Joining The Underground Heroes!

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Throughout the run home, Izuku could not stay calm. Many thoughts flashed through his head, thoughts such as,' I'm not qualified, but he is?' and 'a man who breaks a child's dream and an arrogant prick, what a perfect couple! (sarcasm)'.

Due to these thoughts, he did not focus on where he was going. This caused him to arrive in front of the slums instead of his home. He noticed this and snapped out of his thoughts. He wanted to leave, but he noticed that he was unable to move.

It felt as if he was once again in his dream, only this time, he knew he was awake. He looked around desperately, trying to find the cause of this phenomenon. That's when he noticed a shady man walking slowly towards him.

Before he could ask any questions, he was shocked into silence by the man's appearance. His head was not a human's, instead, it was the head of a horse. The horse had no mouth, instead, all its teeth were visible. The head was attached via some stitches that were still visible.

This was clearly not because of any mutant quirks, that much Izuku can tell. He also notices that the man seems to have some malicious intent towards him hence he once again tried to move, in an attempt to attack. However, it completely failed.

The man seems to notice this, and he appears to be excited that his prey is struggling. This caused him to start emitting sounds that were between the sound of a horse neighing and a human's distorted laughter.

"That traitor thought she could protect her son. What an IDIOT. Just because you destroyed my body doesn't mean I can't come back! What will you do now, you green-haired c*nt."

With the man's random rambling, his control over his quirk seemed to have slipped, giving Izuku the chance to send a slash of despair in his direction.

"Ha-neigh-haha, this simple move is all you got? Watch how I- ehhh?!"

The man seemed to try and use his quirk to stop the slash but was aghast when his quirk was unable to even slow it down. He desperately tried to avoid, and barely succeeded, only losing an arm in the process.

"Why you little fu****, watch what happens when I get my hands on you!"

The man seemed angry at the loss of his arm, but he did not lose his calm and used his quirk again to restrict Izuku. Though Izuku tried to avoid it, he did not even understand how the quirk works, so how could he put up any defenses? Hence, he was once again trapped.

"Once I give you over, I can finally get that promotion and rid myself of this stupid body. That shi*ty green bit*h can't even protect her little-"

Before he could continue, he suddenly stopped, the eyes on his weird face turned cloudy before passing out, his body landed on the floor.

Izuku felt the restriction around him disappear, granting him freedom. He decided to retreat but felt a hard surface behind him. He turned to look and saw the receptionist from last time and his daughter sitting on his shoulder.

The girl did not wait for Izuku to ask any questions and started talking.

"That stupid rat swindled me, but you still came back anyway! Beat that you filthy rat!"

She then continued bombarding Izuku with questions.

"Why did you come back here hm? Why was this man fighting you hmm?"

Izuku finally experienced what it was like to be bombarded with questions, but before he was able to answer, she stated something that startled Izuku.

"Well whatever, since you are here, you're going to join the Underground Hero's Association!"

Izuku took some time to comprehend, but before he could do anything else, he was carried by the large man like a piece of luggage. He then experienced the worst ride he has ever taken. He felt as if he was sticking his face out the window of a car, but instead of the normal wind flowing through his hair, it was All Might punching in his direction.

He was soon dropped onto the floor, where he started dry heaving. He wanted to puke but realised that he had nothing to regurgitate.

"What a weakling. How can you expect to be a hero with such low endurance?"

Surprisingly, the girl was not affected by the high speeds, in fact, she seemed to really enjoyed it.

It took Izuku around half a minute to regain his bearings before standing up as if nothing had occurred.

"What a monstrous recovery ability."

Before he could ask any questions, he noticed that he was standing in front of the receptionist desk, and on it was a form for him to fill out.

As if expecting what he was going to ask, the girl said, "this is the form to fill out, once your done, drip a drop of blood and we'll be ready to go."

When he was just about to open his mouth to refuse, however, he felt as if that was a choice he would regret. Deciding to follow his intuition instead of his logic, he started to fill in the form. He easily wrote everything, until he reached a specific question. "What would you like your hero name to be?"

He could not answer this. From young till now, he was always dreaming about saving people, putting smiles on their faces, and how he could be a hero. He never considered what his name was going to be. At this discovery, he gave a deprecating smile and thought,' so even I knew that being a hero was just a dream huh?'

He decided to leave it blank and answered the rest of the questions before giving it back to the receptionist. The man did not even bother to look at it and gave it to the girl on his shoulder. The girl briefly glances through, before quirking her eyebrows when she noticed the blank question.

"You don't have a hero name for yourself? That would be odd as no one would be able to call you out. Why not choose a random name for yourself?"

Izuku gave a smile but did not reply. The girl just looked at him, before placing her hands at the sides of her head. She stayed like that for approximately a minute, before whispering to the man's ear. The receptionist nodded and opened one of the cupboards before pulling out a file. The girl took it and looked at it closely, before throwing it on the desk in front of Izuku.

"Go read through this and investigate what is going on. When you come back, you'll have a hero name for yourself."

Izuku wondered what the girl had done, but did not want to intrude on her privacy as that was clearly the use of her quirk. If she wanted to say it, she would have already revealed it anyway. He picked up the file and proceeded to read it, but before he could, he heard the girl say.

"Oi, go sit at a table to read that, we have other people too, you know?"

He acknowledged her words and proceeded to find a seat. He opened the file and saw many reports of missing children and adults. He read through all of them and discovered that the one thing they had in common was that they were all quirkless. When he noticed this, he felt his blood go cold. It went colder when he noticed a research report. It was found on a forum on the darknet which said something about a discovery. The scientist found that people who do not have any quirks were the perfect test subjects for human experimentation. It went on to provide evidence before quickly closing it off with the statement, 'in the name of science.'

Izuku was furious at what he had read, but he continued flipping through until he reached the end, where there was a red dot indicating where the hideout of this scientist might be. When he finally knew the location, he quickly made his way there. Preparations? There was no need. A second saved could determine the life and death of those he wanted to save. In this regard, he is far superior to those so-called heroes who prioritise their own safety over the lives of others.

Back with the receptionist. The man asked his 'daughter', "aren't we being too hasty sending the boy on this mission? He doesn't even have a single experience in saving others and he doesn't even have a team."

The girl, with no hesitation, replied, "it's perfectly safe, my eyes tell me so."

The man looked at her suspiciously but decided to trust her. After all, when had her eyes ever been wrong?

The girl did not continue talking, but her mind was racing.

'Why did my vision predict that their name will be 'kitsune'? He doesn't even have a mutant quirk... will he manifest a new one?'

She pondered over this before proceeding to use her quirk again. This time, she was trying to predict what Izuku was going to look like.

But instead of envisioning the green-haired muscular boy, she saw a... blonde loli with fox ears?

She was thoroughly confused, but she gave up, thinking that her quirk may be malfunctioning. Not the first time it happened.

The moment she stopped thinking about it, she got a phone call. The person who was calling her was named, 'stinky rat'.

She wanted to ignore the call but decided to answer it as it wasn't often when this detestable rat calls her.

"What do you want, you rat. It's not often I get a call from you."

Nezu was on the other side, he drank some tea before replying.

"Izuku Midoriya arrived at the slums today. Then he got attacked but was saved by you two. Is this correct?"

The girl replied, "yeah yeah you rat. Did you just call to show off how wide your intelligence network is? If so, I'm going to hang up."

Nezu lost his cool for a bit before hurriedly replying with, "wait! Hear me out first. I need you to let him know that next year, he will need to be in class 1-A in U.A. He is not required to take the examination."

The girl was surprised, but still replied with a teasing tone," and why should I help you, hm? Can't you do it yourself?"

Nezu sighed before replying, "unfortunately, I and the other faculty members are too busy right now. So many things have been happening recently."

"Oh, what kind? Please indulge my curiosity."

"If I tell you, will you convey this news to the boy?"

The girl pondered, before replying with, "I'll consider it."

Nezu heaved a sigh, hoping the girl will talk to the boy before saying, "well, first of all, Shota Aizawa just expelled his entire class this year."

The girl was shocked, as she knew that although that man usually acts like he does not care about others, he would never harm his students.

Nezu knew what she wanted to ask and replied with," the company just tried to infiltrate U.A with brainwashed kids. We are currently investigating what is happening and trying to understand what is their motive."

She was worried and asked, "what about the kids?"

Nezu sighed, "as of right now, all of them have been diagnosed with schizophrenia. We have also discovered many have been experimented on."

The girl was angry but managed to suppress it. She continued listening to the troubles faced by Nezu and hanged up when it was finished.

"So chaotic. Not even the top 1 hero school can protect children now huh... I really need to eat something. Hey, big guy, help me call Zera, I want breadsticks."
Here's a second chapter lol. It's even longer than the previous one. A whopping 2008 words this time.

This may have been more drawn out than I previously expected, but it should be fine.

Also yes, I'm making genderbend kitsune Izuku. Why? Cuz I like gender-bend lol. Plus the two books that feature Izuku as kitsune are on hold and I want to read more. So why not make it myself?

Since this chapter is very long, there are bound to be some mistakes and some areas I can improve on. So if you found any, feel free to comment! I'm also okay if you just ask some questions! Pls, me want to know your thoughts. I'll try to reply as best as I can!

Thank you for reading! And thanks in advance~!

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