Five Months (1)

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Things were definitely getting better, the Alpha noticed that his pack were relaxing around him.
He felt guilty that he hadn't noticed how badly his grief was affecting the pack.
As he walked with Airini by his side, he looked around at those around him. "It is interesting, is it not?" Airini spoke.
The Alpha raised a eyebrow "That in our grief, we do not see our actions. As an Alpha it is volatile, the pack afraid of your actions if they upset you." She turned to him and smiled. "Do not feel guilty, i can feel it. Grief is understandable and you are doing something good. Yes you grieve, but you are learning to reign it it and finding a safe outlet for it."
The Alpha said nothing as he thought over her words.
"This maybe true, but i feel i will never be ready to take a replacement Luna. When i think about it, i have no idea what kind of she wolf i am looking for."
"You are looking for a strong she wolf who will care for and protect the pack, provide for them. A she wolf who will raise your heir to be a good Alpha. And a she wolf who is mateless or widowed ." The Alpha frowned "Mateless or widowed ?"
"Of course, a she wolf who would give up her true mate for a title is worthless. It shows she is greedy and believes she is better than she is. Do you truly believe a wolf like that would be good for your pack?" The Alpha hummed, agreeing with her.
As if on cue a she wolf approached them, causing the Alpha to growl lowly.
Sheila, a beauty in her own right. With sandy blonde hair in a pixie cut, with dark green eyes. At five foot six, with a large bust. She was wearing her signature short denim shorts and a top that looked like it belonged to a twelve-year-old.
"Alpha" She purred at him, she had been flirting with him ever since he returned with Airini.
"Sheila" He growled in response. The she wolf smiled at him. He heard Airini sigh next to him.
"I was wondering if you would like to come around mine for dinner tonight. I would like to do something for my Alpha." She said her voice becoming breathy at the end.
Alpha Zane felt his wolf scratching to get to the surface, to rip this she wolf to pieces. Airini spoke up, placing her hand on the Alphas arm." Sheila, it would be appreciated if you would wait until the meeting of the possible mates instead of throwing yourself at the Alpha. His wolf is not ready and would rather kill you than mate you. But be warned you may present yourself if you wish, but you will be rejected." Both the Alpha and the she wolf stared at her." And why would i be rejected? I would be a better choice than any of the strange women coming here. I know the pack, i have been here all my life. Surely it is better to have someone they know and trust than some stranger."  Airini didn't disagree. "True, but you cannot be trusted. You have a mate out there. By presenting yourself you only prove that you can betray him for a title. That you are greedy and only care for yourself. Is that what you want the pack to see?"  Sheila's face went red. "I do not have a mate." She gritted "The advantage of being mateless is that we are connected to each other. We recognise those like us. You are unmated."  Sheila screeched and stamped her foot before storming off.
The Alpha sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"That is one way to prove your point."  He grumbled causing Airini to giggle. The Alpha released his nose and looked at her. He and his wolf had been watching her carefully. The times when she had left him alone he had heard she had either been with the children, in the kitchen or generally talking to pack members. He wondered if the she wolf he chose could be like her.
Shaking those thoughts from his head he looked towards the pack house.
Airini understood "Will you be joining the pack for dinner tonight?"  Alpha Zane thought about it "I will try."  He conceded. Airini smiled. "That is all you need to do."
With that they went their separate ways.

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