Miranda then came back to me...

Miranda: come in.

I walked in as I saw Phobos, Cedric, elyon and a guy I didn't know as one of the guards approached me

Guard: kneel before your mast-

I shot him in the middle of his face as Phobos looked at me with a disgusted look.

John: well I see a stinky familiar of them i almost kill...and who's the fancy dude...?

Cedric was about to attack me but Phobos told not to...

Phobos: you're probably wondering why you're here...?

John: let me guess is it because you want to have my power...?

Phobos was shocked at my reply but acted like he's not...typical.

Phobos: you'd be correct...let me introduce you to my ally...fortinbras.

I heard about this guy once...and he's no joke.

John: hmm...that's a tough ally...but who cares!? You're all gonna die anyway...

As Phobos and I were talking...I couldn't get my eyes off elyon as she was silent the whole time...and my anger was slowly rising.

John: just get to the point

Phobos: bring her in!

I looked at the door as I saw Cornelia in disguise...and that almost shocked me...ALMOST.

Cornelia: I'm sorry John...but she's my friend...and I'll do anything to bring her back.

Phobos: now I'll bring her back to the other guardians...

John: what's the catch...?

Phobos: give me your power.

John: sure...

Cornelia: John! You can't!

John: trust me...I have a plan.

As Cornelia looked at me with a shocked look on her face...will and the others came in...but that wasn't my plan...

Elyon: guards get them! You too fortinbras!

Frotinbras looked at me as he then sent some sort of...air bullets at me as I summoned my sword and blocked them and shot him with blue rose as he created a wall of shards which surprised me.

<present day>

Cynthia: wait wait wait...she broke up with you and she tried to kill you...?

John: yes.

Cynthia: bitch!

John: I was saying...


(John's pov)

That fancy guy and going at it as he kept sending shards and was hitting him back with charged bullets as both of us were injured...three shards in my chest and three bullets in his chest...soon a guard and a rebel speared both of us down to some sort of a chamber...he shoved his finger in the rebel's forehead and I shoved red queen in the guard's face.

John: round two...

Fortinbras: I must agree.

I was staring at him as he was beginning to transform as he got bigger and change his looks like Cedric but white...he then roared at me.

Fortinbras: now prepare to face the power of the demon god! Fortinbras!!

I snickered at him as my eyes glue bright blue.

John: so that's your name...well...SHOW ME WHAT YOU GOT!!!

I then charged at him as he sent purple lasers at me as I easily dodged them, he then tried to stab me with his long nails as I dodged them while revving the red queen, the shards from earlier were starting to hurt as I saw my bullets from earlier were glowing brighter, I jumped on his right arm as I threw the red queen at his eye and slashed it, I chuckled as he quickly grabbed me with both of his hands as he started squeezing me...the pain from the shards and now this, he began to squeeze harder as I spat blood on my demonic arm and passed out...but something changed within me...something exploded as my upper body became a metal like body and my skin turned black as my veins became hair grew longer and two horn like objects came out of my back and three green orbs appeared on my arms and chest.

(Vergil's pov)

I was reading my book as I felt some sharp power as immediately got up and went to the power source and saw a bright blue portal

Vergil: must be in here...

Then I walked in the portal as I saw myself in a different dimension...a dark medieval like kingdom

Vergil: this must be the place where his friends usually go time to waste.

I then walked towards the power source as I killed everything and everyone in my way, I went inside the castle as I got closer to the power source...I was inside some sort of torture chamber and saw two things...a man with white long hair and a white lizard like creature...the lizard tried to grab the man as the man puts his sowed in front of its hand quickly as it cuts its palm...he then jumped really high and stabbed the lizard in its forehead really deep "killing" it... he then landed and faced me...I was surprised to see that I was John as he walked towards me and immediately passed out...I picked him up and opened a portal and took him back home.

(Will's pov)

Me and my friends were fighting Miranda and Her sand monster as both Phobos and Cedric took elyon to safety (an isolated and a quite fancy room) as she sat on the throne, I saw taranee going ham on the sand as she turned it into glass with her fire powers, Irma and haylin turned the floor into an ice skating playground... Cornelia pinned the guards as she summoned plant roots to pin them to the wall, Caleb was slashing some of the guards, and I was fighting Miranda as I was flying around her to confuse her (which it worked like a charm) and head butted her and told Cornelia to pin her.

(Meanwhile 3rd person pov)

Elyon was sitting in the throne as Phobos and Cedric were comforting her as she smiled and turned her back to them

Then the room suddenly got darker as elyon got pinned to the throne.

Elyon: w-what's going on!?

Phobos: oh my dear sister...did you really think that I wanted to see you just because I'm your brother...? I never wanted you...I simply wanted your power and that boy's power.

Cedric: the plan was to ruin your relationship with everyone so we can get you with us...

Elyon was shocked and sad at the same time as she looked at them with horror in her eyes as tears came out of her eyes.

Elyon: ' John was right all along'

As Phobos was about to absorb her powers, a guy who looks a lot like John but with black hair fell from the roof and landed stylishly.

Logan: i wouldn't do that if I was you princy...

Elyon was shocked as she saw "John" (she thought it was him).

Elyon: John please save me!

Logan: yeah yeah I know.

Logan brought out his sword (make from Edwin black himself)

Logan: let's dance!

Cedric transformed in his snake from and charged at Logan but what shocked everyone...Logan finished him off with one hit!

Phobos: impossible! Cedric! You have failed me for the last time!

He then absorbed cedric's power as Logan was smiling at him...

Logan: have no at all.

Phobos: silence! I will make you suffer!

Logan laughed at his statement as Phobos charged at him as Logan swing his sword making a dark purple mist as Phobos was sent flying at the wall passing out...Logan approached her as he broke the pins as she hugged him tightly...

Elyon: oh John I'm so sorry for everything I've done!

Logan pushes her away gently.

Logan: don't get it twisted honey...I'm not John...I'm his brother Logan.

Elyon: the girls!

Logan: that's where my job ends.

Elyon: what wait!

Logan: relax...the girls have a very strong ally on his way to them...and I suggest you work things out with him.

After that...Logan left...leaving elyon lost in her thought of a way to make it up to John...she shook her head and went to the girls.

(Back with the girls)

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The girls were dominating the fight as a huge monster created from rocks appeared and changed the course of the fight

And then out of nowhere a man with white hair and a RED trench coat as he shot the monster in its head

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Will: D-DANTE!!?

Dante: hey y'all so you started this party without me? Now that's messed up.

Irma: so the red shining armor is would've been great if you showed a little earlier.

Dante: I was here the whole girls got some skills.

Cornelia: elyon!

Dante: she's fine...John's brother saved her.


Dante: a twin to be exact.

Elyon showed up as Caleb was running towards her and bowed down as everyone bowed down...suddenly Miranda shot a web as Dante's sword and pulled it and shot it right back at him as it plunged into his chest as he fell down...

Taranee: DANTEEEEE!!!!!

Elyon shot a shockwave at Miranda as she flew at a wall as she turned back to normal...then what happened shocked everyone...Dante got up and sighed

Dante: that's the fifth time...c'mon man.

He then pulled his sword out and looked at elyon

Dante: oh so the mighty queen showed have a lot to explain to'll be lucky if he listened to you.

Elyon: I wanted to say I'm sorry to everyone.

Elyon had a few tears rolling down her cheek as Cornelia and the others hugged her except for Dante (obviously)...Dante then left them as elyon told Dante.

Elyon: tomorrow is going to be an honoring ceremony!

Dante: don't need should invite John though.

Dante then left them...and went to he reached the house he saw John on the couch with his bare chest as John talked.

John: what happened?

Dante: they won...and a ceremony is happening should go.

John: no...

Dante: c'mon dude will invited you.

John sighed and got up

John: fine.

John went to his room and looked at the window as he saw a woman in a red leotard staring at him from the other side.

?: not now cutie...but I'll get you.

John ignored her as he fell in his bed and slept, as the morning comes... John got up and went to meridian as he got his headphones and sat down in the first row next to the guardians (will and her friends) elyon told her speech and everyone got a medallion as John took his and sat back down again and listened to his the ceremony ended John got up and took off his headphones as elyon approached him.

Elyon: hey John...I'm sorry for w-

John simply threw the medallion and walked away.

John: shut up.

Everyone looked at how John disrespected the queen of meridian.

Elyon: John listen to me! John!! JOHN!!

John then left.

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