A New Partner

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The fox girl kept running until she finally reached the doors of the underground hero association. She briefly hesitated, before entering.

The moment the girl on the receptionist's shoulder saw her, she quickly nudged the man. The man understood the signal, quickly using his quirk to reflect light away from the path of the door to the receptionist desk. This essentially makes the fox girl and the path to the receptionist desk disappear.

The girl on the man's shoulder quickly signalled for the fox girl to follow the man, which she then proceeded to whisper in his ear. The man listened closely, before making his way up to the second floor. As he did so, he used his quirk again to reflect light away.

The fox girl followed without hesitation, jogging to catch up to them.

When she reached the second floor, she noticed how quiet the place was. She looked around curiously and found three doors in front of her. She proceeded to follow the receptionist into the door on the left.

She noted how the room looked very simple, save for two couches and a coffee table between the couches. She saw the receptionist and the girl sitting on the couch furthest from the door, so she sat on the couch nearest to the door.

When they finally got comfortable, the girl on the shoulder of the man asked, "you are Izuku Midoriya, right?"

The fox girl, now Izuku, gave a quick nod.

The girl made sure,"green-haired with freckles?"

Izuku once again nodded.

The girl muttered underneath her breath, "unbelievable... so my vision way right..."

She quickly looked up again, before reaching into her pocket to take out the form she gave to Izuku at first.

"I need you to write down your new information, okay?"

Izuku was briefly confused, "why does she still want me to join? Doesn't she have any other questions?" She thought.

She quickly gave up trying to understand the intention of the girl, instead choosing to rewrite her form. This time, she was stuck.

She understood the need to have trump cards as all heroes do. Hence, she knew that this form of hers could be the perfect trump card, so long as she kept it hidden. Not to mention, this could absolve her male identity from being found out of having joined the underground heroes.

This was where the problem lay. Now, she needs to create a new identity from scratch. The first problem, she needs a new name, and from how she named her cat mr.whiskers, it can be seen that she does not have the best naming sense.

That was when inspiration hit. In the question that asked for her name, she wrote the name, Izumi. She chose to not write her last name as any name she was to come up with, would obviously look fake.

With her name out of the way, her next problem was her hero name. Before she could even put any thought into it, the girl opposite her chimed in, "how about you call yourself kitsune, hm?"

This struck Izumi's mind. Her form now, doesn't it look similar to the kitsunes of legend? She thought to herself that the girl was such a genius. Never would she have expected that the name kitsune was meant to be her creation. All the girl did was peer into the future to find out.

Now, she hit her second last obstacle, what is her quirk?

When that question appeared, a 'feeling' similar to when she was finding information about her previous quirk appeared. She waited for the 'feeling' to reach its peak before information appeared within her mind. She was curious and focused intently on reading the newfound information.

Quirk: Flames Of Rage
Uses: A flame fuelled by rage will constantly surround the user. This flame has the property of devouring. So long as anything comes close to it, it will immediately be absorbed and used as fuel. The user can dictate what it is to be absorbed, even if it is a type of energy like kinetic energy, it can be absorbed. This quirk is inadvertently tied to the user's emotions of anger, the more intense the flame, the more angry the user will be.

Side effect: When the flames are intense enough, the user's rationality will be consumed by rage, leaving them completely unable to distinguish friend from foe.

Additional notes: This quirk was specifically designed by **** for the kitsune form. Though it can still be used in the original body, only one-tenth of the effects will be observed.

When she finally finished reading this information, a new piece immediately appeared within her mind.

Quirk: Kitsune
Uses: Transforms the user into a girl. Everything of the user will be identical to a girl's, including mentality and reproductive system. The user can switch between both forms, but only after 24 hours has passed after transformation.

Side effect: During transformation, heat energy will be released from the body, raising the surrounding temperature by approximately 2000 degrees Celsius. When transforming back into the original form, steam at a temperature of around 800 degrees Celsius will be released.

Additional notes: When transforming from the original to the kitsune, strength will be converted to the flexibility and speed of the kitsune form. Additionally, kitsune form will experience heat once a year lasting one month, this can occur at any time. Lastly, please do not reproduce with any man, ***** will kill all who touches his precious *************.

When she saw this next piece of information, she panicked a little as she could not imagine herself in a relationship with a man... No wait, she can absolutely imagine being in a relationship with a man right now. In fact, she could imagine it in detail...

In contrast, she could not imagine herself being in a relationship with a woman right now... no wait, she can also imagine herself with a woman as well.

With all these thoughts plaguing her mind, she felt as if her face was burning hot. However, this was not limited to her face as the room had also increased by 5-6 degrees Celsius.

She quickly shook off her dirty thoughts before quickly filling in the form. However, she did not write the whole truth, instead opting to write with lesser details and putting in some half-truths.

Due to all those dirty thoughts, she completely forgot about the blanks within the information given to her.

After writing everythi... No wait, there was still one more problem. What should she write for her age?

Evidently, her body looks like a young girl, however, the mind inside her far exceeds the age of her body. Though she struggled hard, she finally decided to write the age of her actual body.

Finally finished, she returned the form to the girl.

The girl quickly looked through, while also marvelling at the cute handwriting as well. She smiled in satisfaction and placed the form back within her pocket.

Finally, she said, "okay, you may leave now."

This confused Izumi as she was expecting bombardments of questions. She could not suppress her curiosity and finally spoke,

"Aren't you going to ask more questions?"

The girl and the man she was sitting on were stunned. The voice that came out of this girl... was just too cute!!!

The man could not help lifting his arm to pet the head of the fox girl sitting in front of him.

That was when something even more embarrassing occurred as Izumi let out a soft purr at the rub. This increased her cuteness by tenfold, causing the girl on the man to fangirl before passing out.

The man was also stunned at this, causing his hold to loosen. That was when Izumi noticed what just happened. Her face slowly flushed crimson, causing the room to feel as if it was a furnace, before jumping out the window.

She could not possibly exit through the front door, not to mention, the window was perfectly opened. She quickly ran straight home, leaving the temperature of the areas she passed unbearably hot.

When she finally arrived home, she finally calmed down. She looked at the clock and realised she only took 3 minutes to run home. She was surprised at this but remembered the information that said that her strength would be converted to speed.

She quickly ran back to the room, to see her cat on the floor like it was starving. She screamed, "mr.whiskers" before quickly getting a can of cat food to feed the starving cat.

When the cat finally ate its fill, it observed the girl that came into its owner's room. Though he would normally attack intruders, he just could not bear lifting its claws against the girl. Not to mention, she had just fed it and she also had the scent of its owner.

That was when it concluded, clearly, this was its owner's wife!

This intelligent cat, who sneaks off when his master isn't home to read comics on his phone, felt that this was the most logical answer. Hence, it started currying favour with the girl, by rubbing itself against the girl.

Maybe because of the shift in mentality, the girl discovered that this cat was too cute. She gently hugged the cat while emitting cute laughs.

When she finally finished, she gently put the cat down. She now pondered what she should do. After all the events that happened today, it was already close to nighttime. She realised that she had not showered for the whole day.

When this realisation set in, she felt a strong sense of disgust appearing within her mind. This disgust overwhelmed her so much, that she felt that she would be unable to sleep if she did not shower. Therefore, regardless of how much she resisted it, she finally gave up and took a shower.

When she entered the bathroom, she felt a huge sense of awkwardness. Firstly, she had no idea how to undress, as the kimono was unable to be taken off. Secondly, she had never seen a girl's body before save for her mother when she was young. Lastly, she had no clothes to wear.

At the thought of clothes, more information floated into her mind. That was when she realised that the kimono was made up of flames, all she had to do was think of it disappearing and it will do so. She heaved a sigh at this information, thankful that no one would be able to undress her without her consent.

Next, she braced herself and removed her clothes. That was when she looked at the mirror and saw her body in all its glory. She felt a huge sense of shame... not. Instead, she felt everything was completely normal. This terrified her as she felt that the change in mentality was way too strong.

But in the end, she went to shower and washed up. What exactly happened, I shall not describe. Let's just say she was a bit too curious...

Anyway, she came out in some sleepwear appropriate for girls and a huge blush on her face. She quickly went to her bed and laid down, almost falling asleep instantly. Before she fell asleep, she hugged mr.whiskers and drifted off to dreamland. The cat did not struggle as it found the girl very comfortable to sleep with.

That was when a spirit started condensing, before revealing that it was Izumi's mom. She could not believe her son became a girl, and could not fathom how cute she was. She gently went up to her and rubbed her head, causing Izumi to purr out unconsciously.

"When you finally find a replacement for despair, is the time I will return. I hope at that time, you will allow me to pamper you all day."

Izumi gave a small nod as if she could hear her mother. Her mother gave a small smile, before swiftly disappearing.

That was when another spirit started condensing, slowly revealing that it was the horse man that attacked her earlier.

He gave a big smile as if mocking Izumi for being so defenceless, while also sneering at how the traitor could not even detect him.

He thought, 'even death can't stop us. So long as I kill you, I can have back my body.'

But before he could attack Izumi, the cat in her arms opened its eyes. It peered intently at the horse man and opened its mouth.

At this sight, the horse man paled at the sight of this cat.

He struggled while thinking, 'dammit, dammit, dammit! Why is this stupid cursed boy here! F*ck, F*ck F*ck! Get away you mon-'

Before he could finish his last thought, the cat fully swallowed the soul, before letting out a satisfied burp. He looked at the cute girl hugging him and once again drifted off to dreamland.

Throughout the night, Izumi had no nightmares. Instead, she had a dream that she had a conversation with her mother. Yet, she could vaguely feel that what her mother said was important. However, she could not remember anything she said.

When she finally woke up, she looked around, as if hoping that her mother had returned. But reality hit hard, she knew at the first moment that all of that was just a dream. She gave a rub towards the cat before going for another shower.

After last night's shower, the mental obstacles she had towards this activity was long gone. She came out an hour later, once again with a red face. Turns out, her curiosity got her once again.

That was when her phone suddenly rang, though she had no idea why it was on the floor. She clearly remembered she placed it on the desk beside her bed last morning. Anyways, she answered the call as her intuition just told her to do so. Since it has never hurt her before, she continued to trust it.

She heard the girl on the shoulder of the receptionist's voice.

"Izumi, when you are ready, get over here. We have a partner for you."

Izumi was confused. "A partner? Why would I need a partner?"

"Ahh, more like he needs a partner. Plus, you are the only one available for this grouchy guy."

Izumi thought for a moment, before probing, "What if I refuse?"

"Will you?"

Izumi went silent at this. Indeed, she definitely needed the help. Although she managed to save people yesterday, they were unprepared and she had the information advantage. Not to mention, she had an 80% of dying if she had not awakened to this new quirk.

If she was asked to go on another solo mission, she knew she had no chance of winning. Hence, she gave the proposal some thought.

Finally, she replied, "sure. I need all the help I can."

The girl on the other side was evidently pleased and told her to arrive quickly, as that grouchy man was not known for his patience.

Izumi had no qualms and quickly rushed over there in her kimono and wooden sandals. Those were also the sandals she had when she first transformed. However, she did not know the actual names of these sandals, so she made a note to find out the name of these sandals.

She also found out that she could also change the form of her clothes through the control of flames, allowing her to change to the sleepwear yesterday.

Anyways, she finally reached the door of the Underground Hero Association and opened it. The moment she did, she heard the girl calling her name. She looked over there and saw a man with black hair and a white tape object around his neck, like a scarf.

The moment he turned around, she basically confirmed the identity of this man, who was also about to be her new partner.

And that's a wrap. This time, I only wrote about 2561 words.

Now, I'm gonna have to write the author's notes next time as it is 9.11 pm right now and I have school tomorrow. I am too tired to think about anything.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and the introduction of Izumi! If you notice any mistakes or improvements I can make, please comment down! Thanks in advance!

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