Five Months (2)

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The Alpha did join the pack for dinner and he hadn't been sure how to handle it. Airini had done her best to take his mind of those who were watching him.
"It is the first time you have been seen at the table. They are feeling mixed emotions right now. Happy that you are here, anxious in case you explode at them, wary of how to communicate with you. Please understand, they are not judging you. They are concerned for you, what happens to you, happens to the pack."
Alpha Zane considered her words carefully." In other words, if i die or go rouge before an heir is produced, the pack will be destroyed and separated." Airini nodded "To them this pack is family, no family wants to be separated."
The Alpha understood this, his own mate used to believe that a pack is family too.
"Will you be presenting at the end of the year Airini?"  A voice further down the table asked. Both wolves looked at the culprit. A young woman with long red wavy hair and green eyes looked back at them. The Alpha was curious to hear her answer. "What ever made you ask that?" Airini questioned back. The woman shrugged. "You said only mateless or widow she wolves would be considered."
"True, a mateless she wolf will usually crave for a strong mate. An Alpha would be best I suppose. But to answer your question, no i will not present. My wolf and i have agreed that when our mate does come along it will be someone we both choose. My wolf choose to help the Alpha, but she has shown no signs of wanting him. Strange i know, but that is how it is."
Another voice perked up." I thought all mateless she wolves wanted stronger mates. How come you're different? "
Airini smiled, she had never had this conversation before.
" One theory is because i chose to become a peacekeeper. One who helps other wolves with high ranking mates. How can i desire something i wish for someone else?"
"And the other theory?" The Alpha asked. "Because i was born mateless. Unlike the others who knew their mate was out there, i knew he wasn't. You see, there is a theory that the reason the wolves of the mateless strive for the stronger wolves, whether it be a fighter or someone higher is because they are strong enough to live. For all our wolves know our true mate could have been a child, an Omega or even someone who had never fought before."
" So they aim for strong wolves because their mates were weak?" Another pack member asked.
"Exactly, why go for an Omega when you could have say an Alpha or even his sister? The strongest blood in a wolf is their blood after all."
"Has that happened before?" The Alpha asked. "Oh yes. I was once in a pack to help an Omega. There was a man there, very friendly. But he was always hiding when the Alpha family were around. No one understood it. How could his wolf be interested in the young Alpha. One day a lone wolf entered the pack, he was searching for his mate and asked permission to see if he could find her there. It turned out the Alphas daughter was his mate and he claimed her quickly. When the Alpha held a meeting to introduce him the mateless male walked up and thanked him. It turned out that his wolf had been trying to get closer to the daughter in hopes that if she became mateless he could claim her. The male horrified at his wolves thoughts had instead avoided her."  She finished.

"That's awful." All the pack was now listening. "Maybe, but our wolves are animals, the survival of the strongest. It is our human selves our humanity that is stronger. If like the mateless male you refuse to take someone who has a mate then you won't. But there are those who human can be just a bad. Think about it, what is really different about us and humans? Nothing, they have evil people in society, so as we have evil human sides in ours. Think of rouges, it is not just their wolf that is bad, but their human too."
Airini had certainly given the pack a lot to think about.

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