A New Quirk

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Izuku kept running. He did not pause to take a break, his mind filled with the thoughts of how the captured people are doing.

As soon as he noticed this, he suppressed his growing worry and focused on how he was going to save them.

'Since that scientist was able to capture so many quirkless people, they must have a decent intelligence network and a huge number of people under them. There isn't enough information, I need to be covert and find out their strength. If I were to alert any one of them, they can take the captured people as a hostage...'

At the thought of this, he quickly slowed down. If he had planned the route correctly... he should be at his house right now. He quickly rushed in, took his laptop, before continuing on his journey to the location.

He knew that a place like that definitely has surveillance cameras hidden everywhere. With his mediocre hacking skills, he should be able to disable these cameras. As for any surveillance quirks... he already has measures prepared against that.

He ran for another 35 minutes, before arriving at a... convenience store? He cross-checked the file with his phone and noted that he was indeed in the right location. He stared in doubt before going in. He went in to buy some snacks before going to the cashier to check out.

When he prepared to pay, he heard the cashier making some idle talk.

"Little boy, are you aiming to be a hero?"

Izuku gave a thought, before replying with a fake smile on his face," of course!"

The worker was surprised at Izuku's enthusiasm but managed to regain his composure before, sighing and saying, "I'm so jealous... I can't even become a hero..."

When Izuku heard this, he felt as if an energy was trying to invade his mind. He pretended he did not notice this anomaly and prompted the man, "why not? So long as you have a quirk, you can become a hero!"

The worker heaved another sigh, before replying, "I don't even have a quirk... how could I possibly become a hero?"

Izuku felt another wave of energy trying to invade his mind. When he heard the man said he was quirkless, his suspicions were confirmed. Instead of confronting the man, Izuku changed his treatment towards the man, as if he was above this quirkless loser.

With his experience of being treated like trash, he managed to pull of this act, before leaving.

He moved towards a Starbucks and ordered a cup of coffee before sitting in a corner. He opened his laptop and started attacking the network of the convenience store. He slowly did it as he did not want to alert the enemy of his presence. As he did so, he thought about the man he met at the convenience store.

'I might be wrong about their intelligence network. It should be this man who is in charge of getting information. After all, no hero frequents convenience stores, only those who do not have any potential to be a hero would go there. This man should be using his quirk to affect the minds of people. Though I blocked it out, it should be a quirk related to getting people to reveal more information about themselves. His questioning was meant to guide unsuspecting people to admit that they are quirkless. Then, someone else should be in charge of kidnaping them. Only one or two should be needed as quirkless people are unable to defend themselves.'

After thinking about all these factors, he finally finished hacking the surveillance cameras. He made it replay the same footage over and over, before cleaning up his traces and leaving the network.

He finished the coffee he ordered and put on a normal face before once again going to the convenience store. Before he arrived, he covered himself with around 2% of his quirk. Since his quirk can temporarily disable other quirks, covering himself with a bit of it will not disable the other's quirk, but should make him invisible to their quirks. This will not alert the enemy and he will be safe from detection.

With all that finished, he once again entered the store. The cashier turned to greet him, but Izuku immediately leaped at him and knocked him unconscious. Honestly, he still held doubts about the authenticity of the information he was given, hence he did not kill the man.

He controlled the emotions within his quirk and used them to attack the mind of the unconscious man. Since his quirk could drag him into nightmares, it should also be able to do so for the man as well. To be on the safe side, he tied up the man with some rope in the store and stuffed his mouth with some cold hard breadsticks. He closed the store down and hung a sign that has the words,' we are closed' written and proceeded to enter the employee's break room. He figured that if any place was suspicious, this would be the most likely place.

He gently opened the door before closing it, ensuring no sound was made. He looked around and analysed the surroundings.

The room was almost empty save for a bed and a kitchen. He proceeded to try tapping the floor under the bed and found that it was hollow inside. He lifted the tile and found a ladder that goes down.

He quickly sneaked in and replaced the tile. He then slowly descended, trying his best to avoid making any sound. When he finally reached the bottom, he covered his nose in disgust. It smelt as if there were dead bodies in here...

He quickly went forward, and nearly tripped on an object sticking out of the ground. He looked down only to see many skeletons scattered around the ground. He noted that some had differing levels of damage and they had a variety of sizes. He noticed many skeletons belonging to those of children. Some of their bones have been fractured, shattered, or badly burnt, some still had their decayed faces attached, with expressions of pain and suffering.

At the sight of this, he felt fury once again appearing in his heart, almost surpassing what he felt previously. He tried to regain his cool and continued moving on. Every few steps resulting in the sound of a bone being broken. It could not be helped, as the floor was covered with many skeletons.

When he finally reached the end of the brightly lit passageway, he chanced upon a metal door. He faintly heard the sounds of raucous laughter. When he placed his ear against the door, he heard a conversation among two men.

"Oi doctor, how many people has it been? We've caught so many people, yet the police never notice!"

"Hahaha, just the other day, I saw a police officer coming into our store to buy some doughnuts. Look at how relaxed they are. If they were to know that we are doing this directly under their nose, I wonder what expression they'd make!"

When the man said this, more laughter could be heard. Then a child's scream was heard before a voice laced with madness said,

"Ah sh*t, broke another bone... should be fine, not the first time it happened. Oi, you noisy duo, shut the h*ll up."

Izuku wanted to rush in and save the child. Yet, he felt as if he needs to hear more. He did not understand it, he wanted to ignore it, but he could not. He felt as if something was gripping his heart, he instinctively knew, so long as he were to ignore his intuition, he was sure to die. He had no choice, he stood there and continued listening.

"Hey doc, aren't you also quirkless? Why experiment on your own people?"

The voice gave a loud laugh before saying, "since I'm quirkless, I obviously have to find a way to benefit our people! If they can offer their lives to the progression of science, their lives would have all been worth it! They should feel honored that I'm helping them fulfill their purpose!"

Izuku could not believe the logic behind this man's words. Just because I'm quirkless, my life is worth nothing? Only by sacrificing myself will I truly have a purpose? That was he heard another conversation.

"Hahaha, why not experiment on yourself? Wouldn't it be the same?"

The voice replied, but instead of laughter, he was full of conviction, "I'm not like these people! My brain alone is worth millions of them! So what if we don't have quirks?! I will forever be above them!"

With that last answer full of arrogance and conceit, Izuku felt as if his blood went cold, the fury within his heart concentrated, and started condensing once again. This time, it did not fail, instead, the flames of fury surrounding the ball ignited the wisps that were previously absorbed by Izuku's body. The fire slowly spread from his body to his mind, until it slowly reached his soul.

He felt as if his body was doused in gasoline and the gasoline was ignited. He felt his mind was burning as if his mind was bathing in lava. His soul, on the other hand, felt cold, like he was in an ice bath.

The surrounding temperature slowly increased until it reached an unbearable temperature. The people within noticed, but since the metal door was blocking them, they just felt slightly hotter than normal,

When one of them wanted to ask the other to turn up the air-conditioning, he noticed the metal door was slowly melting. He quickly informed the other and prepared to fight. While the doctor, on the other hand, was preoccupied with the child that he was experimenting on. As if he felt pity at the child being unable to accomplish their purpose, he sighed and proceeded to hide. He had confidence that the hero who came could not possibly beat his goons.

When the door fully melted, a young girl with fox ears and wearing a white kimono came in. Though she looked stunning, the men could not appreciate it as they felt an intense gaze peering at them.

One of them quickly shot out a lot of rope from his body in an attempt to capture her, but before it could reach, it slowly dissipated and vanished 20cm away from her. The other proceeded to cup his hands together, using his quirk to create a huge water stream to douse the flames. Yet, what they saw shocked them.

The water did not boil, like how water should have, instead, it dissipated like the rope before, vanishing soon after. Instead of the water dousing the flame, the flame increased in intensity, as if it was fed fuel.

The girl slowly started walking towards them, the flames making contact with the men. At first, they felt nothing wrong, but when they looked down, they noticed how their bodies were slowly disintegrating, they tried their best to stop the process, yet nothing could slow it down.

They tried and tried until they finally despaired. They knew they could no longer resist. That was when something else happened. An illusory prison slowly appeared again, this time, it seemed to be more real. Tentacles came out of the prison and penetrated the two men's disintegrating bodies.

They felt as if their sense of sight was moving, they turned back only to see their bodies staring right at them. They wanted to struggle, they wanted to escape, yet the tentacles dragged them with more strength, dragging them into the prison before shutting its gates.

The girl then turned towards the scientist who witnessed all that had happened. The man was on the floor, fear on his face as he was surrounded by a puddle of water.

"Please...please don't kill me! I-I-I am a quirkless man too, see? I-I-I am a v-v-victim too, I-I was just helping, that's all!"

The man was begging, he threw away his pride and begged as if he was not the one who was experimenting on others.

The girl slowly walked towards him, her fire not causing the man harm at all. He felt as if he was forgiven, and his conceit returned.

"Hah-haha, that's right! You are a hero and I am a victim! That's right, you heroes are supposed to save the powerless isn't that right?!"

He kept on talking, yet the girl never stopped. He noticed that on the right hand of the girl, a bluish ball was floating above her hand. She raised her hand in his direction, and he saw the ball opening its... mouth? It proceeded to devour the man whole, before returning to normal. It gave a satisfied burp before swiftly returning to the girl's body.

The girl could not care less, as she rushed towards the child on the table. The child was still alive, thankfully. The child was smiling, as if happy that the people who took her away were killed. The fox girl skillfully used her quirk and used the flames on the girl. Instead of harming the girl, the girl's wounds were slowly healing, as she did so, the child was slowly becoming a bit angry. When the wounds were fully healed, the child jumped up and proceeded to kick the almost dissipated body of the two kidnappers. The child kept venting until she tired herself out.

The fox girl looked at all of this with a cold expression. She placed the child in a comfortable position, took out the phone of the kidnappers, and called the police. She then proceeded to leave, pushing the tile and leaving it exposed before killing the cashier as well.

She dissolved the door with the flame and ran back to the underground hero association. She tried not to expose herself and ran there with the use of alleys. If any civilian saw her, she would knock them out and if any gangsters were making trouble, she would knock out a couple of teeth before leaving.
Naomasa Tsukauchi was busy investigating a new case. In the morning, around 11.27 am, a phone call to the police was made. However, there was no noise. Yet, the phone call never ended. The police took that as a signal and located where the phone call was. When they arrived at the location, they noticed the door was fully dissolved. When they looked around, they discovered a dead person behind the counter.

So they did what they always did, and blocked off the area. When they were looking around the store, they found a passageway that led underground. Upon reaching the bottom, those with weaker stomachs vomited their breakfast, while those with stronger stomachs quickly ran forward. When they reached the end, they found a door, but this time, the door seems to have cooled down after intense heat has been applied.

They looked in to see a child sleeping on a couch, while two nearly dissipated bodies were on the floor. They took the child back to the police station and interrogated the child. Fortunately, Tsukauchi was still in the police station. He was invited to take part in the investigation as well, as his lie detector quirk could be useful and he has the most experience among the policemen currently available.

When he asked the child what happened, he noted that the child said there were four people who she saw when they kidnapped her. They cross-referenced the faces of the people that are discovered and managed to find out that she was referring to the cashier and the two kidnappers. However, they could not find out who was the last person.

When asked to go into detail, she hesitated and said the pretty lady that saved her ate him. Tsukauchi thought that was weird, however, his quirk was telling him that the child was not lying. But he was not frustrated as hearing the description of the last person, he was happy that he had died. At least those who died at his hands can find peace in the afterlife.

He sent the child back home and was heartened to see the happy smiles on the family of three. However, he knew that for the remainder of the day, he will be saddened by the parents of the victims that still need to be accounted for. Heaving a sigh, he documented all of this in a police file. When he was describing the case, he described the savior as a fox girl vigilante with a quirk related to fire or devouring.

He could not find any heroes who matched the description of the person described, hence he identified her as a vigilante. Though he may hate vigilantism, he was still thankful for the help provided. If she had not helped them with this case, they were sure that more people would have suffered at the hands of the deranged scientist.

With his work finished, he called up his friend. When the call connected, Tsukauchi said, "All Might."

All Might immediately replied, "why the formalities? Just call me Yagi."

"Alright, Toshinori."

All Might sighed with exasperation, before replying, "anyways, why did you call me for?"

"Before that, how is your new successor?"

"Ah, young Bakugo! He is doing fine. Ever since his friend stopped coming to school, his temper has cooled down. Instead, he has been training very hard to inherit One For All! With his explosion quirk as well, I am confident he can fight All For One in the future; now enough about him, why did you call me?"

"I'm thankful that your successor has been doing well. Anyways, just now I got my hands with a new case."

"Oh? What is it about?"

"Haih... some quirkless scientist has been experimenting on other quirkless children and adults."

Tsukauchi could hear the grip of his friend tightening around his phone, but he continued,

"Today, a person killed that man and we managed to save the only survivor."

Tsukauchi heard the grip loosening and shortly after, a reply was heard.

"Who is the hero who saved the child?"

Tsukauchi sighed and said, "that person seems to be a vigilante as I can't find any files related to the appearance 0f that person. All we know is that the vigilante is a pretty fox girl with a quirk that is suspected of either being a flame quirk or a devouring quirk. I hope you will keep a lookout for this vigilante, and inform me when you do. That person is definitely hero material."

All Might wrote down the appearance of the girl in a notebook and gave a quick reply before ending the call.

He looked up to see his successor training his body so that he can inherit One For All. He gave a satisfied smile before coughing out some blood.

"I wonder how long I can still protect you, young Bakugo. I truly hope that you can replace me as the new Symbol Of Peace."

As he said this, he looked down at the teaching manual and the rule book of U.A. He heaved a sigh and continued reading through the teaching materials necessary for him to be a teacher in U.A. He had a small smile on his face when he thought of the surprise he could give to his successor when he shows up at U.A!
And here is a new chapter! 3260 words this time!

I know I haven't been adding any warnings before my chapters, but if any of you really want me to, just comment on it. However, I don't think anyone too young would ever read until here if I'm being honest.

Anyway, I hope I made that scientist really unlikeable, if you have any tips on how to make an even more hateful person, please comment as well! Also, genderbend Izuku now, yey! A detailed quirk description should be given in the next chapter. After writing 4 chapters in just 3 days, each longer than the last, I think I'll only be able to write on the weekends.

Also, we are finally going to be closer to the main timeline of my hero academia! My fanfiction probably took the longest time to get to the main timeline. But as you can see, the personality of Izuku will no longer be the same as the real one, but I hope you still enjoy it!

If you guys spot any mistakes, feel free to point them out! Thanks in advance!

P.s I may edit this author's notes later as I may need to add on more. I already forgot what I was going to write here lol.

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