A Secret Uncovered

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Now, we see our adorable fox girl, Izumi, and the most depressed-looking underground hero, Eraserhead, sitting at a table for two. An awkward atmosphere was surrounding this specific table. It was so awkward to the point that the surrounding underground heroes moved their seats further away from the table.

This silence was finally broken by the pro underground hero with an unexpected sentence.

"Okay then, I'll be in your care."

With that, the table once again fell into an awkward silence.

Izumi was completely confused about the situation. Her mind was filled with countless questions.

'Aren't you a pro hero? Don't all pro heroes have their pride? Why aren't you asking any questions???'

These thoughts were not unfounded as most heroes tend to work solo. If they ever needed to team up, they would try to find others of equal strength to theirs.

Yet, the pro hero sitting in front of her just had a poker face on. As if this matter had nothing to do with him.

When Izumi first found out she would be partnering up with Eraserhead, she was frantically worried about the questions he could ask. He might just explode and question her qualifications before turning around and leaving. He may also completely ignore her and ask the receptionist for someone else. All these situations thought up by Izumi were all completely logical, and she even prepared a whole speech on her qualifications.

In the end, she could not even get out a word before she was accepted as his partner.

She could only think of one possibility... this man was planning to test her ability. If he was not satisfied, he would immediately kick her out and find someone else.

With this thought, she suddenly felt pressure to do well. She hoped that she could work together with one of the heroes she admired.

Unbeknownst to her, Eraserhead's thoughts were much simpler than that...

'Oh my god! Look at those ears! Look at that tail! They all look so fluffy! I must find a chance to fluff her.'

That's right. Eraserhead, the most indifferent underground hero to have ever existed, is currently fanboying over the fox girl.

Both heroes, with completely different thoughts, were partnered up together and getting ready for their first task.

This time, the girl sitting on the shoulder of the receptionist did not interact with them. Instead, the receptionist opened a drawer and looked through a thick file of paper, before bringing out a sheet of paper.

When both heroes looked at the contents of the paper, they were completely dumbfounded.

"Isn't this job too simple?!"

Izumi could not help but say this thought out loud.

Upon hearing a cute voice, the heroes present stopped talking, instead, all of them turned to face the fox girl in unison.

When Izumi felt all those gazes on her, she could not help but flush red, once again raising the temperature of the building's interior.

She quickly used her fluffy tail to cover her face, giving many others a heart attack at how cute she was.

Eraserhead, who was directly attacked by the cuteness, unconsciously used his hand to pet the girl.

The moment he touched her head, the only thought that went through his mind was, 'soft...'

He could not help rubbing her head more, causing her face to blush even more. She started using her tiny hands to hit away the arm that was mercilessly torturing her.

She controlled her urge to purr and pushed the offending arm away. That was when Eraserhead noticed what he had just done.

He quickly removed his hand and muttered a sorry under his breath. His eyes could not help wandering towards the tail. If the head was already so smooth, he wondered how would the tail feel.

However, he knew that doing so would be inconsiderate and stopped this dangerous train of thought.

He gently grabbed her arm and moved towards the exit, getting ready to finish the new task given to them.

The moment the fox girl and Eraserhead left, everyone let out a sigh before going back to their usual conversations. This time, their conversations included the cute fox girl they had just witnessed.

Some of them who had children of their own, especially those who did not have daughters, could not help but feel the urge to pamper the girl.
When Izumi finally calmed down, she reverted to her normal expression.

She felt as if the pressure of this supposed 'test' was just released. This was because when Eraserhead gave her a head pat, she felt so warm as if her mother had rubbed her head.

She could not help but think,' is this how having a father felt like?'

Ever since she was born, she only had her mother in her life. Her father was never present. She only got to know her father through the stories her mother told her.

Her mother described her father as someone with a smile on his face. Yet, when they were alone, he would show his vulnerable side to her. The most attractive feature that made her fall in love, was the heroism he displayed. If he could save everyone, he would do so without hesitation, even if he had to sacrifice himself.

These descriptions were all she had, for her father had never once appeared in her life. She could not help but blame herself. She thought that her father had abandoned them all because she was quirkless.

This made her hate herself for being so useless. If only she had a quirk... then she would be able to meet her father, and their family would be together.

With all these negative thoughts within her mind, she did not notice that her expression was slowly turning downcast.

Her partner noticed this and once again gave her a rub on the head. This snapped her out of her thoughts, and she could not help purring.

Eraserhead was so surprised that his actions stopped immediately. This caused an awkward atmosphere to once again appear.

This lasted for a while before he removed his hand from her head. They continued walking along with an awkward silence hanging around them.

Eraserhead could not help but break this silence once again.

"So... what is your name?"

Izumi, glad that the silence was finally over, replied,

"My name is Izumi! What about you?"

"My name is Shota Aizawa. You can just call be Shota or Eraserhead if you want."

She contemplated for a moment, before choosing to refer to him as Eraserhead. She felt embarrassed calling him on a first-name basis.

An awkward silence once again descended, before they finally reached their location.

In front of them was the residence of an old man named Yoshi.

They were tasked to check up on how this old man was doing as he has not left his house for a long time.

When they reached inside, they were hit with a putrid stench. They quickly covered their nose, while Izumi gagged a bit as her senses were much more sensitive than her original body.

Their first thought was that a murder had occurred, but when they looked closely, they realised that this stench was coming from the rubbish scattered throughout the area.

When they walked around to find the old man, Izumi accidentally stepped on something... fleshy.

She looked down to see an old man lying on the floor and having a nap. She screamed at the unexpected man, waking him up in the process.

"Oh? Granddaughter! How long has it been since you visited hmm? Didn't your mom not allow you to come?"

It seemed the man had mistaken Izumi as his granddaughter. She quickly adapted to the situation and gave a quick smile before saying, "hello grandpa!"

The man rubbed her head, before looking at Eraserhead. He looked up and down before asking, "who are you?"

Eraserhead did not hesitate and said, "father-in-law, it's me."

The old man was shocked, before saying, "look how much you've grown! When did you dye your hair black hmm? Weren't you so proud of your blonde hair?? Ah whatever, at least you changed... come in, come in, it's been so long since I've had anyone..."

The man navigated the trash as if it was not there, making his way towards the kitchen.

"Do you want coffee or tea?"

They both replied with tea, before quickly starting to clean the place.

"Ah! What are you guys doing! It's not polite for the guest to do the work! Let me, let me..."

Izumi quickwittedly replied, "don't worry grandpa, just help us prepare the tea, okay?"

She gave a quick smile, causing the man to swoon over her. He nodded furiously before preparing the tea again.

When the man finished making the tea, they already cleared up the place. He presented the tea and made them drink it. They slowly drank the tea, as it would be rude if they had just left without drinking it.

When they finished, they waved goodbye and left the place. They heaved a sigh before making their way back.

Sometimes... taking care of others is much harder than defeating villains.

When they handed in the assignment, they were rewarded with a decent sum, enough for Izumi to pay rent, before being asked to return tomorrow.

With that arrangement, Izumi had no choice but to stay in her kitsune form for a while longer.

The time spent in this form increased from a day to two days, until it became a week. It continued increasing until eight months had passed.

Throughout these eight months working with Eraserhead, they did many tasks from helping the neighborhood to patrolling the night streets. Thankfully, there was no task that was similar to the first one undertaken by Izumi.

After 8 months, marked the end of this partnership. Shota proposed to end this partnership as he would have to return to teaching at U.A again. Hence, he needed to prepare teaching materials and schedules.

With this declaration, the memories of the past 8 months flash through their minds. Some memorable times included the time when Shota first touched Izumi's tail, causing her to flush red, while also prematurely beginning her heat. Thankfully, Shota managed to restrain her. For the next month, she was forced to stay at home. The number of times she relieved herself was too much to remember.

This gave Shota a lesson that he should never touch her tail again. However, a month later, she still let him enjoy the fluffiness of her tail again.

Another time was when she was forced to reveal her way of healing people when she was forced to heal an injury her partner sustained while protecting her. This made Shota go berserk and attack the villains that were cornering them, inadvertently killing them.

This made him feel warm as her revealing this power showed how much she trusted him.

There was also the time when Izumi called him papa by accident. Though she was very embarrassed, he gave her permission to do so when they were in private.

All these memories flashed through their minds. She gave a nod, anticipating that this time would have ended eventually. Though she was sad at the fact she will not meet him any longer, she was willing to let him go.

They each gave a nod before parting ways. She called him papa and hugged him one last time, before returning to the receptionist desk.

The girl was watching all this happening, once again surprised at how close these two randomly chosen people were.

When she heard the matter of Shota going back to U.A to teach, she finally remembered the news she was meant to convey to the fox girl.

She quickly gestured to the receptionist once again before having a small conversation with the fox girl.

"Nezu, the rat, asked me to tell you that you will be going to U.A four months later!"

This completely shocked Izumi, as that would mean she might be able to meet her papa again.

That was when the girl said, "unfortunately, the rat does not know that you are currently a girl, hence you will have to attend as Izuku."

This put a damper on her spirit, as that would mean she was unable to meet her papa again.

"But, if you want to reve-"

"No way!"

Izumi still wanted to hide this form of hers as a trump card. Not to mention, over the 8 months, her reputation has been increasing rapidly. Just the fact that she was working with Eraserhead was enough to bring her reputation to a decent level, yet her strength has brought her reputation to greater heights.

Though she was reluctant at being unable to meet her papa, she quickly grew to accept it as this trump card could be used when her life was in danger. Plus, she was just satisfied with looking at her papa from afar.

With this, she finally told the girl that she will not be returning as she had to prepare for the exam, however, she was once again shocked when the girl revealed that Nezu had already given her an exception.

She gave a smile, before heading back home. However, instead of heading to her room, she stopped in front of her mother's room. Ever since three days ago, her urge to enter the room has been steadily increasing. Right now, she could no longer hold back her urge and entered the room.

Inside the dusty room, there was only a bed, a closet, and a bedside cabinet, where a photo of the family of two was sitting.

When she examined the room, she noticed a letter on the bed. The letter was spotless, with not a single speck of dust to be found.

She opened the letter to see that it was written by her mother for her. She slowly pulled up the letter and read it.

'Hello, Izuku! If you happen to be reading this, it would mean that I have died! Though I don't wish for this to happen, I hope that you will continue to live happily, okay?

Have you been eating well? Have you been brushing your teeth? Have you made any friends? Though I wish to ask this question personally, unfortunately, I am unable to at the moment...'

Reading until here, Izumi's eyes already began making floods. In front of her mother, she could not keep up her usual expression.

'I miss you too mom...'

She continued reading the letter, as there was still more. But that was when she saw something that made her eyes widen.

'Even though I am dead, you can still meet your dad. When I was still employed, I was tasked to assassinate your father by the company. During that mission, I met my target, your future father. Though I wanted to kill him, his unwillingness to hurt me, and how he took a fireball to the chest to protect me, I felt so much warmth for the first time in my life and fell in love with him. We eloped together, making me an enemy of the company. That was when I had you. To ensure he was never targeted, I left him the day after. I made him promise that he should never find another woman other than me, and I was glad to see that after 14 years, he hasn't broken his problems.

Your father was the greatest man I knew and I hope you grow up to love him too... his name is Toshinori Yagi, your favorite...All Might.

How was it? Aren't you surprised?'

Reading until here, she tightened her grip on the letter.

The man that supported her for 14 years... the man that destroyed her dreams... that was her father?

She could not believe it, she did not want to believe it. The figure she looked up to when she was young, was completely shattered.

She stayed in this state of disbelief for hours. She only snapped out of it to look at the letter she was holding. There was still one more sentence underneath.

'P.S, the paternity test is hidden in the bottom drawer of the cabinet. Show it to him and he should know who you are.'

She scrambled to check the truth and found the test hidden at the bottom.

She looked at the report that confirmed that the man that shattered her dream was indeed her father.

She placed everything back into the cabinet before slowly making her way to the room.

Mr.whiskers noticed how weird his owner's wife was acting, and went up to her.

She absent-mindedly patted the cat before drifting off into dreamland, completely forgetting her need to shower.

She woke up the next day and went to take her shower. It was then that she returned to her normal form, releasing hot steam towards the surroundings.

The steam did not do too much damage to the bathroom. He walked out after his shower and wore a new set of clothes.

Mr.whiskers were confused at this. It was certain that it saw its owner's wife go inside... so why had his owner come out.

It could not understand and looked inside the bathroom, resulting in it getting a hot blast of heat hitting its face. It hissed and jumped back.

Izuku lifted it before proceeding to sleep again.

It was not until two weeks later that he snapped out of it. During that time, all phone calls made to his house were ignored.

He finally called back, knowing full well that only the girl on the receptionist would call him. He just told her he was not returning and hung up.

For the rest of the four months, there were no longer any phone calls being sent.

During which, he spent the time studying and training his body. He never did anything else, all in preparation for his new start in U.A.

When it was a day before going to U.A, he received a parcel and a note.

He first opened the parcel to see the U.A uniform inside. He read the note which said to go to class 1-A.

The examination had already ended long ago, so tomorrow was when a new school term would begin.

He gave a small smirk, knowing full well that he will be meeting his former childhood friend tomorrow.
Welp, that is the end of the chapter. Only 3080 words this time.

We are finally prepared to enter the main timeline now. Aren't you all excited?

Also, how was the reveal that All Might was the father? Was it too cliché?

How about her calling Eraserhead papa? Was it cute enough? Sorry if you felt that it was too rushed. However, I felt it was necessary to skip ahead. Don't you agree?

Plus, if I had continued writing in-depth, we probably will not reach the main timeline until chapter 20.

Also, Izumi will not be making any appearances until the sports festival, we should not take long to reach...?

If you found any mistakes feel free to comment below! If you also found areas I can improve in, please tell me so!

Thank you for persisting with my amateurish writing skills, and allowing me to rank #22 in the loli tag!

p.s my phone has been telling me that I have 18 parts published though I only released 11. Are any of you experiencing it too?

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