A Nice Trip To U.A.

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Izuku was leaning against the elevator's door, his eyes unfocused, as his mind processed the new yet familiar memories he received.

'Who was that girl? Why can't I remember her name?'

Though he tried his hardest to remember, his brain could not come up with anything. It was as if something was actively suppressing his memories and feeding him false memories.

Terrified, he wondered if his childhood memories were all fake. All he understood was that his memories were not to be trusted, whether it be the ones he had just recalled or the ones that he originally had.

As he was thinking, he heard a 'ding' sound as the elevator doors that he was leaning on abruptly opened.

With nothing supporting his back, he fell on the floor while he faced the ceiling lights. This caused his eyes, which was used to the darkness in the elevator, to sting, which resulted in him closing his eyes.

When he finished adjusting to the new brightness, he opened his eyes to see the elevator in front of him. Upon laying eyes on it, he noticed a faint grey mist enveloping the elevator. But before he could think much of it, he heard a familiar voice say, "Welcome to U.A., Izuku Midoriya."

Swiftly getting off the floor, he turned around to see nothing there, until he heard a cough below him. Looking down, he realised that it was Principal Nezu who had spoken to him.

Recalling the sentence that Principal Nezu had said, Izuku was shocked. After all, the slums was at least a hundred kilometres away from U.A.. But before he could ask any questions, Principal Nezu said, "We are now in the underground floors of U.A., a place we keep secret from the public. Only my trusted Teachers are aware that this place exist, and only I have the authority to come here."

Izuku, not wanting to reveal the fact he was aware of the existence of the underground levels of U.A., acted surprised.

Though he thought his acting had fooled Principal Nezu, he was proven wrong when he heard, "Hmmm, this was meant to surprise you. But you took away all the fun."

Knowing that his act had been seen through, wiped the surprised look of his face and looked coldly at the Principal. Even if the person in front of him was the Principal of his dream school, he was disappointed at the fact that he was brought here against his will.

The Principal, knowing how awkward the situation is, cleared his throat and went straight to the point.

"I do not mean you any harm Izuku. The reason I brought you here today is to hear your decision."

Finishing his statement, Nezu looked at Izuku expectantly. But his expectations would not be met as Izuku said,"I have no interest in joining U.A. right now. If you don't have anything else to say, I'll take my leave."

As he said that, he prepared to leave. But before he could even take a step, he felt a huge pressure bearing down on him. Nezu apologetically looked at him and said, "I'm sorry Izuku, I shouldn't be resorting to force, however, this decision is important. You must think it through."

Looking around Izuku realised that the culprit was a hooded person behind Nezu that he had not noticed before. Although the pressure was heavy, Izuku gritted his teeth and endured it. He locked eyes with the hooded person and spoke, "I will make this decision at a later date. If you don't have anything else to say, I'll take my leave."

Turning around, Izuku slowly walked away. Principal Nezu, who was trembling from the pressure, was shocked that Izuku was still able to move. Left with no choice, he had to reveal what kind of situation the boy is in right now.

"Izuku, your quirk has already drawn a lot of attention. If others were to know how strong you are, I'm afraid that your life will be in danger."

At this, Izuku stopped and turned back, a frown on his face as he asked, "what do you mean?"

Nezu sighed as he continues,

"Due to your quirk's awakening, some people now knows that there is a boy capable of disabling quirks. Knowing how important quirks are to everyone, I would not be surprised if villains started targeting you."

"What are you talking about? My quirk only makes people cry." Izuku feigned ignorance, trying to hide his quirk, but knew that it was useless as Nezu said,

"Don't lie to us, young man. Many people were there to experience it. With our intelligence, do you think we would be unable to find out?"

"So what if villains target me? What will they get out of it?"

"That depends. Some will try to brainwash you into working for them. Others might dissect you to find a way to erase quirks. But most villains will aim to kill you."

'So it's either a life worse than death or death.' Izuku mused, as if the person in question wasn't him.

Though he knew his life was in danger and that U.A would be able to protect him, thinking about the words All Might said and Bakugo's constant reminders, he could not bring himself to accept the invitation. Bracing himself, he refused once again to join U.A..

Nezu sighed and replied, "if that is truly what you wish, I won't force it. But I still have to ask you to stay here, until I suppress all the recent news about you."

Izuku, though displeased, agreed to this arrangement, before asking what he could do here.

Nezu smiled before saying, "you can have my friend here teach you during your stay. She will also be in charge of protecting you, just in case someone does manage to enter here."

When he finished speaking, he turned around and knocked on the wall, revealing an elevator before using it to leave. Though he was not satisfied with the result, at least he managed to keep Izuku here. Thinking about the work ahead of him, he sighed.

Back in the room, the hooded figure and Izuku turned to face each other. An awkward silence ensued.
Hello again! If you were here before I edited, you would have noticed a large chunk of words being removed during my editing.

I just felt that it was not useful and decided to delete it.

Anyways, I hope you guys enjoyed it up till here! The next few chapters are where the fun really starts :D.

If you spot any mistakes or areas I can improve in, feel free to comment! Thanks in advance!

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