Another One? Oh, It Failed.

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Izuku thought carefully, before giving a reply, "I feel that right now, it would be best for me to train by myself so I can learn how to rely on myself. If I can't even think about myself, how can I even call myself a hero?" 

Izuku always perceived heroes as people who are courageous, strong, and independent. Although they may work as a team, they should be able to fend for themselves and protect others just like Al... the symbol of peace.

She was stunned at this answer. It sounded so similar, like that man. At the thought of him, anger surged through her. With no other target but poor little Izuku, she took her fury out on him... by opening a hole in the ceiling and chucking him straight through the hole. Of course, she closed the hole behind him

"Am I just not good enough in your eyes!? Fine! Leave! Like I freaking care!"

After venting her anger, her face quickly reverted to its cold,  expressionless appearance. She heaved a sigh, thinking about how she was going to explain all this to that rat later.

Izuku' s P.O.V
"...what a fun experience..." I say while lying on a pavement just outside U.A.

I feel like I broke a bone or two... or ten.

'Well, shit.' I thought as I notice many pedestrians coming to check out what had happened. Who can blame them? It's not every day when you can see a young man fly straight out of U.A and create a crater on the pavement.

Though I assume they are somewhat worried, after all, who could possibly survive this? But I was lucky, as I heard an old lady's voice saying, "move out of the way youngins, let me see the injured."

From that voice, I can tell that it was that old lady who helped me in the hospital when I first awakened my quirk Recovery Girl.

Before long, a familiar old face appeared in my vision.

"Oh dearie, this is the second time I've seen you. Something tells me that this wouldn't be the last time I'll be seeing you."

Once she finishes her rambling, she stretched her lips to kiss me.

Upon receiving her kiss, my body rapidly started to heal. But before it could finish, it abruptly stopped as a wave of exhaustion hit me like a truck.

"Young man, I suggest you go see a doctor for the rest of the damage."

I knew that if she were to fully heal my body, I would definitely pass out of exhaustion. I proceeded to lift myself, albeit with difficulty and gave her a bow before making my way home.

Why not go to the doctor? Because a good night's rest would be enough for my body to heal.

Ever since I got my quirk, my body has been rapidly changing. Not even mentioning these few broken bones, even if all my muscles were torn to shreds, I'd be able to walk the next day. How else could I have possibly cleared the beach in a mere week?

Anyways, upon reaching home, I ran straight into my room, completely ignoring all the trash accumulated in the house. I took out some canned cat food from under my bed and opened it to feed the cat, who I named mr.whiskers.

I smiled seeing the cat devour the food, before jumping onto my bed for a nap. I decided to join it. Today has been an eventful day.
3rd person P.O.V

In the middle of the night, Izuku jumped up from bed, cold sweat drenched his clothes.

The moment he fell asleep, he felt as if he was in a swamp. He kept flailing his arms in an attempt to escape. But as he was doing so, he felt a hand dragging him deeper, until his back made contact with solid ground. He opened his eyes and looked around, noting that this place looked so familiar. That's when it hit him, this was the rooftop where All Might shattered his dream.

He knew where he was, and he did not like it one bit.

He noticed the door was open, signifying that he was to go through it. But he didn't want to go through it again. He was not ready yet. Instead, he bent down to take the glass shard covered with slime on the floor.

"I remember people were saying that so long as someone dies in a dream, they can wake up. Let's see if that is true."

He placed the shard against his neck and slashed it. But there was no blood, no pain. Just like that, he blacked out and the dream ended.

The moment he jumped up, the cat that he was hugging to sleep was also startled awake. Instead of hissing at him, it rubbed its head against Izuku, as if attempting to comfort him.

He gave a soft smile, rubbing its head before looking up to check the time.

"2.59 am? Too early..." Though he says that, he has no plans to fall asleep anytime soon, hence he started working out as a way to vent.

From 2.59 am all the way to 7 am, he did nothing but exercise. Yet, he never felt tired. It was only when he saw the time, that he stopped his exercise, only to wear some sport shoes before going out for a run. He ran and ran until he reached the beach he helped to clear. Over there, he saw something he did not expect. Or rather, he saw two people he did not ever wish to see again.

He saw the man that broke his dreams, training the bully who tormented him. He looked at them, as burning fury raged within his heart. However, he did not confront them, he did not say anything, he just turned around and ran back home.

Within his body, the burning fury that he felt was slowly condensing, yet,  before it could fully condense, it shattered, as if missing something. Beside the fury that could not condense was a bluish ball. If one were to examine the ball closely, one would feel as if something terrible had just occurred, followed by a desire to end it all.

This ball quivered, as if sad at missing the chance to get a companion, before returning to normal.

This normalcy did not last long as the ball suddenly shuddered, emitting faint wisps of colourless gas. During the emission of this mysterious gaseous object, the screams of the villain that was present when Izuku's mom died, was heard.

It slowly softened until nothing was heard. This was when the wisps stopped being emitted, instead, they started flowing through Izuku's body, integrating with it, before moving onto his brain until it reached into his soul. His body devoured these wisps greedily until nothing was left.

The ball slowly stopped and gave off a sense of expectation, as the shattered pieces of fury slowly picked itself up one by one.

Here's another chapter. 1131 words excluding this author's note here, which is a new record for me!

As you can see this ball is the source of Izuku's quirk, and it has its own consciousness. In fact, he was just about to get another quirk but he was lacking a certain something, hence the quirk could not condense.

But don't worry, those wisps are related to the quirk, hence why the ball was so happy.

Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter! If you spot any mistakes or any improvements, feel free to point them out! Thanks in advance!

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