28. Happy Kingdom

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Its was around noon now. I had sort of made a small system. For now I was using color coding bracelets to let everyone know when it was their turn. I split the village into four colors. The north part was blue, east was green, south was yellow and west was purple.

Right now north was almost done with there showers. At first it was funny but very sad at the same time. These people didnt know what soap was. I had to explain it to them and explain what each one was for. And for younger children they would bath with there parents to make sure they had a proper cleaning. Kids, or younger children who had sadly lost there parents I had set up earlier this morning that they all received their showers first. I bathed them just to ensure they were clean.

Each person was provided a towl and rag and a set of clothes for their size and gender.

I was very happy, that everything was going so well. My villagers were getting cleaned, and soon would be fed and have proper housing. The construction workers were fixing peoples housing making them look and be like actual houses. They would be working here until every persons house had been fixed. But I would be taking them home every day and picking them up each morning.

I finished the first batch of rice and beans so I started on the second pots. It was hard work it was well worth the price to see my people with clean clothes and soon to be full belly's.

Around 2pm, we start cooking the meat. I was on hamburgers and hotdogs. Kiri was doing ribs. Around that time south was starting their showers.

I had all the cooked meat in a big metal container to keep it hot and fresh. After a few hours everyone had their showers and were clothed in clean clothes. It was time to start passing out the food.

I had everyone start getting in line. Each plate consisted of a mound of rice beans and a hamburger, hotdog or ribs. I felt bad that I hadn't gotten more food. These people were starving. I doubt what I was giving them would remotely be enough but I had to make sure there was enough for everyone.

About 2 hours later everyone had been fed." Ok everyone now I will begin by passing out your new blankets and hygiene products. I begin by giving each family 2 large comforters, 2 small blankets and 2 large pillows. I also give them a bag with 4 to 5 toothbrushes and tube of toothpaste, deodorant. They already had their shampoo, conditioner and soap from this morning. Once that's done everyone thanks us and starts returning to their homes. I ask kirishimas mother and sister if they can watch over things until I got back to which they agreed.

We all drive one of the empty water trucks or uhaul trucks. Opening the portal we all drive through. It was getting a bit easier.

After sending the construction workers home I go back to walmart grabbing as many pairs of shoes as the store held. I also bought 4 deep freezers. This time when I went shopping for food I tried to get different things. I got bulk packages of mac n cheese, more beans, more meat, and more potato's. I also got lots of milk for the mac n cheese as well as BUTTER. I got others things I thought we might need like more water and socks.

After driving the truck back through both portals and parking it in the field we go back. We needed the trucks filled with more water. Not for showers this time, but for planting. We needed to start planting things. Kiri and I don't get back until around 4 in the morning leaving very little time to sleep as I had to pick the workers up at 7am. We ended up just sleeping in the last trucks we drove back in.

Getting up i repeat this process for the next few months.

After 6 months of remodeling everyone houses to be cleaner and more sturdy and be an actual house, that was fi aly done. I also had the workers install one shower into each family's home. Each home was equipped with power but they were built using clean energy such as solar panels, a small wind turbine, and two small watermills in a river a little ways away.

I had hired all different types of people to teach the citizens here how to properly plant, speak, bake, craft weapons, sew clothes or tend to the farm animals. Children would be taught by a select few adults to start learning how to do each and every job the adults do. When they turn 18 years old they will join the work force, depending on what's needed and what there good at depends on the job. More jobs will come, for now its just them.

Alot has happened in these past few months that I can't believe how far we've come. One of the only things we had left to do major remodeling to was the castle. I haven't even been inside yet. I've been far to busy.

"Kiri have you ever been in the castle before?" He shakes his head." Master you do realize you have two castles right." My shadow beast says appearing next to me in human form. I jump surprised, still not used to his human form." I do?" I ask surprised.

"Yes Master the castle when you first came here. The king and queen happily stepped down from their positions to honor your welcoming as the new ruler." I stand there thinking for a minute." Before I make any rash decisions on taking on another kingdom, I want to see how the people are and their environment. If their struggling like this kingdom once was, i will take them in. If they rule with dignity and have graced their people with a far better life, they deserve to keep ruling. Once I'm done with this kingdom I will examine the next and possibly begin trades." Shadow beast nods.

"Very good ma'am, you speak and rule just like any other nodal born, trained queen." He disappears again making me sigh looking up at the castle." Kiri"
He turns to look at me." Yes lily." I smile loving the way the name rolls off his tongue." Your going to help me destroy and fix this place." He laughs giving me a high-five before pulling me in for a kiss.

Not the end.

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