29: Love at the finest

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We explored every inch of the castle and im happy to conclude they had no one in the dungeon. It surprisingly looked like it hadn't been used in years.

People from the town were happy to help clean the castle which I graciously accepted. Im probably going to renovate the castle and make it into a hotel or something.

Its strange and it might just be me, but it seems kiri has been distancing himself from me. I dont know why. Like I said it may just be me. I know im not just hormonal. I dont even get periods anymore. That would suck if I still did. How many periods would I have had by now? I shiver at the thought.

Looking out a window in the castle I realize it was night. Squinting my eyes I could see a faint light coming from the forest.

I leave the castle walking into he forest. Im glad I can see in the dark or I would be walking blind right now. Stepping into the forest im surprised to see a path covered in white lillies with streams of white lights guiding the path. Looking more closely though im surprised to see they were tiny people with wings.. They were beautiful. Picking up a flower I hold it tightly. While waving at the little fairys. Continuing down the path I hear the sound of rushing water. Was there a river around here? That would be perfect. We could build a damn and use the water to help generate some power. I come into a clearing seeing a large set of trees near the edge of the river. Kirishima stood under the trees in a tuxedo. Fairys of all different colors glowed brightly around him.

My heart swelled making me smile realizing how lucky I was. I so lucky to have such a perfect man like kirishima. Walking over to him he smiles revealing his sharp teeth. I laugh touching one making him laugh. "Kiri this is beautiful. Are they really fairys?" I ask still amazed at the tiny beings waving down at me. I wave back. Kiri grins." Yes they are and there's so many other different species here in this world lily. I want to show them all to you. I want to give you the life you deserve. The one we missed out on in the quirk era. We all exist." He suddenly gets down making me gasp.

"Lily your the most beautiful and kind girl I've ever known. I knew the moment I saw you, you were the one. I love you with all my heart and im sorry for the pain I've put you through. Please allow me to spend the rest of my life making it up to you. Will you lily, shadow do me the honor of becoming my bride?"

I was in total shock. I didnt know how to answer other than dropping to my own knees and pulling him close." Yes, kiri, yes. The answer has always been yes. I love you to the end and back. I promise to protect and love you until the day I pass." He pulls me in for a kiss which I melt into. He suddenly pulls away pulling a black box from his pocket.

Opening the box he pulls out a small ring that glimmers brightly. He places the ring on my left hand examing with a smile. "The ring belonged to my mother. My father gave it to her on their wedding day. He was a great man who made my mother very happy. I hope to do the same for you." He say helping me stand. I pull him close again." Kiri you've already made me the happiest girl in the world." He hugs me close as the tiny fairys clap their hands. Today was magical. I couldnt see how life could get any better.

The next day we break the news to the town. Everyone cheered and was ecstatic. Apparently in their traditions. Someone getting married to their mate was the highest honor anyone could have. Apparently some mates never meet, so they either find someone else or they wait until that faithful day.

Kiris mother and sister hugged me close calling me their sister and daughter. I remember feeling a warmth spread throughout my being at that moment. I finaly had a real family. A family I could count on and protect. A family I know won't plan to hurt or use me just for my powers and what I can do. They accepted me for me, and ill do whatever I can to protect them. This is my true family and I cant wait to live the rest of my life here in this world.

The end.
Leave a comment on whether you think i should make a book about kiri and nagisa exploring this new world and living their lives.

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