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Izuku, finally unable to take the silence, asked, "So... what are we waiting for?"


"No reply, huh?" Izuku thought while he examined this mysterious person.

But before he could finish his examination, that person started disintegrating like dust.

The moment he noticed this, he felt a chill around his neck. He tried to lean to the right, yet, he could not avoid the hand that was already curled around his throat.

"Intuition is acceptable."

Before Izuku managed to form a reply, the hand around his throat vanished. However, he was now faced with a doll, which had a silly face painted in red ink. It held a knife, pointing it in his direction. This time, he suppressed his urge to ask questions and quickly prepared a slash of despair to attack the opponent.

But instead of slashing at where the opponent clearly was, he chose to slash above him. A clear sound of ripping was heard as two halves of a puppet fell beside him. He then slashed at the puppet in front of him. However, the slash of despair was easily neutralised by the knife wielded by the puppet.

He wanted to create some distance so that he can analyse the opponent carefully, but he felt a tug on his legs, causing him to almost trip.

Using his quick reflexes, he slashed at the thing that was restraining him, before backflipping to land steadily on his feet.

He had a quick look at what was tugging his legs and noticed a shadowy hand on the floor. Shifting his gaze, he also noticed a knife embedded in the floor where he previously stood.

The puppet he was faced with was still standing there with its silly face. If not for the situation he was in, he would be on the floor laughing his heart out.

He once again heard the voice of the mysterious person, "Critical thinking is passable. Intelligence is decent. Quirk usage... excellent."

This time, he managed to pinpoint the location of the mysterious person's voice. He looked up to see the mysterious person sitting on the ceiling, completely defying gravity.

He had a feeling that she was not going to get off anytime soon. Hence, he started to bombard her with questions.

"Who are you? What quirk was that? What were those puppets? How are you on the ceiling? How...."

Before he could continue, he felt a force clamping his mouth shut. He could no longer open his mouth, so he had no choice but to swallow his questions.

Thankfully, she started answering his questions.

"You do not need to know my name, just call me whatever you want, That was my quirk and the puppets are an extension of my quirk. This is also the reason for me being on this ceiling. Now quit yapping and sit down."

As if a mountain was on his back, Izuku was forced to slowly bend down until his knees were on the ground.

"Kneeling also works..."

With that, the pressure disappeared, as if it was never there. The force that was keeping his mouth shut was also gone, allowing him to continue his questioning. However, he knew this was not the right place, hence he just closed his mouth. Yet, his eyes were full of curiosity about this person in front of him.

He did not need to wait long as she slowly started explaining what was happening.

"That was a test to see whether you are worthy to be trained by me. Now, I can see you have a decent brain, an average body, and excellent usage of your quirk. All you are lacking is combat experience, but that can be rectified later. As of right now, the rat wants me to train you. I will give you a choice, do you want me to train you?"

Izuku started thinking hard, "Clearly, this person is powerful. But can she really teach me what I need? Should I ask what she can teach? Should I refuse? What is her training like? Would it make me stronger?"

He looked at the cold face of the mysterious person, and took a deep breath before asking her, "what exactly can you teach me?"

She pondered for a moment before replying, "I can teach you many things, such as quirk usage and weapon usage. I could even teach you flower arrangement." She paused for a bit before saying, "but a man like you wouldn't need that right?"

Izuku thought,' of course I wouldn't learn that, I'm not a freaking girl!'

He started a huge debate in his mind and in the end, he concluded.

"I'm sorry, but I refuse."
Hehe, the author is back now, with a sudden motivation to continue. If possible, I would like to post a chapter once a week, but that depends on my school. I am drowning in homework right now.

If you spot any mistakes, feel free to point them out to me! Thanks in advance!

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