First Shift

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After the meeting everyone went back outside, where the party for the soon to shift boy had started.
A huge buffet area had been set to one side, tables and chairs dotted around and at the front, a raised area where the family would join the Alpha.
"Jonathan" the Alpha called to the boy.
Jonathan made his way to the Alpha. For a twelve year old, Jonathan was slightly shorter than most, with dirty blond hair that reached his ears and Hazel brown eyes.
"Good afternoon Alpha" He greeted.  Zane placed his hands on the boys shoulder and turned him to face the crowd.
"Today we celebrate Jonathan's first shift and placement into our family. Today we will see our goddess plans for this fine young man."
The pack cheered at the Alphas words before he turned to the boy.
The boy nodded before taking a deep breath.  "Thank you all for being here for me today. I only hope that whatever role Luna has for me i can fulfill it with pride, dignity and honour. Thank you warriors for protecting us, thank you omegas for providing us and thank you all."
Another round of cheers, whistles and howling until the Alpha raised his hands.
"Food is prepared, so tuck in everyone." Alpha Zane shouted.
After a while everyone was sat down tucking into their food.
"So Jonathan, what sort of wolf do you think you will become?" Airini asked. This caused the boy to shift uncomfortably.
"Well umm" He took a deep breath before slowly releasing it.
"I hope to be an Omega, i want to be a doctor." He rushed out.
Alpha Zane spoke up. "That is a fine profession,  not many choose to follow that path. If an Omega is who you are then we will see about your schooling." He told him as the boy relaxed at his words.
His parents smiling proudly at their son. "Can they afford that kind of school?" Alpha Tony asked. Out of all the Alphas Tony and Liam were the two he got on well most.
"The pack will pay for the schooling, as i said not many choose such a position. A doctor is always necessary in packs, so why not help those who choose  it? As long as he works hard and sticks to it." Some Alphas thought this through and some just scoffed. If they couldn't see the importance of certain roles that was their problem.
"Alpha Zane." Airini called to him, she was looking towards Jonathan, who was starting to shake.
"Go to the changing room and put on the shorts that are in there" He told the boy, with a nod of his head he left.
Turning to Jonathan's parents he spoke to them gently.
"When he comes he will stand up here to start his shift"
"Thank you Alpha" His father said as a few Omegas came to clear the table away.
Once cleared Jonathan came back in the loose shorts.
Airini and Zane could feel the fear that rolled off the boy and Zane placed his hand on the boys.  "Your family is here for you, your Alpha is here for you and your pack is here for you.  I understand your fear, but take comfort from your people." Airini could see his words helped the boy, as he shut his eyes and took a deep breath.

Then it happened, a loud crack was heard, before his eyes opened wide and a blood curdling scream left his lips.
Another crack and the boy fell to his knees.
"Luna, give your child the strength to follow your path and peace of mind at this time" The whole pack began chanting, Airini included.
The other Alphas looked on as the boy thrashed around screaming, his bones breaking and rearranging. And all the while the pack continued to chant.
After what seemed like hours, the chanting stopped and a small smokey grey wolf lay panting on the floor.
Without missing a beat Alpha Zane shifted and walked upto the new wolf.
Everyone waited asthenia Alpha helped the pup to his feet, making sure he was steady before stepping back.
The pup looked around with his new eyes, his ears twitching. Then he took a step towards the Alpha, four steps slow but sure, he made his way to his Alpha.  Then he rolled onto his back and exposed his neck. The Alpha lent down clamping his teeth over the exposed area.
Five seconds can feel like forever, when the Alpha removed his jaw. Jonathan stood up and turned to his pack and finally let go of his first howl.

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