Part 6

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(John's pov)

I walked away from that god awful place as I was hearing elyon screaming my name...I slammed the door behind me and stood for a minute...she kept screaming my name until I heard her voice cracking but...something covered my ears as I looked up only for me to see my demon.

John: right on time.

My demon nodded at me and I was leaving the palace, so I saw a portal and went in...I stopped and looked around and saw the same red haired woman on a roof...I sighed and rolled my eyes as i saw her right in front of me.

John: just what do you want...? And most importantly...who are you...?

?: is that a way to greet a lady...? Shame on you.

John:*sigh* just get to the point...I really don't have time for this

?: oh my I really can't wait to fuck your brains out...

I looked at her as I gave her the "really" look

John: are you serious...?

?: what!? it's not my fault that you're so hot!

John: we could start something by giving me your name.

She sighed as she turned around

?: call me the scarlet queen.

After that...she left...I went to my house as I saw Cornelia and will but hid so they don't see me (i really hope they didn't)

(Will's pov)

I was walking with Cornelia after we left Kandrakar as she was quite mad at how disrespectful John was to her best friend...they then were surprised to see Vergil sitting at a coffee shop reading as we approached him.

Will: hi mr Vergil

Vergil looked at us as he closed his book

Vergil: you two...sit.

Vergil was kinda serious when he asked us so we did what we were told and sat down.

Cornelia: what is it mr vergil.?

Vergil: I noticed that ever since John became friends with you...he acquired new skills...

Will: it's all him...being creative with attacks is all him...

Cornelia: if you don't mind me was it when you were training him?




Vergil: come out and face me John!

John: I don't want to die!!!!

<End of flashback>

Vergil: it was interesting...

I looked at his eyes as I saw him being alerted by something...He was good at hiding it but his eyes betrayed him as he stood up...

Vergil: I'll be going shouldn't be late...

Will: right.

Cornelia and I got up as well and went to her home.

Cornelia:What do you think he wanted from us...?

Will: I have no idea...

Cornelia: let's hope it's not bad.

When we reached the house we saw taranee,Irma and haylin waiting for us then we got in...we got in the living room as a purple portal opened

Irma: some taste you got will...first blue and now purple

Will: it's not me!

Haylin: maybe it wants us to get in!

I then transformed us into our guardian forms and got in the portal.

(Meanwhile John's POV)

I was walking around trying to find Vergil as there was no trail of him...just where the hell is he!? And i can't even find Dante! As I was searching for them... a girl with orange hair and blue eyes wearing a black and orange leotard appeared from my shadows.

John: Jesus!

?: I thought demons aren't allowed to say that!

I looked at her and sighed and walked away from her as she then attacked me


I dodged her attack as I glared at her

John: seriously!?

?: there's more where that came from! Prepare yourself!

She attacked me again...and the thing is...I didn't bring my weapons with me...just great.

?:mu mu! Now!!

John: mu mu?

I was taken aback by this as I saw the same giant axe girl again.

John: you again...and you brought a friend...nice!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Both of them charged at me as I was swiftly dodging their attacks as I was poking their noses or pushing them gently...but I had to important meeting is going down so I jumped really far from them and smiled at them and waved at them...

John: got some business to attend to! Bye!!

Murasaki: damnit! Again...

?:mu's alright...there will be further encounters.

Murasaki: you're right sakura...

(3rd person pov)

Murasaki and Sakura now were waiting for the chopper as Logan appeared behind  them as he was smiling at them...murasaki then felt someone was behind them as she turned around but saw no one, then Sakura saw Logan standing right in front of them...

Logan: hey girls... it's been a while!

Sakura & murasaki: Logan!

Logan: chill out for a second...I'm not gonna fight you.

Sakura: and why should we believe you? You meanie~~!

Logan: I'm unarmed...anyway...inform your boss of a very strong demon, his location is unknown but he has a very strong aura...even more powerful than black.

Murasaki: W-WHAT!?

Sakura: waaaaaaaaaaat!!!?

Logan: he goes by the name of Vergil...actually they fought once...let's just say that it was a one side fight...

He then threw a picture of him at murasaki

Murasaki: why are yo-

She looked up only to see that Logan disappeared in thin air...but they still heard his voice...

Logan: keep my presence away from my brother!

Sakura: Logan has a brother!?

Murasaki: quite shocking indeed...wait.

Sakura: he looks like our target!!!

Murasaki: damn it...we must seek lady asagi's help

Sakura: now you're just looking for an excuse to talk to my sister.

Murasaki: sh-shut up!

Sakura: hehe~

Soon the chopper arrived as the two got in...

(Meanwhile logan's pov)

I was heading back to my safehouse as I saw someone who looked familiar but I avoided him like my life depended on it...he looked a lot different from the pictures...he had a very pale cracked skin...he was walking like he just walked a thousand miles...he then fell to his knees...I was shocked to see that it was Vergil...just what the hell happened to him...I walked away from the scene as I went to my safe house as I contacted black.

Black: report...

Logan: nothing much...didn't find John yet...

Black: and why...?

Logan: too dangerous to make a move went ghost where to be found...

Black: me when you find him.

Logan: yeah sure.

I hung up and started to form a plan

Logan: find John I must find Oboro...and to find Oboro I need some time...why didn't I get her frequency? Anyway...I heard that he was living in the south of heatherfield...but where exactly...I guess I should go out in late night.

Logan set his plan in motion as he went to his southern safe house.


Elyon was hanging out with the guardians

Cornelia: I can't believe Caleb chose his job over me!

Elyon: Cornelia calm down...that's how boys operate...they like you at first and once they find something better they ditch you!

Irma: but ditched John...

Elyon: you really had to go there...?

Irma: you really are a hypocrite...

Will: calm down Irma...

Irma: she needs to hear it!

?: Irma!

All of them turned to see

John: that's enough...

Irma: but-

John: E.NOUGH...

Irma looked down and sat down...Elyon was looking at John as he sat down as a bald man and a old man with a thick and long beard came in.

?: welcome...guardians of the veil...and the brave warrior...I am can call me as you know...Phobos has been defeated...but his minions are still out there... and we do not know their location...the only way to find them is to  for them to make a move...

John: any suggested locations...?

Oracle: the jungle or the mountains...or maybe...

John: mount thanos.

The oracle gasped as he knew what they were planning.

Oracle: you need to go there and stop them at all costs!!

John: I got this...

Will: we're going with you...

John: I said I got this!

John left the place as everyone was looking at each other at John attitude...

Haylin: a little moody don't you think...

Oracle: oh I foresee the reason why...

Everyone looked at him as he explained everything

Oracle: he's desperately looking for his master and the one who raised him (Sparda) at the same time...but no avail...the one he loved betrayed him, and he met the one who killed his parents in his dreams.

Cornelia: then I should thank god that he didn't kill us.

Elyon: 'I've had enough of him...I tried to talk to him! Fix everything with him and he just throws it away'

Will: wow...that's messed up.

Irma: got the words right out of my mouth.

Taranee: the poor kid.

(Meanwhile John's pov)

God damn! It's too cold here!! And I'm wearing my coat! But I have to keep going...those idiots will get some!

John: j-just a little longer!

As I was climbing to the mountain top felt warmer...i knew they were I reached the top I saw a cave...I got in the cave as it got really warm...which I liked...I then went stealth mode

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I sneaked past two traitor guards and threw two tranquilizer needles at them as they passed out and kept going...then I saw them...

I heard one of them talking...

?: they're here Miranda...

Miranda: good work raythor...

John: they...? It's just me...

Raythor: get him!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

The charged at me as I jump down and went on a demonic storm of attacks at them...miranda shot some of her webs at me as I slashed it while revving the red queen burning the spider's web, i kept dodging their attacks while revving the red queen as I began shooting them with blue rose...the gargoyle then charged at me but I saw his attack from a mile away as I was charging blue it was glowing I shot it hands off clean...I looked at Miranda and the others as I was feeling that someone was watching me...

Miranda: tracker...frost...sandpit...finish him off...

John: now that's more like it!

As they were charging at me...five bright blue fire balls came out of nowhere and burned them...I looked at the direction of the fire thinking it was taranee...but taranee never shot blue fire balls before...once I looked at the source...a man with a big armor and a huge broad sword was staring at me...and somehow he looks familiar...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

He charged at me as I moved out of the way as fast as I could, then our swords clashed as I revved the red queen temporarily pushing him away from me...I charged blue rose and revved the red queen and charged quickly at him but he dodged me and slashed my chest

John: agh!!!

It stings and burns!!! Just what the hell is that sword!!!? I looked at him as he was laughing at me which pissed me off, I shot three times at him as he smacked them away with his sword then quickly I ran towards him as I the red queen was on fire as I swung my sword at him but...he broke my sword with his arm and stabbed me in the chest...I fell down as was coughing up blood...he looked at me one last time and then he disappeared...leaving me to die (marking his second defeat)...I passed out from the blood loss...I then woke up at a prison cell as my "friends" and elyon were staring at me from the other side...

Elyon: you failed...

John: w-where am I...?

Elyon: where the scum like you should let nerissa AND her goons escape!

Will: how could you betray us John...?

John: just let me explain...! i almost got them but a g-

Elyon: SHUT UP!!! I'll make you rot in this hell hole for the rest of your pathetic life!!

I walked backwards as the shadows covered me as my eyes were glowing red

John: fine...but when I get out...I'll burn this place hear me bitch!!? I'LL KILL EVERYTHING YOU LOVE!!! I PROMISE!!!

Phobos: oh my god somebody shut him up!

(3rd person pov)

Will and elyon sat next to each other as Caleb and Matt got in the room...

Matt: is it true?

Elyon: yes...I want him in there! Permanently!

Caleb: yes my queen.

Caleb then gave his order to the guards to make maximum security on John's cell.

Caleb was staring at John's chamber as he had a look of disgust on his face...

Caleb: tell does it feel to be the traitor...

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

John appeared from the shadows with blood falling from his eyes (like tears), Matt and Irma came in and saw John and they were shocked to see him like that...

Irma: John...?

Matt: god...

John stared at them as he slowly walked back to hide back in the shadows...

Irma: can I have a moment with him...

Caleb gave her the permission as he left the place along with the guards and Matt , Irma went closer to his cell.

Irma: John...I know you didn't let nerissa escape...if only I-

John immediately cuts her off...he then spoke in a very disturbing devil voice.

John: the damage have been done...she declared her war against me...and that will cost her everything.

Irma: if only I got you first...none of this would've happened! John! I love you and I still do!!

John turned his back on her as he sat in the corner.

A few weeks later an old woman (the one who revived phobos' minions) was looking at elyon's castle

?: sandpit...destroy that castle.

Sandpit turned into a sandstorm as he invaded the castle destroying everything and everyone in his path...

?: gargoyle, Miranda...release the prisoners!

Gargoyle attacked the guards as Miranda went to cedric's cell first...

Miranda: did you miss me my love...?

Cedric: very much.

They then went to Phobos' cell and freed him...and freed everyone else...they lastly went to John's cell...but the thing is...he's not they left the castle.

Phobos then saw the old woman

Phobos: ahh if it isn't the old keeper of the has been so long.

Nerissa: it has indeed...where's the boy...

Miranda: mistress nerissa...he wasn't there...

Nerissa: then we keep going with our plan...we get that heart and THE SWORD.

(Hey y'all sorry for the long delay...I was a little sick "nothing too serious", anyway that's the new chapter I really hope you enjoy it and don't forget to was your hands and always keep them sanitized, until next time stay safe and see ya!😁)

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